Robin's Dark Beauty (Marie and myself)

"Some what.... it hurts to walk," Raven said softly. She was hurting in more ways then one. And she knew the conflict with Starfire was far from over. It had only just begun. And she knew that things with the other Titans were only going to get more awkward now that they all knew about Robin and Raven being together.
Cyborg actually had not been phased all to much in the slightest, he had been saying Robin and Raven where good for each other, even if it had been a joke. "It'll take time," he said to her gently, he was thinking along the same lines as her though, thinking once Raven was better, would things just turn for the worst? He had to talk with Beast Boy that was for certian.
Raven nodded, "I know, it worries me. You guys have to go fight crime eventually. And you need all the power you have. One of you can't stay behind at all times. What happens then? When I'm left here practically powerless....." She sighed, looking away. She tried not to think of it. But the thoughts were flooding her subconsious like there was no tomorrow. The dam had broke.
Robin gently shook her head. "Raven, we will be fine," he told her gently. "All that matters is you get better...besides...we still fight crime even when Beast Boy comes along," he said with a small smirk. In truth the changeling was rather clumsy and at most times did little to help, though he was still a valid member of the team, and at times his abilities to change where very useful for certian things, even if he did change into everything green.
Being alone made Raven very nervous, even the thought of it. What it Slade came back. What if he wanted more. She tried not to even think about it. She held herself close to Robin, not wanting to be away from him. She was truly starting to fall for a boy wonder. And fall hard.
He held her close as well. He knew things would take time to get back to normal, he knew Slade rarely did repeat performances, having stopped pursuing the Boy Wonder as apprentice after the last failed attempt. Though he also knew Slade hated to lose. He simply would have to keep her safe, though he had a few ideas as to not leave her alone. He would do his best to gave an eye on her as much as possible.
Raven smiled at him, slowly falling back asleep. She couldn't believeshe and Robin were together. She had never started seeing him in that way until a few weeks prior. It almosr made her feelbad, stealing Starfire's man like that. But she knew Starfire would find someone. She was gorgeous.
Robin did not feel the same way though, he truthfully did not see himself as StarFire's, well not fully. He had liked the alien girl, but she was so complicated, not to mention having to explain nearly everything to her. He knew there would be negative results of this, but he also knew he would go through it. He let her sleep while he went off to monitor the cities survailence.
Raven slept soundly for some time, her body relaxed as it would be considering. She drempt of Robin. Something she had expected to happen. She Woke up some time later. Rubbing her eyes. And trying to wake up some. But she was mentally exhausted.
Robin checked on her from time to time, her wounds where healing nicely as time passed. Soon she seemed better, though he tried not to talk about it as he was afraid it could bring up the past, he knew how delicate a mind could be. "Raven, you seem better," he said one morning he came to bring her breakfast. He had been very attentive to her, something the entire team noticed, but would not bring up.
Raven smiled softly as he brought her breakfast in bed. "I suppose I am feeling much better, physically anyway," Raven smiled. She sat up, eating the breakfast Robin had brought to her. She was glad he had brought her food, she didn't want to face the others yet.
"Alright," he said as she sat up to eat. "When your done, meet me in the training room okay..." he told her, it seemed he was going to have her show him how much better she was feeling. He wanted to be sure she was up for crime fighting, it also gave a very good excuse for the others not to interfere with anything.
Raven nodded, she finished up her breakfast and changed into her suit. It was weird wearing it again. She hadn't worn in since that day. She began shaking a bit, but she stayed strong. Heading to the training room. She headed in, "Robin?" She asked softly. All the lights were out.
The training room had been rather tidied up, of course it was easy with it being all mechanical. There was nothing but a small sparing matt in the room. The light turning on. "I just want to see how well you've gotten Raven," he said, after all she had been bed ridden for a while now.
Raven smiled at him. She knew she had always been able to easilt defeat him. Now would be no different. She instantly went after him, knowing this would turn into something else. Their sparring always did after the first time they slept together. She wouldn't even use her powers at first. Even though she certainly was no match for him hand to hand. She would give him the oppertunity to have the upper hand to start with.
Little did she know he wasn't planning anything like usual. As she came at him he side stepped and grabbed her arm. He twisted it behind her back, torching her down on her knees. "Raven take this seriously," he told her. "I don't want you to get hurt again, so show me what you can do," he let her up hoping now she would yo at him, her powers and all.
Raven's eyes began to glow. He didn't want her to take it easy. She wouldn't. "Azarath Metrion Zenthos!" Raven said casting Robin off of her. She took up a fighting stance. "You want me at my best Robin? You'll get just that!" She let a few tendrils wrap around him, squeezing him tightly. They picked him upm holding him off the ground, squeezing him.
Robin reached into his belt, tossing a small pellet at her feet. The little device exploded with a flash of light, causing the tendrils to fade away as the blast blinded her. "Good you can stalk fight," he smiled, he threw two boomerangs, they caught her cape and stuck her to a wall by it.
Raven unclipped her cape, leaving her in just the suit. Picking up the boomerangs with her powers and sending them right back at him. Pinning him by the sides of his suit to the wall. "Of course I can still fight," Raven said softly. But she knew if someone touched her she would certainly not do well.
He smiled, his suite tearing a little bit as he removed the two boomerangs. "Good then," he said unclipping his staff, the pole extending yo it's full length and he swung it around. "Alright....if you can beat me in the next two minutes...then Ill do anything you want," he smirked, he knew the offer was too tempting to pass up. He however wasn't going to fight, but rather avoid her in anyway he could until she managed to subdue him. "Also the whole Tower is our training, with that he pole vaulted out of the room
Raven took off after him. Levitating rather than going on foot. She found him quickly. Wrapping the tendrils around him again. Squeezing tightly and slamming him to the wall of the hallway. Moving close, with her grip still tight around him. "Now now Robin, you shouldn't make challenged you don't plan on following through on,"
she whispered.
He smiled "Your assuming you've won already," he said pressing a button on his belt. the towers defenses turned on, the small little lasers pointed at her and fired. They where set to a very low setting, but they wou,d still give a nice shock. She was forced to let him go and he pushed her away before shooting a grapple hook into the ventilate. System and vanishing into it. Even if she had powers, Robin was the Boy Wonder and had dealt with villains tat had similar powers. after all they had taken down Trygon together.
Raven growled softly. Following him into the ventiliation system. Sending the tendrils after him, wrapping around him and pulling him back her, climbing on top of him, letting the tendrils go. Pinning him down with her hips over his, and her hands on his wrists. Her breasts nearly pressing into his face.
He struggled a little, but the area was to small to really move, not to mention she was on him rather nicely. "Okay..." he breathed. "Now you win," he said looking up at her. "So...what now?" he asked her gently, after all, she still had ten seconds left so she had caught him in the time limit.
"We have dinner," Raven whispered in his ear. "A nice, quiet dinner. Just you and me." She looked down into his eyes, a smile on her face. She hadn't seen the romantic side of him, but she knew he had one.
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