Robin's Dark Beauty (Marie and myself)

Robin smiled, a little surprised but not in disagreement. "Alright then," he said. "Your going to have to let me up though if you plan for me to make dinner," he grinned as he gently motioned that he was still pinned down onto the ground.
Raven smiled andleaned down to kiss him before letting him up to go make dinner. "I'll be in my room," Raven said smiling. She would surprise him with what she was wearing when he came to get her.
He smiled, kissing her back before he let her go off to her room. He truthfully had no idea what he was doing, but a quick search on the Internet told him a few helpful hints. He knew what she liked to eat so he prepared that, setting the living room to look like a nice little dining area, he lit candles and prepared the dishes. He knew wearing his torn suite was out of the question, he did have a tux he had, but rarely wore. He guessed that would do though.
Raven looked into the mirror, she had pulled out all the stops to look good for her lover. Her hair was half back, a few strands falling to frame her face. She was wearing a long, floor length dress. It was split up to the middle of her thigh, and formed to her figure perfectly. It was satiny, almost like silk. It was strapless, so the only thing holding it up was her breasts.
Robin looked at himself, he never liked wearing suites, but he did look rather nice in it. He was sure everything was ready, now he needed to go and get her. He walked to her room and knocked on the door. He strangely felt nervous as he waited for her to open.
Raven opened the door, standing in front of him. A small smile gracing her beautiful face. "Hey there boy wonder," she whispered. She stepped out of her room. Kissing him on the cheek.
Robin was a bit shocked, it was appearent on his face as he saw her. The color of the dress complimented her already pale moon light skin, she was beautiful. And he secretly thought that even Starfire was dull in comparison. "H..Hey," he said as he tried to gather his wits. "Um...close your eyes," he told her wanting her to be a bit surprised by the dinner he made. He lead her to the table before letting her see. There where rose petals on the floor around the table. The food was still hot and ready on there plates.
Raven smiled and hugged Robin, wrapping her arms around his neck happily. She was glad to finally see his romantic side. She sat down across the table from where he'd be sitting. "I'm glad I decided on dinner," she smiled softly. She pushed astrand of hair from in front of her eyes, looking up at him with a soft smile.
He felt his face get a little warm as she hugged him. "Yeah me too," he said to her with a smile. He hoped he cooked everything to her liking, then again it was mostly her favorite foods, though he still ate it as well, his favorite foods where more, things he could eat while working or doing research, so alot of already prepared foods, and fast food. Only reason he wasn't fat and lazy was because he spent much of his time training, or fooling around with her which burned alot of calories.
Raven knew most of the foods that he had prepared were ones he'd known she'd cooked him. Which were all Aphrodisacs. She smiled a bit, knowing they'd be going crazy soon after the first few bites.
"Well...hope you enjoy it," he said with a small smile and picked up the utensils to eat, he was afraid if he cooked things correctly or not. In truth he had no idea these things where in fact aphrodisiacs, he just thought she'd like that.
Raven giggled abit and ate gladly. She hadn't been eating as much since that day, as the others had been cooking. A scary thought. "It's delicious Robin," she smiled softly. Touching his hand to help him relax.
He smiled, glad she iked it, and enjoyed the meal much more. He had not had Starfire cook for sometime, Beast Boy had tried but failed, in fact Cyborg was the only one who was a rather good cook.
Raven ate her food happily, sipping on her drink. She waited, knowing the foods would have an even greater affect on him. She was used to them, Robin on the other hand, didn't eat them nearly asmuch as she did. So it would have him going crazy by the end of dinner.
Robin did feel something, it was an almost tingling feeling. He ignored it though, one to be very in control of himself. Though as dinner progressed, he felt his pulse beating faster, had he not cooked it right? He wondered if he was getting sick, he felt a little warm too, maybe it was the candles.
Raven reached her hand under the table, stroking his knee a little. "You don't know what it is you're feeling.... do you?" Raven asked softly. She often had to explain the choices of food, and the effects.
Robin gave a small nod, feeling her touch his knee made him almost swallow a bit whole. It went down roughly. "Guessing it's the way I cooked it," he said ignoring the feeling still. He wondered how she could even reach that far under the table.
"No Robin," Raven giggled. "All these foods are aphrodisiacs. Things that make your hormones go a little more wild then usual. They get the blood flowing, and your endorphines pumping." Raven smiled at him. Pulling her hand away.
Robin nodded he wondered why she sounded so happy. He didn't feel very much though, a bit warm but that was generally it. He wondered if it took time.
Raven knew the effects would kick in completely soon enough. But she wasnot ready for a night of rough, hard sex. She would prefer him continue the romance, so they could have a night of passion-filled, love making. Her eyes were trained on his. Eye contact had always been big for the boy wonder. Something that always turned him on.
He had to divert his eyes a few times, staring at her was causing him to feel a bit hot under the collar. The fact he knew what he was eating now was also sort of having an affect and increasing his hormones though it was not caused just by the food.
Raven let her hand rest on the table, almost entrancing him with those beautiful violet eyes. She ran her fingers over his hand that was fiddling with his food, barely touching the skin. Just enough to send a chill.
He wasn't feeling very hungry all of a sudden. At least not for food anyways. He felt his heartbeat grow a little more, he wondered if she was feeling something similar. "I..I can't eat another bite," he said as if he was stuffed.
"Well, what do you say we retire to a room, yours or mine, either way? And just see what happens?" Raven asked softly. Letting her fingers caress his hand. She looked up into his eyes. Knowing her wasn't really full. But she was feeling just as hot as he was, but she did better of not showing it.
Robin gave a small nod, her room was a bit closer then his, he liked his privacy just as much as hers, and he kept away from the others at times for long periods, at least that's how it had been. He knew it had been a long while since they had gotten very intimate with one another, truthfully he was looking forward to some private time.
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