My capture, my Reward (Marie + RV)

Watching the tears, I huff, not seeming bothered as I soon after tense up, pulling her back off the rock as I thrust a final time, my length filling her entirely before wave after wave of hot cum begin filling the deepest spots of the death knight's sweet body.
Blood poors down the front of her body. Tears rolling down her cheeks. After he released and let her go she collapsed to the ground. She didn't want to move. She wondered if Aniois would make his move soon. Shaking on the ground she finally heard the smooth as chocolate voice.

"You honestly think you can get away with raping another man's lover like that?" Aniois asked. Leaning against the wall his skin pale, his auburn hair falling to his collarbones. "Do tell me where your honor is?"
The sound of the voice as I slipped out of her made me turn my head, the wolf having moved into the cave, it's teeth bared and ready to strike. "Rape? I was merely claiming my reward for the capture of a Horde, who also happens to be in the service of the Lich King." I remark sharply, knowing my wolf can keep him busy long enough for me to get dressed as I move to my pants. "She is worth the same as ten virgin elves at least." I add, slipping into the pants smoothly. "And where lies the honor? She massacred a helpless village, I captured her and now I claimed my reward." I add just as sharply, knowing any tension can break out into a fight. Though I haven't looked at the Death Knight yet.
Aniois slipped past both the wolf and the hunter. Kneeling next to Erossong, he cupped her cheek gently, stroking it with his thumb. Wiping her tears away. He handed her a blanket to cover up with. "She's coming with me, where she belongs, by my side," Aniois said. He would kill the hunter if he had to.
"She's staying." I remark, retrieving my weapons while he's busy taking care of her. "Besides, you can't break the chain, it's Titansteel." I add, making a clicking noise as the wolf moves in next to me. "And I have the key." I add, my eyes filled with fire at the looks of a second reward in less than a day.
Aniois sighed as he stood up. Hefting his runeblades out of their sheathes. "Then I will kill you and take the key, Erossong belongs at my side," he said. He held his blades at the ready. He knew he could kill him quickly and easily. But he would draw it out, have fun with it.
I smirk, the words coming so easily as I seem to stand up casually, relaxing almost as I lean backwards. "You really think I go down that easily? You've found the wrong hunter then." I reply, the sword in my hand singing as I swing it around in a smooth motion, the axe in my other hand ready to strike any moment.
Aniois smirked, batting the sword away with one runeblade. Swinging with the other up and under the man's arm. Knowing should the blade connect that it would cut right through the bone.
The blow was anticipated as I use the blow on the sword to bring it around, cleverly blocking the swing of the other runeblade. The motion causing the axe to move in an upwards diagonal move, aiming for the side of the death knight, just where the body armor was seperated from the leg armor, bringing enough force to cut it significantly into the flesh to be lethal.
Aniois however saw this coming, delecting the blow with one of the rune blades. He took a jump back. Motioning for him to bring it on, beore making the first move. Going directly at him. The blades clashing. As he looked directly in Victor's eyes.
Victor took the invitation, stepping towards the Death Knight and accepting the opening as his furious blows kept coming, the sword being more for parry than stabbing or slicing as the axe seemed to cleave, singing vigorously through the air. His eyes locked on Aniois as he locked their weapons, the axe having caught both the runeblades and the sword locking them, rendering them both unable to attack with the weapons.
When their eyes met Aniois' eyes widened and his face drained of what little color there was left. "Victor?" Aniois asked softly. He knew it had to be his little brother. The he regretted leaving behind. Their entire family was taken by the Scourge, and Aniois was the last to be taken. Aniois pulled back. His weapons dropping to his sides. His entire mind and body in shock.
Victor recognised the look in his opponents eyes, letting him stand back as he still kept a firm grip on his weapons. His heart was torn, should he keep fighting and kill this Death Knight? Or should he listen to his brother. "You died to me a long time ago." He replied, looking away as he seemed to relax a bit more, not wanting to look at his brother and what he had become.
"Listen to me baby brother. I never wanted this...." Aniois said softly. He had not worn his mail nor his plate armor. He moved the neck of his shirt to reveal the scar just over his heart. "Do you remember this? I know you were young... But do you remember what happened that day?"
Victor looked back, his teeth gritted as he saw the scar. "You sent me away." He replied, his tone filling with regret for what had happened. "I hid in the corn, watched everything." He said, knowing Aniois had seen him there that day, but had kept his mouth shut. "I watched the scourge eat our parents. I watched the blade cut into your body." He looked away, afraid to show the weakness of what had happened to his head now, regretting that he had raped Erossong.
"Yes, that blade killed me. I know you couldn't help it. You were too young. But don't take it out on her now, you think I don't think about what could've happened had I been stronger? Had I been able to protect mom and dad? Protect myself?" Aniois asked. He looked over at Erossong. "Had I been able to protect her...." Aniois closed his eyes. Knowing his little brother couldn't of known he had been with Erossong even before he died.
Looking away again, Victor couldn't bring himself to look at either. "She never told me who her lover was." He said, sheathing the sword. "But we have a bigger problem now, you both should know the laws, I have to bring you to Stormwind and the King." He said, sighing. "Unless I want to live my life as a lawless man." He added, looking at his brother. "And you can't bring me to the Lich King with you, I'm still a living man." He finished, finding those things the most troubling right now.
"And you know, between her and I we would kill the King. Because you know he'd have us both killed, I can't let that happen. I won't lose her again," Aniois said. He sheathed his runeblades and made his way over to Erossong. He almost wished he was a healer at that point. But he just looked at his brother. "Unchain her. I think she's been abused enough...."
"You won't kill the king. His son is a skilled fighter, they're almost equals." Victor replied, nodding at the note of unchaining Erossong. He then looked at his wolf, gave a sharp whistle as the large animal left them into the woods. A moment later, one of the famed spirit beasts returned, a wolf slightly smaller in size. Through a few sharp whistles, it seemed to understand what it had to do as it moved to Erossong, beginning to lick her wounds, it's healing powers slowly beginning the process of healing the wounds.
Erossong shivered as it licked her wounds, but they began to heal. She stood up, moving into Aniois' arms. And he hugged her tightly to him. Whispered a sweet words in her ear before removing his shirt and placing it on her, so she didn't have to stand there nude.
Victor moved back through the cave, heading for the entrance to stand guard. The least he could do now that his brother was there, was to make sure they wouldn't be discovered.
Aniois laid back against the rocks. Holding her in his arms. He knew she wanted to let her emotions go. But she was far too prideful to even attempt to cry or show any kind of emotion. Even with just the two of them there. She just buried her head in his chest. Trying to relax.
It wasn't hard for Victor, once outside, to notice the trail Aniois had left. Somehow it wasn't fully shown that it was a human who had been there, but the grass was bended just right for a good hunter to discover it. He muttered a curse for himself as he begun following the trail a good way into the woods, beginning to erase the footprints from there as he carefully made his way back towards the care, sure not to leave anything new.
Erossong looked up at Aniois. She had missed him greatly. They hadn't seen each other in some time. She had been on constant missions to the furthest reachs of Azeroth. It was hard for her to keep in touch with him. "I missed you my love," she whispered sotly. She reached up, stroking his cheek.
Victor was working anxiously through the wood, a bit afraid they might be caught. This was the tricky part as he managed to also sneak out some light traps, easily avoidable for the animals of the forest, but tricky to spot out. As he neared the cave, he heard the first rustling of leaves.
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