My capture, my Reward (Marie + RV)

Erossong collapsed to the floor when they let her go. Blood coating the inside and outside of her legs. She sobbed softly. Trying to push herself up. But it was useless her body was entirely agaisnt her. She looked up at them, "He was the other Death Knight's brother...." she said softly.
"Conspiracies against the King! You'll both be executed for that." The senior exclaimed, leaving her slumpering on the floor as he got his pants back on. "I think the confession is all that we need, she has after all mentioned she knows the hunter." He said with a laugh, sitting down in front of her.
"I did not know him, he captured me to bring me to the King! The other Death Knight stopped him, don't punish him, he did nothing," Erossong said softly. She couldn't believe she was defending him.
Laughing, the senior of them pulled away, leaving her there. "You've already said you knew the hunter, so we don't believe that." He told her, moving to the door.

What happened next wasn't easy to see, the door was hard to see. The door was slammed up, sending the senior of the three flying back and crashing into a chair. His back was shattered when he landed on the stone floor. Victor was inside instantly, his axe and sword in his hands as he looked at the two remaining. "Next time you interrogate, make sure you checked with me." He snarled, the weapons both send flying as the men didn't have time to react. Victor went to Erossong, removing the binds that kept her there. "The king interrogated me personally, gave me his blessings and protection in saving you." He told her gently, helping her back up standing.
Erossong collapsed. Her body had been far too heavily abused by the men. Victor could see the blood pooling on the floor between her legs. She was still sobbing uncontrolably. Tears pouring down her cheeks. Her eyes red and swollen from crying.
Victor moved to pick her up, but before that, he remembered the clean cloth he had been given. He wrapped her carefully in it, lifting her up in his arms after that as he carried her out of the room and towards the exit of the Stockades. He wasn't going to let her be there any longer.
They had broken her, mind, body, and will. She had completely given up by that point, just letting Victor carry her out. Her head resting on his chest. Trying to keep herself from sobbing but it was a nearly impossible task.
Once they reached the entrance, Victor was approached by the King's son, young prince Anduin. The boy looked at the blood elf for a moment, shaking his head. "I can't do anything for her, you need the High Priest." He instructed, whistling right after as a group of Royal Guards came to escort them to the Cathedral.
Erossong felt herself getting weaker. Probably due to the loss of blood she was suffering from. Feeling everything spinning then just going black. She went limp in his arms.
Victor hurried even more when she passed out. He knew what she had been through, the senior of the interrogators had been in the same squad as himself when they had fought the Scourge. Upon arrival at the Cathedral, the Royal Guards went inside, but stopped just inside. Victor approached the High Priest by the altar, still carrying Erossong in his arms. "On the King's orders, please heal her." He stated, placing her on the small table next to the altar, withdrawing the paper with the orders and official royal seal of Stormwind.
The high priest glared at Erossong, but upon seeing the papers and seal. He healed her. "I warn you, the emotional damage, and whatever internal damage was done. I cannot heal. I can only heal the open wounds," he said. Erossong woke up sometime later, looking around, trying to figure out where she was.
"As long as she's healed, I'll deal with the rest." Victor had replied, waiting the time out. When the High Priest was done, he lifted her up, carrying her out of the Cathedral and only a short walk down the street until he entered one of the houses, moving her up to the bedroom and putting her there until she woke up, Victor sitting on the chair next to the bed, halfways asleep.
Victor looked over at her, a bit drowsy. "Hiya." He replied, yawning right after as he leaned back in the chair, stretching his tired muscles.
"Did the King really allow me to be freed? How? Why?" Erossong asked softly. She was confused by the entire circle of events that happened in the past day. She knew she missed Aniois greatly. And she knew he was gone. But other then that, her mind was completely going crazy.
"He ordered it." Victor replied, getting up as he moved to sit on the bed. "Because he found out that I lost my entire family to the Scourge, and because I have always brought him what I caught until I caught you." He told her, gently putting his hand to her cheek. "But he also thought it would be useful to have you on our side, seeing as you're both a blood elf and a Death Knight. You can provide intelligence about both enemies at the same time." He added, smiling as he knew it wasn't exactly right, the King had owed him a favor from a long time ago and it was time to repay it.
Erossong bit her lip, she didn't want to betray the Death Knights nor the blood elves in such a fashion. She looked at him, as he placed his hand on her cheek. She knew he was trying to take his brother's place. "Victor.... You'll never be able to replace your brother, you know this? Don't you?" She asked sincerely. Her tone was much softer then usual. She was sore still. She looked at him with a smile. "But he would not want me dwelling on him...."
"I know." Victor replied simply, he wasn't trying to be his brother. He was only stepping into the open spot by her side, unless she'd repel him. "And you're right, don't dwell on him. But don't let him go from your heart either." He said softly, brushing her cheek with his hand.
"No, I'll never let him go. He'll always hold the majority of my heart. He was the love of my life, I'll miss him dearly. But I cannot dwell on our past forever. He always talked about you you know," Erossong said softly. Looking over at him. "You like just like him."
"I was a kid. He was a kid too back then." Victor said, shaking his head lightly. "We grew up so far away from each other. I fought the Scourge from the moment I could wield my sword and shoot my bow to seek vengeance on my family." He told her, just sitting there and looking down at her. He knew she was beautiful, but she was also harmed from how the guards had treated her.
Erossong leaned her head on his shoulder. Relaxing. Or trying to anyway. She looked up at him with a smile. "Thank you for being here for me," Erossong said softly.
Feeling her head on his shoulder, Victor smiled back down at her, putting his arms around her body and softly holding her in against him. "It's nothing." He replied in a gentle tone, closing his eyes for a moment as he thought about what he could do to not become his brother. He had no interest in taking that spot, especially not because he knew he had to avenge the death.
Erossong sighed, she didn't what t do anymore. She'd lost the only man she'd ever loved. Sighing, she closed her eyes,trying to think of what she could do now. There wasn't much, considering she was after all, a death knight. A blood elf death knight.
Victor held her for a few moments before he slowly broke off. "You need to sleep, I'll prepare some soup for you." He said softly, standing up and gently pushing her down in the bed and pulling the blanket up over her.
Erossong gasped when he pushed her to the bed, almost expecting to be ravaged. But she knew he had at least a little respect. Enough to not do that after what she'd been through. She laid in the bed, pouting a bit. She couldn't stand sitting still. She sighed and gave in. Snuggling into the comfy blankets that she was covered in. Slowly falling asleep before eating her soup.
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