My capture, my Reward (Marie + RV)

Victor heard her gasp, knowing what might be going through her head as he moved to the doorway. He could hear her snuggling around in the blankets as he went downstairs, moving into the kitchen and beginning the soup. It took less than five minutes and he was back up with two bowls, seeing her asleep as he smiled gently. Moving to the side of the bed, he placed one on the bedsidetable next to her, the other one on the other table by the chair. He saw her asleep as he bent in over her, kissing her forehead softly before moved to the chair, sitting down and eating his bowl of soup.
Erossong awoke some time later, she was physically and mentally exhausted. The nap had proved good for her. She reached out, taking the bowl of soup he'd left for her and eating it quickly. She hadn't ate since before he captured her. She closed her eyes after eating. Wishing she knew what was going on with her body. She hadn't been able to avoid noticing the bump that had been forming in her belly for some time. Running her hand over the tiny bump. Sighing softly. She wasn't sure what it was, or why it was there. She was almost certain she couldn't have been pregnant. But then again, almost was never good enough.
Victor wasn't there when she woke up. He had been paying a trip to the auction house, looking at different sets of armor and weapons for them both. He knew they would be needing it, especially the weapons seeing as they hadn't been returned after they had been caught. He returned half an hour after she had woken up, the weapons making some light scrambling noise as he placed them in one of the cupboards downstairs before he moved up to the guestroom, seeing her lying there awake. "Afternoon." He said softly, moving to sit on the bed.
"Afternoon," Erossong said softly. "What do you have there?" She looked at him with a curious look, it was a cute look for her. But it wasn't suiting. She was a very strong person, and curiosity was unfitting of her.
He had bought something extra, but he had kept it almost hidden until now. Having no clue how she had found out what he had bought, he slipped the chain out. At the end of the chain was a pendant with his family crest. It was older than most else he had, in fact it dated back to before his great grandfather. It was a golden chain with the crest at one end. "I was at the auction house and the jeweller today." He told her, bending down towards her as he slipped the chain around her neck easily. "And I had him make me the chain for you, to remember my brother." Victor finished, sitting up and looking away.
Erossong threw her arms around him in a tight hug. Leaning up to whisper in his ear, "Thank you so much," she whispered softly in his ear. So glad he had done this for her. Looking at the ring on her thumb. It was his, she had taken it before the pulled her away from him. It wouldn't fit anywhere but her thumb. But not she had another way to remember him. She sighed, looking up at him. She was so glad.
Victor felt her arms around his neck, pulling her up against him gently as he held her tightly. "You're welcome." He replied, letting her back down softly as he noticed the ring again, not seeming too troubled by it as he smiled lightly. "Was the soup good?" He asked softly, still sitting on the edge of the bed, looking towards the window, easily noticing the time outside by the amount of sunlight shining in, late afternoon by now.
"It was good, but I'm so hungry. And I don't know why," Erossong said softly. "Is there anyway I could a little more?" She looked at him with a playful grin, they were quite the pair.
"Sure, I'll get you some more." Victor replied with a smile, not seeming to notice the changes in her behavior towards him and neither his own changes towards her. For some reason he was slowly feeling like he was taking the empty spot next to her as he got up, grabbing her bowl and moving downstairs to fill it with soup before grabbing a few lumps of bread. He was back upstairs shortly after, placing the bowl in her hands. "I got you some bread too." He told her gently.
Erossong smiled, "Thank you," she said softly. She ate the food slowly, getting full around the last couple bites. Laying her head on his shoulder. She was dog tired. Her thoughts were anywhere but where they should;ve been. Which was on finding out why she was gaining weight.
Victor watched her eat, glad that his cooking was still well enough. Feeling her head on his shoudler when she was done, he put his arm around her side, gently pulling her towards him as he didn't look down over her body, he knew he couldn't risk the temptation as he instead looking out the window down towards Stormwind Harbor.
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