Captured by her best friend! [Himeko x Furry]

Hearing Anya's words made her happy, but when she started questioning her she turned around to face her, her face shown red through her purple skin. "I will always love you! No matter what you look like now!" She said as tears still stained her eyes as she lunged at her lover. She clung to Anya and looked into her deep golden eyes and kissed her softly on her muzzle. "I'm sorry to behave like this... You know I don't normally break down like this though..." She said softly as she wrapped her arms tightly around her lovers waist.
Anya managed to catch the Night Elf as she lunged at her, though she stumbled backwards, still a little uncertain on her new legs. When Aya told her that no matter what she looked like now, she would always love her and kissed her muzzle, a new sensation all together. She hugged Aya close to her and let the two of them slide to the floor gently.

"I know, I know. It's alright. I'm..." she paused before she continued. Aya didn't know about the beast lurking within her, about the white hot pain she'd felt during her first transformation, so she wasn't sure if she was really alright, but decided to lie for Aya's sake, "I'm fine, and we know that our current situation changes nothing so you don't have to worry." she said stroking Aya's purple hair gently.
Aya always could tell when her lover was lying to her, but she also knew that given the current situation it was best not to push it. "I understand that you're going through a lot right now dalah'surfal, but please, let me stay with you tonight. I don't feel it is right to just leave you alone like this." She said softly as she held onto Anya. It was still daylight outside, but they still had a lot to cover for when nightfall hit. Aya hadn't slept a wink since the whole ordeal and her eyes was starting to droop as she tried to stay awake with her lover, but finding it very hard to do so. "Anya... I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open... But... Would you please let me sleep next to you even if you don't need to sleep right now?" She asked as she nuzzled her. She knew Anya wouldn't deny her that, hell Anya couldn't deny her anything really. Aya was the same way when it came to her lover.
Anya blinked and watched as Aya snuggled up against her, using her as a living pillow. She of course didn't deny the beautiful elf in her lap the request to stay with her while she slept, because to be honest she hadn't gotten much sleep either. The change into her current self was quite forceful and tiring thing so she stroked her hair and nodded, "Of course dalah'surfal. You know I wouldn't deny you such a thing." she said shifting the way that she was holding the night elf so that she was laying in her lap with her head on her shoulder, and she put her back to the nearest wall and got comfortable as the two of them snuggled and slept.
"Thank you Anya, dalah'surfal." She replied tiredly as she snuggled up to her lover and held her closely. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep seeing as she was with her Anya and all was as perfect as it could be. Her dreams were not as good as one would want, she dreamed of the worgen attacking them over and over again. "Nnnn..." She grunted in her sleep as her arms clung onto Anya tighter as she started to whimper in her sleep. She was running from the worgen, running and running but to her dismay, always running into a dead end. Her body twitched as her whimpers grew louder, clearly Anya had heard, but she didn't know. She had been asleep all day long and the sun was already down now.
Anya dosed somewhat heavily as she held Aya in her arms, waking every now and again when the Night Elf would grip her tightly. Several times she held Aya close, whispering to her that she was alright, that there was nothing to be afraid of, but she didn't exactly have the same sort of dreams that Aya was having. She didn't know that her lover was dreaming of the Worgen that had attacked them yesterday and was unable to escape it. If she did, she might have blamed herself for the dreams, even though it wasn't likely her fault, but the whole ordeals fault. While her dreams weren't as bad as Aya's hers weren't exactly sunshine and rainbows either, in fact her dreams were of her losing her control and attacking allies and enemies the same, and in the end she always found her claws in Aya's body, the Night Elf giving her a questioning look as she died in her arms. Normally her nightmares woke her up without a scream but heavy breathing and eyes that darted down to Aya to ensure that she was not dead and that she was still cuddled close to her now furry bosom.

This time however her nightmare had been rather vivid and the Worgen female cried out loudly, jerking hard which only bashed her skull against the wall. Anya cried out softly when she felt her head connect with the wall, after all despite her mane it did hurt quite a bit. She hoped she hadn't disturbed Aya's rest, not simply because she didn't want to explain her recent dream, but because Aya needed the rest more than she did. Aya was a wreck and Anya? She was just tired, though these nightmares were going to make her a wreck if she didn't get them under control soon.

[[I was thinking this would be a good place for some smut to show up. Don't you agree?]]
[Mmmm... Very much so.~]

Aya woke to the loud 'thump' noise as she looked up at Anya. She could tell something was wrong and looked at her innocently. "Are you okay dalah'surfal?" She asked tiredly, yet rested as she leaned up and kissed her lover gently on her muzzle. "Please tell me what's wrong Anya." She was worried about her lover as she could see that there was something wrong with her. "And don't try to lie to me this time Anya." She said sternly as she gave her lover the eye, the one Anya knew all too well. She knew Anya would give in and tell her, for if she didn't she'd be in serious trouble. "Tell me now Anya."
Anya thought about telling Aya that it was nothing, but the look she was giving her was more than enough to make her reconsider. While the Night Elf had that look on her face she knew that there was no way she was going to be able to lie or tell her lover that she shouldn't worry about it. But Anya wasn't sure about how to tell Aya that she'd been having nightmares about losing control and eventually killing her. Judging by the way the Night Elf had clung to her while she was sleeping she was certain that she was having her own nightmares and telling her about hers would only make that worse. Sighing, the Worgen slowly detached her lover from her body and stood up walking to the window, putting her back to the Night Elf as she slowly began to speak.

"I...I've been having nightmares. I didn't want you to find out because they would only trouble you more." she said trying to keep her voice even. Both women were proud, strong, and could face even the most insane missions with crazy enthusiasm. But this was new territory for both of them, both physically and mentally, and neither of them was prepared for it.

"I...I do things in those dreams that... They scare me dalah'surfal... I know that I am free of the madness of the beast that I could have become, but I can still feel inside. It wants me to give in and revel in it's primal power..." she said still dancing around what she actually saw in those dreams, though her voice was inching ever so closely to breaking, as was her strength not to tell Aya that in her dreams, each time she was forced to watch her more primal self kill the Night Elf.
Aya watched her lover and her ears twitched as she listened carefully. "Please just say it Anya!" She demanded, knowing her lover well enough that she knew she was dancing around the subject at hand. "Please tell me of your nightmares dalah'surfal. You know you can share with me..." She said as she hung her head down low, a single tear dropped from her eye as she tried to fight the urge to leave the room. Her lover was trying to avoid telling her her problems and it hurt. Turning her back to Anya she sighed. "You've changed Anya... It's slight, but you have... It doesn't matter that you're no longer human. I will ALWAYS love you for who you are! Please stop trying to push me away!" She cried out as she ran for the door, tears streaming down her face as she cried.
"Each and every time I kill you!" she snapped, her face contorting slightly in annoyance. She then realized what she'd done, said and how she said it, and instantly felt bad about it. Here Aya was, trying to help and here she was pushing her away and closing her out, but she honestly didn't know how to react to having dreams where she killed her lover. She wondered if any other Worgen ever felt this way, if they did she wondered if they ever got close to anyone or if they too were afraid of the beast that lurked within them.

"Aya...I-I didn't mean to shout..." she said staying by the window. "I don't mean to shut out either. But I'm afraid...afraid that I will lose control and that I'll hurt you, or even kill you..." she said her tall, powerful frame shaking with a mixture of shame, fear, and anger. "I-I don't want you to come to any harm because you love me. I couldn't live with myself if I ever hurt you..." she said her voice now clearly shaking, implying the frustrated and scared mentality of the furred woman.

After she stopped speaking she didn't look up, she was too afraid of what Aya's expression or reaction would be.
Aya paused at the door as she listened to Anya finally confess. "I don't care if you were to kill me Anya! I'd rather die by your hands than by some stranger!" She yelled as more tears fell down her face. "I don't care that you're a worgen now! I don't care how dangerous you really are Anya! I love you more than life itself! And if that means so little to you that you will just throw it all away because of your fears... Then why are we still here? Why am I still here Anya? Explain this to me!" She yelled, clearly pissed and hurt more than anything. She had never fought with Anya before, so this being their first fight was really hard on her. Her hand rested on the door knob now as she waited for Anya's reply. "Better think over what your answer will be carefully... Be careful Anya... Say the wrong thing and I will walk out this door right now!" She threatened as she tried to calm herself down. She knew she couldn't stay away from Anya for too long, but she had to do something to make her dalah'surfal realize that she meant what she said.
Anya looked up and quickly crossed over to Aya before embracing her tightly, tears streaming down her face.

"Please, dalah'surfal..." she said in a slight whisper, "please don't leave... I-I'm sorry I let my fears get the best of me." she said hoping that she would be able to keep Aya from leaving her. If the Night Elf did leave Anya wouldn't know what to do or where to go. Genn Greymane told her that she would be welcome among the people here if she chose to stay, but she desperately wanted Aya to stay by her side.

"Dalah'surfal, please. Stay... I can't be sure, but if you're here I believe I won't become the monster in my dreams, and yours. I think that's what Greymane told me I should do whatever it took to keep you here. This fear, this pain, it's unbearable..." she said her tears no longer flowing but her grip on Aya's body wasn't as tight as it had been, and her voice was still pretty soft.
Aya felt her lover holding her tightly and sighed. "Then please... Cast your fears aside and just let me be there for you. Don't think about what could happen, dalah'surfal. Think of me and only me." She said softly as she turned to face her lover. "Please Anya, please don't let such thoughts consume you or your fears will become reality. And if that happens... You will lose me..." She said softly, trying to make her point clear to her lover. "Anya, make love to me. Maybe that will help rid you of those fears." She suggested as pulled her lover tightly to her and kissed her on her muzzle. She knew sex always helped her dalah'surfal, and she had hopped it would work tonight for them.
Anya looked down at her lover when she asked her to make love to her. She didn't know what that would do to the beast inside of her or what it would try to do to Aya, but she had to trust her and she was going to do just that.

"Very well..." she said taking the Night Elf in her arms, lifting her up a bit and planted a kiss on her lips as best she could with her new muzzle. It was a bit awkward as a muzzle wasn't suited to kissing, but somehow the former human managed to make it enjoyable before she backed Aya up against the wall and continued to kiss her, letting one hand support Aya's rear while the other caressed the Night Elf's face gently.

As she made out with Aya, Anya could feel something, she wasn't sure if it was that beast or not, whatever it was, it was urging her to go further, to press just a little harder, to slowly increase how rough she was being.
Aya let out a soft moan as she could feel her body starting to grow hot. "I love you Anya, dalah'surfal." She said softly as she let her hands wonder around her lovers body. They both needed this more than anything, to prove to Anya that the beast within her wasn't in control. "I'm yours now and forever, and you know this." She smiled softly as her hands slowly groped Anya's breasts firmly. She didn't know just how she'd be able to please her lover in her new body, but she'd do whatever it took to do so. "You don't have to be afraid Anya... I'm here with you and you know you can trust me dalah'surfal." She said as she kissed her lover deeply, well the best she could.
A slight growl escaped the Worgen's throat as she felt her lover pay attention to her breasts, which were still pretty sensitive despite being covered in fur. Her leather top constricted the feeling a bit but she could feel enough to still enjoy it so she broke the kiss and slowly, gently began nipping her way down Aya's neck, her mind giving up to the desires she felt welling up inside of her. She slowly began backing them up from the door as her legs were growing tired from having to hold both of them up. She kept backing up until she felt the bed against the back of her thighs and slowly sat down, a clawed hand digging into Aya's plump rear, though she didn't mean to, she dug just a little harder than she meant to, drawing blood and causing some discomfort. After this was all over Anya planned on setting some boundaries and limits on how rough she was with Aya, but for now none of that mattered as she craved pleasure from this elf in her lap.
Aya let out a soft moan as she felt her lovers claws dig into her ass as she leaned in and nipped Anya's ear gently. Even before Anya had been turned into a Worgen her ears were always sensitive, but she knew they'd be more so now. "Nnnn..." She moaned as she reached behind her lovers back and undid what was left of her armor. "Lets get rid of this armor dalah'surfal... It's in the way and hiding your beautiful body from me." She said as she kissed her lover gently. Her armor would be removed soon enough, she knew that full well. Aya always saw armor as a big nuisance when it came to their love making, tonight was no different than any other night. "Baby, you don't have to be afraid, you have more control over the beast inside of you than you think. Just remember, love conquers over everything." She said happily as she worked on her lovers shredded pants now.
Anya obliged her lover by growling and rolling the two of them over and raised one clawed hand and slowly raked it down Aya's front, shredding her top away. Small lines of red rose up in the wake of the sharp claws, a couple beading with blood, but Anya was exercising as much care as she could not to hurt her lover. The feeling that she'd felt well int up in her when Aya asked her to make love to her was still there and growing, and she could tell it wasn't that wild and vicious beast she could have become if Greymane hadn't helped her. No, this beast was something else, but just as primal, just as fierce, bu it's fierceness and the primal aspect of it came from somewhere else, somewhere in her heart. Slowly Anya licked her way down Aya's upper body, starting just under her jaw and down to the slight wounds on her chest, licking them gently before she moved over and ran her tongue over Aya's nipples, the one on the right first then the left one.

As she lapped and nibbled at Aya's breasts her hands began to work at Aya's pants, fumbling a bit, though she managed to get them down her hips without making them too ruined to wear ever again. Her nose could smell not only Aya's arousal, but her own arousal as well and she slowly redoubled her efforts and continued her way down Aya's body, heading towards her lovers damp sex. Surprisingly Anya found herself enjoying letting go but she was always cautious about fully letting that other feeling into her actions, she didn't know if she could control it if she gave it too much free reign, and she wasn't going to take that chance either. She held Aya by her hips, her claws digging in once more, drawing blood, but nothing worth complaining about, though Anya would apologize later for her actions. Once she was at her lovers sex, she pushed her cold nose into Aya's clit and inhaled deeply taking in the scent of her lover and burning it into her mind, not that she hadn't already, but this was quite a bit like a male making sure a female knew what he smelled like so she would know her mate.

After she was certain she had taken enough of Aya's scent she took her lovers underwear in her teeth and slowly tugged them down and away before she moved back up and lay her tongue flat against Aya's sex and licked up slowly.
Aya oddly found her lovers growls rather cute and adorable as she was now on her back. She watched her lover raise one of her clawed hands and slowly raked it down her front, shredding her top. She did not wince when the claw had scratched her skin and drew blood, she knew that her Anya was trying to get use to this and remain in control. "Don't be afraid dalah'surfal, I know you better than you know yourself at times and I know you can fight back that beast you fear." She said calmly as she felt Anya slowly lick her way down her upper body, licking at her wounds gently before moving over to her breast and began licking over her nipples.

Her lover lapped and nibbled at her breasts, causing a soft moan to escape her throat as she reached down and ran her fingers through Anya's fur. "Mmmm.... It feels so good dalah'surfal..." She moaned as she could now feel her lover starting to go more downwards, heading towards her wet pussy. She felt Anya's cold nose against her pussy through her panties as she could tell Anya was taking her scent in very well. Anya was mating with her, and fully claiming Aya as hers. No other worgen would be able to touch Aya now after Anya was done, and no other worgen would be able to look at Anya either.

After a few moments Aya felt her lover take her underwear into her teeth and started slowly tugging them down and away. Aya arched her back up slightly when she felt Anya's tongue against her soaked pussy lick up slowly. "Mmmm... Baby...." She moaned as her body started to slowly shake in pleasure.
Anya heard Aya's words and while she didn't quite agree, she knew that Aya spoke the truth, though this 'monster' didn't scare her. Made her a little wary, sure, but but not completely scared, that part of her was still there but with what she was beginning to think of as the 'other Worgen' it couldn't bother her. She continued to use her tongue to lap away at Aya's wet pussy, before she felt Aya's clit against her tongue prominently and she took a deep breath before she slowly lowers her newly sharpened teeth on the nub. She knew that she wouldn't hurt Aya, mainly because she controlled this particular beast, mainly because her intent and the 'other Worgen' had the same intent, to bring pleasure to her mate. After nibbling on Aya's clit for a while, she let out small puffs of warm air on Aya's clit, right after she'd stopped nibbling on it.

Slowly she made her way back up Aya's body and looked at her lover in the eyes, a smile on her muzzle which might have looked scary, but considering what she had in mind and what she was doing.

"Dalah'surfal, I want you to take me as I take you. Please?" she asked, her fingers slowly moving down to stroke the folds of her lover's pussy, helping to solidify what she meant, not that she needed to do so.
Aya moaned out as her lover continued to lap up her wet pussy. She felt Anya's tongue against her clit and then felt her new sharp teeth on it, gently nibbling it which sent pleasure running up and down Aya's spine. After awhile she felt her lover stop and started blowing puffs of warm air onto her clit before making her way back up Aya's body. She saw the smile on her lovers face and kissed her softly on her muzzle.

"You know I will dalah'surfal. You know I can't let you have all the fun." She replied teasingly as she felt her lovers fingers starting to stroke the folds of her pussy. Kissing her Anya once again she then rolled her lover onto her back and was now in the same position as Anya had once been in. "It is now my turn love." She replied softly as she lowered her head to Anya's breasts and licked the furry mound happily. She reached over with her left hand and began massaging and squeezing Anya's left breast as she gently nibbled on the nipple of her right breasts. She let her right hand slowly slide down her lovers body and let it reach her clit. She continued her work on Anya's breasts as her thumb started working on Anya's clit, knowing full well that she was only just getting started.
Anya let out a surprised yelp as Aya rolled them over so that she was on top, but let out a soft, deep moan as she felt Aya get started. The Night Elf's mouth found her exposed nipple, poking out prominently from the furry mound that was her breast, and the Worgen arched her back slightly as she felt her other hand move to her other breast, and the remaining hand reach down to toy with her clit. She growled a bit as she slowly picked up on how she was playing with Aya, careful not to do any real damage with her new claws, honestly how Worgen made love to each other was problematic at best for Anya but then again she had only been a Worgen for what, one day? Putting that thought out of her mind she wrapped her left arm around Aya's shoulders and held her close, her claws digging into Aya's shoulder a bit, drawing blood once again, but Anya's control prevented it from being too bad. While she was starting to let her guard down she missed the building presence of the Worgen's desire to mate, which had been slowly growing ever since Aya had begun to work on her body.
Aya liked switching things up with her lover, she liked being in charge every now and then. It was a good thing Anya wasn't the 'shedding' type of Worgen or her mouth would have been overran with her lovers fur. The thought alone made her giggle in her mind. She let her hands do their job in pleasing Anya as she continued to pinch and nibble on her lovers nipples as her hand, which was teasing Anya's clit, was now slowly teasing her folds. She did not wince in pain when she felt Anya's claws dig into her shoulder, she did feel blood slightly trickle down her arm but brushed it off. She knew her lover was still trying to get use to her new body and didn't care if she herself got a little damaged in the process, she would heal after all.
Anya let out a kenning noise ash she gripped Aya tighter to her, forcing more of her furred breast into her face. The worgen slowly began to use her padded thumb to stroke and circle her lover's clit as she played with her outer folds, electing another kenning moan from the Worgen. She slowly bucked her hips against Aya's touch and nuzzled their cheeks together as she felt her breath become slightly labored her pleasure building. All the while the more primal mating urges of the Worgen inside of her was telling her that soon she would 'claim' Aya as hers, to have her marked so that others would know she was hers. There was no impulse to mark herself so that she would be tied to Aya, after all she would know to whom she was mated with, and she would never leave her side unless she was forced to.

She leaned her head forward a little so that she could nip gently along Aya's ears, mindful of her new 'weapons' and wasn't looking to give Aya any holes in her ears. She used her unoccupied hand, or rather the one that had been on Aya's rear to grip the hand that was currently teasing her and more or less forced that hand into her sopping wet sex. She was in no mood to be teased, even though normally she loved to be teased a bit before she got some relief, but not now. Now she was under the semi-thrall of the Worgen mating urges and those urges were crying out for relief from the teasing and she couldn't exactly disagree. What she could do however was make sure that she didn't hurt Aya, and despite what Aya said about her being in control she knew that if she ever did just 'give in' or didn't keep a tight reign on herself she could do some serious damage to Aya or anyone else. If this was what she had to look forward to as a Worgen, the constant worrying and the constant fear that she might hurt someone accidentally then she was really going to have problems for a while.

"Please, I can't stand to be teased right now dalah'surfal." she said panting gently.
Aya's hand was forced into her lovers sopping wet sex and she could tell her lover wasn't in the mood to be teased. She pouted slightly and then nodded when she heard her precious Anya's voice. "Very well dalah'surfal." She stuck her middle finger inside her lover and let her thumb move around Anya's clit, preparing her lover for what was to come. Aya nipped Anya's nipple more roughly now as she tried to push her beloved more over the edge. Her other hand was pinching and squeezing Anya's other breast roughly now as she continued to push her lover more and more over the edge. She knew full well it wouldn't take too long before Anya reached her climax, which is what she was begging for.

Lifting her head slightly she looked down at her lover and smiled gently. "Cum for me baby... Coat my hand with your delicious juices dalah'surfal..." Aya moaned as she kissed her lover as deeply as she could. Her own juices was starting to pour out of her and was now starting to coat Anya's thigh the more she waited for her lover to cum.
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