Captured by her best friend! [Himeko x Furry]

"That sounds acceptable." Anya said as Aya undid the back of her chest armor, which made her breasts seem fuller than they really were. Which wasn't to say that her breasts weren't impressive in their own right, but they didn't look as large as the did with the armor on. The underlying material was stiff leather and rather good at stopping and absorbing blows from enemy attacks, and laced up from the back with cups of softer leather, though it was tough enough to keep them safe and secure under the armor.

Once she was nude from the waist up, she moved to remove Aya's armor and grasped her hands and pinned them above Aya's head and leaned in close. "I'm going to be a little rougher than usual. That is what you wanted right? For me to be rougher with you right? For me to be rougher?" Anya asked with a grin and leaned in close to capture her mouth with her own. While she didn't have claws or fangs, she was perfectly capable of being rough with her mate without those things, though her choices were limited by their location at the moment.
"I'm glad dalah'surfas..." Aya replied softly as she took her time removing each and every single layer of armor that kept her mates body concealed. Once the armor was removed Anya moved in to remove Aya's armor and grasped her hands, pinning them above her head as she leaned in close. "You know that is what I wanted and still want Anya." She answered as Anya leaned in closer and captured her mouth with her own. "Nnnn..." She moaned into the kiss as she could feel herself starting to get wet.

She wanted her mate to be rougher with her, wanted to be pushed over the edge of pure ecstasy. "Have your way with me Anya, do whatever you want to to me. I'm all yours dalah'surfas." She moaned as she waited for her mate to begin, she wanted this so bad that she was literally burning up with lust.
Almost One Year Ago

Two horses made their way towards Gilneas, the sight of a slightly problematic situation for the Alliance. The riders were Anya and Aya, two highly regarded rogues, and friends and lovers. Unlike how Anya would come to look in the future, her hair only came to her shoulders and was, at the moment pulled into a high ponytail for this mission. Both were dressed for sneaking into the walled city of Gilneas, as due to the increased appearances of 'mad' Worgens had the Alliance concerned for their new allies. While travel to the city was free and unrestricted, in order to get to the truth the Alliance was sending Anya and Aya to investigate secretively.

"I feel bad about this Aya, Dalah'surfal. The Worgen are our allies! Don't you think they would have said something if there was a problem?" she asked halting her horse to look at her Night Elf lover.
Aya looked over at her lover, Anya with a worried look in her eyes. "I don't feel any better about this Dalah'surfal... But they told us there are savage worgens running around and our job's only to investigate... See if this is true." She replied softly as her eyes darted towards the streets. "We have to be careful regardless though Anya. We cannot be caught, if we are then we're fucked." She closed her mouth and pulled her lover back as she saw Genn Greymane with a few Worgen warriors holding... Torches?! "Don't move dalah'surfal. One false move and they'll see us." She whispered as she held her lovers hand in hers.
"Now where do you suppose they're going this time of night?" Anya asked looking past Aya, before looking down and spotting her lover's hand on her breast to hold her back. She smirked and slowly pushed her way forward, careful to make no noise as she did so. "You know," Anya said once they had closed a bit of the disappearance between them and the ever moving Genn Greymane, "if you wanted to make out, you should have just said so. Though I doubt now would be a good time." she teased pulling the Night Elf close before kissing her gently. She would have continued but the sounds of howling made the rogue snap her head in the direction of the sound.

"That," she said her hand going for the elven short sword at the base of her spine, "did not sound friendly. Only problem is, is it from the Worgen with Greymane or some other Worgen." she said instantly becoming worried about all of this.
"We cannot make any false moves though Anya. We still have to stay hidden, they only wanted us to investigate, not to get involved. Remember that dalah'surfal!" Aya said as she drew her daggers and held them tightly in her hands. Looking back at her lover she smiled softly, "I know that now isn't the right time, but trust me... When we get home from this mission you and I are going to be enjoying more than the night." She said giggling softly as they headed out quietly to follow where the howls were coming from. She had this sinking feeling though that they had been exposed and was being followed, but eveytime she'd look behind her or around her she'd see nothing, only her lover.
The pair of rogues shared banter like that on missions for the sheer fact that it was a great way to calm the nerves. Besides, it wouldn't be the first time that they'd gotten it on while on a mission, and it wasn't like it bothered either of them. In fact the thought of being caught was pretty arousing, though neither rogue was that sloppy, though there had been plenty of close calls. The three worgens had gone into a building, the howls were loud enough to damned near deafen the two rogues.

"Sounds like there's a Orc and Tauren in there fighting to the death..." she said motioning for her partner and lover to move to the somewhat open door, while she kept an eye on the way they'd just came to make sure they hadn't walked into a trap of some sort. That wouldn't be the first time for that either, after all not even they were perfect at their job. Because she was looking away from the door she was able to see the shadow of what looked like a worgen getting bigger which meant it was getting closer.

"Away from the door. Now!" she said pulling Aya back as the worgen, clearly frenzied, burst through the door, and would have ripped Aya to pieces if she had still been there.
Aya looked up at the beast and couldn't believe her eyes. She thought the Alliance could have been wrong about this, but now their suspensions were true. There WAS a berserk Worgen running around on a rampage and she was staring at it. The Worgen had it's eyes fixed on her and her lover, looking for a meal to make out of them. "Anya, we have to run for it NOW!" She yelled as she grabbed Anya's hand and they ran for their lives, only to be caught by a dead end. "Shit! What do we do now Anya?" She asked nervously as she gripped her daggers tightly in her hands, ready for a fight should they have to fight for their lives.
Anya let Aya pull her along, not complaining in the slightest since neither of them were even closely prepared to deal with a Worgen, let a lone one that was out of its head. In their move to flee from the Worgen who was still chasing them, she didn't know that they were heading down an alley, and she cursed when they were in fact standing in front of a dead end.

"Fuck..." she said looking back towards the wall before looking back at the Worgen blocking the exit out of the alley. Now normally most rogues would have tried going over the wall behind them, but well where could they go exactly? Who knew if there were other 'wild' Worgen about or if this was just one that was off his rocker.

"I'll distract it." Anya said drawing her sword and stepping so that she was in front of Aya. "When you get an opening you run. Understand?" she asked, her tone telling the elf that she was in no mood or mind to discuss another plan. Aya was the faster of them and Anya had the heavier weapon, so it only made sense for her to give Aya an opening to run, then find her own way out of the alley and away from the Worgen.
"But Anya! He will tear you to shreds!" She protested but she saw the look in Anya's eyes and knew she had to obey. "Oh fine." She sighed as her lover had started focusing its attention to Anya. She saw the perfect moment to flee and she took it. She knew if she looked back she'd want to help her lover out more and would just run back to her. But she had a sinking feeling that if she didn't look back she'd regret it, so despite everything she looked back and saw the Worgen's exposed back. She had an idea, an insane idea, but she figured it was worth a shot. She had her daggers ready and fully coated with poison. Gripping them tightly in her hands she rushed towards to Worgen's exposed back just to have him turn and face her. 'Shit! Shit shit shit! I'm really fucked now!' She thought as she froze up in fear as he started rushing at her, drool running down his muzzle as he leaped towards her.
Two things flew through the human's rogues mind, the first was 'I love that woman' the second was, 'I'm gonna kill her!'. She should have known that Aya would have tried something like this, trying to save her even though things would turn out badly. That was one of her favorite things about Aya, that she could be so selfless and brave, but right now they'd be lucky if they could walk away from this one. Making an annoyed sound, she charged the Worgen while it was focused on her lover and partner, slashing at its back just as it opened it's mouth to bite the Night Elf.

The beast roared and turned around focusing on the human with storm grey hair and eyes and lunged at her, and she in turn lunged backwards away from it. However she wasn't fast enough and she felt fangs sink into her thigh, and she plunged the sword into the first place she saw, right in the shoulder. The Worgen howled in pain as it let go and Anya cried out as she fell backwards, her leg wasn't able to support her right now. Gritting her teeth she watched the Worgen whipped its head around to pry the sword from his shoulder, tossing it aside before running off.

"Damn it..." she said quickly crawling over to her sword before she felt her body go heavy.

[So from here do you want to have Genn come in and save Anya, or at least offer them help since they got caught up in his problems? Seems like that'd be best, based off of my research...]
Aya rushed over to her Anya and noticed the bite mark. "Love this is not good... I'm so sorry I didn't just flee when I could have. But you knew I couldn't just leave you there. Even if we weren't lovers I wouldn't have abandoned you. But since we are it makes it worse!" She could hear foot steps heading towards them as she ripped her shirt that was under her leather armor and tried to slow the bleeding down. "That won't help her elf." A mans voice called out to them. As she turned her head she saw Genn Greymane walking towards then, blood dripping from his hands as he neared them. "She's been bitten by that Worgen and it won't be too long before she changes. We will have to inject her with the 'cure' we found. She'll forever be cursed, but she'll retain her humanity and her sanity." Genn replied as he kneeled down beside Anya. "She needs to be treated immediately however or it will consume her." Aya looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "Very well then..." She was saddened to know that her beloved was cursed for the rest of her life. But at least she'd live with the cure Genn was talking about.

[Yuppers. :"3]
"Don't worry, dalah'surfal. I'm glad you're safe." she said through labored breaths. "But if you ever do something like that again you'll have to answer to me, no matter how bad off I am." Anya half threatened. To be honest she was just glad that Aya was safe, she didn't know what she would do if the Night Elf had been hurt or worse. When Genn Greymane showed up, his hands bloody, she assumed that he'd dealt with the Worgen himself, probably not an easy task for someone who was charged with his people's safety, but one that needed to be done.

"That's a comforting thought." she muttered to herself hearing Greymane tell Aya that even bandaging the wound wouldn't help, but there was something that could be done. "Well lead the way." she said as she forced herself up to her feet, staggering to one side, bracing herself against the nearest wall before Greymane supported her himself. Normally Anya would have complained but as it was Genn was helping them when he didn't have to, and besides she couldn't walk on her own.

"There's an Inn not far. I can treat you there." he said to Anya and Aya, though Anya was pretty certain he was speaking loud enough for Aya to hear out of respect.

"Lead the way then." Anya said her body already feeling the change, she felt quite ill and wanted nothing more than to lay down and let this pass. It didn't hurt much, the wound did of course, but the change itself didn't, at least not right now it didn't, though she could already feel bits of herself changing. Nothing physical but she was changing.
It didn't matter that she herself was safe, the love of her life was bitten and would soon become what they both feared. She would have offered to help hold Anya up, but Genn beat her to it. She heard his words and was thankful there was an inn nearby. She only wanted Anya to be treated asap, she didn't want her to become a savage beast that the one who bit her lover was. It was a quiet walk as they made their way to the inn, no one spoke to each other. If she had just listened to Anya... If only she had not gone back... Then she wouldn't have had to save her... Sadness overtook her face as she held her head low in shame. Anya meant everything to her and it was her fault that her lover was in this spot now. 'I'm so sorry Anya...' She thought as they entered the inn. "You must stay out here." Genn told Aya as he led Anya into one of the rooms. She wanted to protest, but the words just wouldn't come out, so she just simply nodded and took a seat down at the other end of the inn.
[I was actually thinking that the change would happen overnight, with Greymane sticking around to make sure Anya's alright, and the next day, tells Aya that it would help if she spent as much time with the newly Worgen Anya, thus leading back to where we left off.]
By the time that the trio had reached the Inn, Anya showed signs of changing physically, her hair was longer, shaggier, her body had grown to almost half it's original size, and her ears had become tapered. The Inn keeper didn't question the sight of a Night Elf, Human and Genn Greymane, nor did he question anything when Greymane told him that they would need a room for the next few days and that he himself would take care of the bill. It might have been sad but the people of Gilneas had become accustomed to the sight of people becoming Worgen, though they no longer lived in exclusively fear, but fear and sorrow. By the time they reached the room Anya was swearing in every language she could because of the pain of the change which had begun to take a more active stance. And through it all her head was slowly filling with this hot, bright, white light, and she instantly understood how anyone could go mad and lose their senses during this.

"You must stay out here." she heard Greymane say as he ushered her into the room, but remained outside himself for a little longer. When he came in Anya had managed to shed her heavy leather and metal corest like top, as well as her boots and pants. Her body had taken on the more Worgen shape and form, and her mind was far more feral than it had been. Greymane watched the woman change with a guarded expression, keeping a wary eye on her should she try to make a move for the door or windows. Anya however forced herself to stay in the room though she desperately wanted to give into her animalistic urges and run wild. There was someone, she couldn't quite remember who, that was very concerned about her, and Anya didn't wish to upset that person.

"Good. Your will is strong but it will be tested this night. I had hoped that none other would share our fate, but it does not seem to be possible." Greymane spoke taking a seat at the table before pulling a bottle and syringe, filling the syringe with the fluid. Several minutes later Anya was fully Worgen and now huddled near the bed, her will dangerously close to breaking and giving into the Worgen nature. Slowly Greymane approached her, the syringe in hand. Anya watched him closely, her eyes and other senses working in overdrive to determine her safety and her escape should she have to run. However the whole ordeal went quite well, save for the loud howling and snarling, along with the whimpering. After the sun had come up Greymane left the room and turned to Aya.

"She is...better. Go to her, she will benefit greatly from the company of one she cares about during this time." he said making his way to the front of the Inn. The was nothing but silence coming from the room, though it was clear that there was something in there, watching the hallway outside of the door.
All Aya could do was wait for some sort of news on her beloved, she had heard loud howls coming from down the hall. Clearly it was Anya's for how she had already started to show. It was hours before she saw Genn walking down the hall to meet her. Hearing his words she nodded, lost for words as she made her way down the hallway. No matter what Anya looked like now, she would still love her. "I... I'm coming in." She said as she slowly opened the door. Her eyes slowly met Anya's body as she entered the room. She couldn't help herself but run to her, which when she did she clung onto her as if for dear life. "Oh Anya! I'm so sorry!" She cried out as she held onto her, waiting to see if she at least remembered her. "Please forgive me dalah'surfal!" Aya had been affected by this in more ways than one. She had wished more than anything that the Alliance hadn't sent them on this reckless mission, but nothing could change what had happened to Anya now. She knew Anya would forgive her, but the guilt she had was something she'd never let go of. After all, how could she let go of something as huge as this? But in many ways it could have been worse, Anya could have been killed or both of them could have. It was going to take time for them both to heal, and time is what they had plenty of.
Truth be told Anya was scared. Scared because now she was no longer human, scared because she knew that even though Greymane had made the beast go away, it was still there. She could still feel it under her now restored mentality and clarity. She didn't know if it would ever escape, or if when it did she could control herself. And the thing that scared her the most was the thought that she might hurt Aya if she couldn't control the beast within.

Anya's sensitive ears perked up when she heard footfalls headed towards the room. Light footfalls that were hesitant, unsure, almost afraid to approach any closer. She knew it was Aya, and while she wanted to see the Night Elf, to hold her again, she didn't want to do so while she looked like the beast that had caused this to her. She sat on the bed, fidgeting slightly, though completely surprised that Aya would so willingly latch herself to her new form. She simply looked down at Aya when she began to apologize for what had happened to her, clearly this had bothered both of them, but Aya probably felt worse.

"Aya..." she said slowly, letting a hand rest on the elf's head before she closed her eyes and hugged the elf close, tears starting to flow from her eyes as she did so. "Dalah'surfal, I could never blame you for what happened to me." she said taking the elf by the shoulders and set her on the bed next to her.
"But it was my fault for not listening to you Aya!" She wept as she sat down next to her lovers new form. Aya clung to Anya's body for dear life as she cried her eyes out, clearly not wanting to let go and clearly continuing to blame herself for what had happened. She couldn't help the way she felt now, it was tearing her up inside and driving her mad. Anya was her life and her soul mate, there was nothing to keep them apart, and surely this curse wouldn't either. It would just make it harder for them both.

They both cried together, but Aya wouldn't stop blaming herself for what had happened to Anya, no matter how many time Anya told her that she didn't blame her. Anya might not blame her, but she blamed herself. Normally she was very strong willed, but anything that happened to her beloved, well she couldn't help but take the full blame for it. It would be a very long time before she'd stop blaming herself, that's if she could do so.

After awhile she looked up at Anya, and started looking over her new form. Anya was covered in fur now, her eyes were golden now and her hands and feet were clawed and bent. Anya looked like a true female worgen now, though it didn't really scare her on how she looked, but she knew that her lover would forever be cursed like this. More tears started to form in her eyes as she looked over at Anya's body as fear started to creep into her mind. 'What if she stops loving me now because of this? What if she will wish to be with the other Worgens and find a new lover?' She thought as she began to cry once again. Aya was a true mess, she was losing it and she didn't want her lover to see her like this, so weak and helpless. But she couldn't help it, it was near impossible for her to now.
Anya had stopped crying by now and was simply holding her, now gently, crying lover. While not exactly the same, similar thoughts ran through Anya's head: would her love leave her for someone who didn't have to suffer this curse? Would Aya find her new situation too much to handle or would she leave unable to deal with being involved with a Worgen? The now Worgen rogue wasn't sure what she would do if Aya wanted to leave her, she most likely would become quite depressed. Right now she was glad that Aya was still willing to be so close to her, though to Anya her lover being this close while her senses were newly sharpened made urges rise up in her.

"Aya, please. Stop're getting my fur wet..." Anya said, trying to find some humor in her new condition. "Come now, tell me what's wrong dalah'surfal." she said taking the Night Elf's chin in her now clawed, furry, and padded hand cocking her head to the side as golden eyes looked into her lover's eyes. The concern on her face made her look very much like an extremely big dog what with her ears pointed up and all
Aya looked up at Anya as her chin was lifted up. "I cannot help it dalah'surfal... I don't want to lose you to them!" She replied before she even realized what she had just said. She lowered her eyes and her long ears drooped down as she tried to hide the shame she felt. Aya never use to have any problems telling her lover how she felt, but this was different now. "I... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said that..." She whined as she felt another wave of tears start to hit her. She stood up and walked over to the wall as she hung her head down low. "I cannot help it Anya... I feel as if this curse will tear you away from me... I feel as if it will make you want to leave me for one of you new kind..." She said softly, but knew full well that Anya could hear her words. She was scared and lost, confused about not knowing what will happen to their relationship now because of this.
Anya stared at the back of the night elf as she voiced her fears, which surprised her greatly since she had her own worries. Quickly the Worgen female stood up, wobbled a bit as she got used to her new legs, and made her way over to Aya, pulling her close to her furry bosom. At least one of their concerns overlapped, which was odd but the Worgen did not let her lover go to muse on the situation.

"Aya, the title of dalah'surfal is not one I use lightly. I would never leave you, no matter what changes happened to me, or you. I love you more than anything Aya, you should know that." Anya said resting her head on top of the Night Elf's. A feat she could accomplish now that she was taller than the elf.

"And what of you? Do you still love me even though I look like this? That I am no longer human?" she asked stepping away from Aya, considering her now torn clothing, which hadn't been torn to badly, though she would need something more to wear.
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