Captured by her best friend! [Himeko x Furry]

Anya howled as she felt fingers in her sopping wet cunt and Aya's thumb on her clit, and she bucks her hips to meet the new pleasure. She keens again feeling Aya tweak, bite and pinch her nipples rougher, making the furry woman feel more pleasure and roused the powerful urge to make in Anya. The now worgen woman found herself breathing heavier and she, in one surprising move, she flipped Aya underneath her and pinned her hand between her legs and against Aya's thigh and rode them like a woman possessed. She put her hands on the Night Elf's shoulders and took hold as tight as she dared to, and leaned down to nip at her neck. The feral part of her mind was in control now, seeking two things, the first was to finally get sweat, pleasurable relief, and the second was to mark this beautiful creature beneath her as her own.

Soon between the fingers in her cunt and the one on her clit, and the still fresh pleasure of her nipples Anya reached a howling orgasm and after she did she turned Aya over and breathed in the scent of the Night Elf's hair and slowly began to sniff lower. Anya knew what was going to happen and fought to reign in her feral side, knowing that if she didn't she might harm the Night Elf, even if she didn't mean to. However couldn't stop herself from digging her fangs gently into Aya's exposed shoulder, using the front fangs to break the skin. With a forceful shove she pushed the feral Worgen into a small hole and dared it to come out again, and quickly set about licking the small star shaped wound she'd caused Aya. She felt awful about harming Aya and once the bleeding had stopped she moved her head next to Aya's and pressed their cheeks close before speaking.

"Gods, I am so sorry dalah'surfal," she said, her nose catching the scent of blood once more, "I... I can't believe I lost control like that." she said feeling rather guilty about marking the Night Elf like some natural born Worgen rather than someone who truly loved Aya. "I'm so sorry..." she said moving down to tend he wound on her lover's shoulder. She hoped that Aya didn't hold it against her, though she knew the elf wouldn't hold it against her, though she wished that Aya would. She didn't exactly crave to be punished, but dammit sometimes being chastised could be fun too.
After a few moments of pleasuring her lover she was swiftly moved back onto her back as her hand was pinned in between her lovers thighs and was now being rode. Anya's howls were turning Aya on more, which to a normal person would frighten them, but not to Aya. She felt Anya place her hands on her shoulders and took hold of them as tightly as she could without causing harm and then leaned down to nip at her neck. Aya wouldn't show Anya any fear, she trusted her beloved with her life and didn't care what happened to her, should anything happen to her.

She could tell that Anya had fallen to her feral side now, and still showed no fear. She wouldn't forgive herself if she had after all. Not too much longer after the switch she heard her lover howl loudly as her orgasm had finally hit, thus covering her hand with her lovers juices. She smiled softly as her lover had her release and then as soon as it was over was flipped on her stomach where her back was now facing Anya. She felt her lovers nose against her hair and heard her sniffing at it, taking in her scent before she started sniffing lower. Aya took a deep breath as she prepared for what was about to happen. As soon as she did she felt a sharp prick in her shoulder as Anya dug her fangs in, breaking the skin. She didn't make a sound when her lover did that, but it did hurt and stung.

Anya quickly licked the wound she had made on Aya's shoulder to try and get it to stop bleeding. Aya felt Anya stop before she pressed her cheek against hers. "It's okay dalah'surfal. I understand fully well." She replied as she felt blood starting to drip down her shoulder and onto her arm. "It was bound to happen with this being our first night together in your new form. But please... Don't beat yourself up over it. I should be fine dalah'surfal, after all, it's just a small scratch." She said with a small giggle. She couldn't hold Anya against this and wouldn't, she knew this would happen or something would happen, but she didn't care. As long as she was with her beloved nothing else mattered to her.
"You know," Anya said shifting so that Aya was in her arms as the two of them lay in the somewhat crowded bed, "you could be a little more angry. I mean what I did was not some small scratch you know." Anya said feeling just a little annoyed at Aya's accepting manner. She didn't exactly have this problem when she was human, but then again she wasn't some creature that could kill Aya without a second thought if the inclination ever hit her. Of course Aya had always been forgiving when Anya messed up or nearly got them caught or killed, but then it was because Anya could beat herself up about it forever if Aya didn't. Not much had changed, except for the fact that Anya was now part beast and still prone to thinking things were her fault, but this time she had a reason to, after all she was part beast now. Of course Anya also loved that forgiving part of Aya because she could do just about anything and Aya would eventually forgive her, if not immediately.

"But I'm glad you understand and don't hold it against me dalah'surfal. Its comforting to know such." she said holding Aya about the waist, adjusting the position of her head so that she could lick at the now lightly bleeding wound.
Aya shook her head at Anya in disagreement as she snuggled up to her lover. "I cannot be mad with you dalah'surfal... You know I can't. And to me it's just a small scratch to what we're use to going through. I love you Anya and I won't let anything come in between us, you hear me!" She snapped as she gave Anya a warning look before smiling softly at her. "Of course I understand and you know me better than anything that I could never hold anything against you." She replied as she kissed her lover deeply before Anya began licking the lightly bleeding wound on her shoulder. The wound didn't hurt anymore but she knew it was going to scar, she didn't mind it though. It was Anya's way of imprinting on Aya to prove she belonged to her and only her. "Once it's all healed up it's going to look like a pretty star." She said cheerfully as she stroked her hand through Anya's fur.
Anya shivered and cuddled close to her lover. She understood that Aya couldn't be mad with her, but it didn't stop her from craving just a little reprimanding from Aya every now and again. "Yes ma'am!" she said smartly before grinning and flicking her tongue against Aya's nose. When Aya pointed out that it would look like a star when the wound healed, she shook her head and laughed. "Only you, dalah'surfal, would think something so casual about me marking you." she said holding Aya close.

"Are we... Are we alright?" she asked cautiously. Aya may have been accepting of their situation, but still she wanted to be sure.
Anya was always known to be a smart ass at times and this time was no different from the other times. "Such a smart ass, but I'll always love you no matter what." She said and then blushed when her mate licked her nose. "Well would you rather me lie and make a big deal out of it? Or say the truth like I did and think if it as a pretty little star? Huh?" She replied as she puffed her cheeks out and she smiled softly as Anya held her close. "We are more than alright dalah'surfal... We are alive and we will overcome this. I promise you Anya I will NEVER EVER leave your side! I don't care if you lose control or whatever, I will always be with you till the day we draw our last breaths." She said more seriously now as she tried to make her point very clear to Anya now.
"I'm not complaining, but, yes you COULD be a little more annoyed. But if you like it then I'm not gonna complain about it." Anya said as she watched the Night Elf pout slightly. It was a rather cute sight to see, the purple skinned, pointy eared, feisty rogue puff her cheeks out and furrow her brow slightly, and the only people to see that sight, other than Anya, were Aya's parents. She had to admit that when her lover made that face, Anya was rather defenseless and would more than likely cave into whatever Aya was using that face to get her to do.

When Aya told her that they were more than good, and expounded on her confirmation, the now Worgen rogue frowned a bit, she was reminded of her nightmare and her previous fear. But she shook her head gently, her stormy grey mane following her motions, she didn't want to think about that anymore, it would only ruin the mood.

"I'm glad, though I hope it won't come to you having to go that far. Though I fully intend on being with you until we both die of old age." she said with a light snort. "So... I think I'm going to need new clothing, or find someone to tailor my clothing to my new body. I think everything is probably too small now." she said a bit sheepishly.
Aya knew puffing her cheeks out like that was a sure way to win in any fight over Anya. She never let anyone other than Anya or her parents see it, it was her only thing that she used and was more than picky as to who saw this side of her. Anya was everything to her and so it was only natural that she'd see this side of her.

"Don't frown dalah'surfal. We are just fine, we're both alive now aren't we? Forget your fears sweetie you are stronger than the beast inside of you. I know this better than you are giving me credit for." She said, knowing full well what her lover was thinking as it was written on her face as plain as day.

"Well Anya, that won't be for a very very long time, you do know Worgens live a much longer life than humans do, right? This means I won't have to worry about you dying before me. You know as a Night Elf we live for thousands of years, and it would pain me to lose you before I had outlived my own life. But even this curse can been seen as blessing from Elune, right?" She said as she smiled and then giggled when Anya mentioned her cloths. "Well we'll get you something new to wear love. I need new armor as well so I guess we can just walk around town wrapped up in sheets till we get something new to wear then?" She replied as she giggled, waiting to see the look on her lovers face at that comment, knowing full well Anya wouldn't allow her to be seen with nothing less than something covering her chest and lower half.
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