Captured by her best friend! [Himeko x Furry]

Anya knew Aya's story with Garrosh far too well, as it was what had bonded the two of them together at first, though Aya's dedication to Anya during her transformation into a Worgen had also bonded them closely as well. She also knew that there was a long line of people who'd suffered at the hands of this more violent warchief, and that in the end whoever managed to take his life would no doubt be regarded as a hero of the Alliance for ages to come. But such thoughts were driven from the Worgen's mind when Aya began to rub and stroke her clit, knowing full well that it would stir the fires of passion brought on by her being in heat and make her more willing to give into her desires. The thing was that Anya had already decided to give into her lovers request that she allow herself her urges tonight though she wasn't above having some help in getting there since she'd always been worried that she could lose control. At least here the only question that would be asked would be if the elf had been a good lay and if anyone else could have a chance to test her out, though the answer to the first would be a yes, and the second answer was obviously a no, after all she planned on publicly claiming Aya as hers tomorrow. That would buy Anya some time to work out an escape plan for them, to gather supplies, and over all make sure that no one suspected a thing.

Anya rode her mate's skilled hands for a while longer before she growled and once more pinned the elf beneath her, her claws sinking into the tops of her shoulders as she inhaled the scent of not only her own arousal on Aya, but Aya's as well and the mixture fanned the flames even more and Anya grasped Aya's hand and pulled it away from her clit to tease her outer lips. Normally they would have used something to stand in for the lack of a penis but as things were, Aya's hands would have to do. Anya knew that Aya's hands were more than capable of pleasing her, after all they'd been what the couple used the first few times before it slowly began to lose its thrill.
Aya nipped Anya's ear again as she continued to rub her clit while her lover began to ride her skill-fulled hand and made her juices start to flow again. Her lover was finally giving in and she knew it, Anya was giving into her true nature and it was really turning Aya on. "Ahhh... That's it delah'surfas..." She cooed as she then heard Anya growl and pinned her down once more beneath her. Her claws sunk into the tops of her shoulders and Anya inhaled the scents of both of their arousalness, she moaned loudly as the claws dug deeper into her skin, this is what she wanted, no needed. They both needed this release and she knew her lover would feel safer to do this more often after tonight.

Tonight they didn't need toys, tonight they just needed each other. This was similar to the first night they spent together, and she loved it. "Dalah'surfas, tonight we will make love under the moon with you as your true self. I know you won't go too far, our love is stronger than the beast inside of you and YOU know that Anya." She said as she began to pant heavily again. She felt her mate move her hand to tease the outer lips now, she knew her love was going to milk it for all it was worth tonight, and that is what Aya wanted. She knew if Anya didn't get this out of her system it would only continue to torment her, which is something she didn't want to happen anymore.

She smirked again as she slowly moved her fingers in and out of her pussy now, she made sure to go slow, slow enough to drive Anya mad. The thought of that made Aya giggle softly as she continued her dirty work, with her other hand she began to roughly grope Anya's breast, knowing this too would help push her over. She lowered her head to face Anya's neck and began nibbling, then biting down hard on it, repeating the procedure. "Oh gods you smell so lovely tonight." She breathed into Anya's neck.
(Sorry it's taken me so long to reply. I had some nasty computer problems... Had to go factory restore on it...)
[Well that would explain why Linda and I didn't see you at all yesterday. That sucks really bad though. D= Good news though! My girlfriend joined BM! -Points to siggy.- :"3]
[Ty hun. She's like me, we love rping like this. And she won't bitch at me for doing smutty rps with strangers. xDDD Sooo, shall we continue our rp now? :"3]
(Ugh, sorry... Just found a crappy replacement for my now slagged computer... or rather a replacement com for my personal computer whose hard-drive got slagged...)
[Awwwes. D= Will you be able to rp at least? ;-; I've been craving to do more on our rp... ;-;]
(Of course! The comp I'm on now is a family one that kinda serves as a back up for us if anyone's dies. Though I should have my old comp up and running, hopefully, by next week.)
[Yay! More rping! And that's good. :"3 It's always nice to have a back up. ^^ I'm buying this laptop I'm on off my bestfriend, so now I have this and the desktop.^^]
"Dalah'surfas, tonight we will make love under the moon with you as your true self. I know you won't go too far, our love is stronger than the beast inside of you and YOU know that Anya." Aya's words both worried and encouraged Anya, she knew that Aya was right, that her love her the Night Elf would keep her mind clear, but Anya had only once given into the animalistic side of her mating urges once, and that was when she'd first felt the mating urge. At this point Anya wasn't as worried as she had been about hurting Aya, if there was one person in the world that Anya wouldn't hurt, at least on purpose, it was Aya. Anya growled as she felt Aya's fingers slowly tease her lower lips, moving slowly and lightly inside her, lightly touching and playing at her sensitive spots, and nipping at Anya's own ears, which weren't as sensitive as Aya's but still sensitive in their own right. Just as Anya knew all of Aya's sensitive spots, Aya knew hers quite well, and often used them to get Anya in the mood for sex if she was, which while not often was quite frequent. After a while Anya's mind become more feral and she gripped Aya's wrist tightly and began to move her lovers hand inside her faster and once she was certain that she was moving her hands quicker and more to Anya's tastes, she used that same hand to draw her claws along the outer part of Aya's thighs and made her way to Aya's ass and cupped it gently, but stuck her claws in slowly, making sure not to push too hard.
Aya knew her mate wouldn't go too far, after all Anya had better control this time than the first night it happened. She knew how to turn her beautiful mate on, with knowing all her spots she knew that if she hit them just right it would send her lover over the edge and give into her true self. She continued to toy with Anya playfully, she was in the mood and knew she was helping her mate out. Watching her mates eyes carefully she saw Anya was starting to give in now, her eyes were starting to glow, which meant she was letting her true self take ahold of her as she gripped her hand and began to move her hand faster inside of her. "That's it my love, give into it and let yourself feel complete pleasure." She cooed to her lover as she leaned down and bite a little harder on Anya's neck, knowing Anya loved being bit there. Anya then used the same hand to draw her claws along the outer part of her thighs and made her way down to her ass and then cupping it gently, but stuck her claws in slowly, making sure not to push too hard.

"Ahhh! Baby! Nnnn.... That's so good... Feels so... Nnnn..." She breathed as she bit down on her mates neck again and used her other hand to grope harder and faster on her breasts, pinching her nipples firmly. "This is what I was wanting all along baby... I want you to be happy my love, and I know that when you're your true self it helps you out more than anything." She replied in a husky voice as she then suckled on Anya's neck and bit down on it. She continued her sucking and biting on her neck.
Anya let out a keening sound as Aya bit down on her neck, electing more pleasure to flood the Worgen's mind and body. Truth be told as much as Anya was afraid of hurting Aya, she had been curious about what it would be like to be in control and yet out of control, and until now had no reason to explore it, nor any reason to think she could. But now that she could go wild without having to truly explain herself she wasn't about to let this opportunity pass her by without even trying it once.

Hearing Aya tell her that this is what she wanted all along made Anya slowly begin to redouble her efforts, for her making Aya happy was enough to make her happy and she was certainly not take away from Aya's pleasure. Her true self, the feral and passionate Worgen, was a double edged sword that Anya used so sparingly, several Worgen (Worgens? IDK, it's already plural! xD) questioned if she had it. Of course Anya would let her blood lust consume her on the battlefield, and during those fights she became a monster comparable to the fiercest warrior the Alliance had to offer. So much so that even her fellow Worgen had a hard time calming her once she went to that extreme, and it often took a whole team of mage's to help calm her, though Aya could do it by just touching her and speaking kindly.

The hand at her breasts began to move faster and tugged at her nipples and the Worgen let out another keening sound before hunkering down and thrusting herself against her lovers hands. All the ability to speak had left her, though she could understand all that Aya said to her.

(gonna get some sleep now...)
"That's it dalah'surfas..." She cooed as she continued pleasuring her mate. She started doing Anya's favorite technique, biting hard then sucking on her neck over and over again. She loved how dominate her lover could be when she got this worked up, it was a major turn on. Aya knew how Anya was and knew all the sides to her that not many if anyone else knew, which was fine with her. They were mates so she would always be able to calm her mate down when no one else could, and with ease too. Aya's voice alone was enough to snap Anya back to her senses within a split second after she lost control on the battlefield. It was her special gift she had always had, even before her beloved was turned into a Worgen.

She did love it when Anya was her real self, it made things so much easier and interesting for them both. She heard her mates keening sounds and moaned softly to her as she sped up what she was doing, and now grinding her fingers into her mates pussy. "Ahhh... Mmmm.." She moaned as she felt her orgasm start to build with her lover. "Baby I love you so damn much..." She panted as she bit down very hard on Anya's neck, which always meant her orgasm was about to explode hard.

[It's plural hun. ^^ And alrighty, night and sweet dreams hun. :"3]
(Sorry it took so long to reply. Sundays get insane around my house and I couldn't get a break.)

Despite the naturally thick fur at her neck, Anya could still feel the bite and the sucking feeling rather clearly, though at this point she was fairly hyper sensitive overall. There was hardly anyone in the world that had seen anywhere near this side of Anya, after all she didn't trust anyone that much, not before her transformation, though she did have several close friends who could guess. The keening was a sign that she was getting close once more to her orgasm, and she could tell that her lover was going to come along with her, a fact that she loved to have happen each and every time that they made love.

At the moment that Anya was reaching her peak her keening slowly became mewling, similar to that of a cat, though it was far more wolfish in it's sound. For the Worgen this was about as close as she was going to get to letting her lover know that she was approaching her climax.
[Lol, it's okay hun. I understand. ^^]

Aya had finally reached her breaking point now as she screamed loudly in pleasure as her orgasm was flowing through her, knowing her mate was cumming with her. "Ahhhh!!!!" She screamed as she bit down harder onto her mates neck and bucked her hips wildly. They almost always came together when they made love, and tonight was not different from any other night when it came to this. The sounds her mate made always turned her on, in many ways Anya could be just talking to her and she'd get turned on. After their orgasms had finally came to an end she held onto her lover, panting heavily as she spoke softly to her. "That was wonderful dalah'surfas... I really loved it... I hope you did too baby..." She then licked where she bit, and then licked Anya's ear gently. "I'm starting to fall asleep now love... Will you please stay with me till I at least passout?" She asked softly as she then turned to look into her mates eyes.
"Dalah'surfas, I..." Anya paused cradling her exhausted lover to her body, allowing the Elf to lick at the area she'd bit, though there was no chance she would have hurt her, "I loved it. I wasn't sure I would but... Thank you Dalah'surfas, I thank you." she said brushing the Elf's hair from her face.

"Of course Aya my dear. I will stay with you until you are comfortably sleep, you know I always do, no matter what." the Worgen told the elf with a smile on her face.
"I'm glad you loved it baby. I knew you would... And you're welcome dalah'surfas..." She said as she started to drift away into sleep. "Thank you... For staying with me..." Was her last words before she fell asleep in her mates arms and held onto her closely.

[Last reply for the night, going to go to bed now. Leaving for Vegas tomorrow and I'll try to reply to our rp while I'm there. I'll be back Friday though. Night and sweet dreams hun. :"3]
[Thanks hun I will. ^^ I'll reply to the next post in our rp when I get online tonight at the hotel. Will keep you updated though. :"3]
Anya held Aya close to her, letting her furry body act as both a pillow and a blanket of sorts, until she could feel the even breathing that told her that the Night Elf in her arms was sleep. Quietly Anya untangled herself from the Elf, pulled her clothing on and left the cell only to bump into the Blood Elf from earlier who was flanked by the two Tauren guards who looked embarrassed and a little uncomfortable.

"What is it Calindor?" she snarled wondering if the blood elf had overheard the conversations that she and Aya had shared.

"Nothing M'lady. I found these two away from their posts. Their stories seemed quite odd, they told me you dismissed them for an hour. I thought they were lying and decided to ask you to confirm their stories." the elf said bowing.

"Well I do confirm what they have told you. I needed an hour with the prisoner." Anya said drawing herself up to full height and looking down at the elf who had become used to the sight, but knew better than to say anything.

"I see. May I ask why?" Calindor asked stepping back out of respect and fear. He'd seen the Worgen tear through her own subordinates like paper, the same with Alliance soldiers, and he had no interest in making her angry.

"No, you may not. And you two," she said to the Tauren who snapped to attention when she spoke, "You two may return to your post. And Calindor, see to it that our guest receives better treatment than she has tonight. If not I shall slay you where I stand and slander your family name, do you understand me?" she asked pushing past the Night Elf, her mind far clearer than it had been in weeks.

"Yes m'lady." the Elf said, bowing until Anya was out of sight. She made her way back to her own quarters and lay down on her bed. She would need her rest, for tomorrow she would begin her plan to escape this place with Aya.
Aya was sleeping soundlessly as her mate had quietly left her, returning to her own bed. She knew tomorrow was going to be a big day for the both of them and she needed her rest for when they escaped. She didn't want to think of the what could go wrong or anything negative, she had to stay positive for the both of them. She slept in till the sun was coming up and was woken up by one of the Tauren guards. "Wake up you Alliance scum!" He yelled as he kicked her in the stomach. He wasn't one of the guards from last night nor did he hear the threat about what would happen if she wasn't treated right. The pain from the kick woke her up fast and caused her to clench her stomach as she glared at the guard. "Apparently you wasn't informed about treating me right... After all you cannot simply 'get' information out of someone if you mistreat them." She snarled as she wrapped herself up in the blanket the previous guard left for her.

She knew Anya would be on her way over soon and couldn't wait to tell her what the guard did to her, she knew that guard wouldn't last long due to the strict warnings that had been given out. She noticed the guard was eyeing her body and covered herself more. "Don't even think about it!" She snapped as she brought her knees to her chest and wrapped the blanket tightly around her as she hugged her knees. She knew what the guard was thinking and wished her mate would get there soon before the worst happened to her.
Anya made her way to the make-shift prison, a cloak covering her sparse metal armor, enough to cover her upper body and her loins, as well as a set of greaves that left her feet open to feel the ground beneath her feet. The one-handed sword at her waist was a slightly curved blade that reached down to her knee, and about half as wide as her leg was. She paused when she heard Aya speaking to someone inside the prison.

"Apparently you wasn't informed about treating me right... After all you cannot simply 'get' information out of someone if you mistreat them." she could hear clearly. The other voice told her it was the Tauren guard that was supposed to be standing guard.

"Don't even think about it!" she heard her mate say loudly, possibly hoping that someone outside would come to her aide, possibly Anya herself and the Worgen growled, drew her blade and slammed the door open to see the Tauren hunching over Aya trying to pry her blanket from her and his hardening member was hard to miss.

"Unhand her this instant." Anya said coolly, pressing her sword's blade against the Tauren's neck, the cold steel wasn't being pressed hard enough to draw blood but it would be hard to miss.

"But ma-" the Tauren started before the blade actually pressed into his neck and drew blood.

"Now, or I take what you cannot seem to control and feed it to the tracker's hounds for breakfast. Besides, I have need of our 'guests' presence. Do I make myself clear?" she Anya asked pressing the sword against his neck harder.

"Yes m'lady. Perfectly clear." he said stepping back and away from the visibly scared Night Elf.
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