Captured by her best friend! [Himeko x Furry]

She glared defiantly at the Tauren as he got closer to her, not listening to her words as he began to undo his pants. He got a little closer to her as he pulled his hardened member out and was grinning as he grabbed her, making his intent clear. Just then the door flew open with a loud bang and Anya was standing there with her sword out and glaring at the Tauren. She heard her yelling at the guard and then pressed her blade against his neck, yet not drawing blood. He tried to protest but was cut shore as she pressed the blade into his neck and drew blood.

He put his member back in his pants and fixed his pants back up and backed away slowly. He knew that the Worgen meant business and didn't wish to push her anymore than he had just done. He backed away more, far from Aya who had been mortified from what had almost happened to her had her mate not came in when she did and saved her. Once he was back at his post she whimpered softly with a small tear trickling down her cheek. "I... I was so scared Anya..." She wept quietly so that no one would hear her. She loved only Anya and no one else and wouldn't allow anyone to take her from the one she loved. But since she was chained up there wasn't much she could do to have stopped him had he had his way with her.
Anya sheathed her sword and looked at the door for a long while, she didn't doubt that Calindor hadn't passed on her commands, though news seemed to be traveling slower than it should have been in a group this size. Once she was certain that the Tauren was no longer paying attention to what was going on inside the cell she muttered a cloaking spell and felt the tingle of magic at work before she moved and drew her mate to her.

"Ande'thoras-ethil Dalah'surfal, I am here. I am here." she muttered stroking the night elf's hair gently. Anya knew that Aya was dedicated to her no matter what and would never allow anyone else to lay a hand on her in any manner other than that of a friend. Though she had never seen anyone shake her love to this extent, though to be honest the chain might have frightened her quite a bit as well.
She watched Anya sheath her sword as she watched the door for a long while, making sure they were safe now before putting the cloaking spell back up. Her mate then moved in closer and drew her to her. She wasn't one to get scared like this, but the thought of a Horde member, male non the less, wanting to rape her while she was chained and helpless, is what caused her to break down in tears.

Normally she was a very strong elf, but this was the first time she ever felt this way and it scared her. "I was so scared he was going to take me right then and there... I belong to you and you to me... But they don't know this yet... And and..." She cut herself dry as she clung to her mate and wept more. "I hate being like this... I've never felt so helpless in my life Anya..." She buried her face in her mates furry neck and continued to cry as her body shook with fear still, even though it was all over and Anya was here with her.
"I know Dalah'surfal, I can only imagine how you must feel but I promise you today is the last day that I will let you feel this way." Anya said soothingly, letting her mate cry and shake against her frame. From the position that Anya was holding Aya the Night Elf missed the bristling fur rising on Anya's neck, she was extremely angry. This was partially her fault, she should have had Aya placed in her own quarters from the start, but she hadn't thought it proper to keep a captive in her own quarters, though now she knew she should have.

"Please, pull yourself together Dalah'surfal. I'll have Calindor take care of that brute and get you cleaned up. I've decided that I cannot gain anything more by staying here. Besides, I've learned of several uncharted Horde outposts that will be unprepared for a strike team." Anya said holding her beloved at an arms length.
Hearing her beloved's words made her feel more at ease as she started to slowly calm down. "Thank you... Dalah'surfal..." Her body was slowly starting to stop shaking as she nuzzled her mate gently. She didn't blame her mate for what had happened, Anya had to do what she had to to not blow her cover. She loved Anya so much that she would deal and put up with whatever she had to just to keep her mate safe, it was how she was.

"I'm trying to Anya dalah'surfal..." She answered as she dried her tears on her mates neck and pulled back slightly to look into her lovers eyes. "So we will strike soon then?" She asked as she had finally regained control of herself and was back to normal, well as normal as she could be within her prison. She wanted to see that Tauren pay for what he had done and almost did to her, she wanted to see him suffer for it. Oh how she despised him right now.
"Soon Dalah'surfal, soon. First we haver to get out of here and deliver the information that I have for the Alliance." Anya said her face twisting into a wolfish smile.

"But trust me, we will strike back at the Horde, and I promise that I promise to save that bloody Tauren bastard's head for you. That you can count on my dear." she said standing, pulling her mate up with her and clasping her on the shoulder of the dark skinned elf.

"I'll send in Calindor with some aides I trust to help get you cleaned up. After that we're taking a ride, a very, VERY long ride." Anya said her tone implying that she'd made planes to get them out of here safely. With a wave of her hand she dismissed the spell and headed out of the room and towards her tent, gesturing to two Orcs to follow her. One she sent to go find Calindor, and the other followed her to her tent.

"Pack the prisoners things and prepare some horses. We're going for a ride." she said in Orcish without looking over her shoulder.
She nodded in agreement at having to deliver the information Anya had to deliver to the Alliance. She smiled softly back and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. "Thank you dalah'surfal Anya. I look forward to striking back at the Horde and getting my revenge on that damn Tauren who almost raped me." She replied as she was pulled up to her mate as Anya had stood up and clasped her on the shoulder.

"Alright dalah'surfal, I shall wait for him to fix me up and get me cleaned. I look forward to getting out of here and getting my revenge on this... Scum..." She said ruthfully as she watched her mate lift the spell and left her there again.

It wasn't long till Calindor came in and began aiding her, healing her wounds and getting her cleaned up. She knew that he wouldn't try anything funny, for he apparently he enjoyed living. "Thanks..." She said in Orcish so he'd understand her. Calindor got her dressed and got her ready for the long ride ahead, he made sure her hands were bound, but it wasn't to tight which she'd be able to easily break free when the time came.
"There's no reason to thank me. I am simply following orders." Calindor responded, his temper even and calm. He knew better than to start things with a captive that Anya was partial to, and besides there was no reason for him to do anything to bother this Night Elf, though he was an enemy.

"If I were you I would continue to stay on M'lady's good side. It is rare that she takes a shining to anyone." Calindor said turning to leave the room, the cord attached to her wrists in his hand as he lead her to where Anya would be waiting for them, still dressed in her light armor, flanked by four horses, two of which were carrying Orcs on their backs.

The pack on Anya's horse and Aya's were larger than the ones the Orcs were carrying. "Thank you Calindor. Let's get going Alliance spy, you'll show me where you set up your camp." Anya said taking the rope from Calindor and tugging on it, drawing Aya close to her but not too close.
She knew she didn't have to thank him, but she was grateful that he helped her and obeyed her mates orders. She almost smirked when he told her to stay on Anya's good side. 'If only he knew the truth..' She thought as she was led out of the room where there was four horses waiting for them. Two were for her and her mate and the other two were for the Orc guards. It felt good to have her armor back on when she was back out in the open, she looked over and saw the Tauren from earlier and glared at him. 'I swear I'll make you pay for what you did to me earlier.' She thought as she was then mounted onto her horse, which had a bigger pack than the Orcs were carrying. Her mates was the same size as hers she noticed as they started to head out. She knew what was going to happen as soon as they escaped from the camp, the Orcs would be easy to kill and they'd be able to flee to safety, which is what she was wanting.
{Sorry if my posting drops down to a small amount per week, my course load this week is really time consuming. But I'll try and reply ASAP.}

The ride away from the camp was slow and rather uneventful, though that suited Anya just fine, after all if it had been more action packed and exciting, she was likely to go into a killing frenzy. After they were far enough away from the camp Anya, who had been leading the group, with Aya close behind her, and the Orcs bringing up the rear, all according to formation and Anya's plan.

"You two, set up a small campsite here." Anya said coaxing her horse to a stop. "I will continue onward with the prisoner to ascertain whether or not she was acting alone or with a group." Anya said looking at Aya for a short period of time, though the flicker in her eyes told Aya that this was all part of her plan.

The two Orcs looked at each other and shrugged, figuring there was no problem in following those orders, and set about unpacking and setting up camp.

"Come, lead the way prisoner." she said gesturing for Aya to lead her off in some random direction. Once out of their sight the plan was to make it look like Aya had gotten free, scuffled with Anya, and escaped. The lack of body would be suspicious for sure, but the area was full of places that would prove perfect to hide a body and hard to properly search.

While undercover Anya had no intent on spilling any more blood than she had to, and that included in her escape, after all she was a rogue, not some more combatant position. Her tools were those of cunning, swiftness, and sneakiness; not pure carnage, combat, and killing, despite her Worgen nature.
[It's okay hun. As long as you keep me updated I won't mind. ^^]

The ride away from the camp was boring and slow, yet uneventful. She knew it suited Anya just fine, but for her, she wanted action. But she did know if it had been action there, Anya would have lost control and gone on a killing frenzy, even though she'd be able to snap her out of it with ease she'd take all her kills. She hated to see her lover lose it though, so she kept following her mate as they were now far away from the camp.

Anya's horse was coming to a stop when she had told the two Orcs to set up camp here, she looked at her mate and saw the signal in her eyes, she knew what was going to happen now. "Very well then Worgen." She replied curtly so as to not draw any attention to herself as she got in front of Anya. As soon as they were out of sight the plan was in action now. "If we're going to make this work out right I'll have to cut you up in a few places dalah'surfas, make it look like we got into a fight and I escaped. Is that okay Anya?" She asked as she looked at her mate in the eyes, she didn't want to hurt her beloved, but they had to escape.
{Will do. I'm gonna head off now and then I have to at least get in three hours in Photoshop on my assignment and then I'll be on. Though I probably won't wake up until around 12 noon Chicago time. ^o^;}
"Dalah'surfas, I trust you. Just try not and make too much of a mess, I've got enough scars as it is and I would rather not add any more to their number." Anya said removing her cloak and draping it across the back of her horse. The worgen planned on allowing Aya to injure her, turn back into her human form and then they would continue onward without worrying about being tracked as no one in the Horde had seen Anya in human form. From there it would simply be a matter of making sure that they didn't encounter any Horde members while they made their way back to familiar territory.

"Be quick about it Aya, we can't afford to let the Orcs think anythings wrong or suspicious." Anya said knowing that the Orcs wouldn't come looking just yet, but she didn't want to risk it.
"You know I won't add too many more my love, you know I hate hurting you... But we need to escape..." She said softly as she took her dagger, the one she never dipped in poison in case stuff like this happened. She took the dagger and gave her a few minor injuries, making it look legit. She had potions at home that could heal her mate of her scars, it was something else she wanted to show her mate because she worked hard on it as well while she was away. "There." She replied as she nodded to her mate. She knew she would have to start running soon, and readied herself as she hid the dagger.
{Ugh, my eyes hurt... I think I've been staring at a computer screen for too long LOL.}

The feeling of the knife slashing against her fur covered body made Anya hiss and clench her jaw so that she didn't flinch and make the wounds worse. All in all she had two new sets of wounds on her shoulders and upper arms, some on her midsection, going along the direction of her ribs, and a few more on the tops of her thighs, none deep enough to hurt really, but deep enough to draw enough blood for their purposes.

"Come, we have to make it seem like you disposed of my body Anya said leading the way back to a canyon that overlooked a rapid moving river, and took her sword and broke off enough of the cliff to make it seem as if she'd fallen over the edge.

"Now we can leave. It'll be a little slow going, I hope you don't mind." she said with an apologetic smile on her face. Her injuries weren't severe but Anya would need to return to her human form soon in order to have her body treated properly, but doing so now would be dangerous and irresponsible so she would have to suffer through it for a little while longer.
[Lol, I'm sorry hun. xDDDD]

She hated hurting her mate, but desperate times called for desperate measures. "I'm so sorry dalah'surfas... I really didn't want to hurt you...." She whispered apologetically as she followed her mate to the edge that had the canyon down below and watched as she drew her sword and broke off enough of the cliff to make it look like Aya threw her over the edge.

She nodded and held her mate up as they walked at a slow pace, leaving the area and the Orcs behind. When they were out of sight and into safety her mate had changed back into her human form and she carried her away to safety to patch up her wounds. Coming to a small cave that went in deep she brought Anya with her and they went inside as she took them far in the back to where the light barely shone back there. Sitting her mate down she took out the potion and handed it to Anya. "Here dalah'surfas... Drink this, it will heal your wounds and they won't turn into scars... When we get home I'll apply the other potion to your scars and they will all be gone..." She said softly as Anya took the bottle from her, sniffing at it. "I know it doesn't smell pleasant, but please baby... Please drink it..." She said with worry in her eyes.
In her human form most men thought that Anya was somehow related to the succubi race, mainly because she had very nice curves that were rivaled by only a few elves and more succubi. However she had human'll peach skin, which looked slightly tanned, despite how much time she'd spent with Aya before she became a Worgen. Her normally tied up storm gray hair was down to about her mid-back and she wished she had more than the leather skirt, bodice, and metal light armor, but it was better than being nude. As the two women sat down in the cave Anya smiled and shook her head in disagreement when Aya told her that she was sorry for hurting her.

"You did what you had to. That's all, and you know that I don't like you acting this way about things that we can't control." Anya said watching as Aya produced a flask and handed it to her.

When it was uncorked Anya's nose wrinkled up, her nose wasn't as powerful as it was in her Worgen form, though thanks to her being a Worgen she could pick up the scent far better than human. "Ugh, dalah'surfas, please tell me that this is only the rough version of this potion and that the one at home is far better smelling." Anya said as she drank the potion and felt the effects hit her slowly, healing her current wounds and lighting her older wounds.

"Let's wait on taking care of my older scars dalah'surfas, some of them I actually like." Anya joked as she leaned back against the wall of the cave and rested up a bit.
She brushed the hair out of her mates eyes and kissed her softly. "I know Anya and I'm sorry." She replied as her lover took the potion and wrinkled her nose at the smell. "The other one at home smells better, but is much stronger." She answered as she watched Anya take the potion to her lips and drank it all gone. The effects of the potion hit her mate slowly, but her current wounds were starting to heal and her older wounds were becoming lighter. She smiled softly, glad it worked as she kissed her love deeply. "As you wish dalah'surfas... Let us rest in here quietly and gather our strength before we head back home." She said softly as she got up and led her mate further into the cave to where there was a turn and turned to her right so hide them from the sunlight and let them rest peacefully for now.
Once the pair were out of sight, Anya shifted so that she was sitting in Aya's lap, and draped her arms over her shoulders. "It feels...weird to be human again, and yet," she said leaning forward and kissed the Night Elf gently before snuggling close to her, "I don't mind. Though it's a bit chilly, could you warm me up baby?" she asked rubbing her cheek against her lover's suggestively.

While sex with her was impressive while she was in Worgen form, she had a totally different side of her while she was human. After all she could better service Aya in her human form and she could partake of Aya's mouth eating her out in her human form as being eaten out while hairy was something that she wasn't comfortable with Aya doing to her.
Aya was glad to be free and safely with her mate. Anya had shifted to where she was sitting on Aya's lap and draped her arms over her shoulders. "I know dalah'surfas..." She replied as she kissed her lover back and pulled her more onto her lap as Anya snuggled up close to her. She giggled softly and nodded at her mates request. "Have I ever denied you anything you ever asked of me Anya?" She asked as she let her hand wonder over to her mates soft breasts and began massaging them gently before taking her nipple in between her fingers. "You know I'll always do whatever I can in my power to help you. I love you Anya and we were meant to be together, not even this curse of yours could separate us." She said softly as she pulled her mate into a deep passionate kiss. She loved the sex they had, but when Anya was back in her human form her mate would allow her to fully have her way with her. It was nice to eat her out, her juices always tasted lovely to her and she knew her mate felt the same about her when she was in her human form.
Anya purred gently when Aya massaged her breasts through her leathers and reached in to tweak her nipples. She loved the way that she felt in her Worgen form, but her human form had its perks too, like not having all that fur to keep her from feeling fingers on skin, and feeling the warm cool from working up a sweat with Aya to name a few. The kiss was totally different from kissing lips with a muzzle, and she leaned in and deepened it slowly, running her tongue along the fronts of Aya's teeth, and ghosting the tip over her back teeth gently and groped one of Aya's breasts and slid a hand down Aya's stomach gently, almost teasingly.
It felt so good to be doing this without the chains to hold her back and the fear of what could have happened. She knew her mate wouldn't have stood for it if the Tauren had had his way, but thankfully Anya came and saved her. "Nnnn..." She moaned as her mate slowly deepened their kiss and closed her eyes for a moment as she let her tongue dance with Anya's. She could feel Anya's tongue running against her teeth before reaching the tip of her back teeth gently and groping Aya's breasts as she slid a hand down her stomach gently, as if to tease her. She pulled back from the kiss gently and smiled softly to her mate. "We're safe here and no one knows where here. So I don't think we'll be needing our armor right now..." She said as she started to remove Anya's armor, knowing Anya would strip her next, it was habit for them after all.
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