monster hunter tri (closed rp)

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as snow fought, she was grabbed by a wing and thrown to the ground by what looked like a swordsman, unlike the bandits. "stay still... and you will be spared. " snow knew instantly who it was... those deep hazel eyes... she knew him... "!" narvari nodded "yes snow. its me. but we are on different sides..." his sword was at her neck. before the attack on the village, navari and snow were the best of friends. they always played together, and even trained together, but after the attack, he had vanished. tears began to fill snows eyes before she said "then kill me." navari was calm, no emotion showed "what did you say?" he asked, "KILL ME!" snow yelled, sobbing "if i have to be killed, i want to be killed by you, not used as a pet for the bandits! and navari..." she closed her eyes, then opened them, smiling at him "you were always my friend, never.. forget that. " navari was still for a moment, then pulled his blade away from her neck, "i will not kill you. i will not kill one so noble. on the other hand, " he took a fighting stance at the surounding bandits "the bandits... arent as noble. rise up snow... as the proud warrior that you are. " snow stood up, and grabbed her blade. then smirked "still the same old navari i know." the two were back to back, and began to fight off the bandits around them... together.
Marta was fighting the saw Snow with a man. She ran to defend her then heard what they said. She was shocked at what she heard then after it was all over she smiled then continued to fight.
when the fighting was over, the bandits were dead. snow turned to navari and said " thank you my friend." he nodded and replied "thank you as well... but i must leave." snow was confused when navari continued "i was a bandit for a long time. now... i think its time i forged my own path in life." snow was sad but nodded and said "okay... at least let us give you some supplies." navari nodded. once he had some food, water, and other supplies he began to leave, then stopped and said "snow. never give up. you will need the strength of a dragon, and the courage of a wolf, to complete your task." he then continued to walk away. snow watched him leave until he was nothing more than a speck on the horizon.
snow sighed and said " he is a good man. he just took a wrong turn in his life. " she turned to marta and said "lets go help the wounded, " she left martas grip, and went to help the others, seeming depressed. something was wrong, but snow didnt know what.
as night began to fall. snow sneaked away, and flew up to the top branches of a tall oak tree. she simply sat in the tree and watched the moon rise.she felt strange still. she wondered... what if, she was scared? she knew she ha to seal the serpent away with the matti katti... then it hit her, her friends and her lover marta. she didnt want them to get hurt or killed by the serpent... she knew what she had to do, she took into the sky, drew the matti katti and flew off in the direction of the large lake... where the serpent was.
Marta was asleep until she no longer felt Snow beside her. She woke up and saw her on the tree then flew off in the direction of the lake. "She wouldn't" she said then went back in and grabbed her weapon and followed Snow. She met her at camp near the lake. "Y-You said we will always fight...together" she said, huffing and puffing from running.
snow sighed and said "i cant let you join me in this battle... its mine and mine alone. " another voice said "dont be so sure!" ammy and waka appeared jumping down from a tree. "we are in this together. weither or not you want us to." ammy was in her human form and said "you wont be able to do it alone. we are all going to help... either we all live. or we all die." the two put their hands on eachothers, and the marta did the same. snow looked at them... and saw the fire of determination in their eyes. she chuckled and said with tears of joy in her eyes "thanks... all of you" she put her hand in the middle with the other three. "lets go and seal up that serpent!, okay. waka, i need you to use your flute to play a melody that will lure the serpent, ammy. i want you to try and distract the serpent. marta, your with me, ill carry you into the air, and we will both stab the serpent in the head with out blades, hopfully we will be able to perice its scales and seal it away."
waka pulled out his flute and said "get ready everyone... this is it." he began to play his flute, a lureing melody. and soon enough, there were ripples in the water. small at first, but getting larger until the serpent broke through the waters surface. leting out a loud roar. waka jumped out of the way, and ammy went in for her part. she was in her wolf form, and dodged bites from the serpent, snow was carrying marta in the air, and said "here we go!!" she threw marta at the serpent and followed her down, having the matti katti at the ready... it was suddenly going slow. the serpent, everything seemed to freeze for a moment, then in a split second, snow had her sword in the serpents head. thrusted in all the way to the hilt. the serpent began to glow, until it was just a large ball of light. snow and marta fell off. along with their swords in hand, and the ball went underwater and into the cave... where the rock was sealed up again... the job... was finally done.
snow dropped the matti katti and it stuck in the ground, before she began to plummet down at the lake, it seemed like the sealing had knocked her out cold, but suddenly she heard a voice... her mothers voice... it said "dearest snow... you are my child... my pride and joy... never throw your life away. now wake up" snows eyes jolted open right when she hit the water, and resurfaced. she looked up, and saw her mothers spirit waving to her as it slowly dissapeared
when snow was hugged by marta she smiled and said " we did it marta... the village is safe again, " she swam over to the ground with marta and said "you two did great, and so did you marta. " waka said "thanks snow, but you two did the most"ammy, still in her wolf form, nodded and let out a happy bark. "We all did it," snow said as she went to pick up her blade. "we should head back to the village and tell them the good news"
snow chuckled and said yah, i think we all could " ammys tail was wagging as she heard of the hot spring and shifted to her human form "i want to take a soak too!" waka said, "yah, that sounds good, havent had a good dip in a hotspring for years!" as they walked back, they began to see a crowd of people gathering at the entrance. one of them who saw the four yelled "There they are!!! the heros!!!" the crowd began to cheer as they passed through the crowd. the group made it inside the hotspring house and the owner said "ahh.. dont worry about the crowd. they wont come in here. " snow smiled and said "thanks... we all need a good dip." the owner said "follow me please, i have the original hotspring in the back, and trust me.. it feels better than the others."
Marta smiled and waved to the crowd as they walked. "Sounds good" she said the owner and headed into the back. Waka had to go to the male hot spring and the three girls headed to the females hotspring. After changing out of their armor they headed into the water. "ahhhhhh~" Marta said as she sat down.
snow slid into the water after taking off her armor, but then noticed that ammy wasnt changing, "something wrong ammy?" ammy blushed and said "i...i never bathed...with other women..." snow giggled and said "dont worry, we are all women here, so dont be so shy. " ammy blush faded a little and said "o..okay " she took off her dress and got into the water. "ohh...~ it feels good in here." her blush faded as she began to relax. snow looked at her and said "hey ammy? how close are you to waka? because he was wounded when he brought you here, but he didnt care about his wounds... he wanted to make sure you were taken care of first..." ammy was surprised "he..he did?"
ammy was surprised. "he...he did?" she never thought waka would act like that. she smiled and said "i... i would do the same, he saved me... i dont know how to repay him for putting me first..." snow chuckled and said " well, just repay him how you think you should ammy" ammy nodded. " i will...
ammy was silent for a moment, before getting out of the hotspring and ran out, heading to the male side before bursting into the room where waka was "ammy?" waka said extremely surprised that ammy entered. before he could say anymore ammy kissed waka deeply, "i heard the story.... that you wanted me to be taken care of before your wounds... waka... i love you!!" waka smiled and kissed her back "i love you too... you were always there for me..."
(wanna skip to when they get back to the house?))
as the sun began to set and the stars began to shine, there was a voice "hey you two." snow looked up and saw alistar. "oh, hello alistar. how are your wounds?" alistar said "ill be okay, anyways, i have a bit of bad news... now that your task is comeplete, there is no more reason for you to stay. i talked to waka and ammy, they said they would protect the village. but until you are ready to leave. you are welcome to stay here..." he sighed and said "we do appreciate what you have done... but this is the elders decision. " snow chuckled and said "dont worry, its been great, but i knew marta and i would have to leave eventualy. "
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