monster hunter tri (closed rp)

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"Alright" Marta and the felynes followed close behind, gathering herbs, mushrooms and other things along the way. She cleared away the roots as best she could then saw the sword in the clearing. She walked up to it and felt an sudden urge to reach for it, grabbing the handle.
when marta would grab the handle, the hawk spirit appeared "its good to see you again my old student... and i see you have taken the task of training another... that is good. i trust you havent forgotten my name?" snow heard a voice, but looked around and saw no one else in the clearing except for marta, herself, and their two felynes.
Matra was shocked at the sight of her old mentor. She was so overwelmed with emotion that she began to tear up. she fell to her knees "I'm so sorry. It was all my fault. Please forgive me master." she pleaded.
martas old master said "do not blame yourself... it was my fault for letting you try to take on that monster by yourself... rise. rise as the proud hunter that you are. i didnt make you into a hunter to grieve this long. i do not blame you at all... but i should tell you what is here. this is the sword known as gildarmore, or as many people know it, the heaven cleaver. i want you to take this sword. use it as my final request... and marta... i never blamed you for my death, i blamed myself..."
Marta stands, tears streaming down her face at the sight the spirit of her master. She nodded at her words then took the sword in her hands and with one pull she frees the sword and could feel the power surging through her. "Thank you master. I will make you proud"
she smiled and said "i know you will... i must leave. my task on this earth has been completed. i shall be watching you from the afterlife. and your partner... goodbye marta." the spirit began to vanish until it faded away. as marta stood there snow walked to her, after hearing the silence and gently put a hand on her shoulder. "you will do the best you can... and from what i heard, your master is kind and caring... lets head back to the village." she had a soft smile on her face. but a voice said "think again pretty ladies." soon enough, they were surrounded by bandits. "hand over your valuables, and maybe we will spare you and let you become our pets." snow drew the matti katti and said "heh, we can handle a band of ruffians like you with our eyes closed. right marta?"
as they fought, snow moved with ease, dodging attacks left and right. out of the corner of her eye though, she saw an archer with an arrow ready to be fired aimed at... "marta! watch out!" she yelled as snow pushed her out of the way, and got hit by the arrow in her side. it hurt like heck, but she pulled it out, and charged at the archer, slicing his head off. when the rest of the bandits fled, snow was panting slightly, the pain in her side was more than she thought.
((sorry for the wait... was watching youtube videos ^_^;;; ))
Marta was too slow to respond. "Dammit" she said then ran to Snow and looked at her wound. Their felynes rushed over and started tending to Snow's wounds "I'm sorry. I should have been quicker" she said, getting angry at herself.

(lol its ok)
snow flinched a few times while the felynes tended to her wound, but chuckled weakly and said "thats... your fault marta... you are... always blaming yourself when its not your fault. " soon running could be heard, and alistar came into view, "there you two are, thank goodness. " he put away his great sword onto his back and said "its good to see you got away with such a simple wound, these woods are known to be bandit territory. " snow chuckled and replied "heh, i got this wound because i was careless. but thats all. other than that, we are all okay. the bandits did attack us, but we sent them packing. right marta?" snow said with a smile.
Marta just nodded "I promise to be a better fighter" she pledged then saw Alistar. "Yeah they were weaklings" she said, forcing a smile. With the help of Alistar they carried Snow back to the village.
snow was laid down in her bed as alistar said "escaping with just an arrow wound... thats alot more than most people can say after going against a group of those bandits. " snow laughed and said "well, we were just the better trained, and we werent about to be beaten by that rabble. " alistar let out a laugh and said "good point, well. i got to go and take care of a couple of things, ill see you two later. " alistar left the house and snow turned to marta, "listen, its not your fault you didnt see the archer, i just have better trained eyes, all hawks do. you just need to focus on your surroundings, listen to the world around you, even in combat... it takes time, even for me, but it can be done." soon a voice outside the door said "marta? snow? its me the farmhead, i got something for both of you. " he walked in carrying a sky blue flower with matching stem and leafs, and a golden petal flower. "these are rare flowers, we already took out the seeds to grow more, so we want to give these two to you."
the farmhead smiled and said "its just a gift of friendship." he handed the sky blue one to snow, and the golden one to marta. "well, i better get back to the farm, cant leave that felyen unatended too long." he then rushed out. snow had already taken off her mythril armor so they could better treat her wound, it was on a small table near the beds. she sighed as she set the flower next to it and asked marta " marta? what do you think of me? " it seemed to be a question from nowhere, but they had been together as partners for years now, since snow first started hunting. sure it just seemed like they were partners, but she felt there was something more... she just didnt know how to say it.
"well... uh... i am not sure how to say this..." her cheeks turned a deep red, very visable through her white fur. "i think... that... i might... be.." snow stopped there, took a deep breath and said quietly "falling.. in love with you..." she then closed her eyes. waiting for a reaction from marta... she wasnt sure what marta would do.
Marta sat back down next to Snow as she spoke. Her eyes widened at her confession "Oh......ummmm....." she was surprised, however. " be honest....I...feel the same way" she said then placed her hand on Snow's. Marta's felyne took Neko's hand and led her out. She knew they wanted to be alone.
snow was surprised at martas responce, but smiled, and pulled marta down ontop of her and gave her a deep kiss. "im glad... so, very glad..." she said when the kiss was broken. would... you like to-" she was interupted by another kiss. this one was passonate and seemed to answer what snow was going to ask.
snow kept kissing marta as her hands moved under her top and to her breasts. she didnt feel a bra, but that made it easier. she began to kneed her breasts and gently play with her nipples. she broke the kiss for air and said "your breasts are so soft, would you like to see mine?" she pulled her hands away, and slid off her top. revealing her large breasts, with her pink nipples being the only other color.
Marta let out a muffled moan as they kissed then smiled after they broke away "I'd love to" she said then watched as Snow slipped her top off. "Your breasts are beautiful" she said them leaned down and buried her head in Snow's breasts, kissing all over her cheast and breasts.
snow began to moan softly and said "Te..tease!" she grabbed martas shirt and pulled it off, before pushing her head up and returning the favor, but this time gently sucking on her nipples, giving them a playful nip from time to time. she then pulled away and said "wh..why dont we... give each...other what we really want? what do you say?" she smiled slyly. her eyes filled with need from marta.
Marta chuckled then lets Snow do as she pleases, letting out another moan. She smiled down, loving how Snow was being so shy. She then leaned down and kissed Snow again the kisses and lightly bit along her neck and down to her chest then her stomach, lightly kissing around there and licking around her belly button.
snow let out soft chirps, that would be considered moans, she couldnt take anymore, she slid off her pants, showing she was going comando, and turned marta around so she was facing snows pussy. snow pulled down martas pants and panties and began to lick at her, her tongue hungerly darting into her pussy, moving it around, before she started to lick at her clit. "mmm... you taste... so good marta..." snow moaned out.
Marta chuckled at the chirps Snow was making and lets her turn her around then lets out a moan as she was licked and probed then leaned down and licked away at Snow's pussy, sliding her tongue alone her clit then darts it in and out of her hole. "You taste great too" she said then went back to licking.

(maybe marta can be a surprise futa? like it comes out after a few minutes of excitement)
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