monster hunter tri (closed rp)

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snow chuckled and said "thanks, he was good, but i was better." she smiled and gave marta a quick kiss on the lips. "that was for last night and this..." she pulled marta close and gave her a slight nip on her neck that caused a lovebite. "is for many more nights of fun, and love." snow smiled and walked back to their house, still feeling tired.
snow was about to answer as they entered their house, when a man yelled "anyone.. please help! please!!" snow ran back out, and saw a man, wounded with cuts all over his black shirt, and holding a white wolf with red markings. the wolf was bleeding badly. snow hurried over and asked "what happened?" the man said "we are travelers, but my partner here, got injured fighting off bandits. her" snow nodded. "ill do the best i can. " she pulled some herbs out of a pouch around her waist, along with a roll of linnen bandages. and some healing salve. she first ground the herbs into dust and sprinkled it around the wolves wounds, then she applied medical salve to the wounds, before wrapping them the best she could with the bandages. "there... she should be fine now. come, you can rest at me and my partners house. you look like you have seen better days" the man still held the wolf and walked with snow back to the house. he sat down on the bed and gently stroked behind the wolves ears. "she is all i have now... the only family i have." the man said quietly, a tear falling from his eye.
the man was silent, still stroking the wolves ears. more tears began to fall as time passed and the wolf didnt wake up. suddenly there was a slight twitch from the wolf, before she opened up her eyes, and looked up at the man, giving him a soft lick on the cheek. "oh ammy! your okay!!" he hugged the wolf tightly, being careful of her wounds. the wolf seemed to try and hug back, placing its paws on the mans shoulders. "im sorry... i should of introduced myself. my name is waka, and this is ammy." the wolf let out a soft bark,and laid back down in wakas lap. "i cant thank you enough, this wolf is the only family i have... if she were to die then... i dont think i could go on..." snow smiled and said "well dont worry, she just needs some rest now. lets take care of your wounds now. we dont want them to get infected."
waka nodded, "its nice to meet you both as well... but i dont believe i know your names." snow said "im sorry, my name is snow, and this is marta. its a pleasure. now then, ammy will have to lay down on the bed to rest while we take care of your wounds. marta, care to give me a hand?" waka took off his shirt, "my wounds are small, and are all on my uper body. i thank you for helping us. if there is anything we can do to help you, we will, we have a law from my home town, to help anyone who helps us, even if it costs us our life."
((same here, i was playing it before i got on lol^_^ its so much fun ^_^ i prefer to use a rosary with glaive combo... totaly owns those newb monsters lol))
"no, i have to. if i dont, i would be betraying my entire village, and... my parents..." he sighed... "my parents were great warriors and tao masters. able to walk on water with ease. and able to control their blades as if they were one with their bodies... they always.. looked out... for me." he started to tear up. "i promise...promised them that i would help others when i was an adult. but then... the raid." he stopped there, holding back tears "i was 10... when it happened. they slaughtered everyone... i escaped... with my sword, my flute, and my memories. " he started to cry, "i cant take it... i failed them... i should of fought!!!!" snow said "dont worry... after we are done here. we could return to your village, we could make it a triving village again!" ammy sat up and shook her head. waka saw this and said "i dont want to return, it is a vow i made. i would not return, until i had fufilled my role, to help others in the world until my dying day."
"make your own story in your life, for in this world. you are the soul author of it.... my father told me that... " she had never even mentioned her parents except in a small journal that she kept. it was time she told them "i was 10 also when my parents died. they were killed by a group of raptors that attacked... but a lone man saved me. he seemed to cut right through the very air. sending out shockwaves that sliced right through the raptors. i never got his name because he took off before i asked. though i do remember one thing about him... he had a wolf, much like ammy, by his side. but there were flowing glows of pure energy off its fur, they seemed to be so majestic. i just wish i could of thanked him." waka thought for a moment, then said "snow. this man, did he have a blade that seemed to be glowing green?" snow was confused at the question but said "yes... he did, why do you ask?" waka eyes lit up "that was my father! and the wolf was the father of ammy here! the wolfs name was okami. meaning savior in our village" snow was surprised. "if that was your father... then i guess i owe you one waka, now, you and ammy get some rest. you can too if you want marta. i need to go out and hunt, gather, and collect some things for the village. just simple things like herbs, mushrooms, and some animal meat and hide."
waka nodded "yah we will be okay. just be careful you two" snow nodded and said "we will, get some rest you two!" as snow and marta made their way out of the village, it was strangely quiet. not even the blacksmiths hammer could be heard. but there was a sound. the sound of wings flapping, snow turned around... and her hand instantly went to her blade. there was a dragon coming... a fire breathing real dragon. snow wanted to run... but she didnt. snow drew the matti katti and said "marta... get inside... there is one thing i never told you... the raptors were led by a dragon... this exact one... its my turn to face it. GO NOW!!!" she yelled. she wanted to fight this one on her own. and she would be the victor... she will be the victor, or go and see her parents in the afterlife.
Marta looked around uneasy then saw the dragon and was about to being her weapon out then looked aw snow. "But...." she said but was cut off by snow then was about argue until the dragon shot a fire ball their way. Marta shoved Snow out of the way then was thrown from a cliff. luckily it wasn't too high and Marta landed in water.
((oooh, i just had an idea. im going to take something from final fantasy advent children, the scene with cloud and neo bahamut.))
snow yelled "MARTA!!" she didnt know that marta landed in water, and turned to the dragon, tears in her eyes "I am going to kill you... you damned dragon!" she took off and flew right at the dragon, which shot out another fireball, but snow didnt try to dodge it. in a second before snow hit it, everything stopped but snow, and she saw her family... even her little brother. they all said "we will help you snow." when things turned back to normal, the fireball vanished, and snow flew faster than ever right at the dragon the vilagers had come out of their homes, even waka and ammy. and the town elder as well. "time to see if the practice has paid off" snow thought "slice of the seven!" six more images of snow appeared, and they all went through the dragon, leaving large wounds, before the real snow yelled "THIS IS FOR MY FAMILY!!!" she did a spin, and sliced the dragon clean in half. the dragon then fell into the water, dead. snow then turned back and saw the villager cheering for her. but she just flew right past them and down the cliff. she then saw the ripples in the water, and marta getting out. "oh thank god!" she flew down, dropped the matti catti and ran over to her. "marta... dont ever scare me like that again!" she said, tears in her eyes as she hugged marta tightly
Marta was floating in the water out cold. Images of Snow went through her head. Images of them meeting, going out on various missions and them sharing that beautiful night together just a short time ago. Her eyes opened and she swam franticly to the surface. She crawled to shore then saw snow fly down then hugged her back "I should say the same to you" she said, out of breath.
"marta..." snow whispered, still crying a little "next time... we will do it together, any fight... we are a team and revenge made me forget that. from now on, we will never tell the other to run... okay? " she looked marta in the face, and managed to smile through the tears. "ill fly us back up" she grabbed the matti catti and began to fly with marta in her arms, before landing on the ground, near the village. there was a crowd gathering and cheering snows name, but snow was silent as she walked through the crowd. snow entered the house, and left the crowd behind, waka and ammy looked at her, before ammy, now feeling strong enough. jumped off the bed and sat at her feet. "i dont know..." she whispered to herself as she gently stroked ammys head. waka asked "dont know what?" snow sighed and said "dont know what to do. i mean... marta could of died from that fireball. died! and i was being selfish by wanting to take on the dragon for revenge. the same thing that happened to martas teacher, almost happened to mine! i just... feel... i dont know what to feel anymore. " tears started to fall again from snows eyes. her happy go lucky self felt like it had left her.
Marta smiled then hugged Snow back and lets her take her back up to the village. She got treated for her wounds then over heard what Snow had said then walked up from behind her and hugged her. "Don't blame yourself Snow" she said "You told that to me when I was blaming myself about my teacher."
when snow heard marta, she smiled slightly, and said "thanks marta... your... right. " she placed a hand on martas and sighed softly. " i will never leave you alone marta." she then noticed a small glow, and saw that ammy was glowing! as she was glowing she also began to look like a human. when it stopped, a female with white hair, red eyes, and a white dress with red markings on it was standing in place of the wolf. " sorry if i surprised you" the female said. waka added "i guess i forgot to tell you, ammy here is both a wolf, and a human. she can change forms, " snow smiled and said "well, i never would of guessed! " ammy chuckled and said "keep it a secret though, dont want the whole village to know."
snow smiled and a tear fell from her eyes. "im just... happy to have friends," waka smiled and said "well, your a nice person, its normal for people like you to have friends" ammy nodded in agreement, snow chuckled and said "thanks..." she relaxed and laid on her back, a bit tired from the fight with the dragon. ((writers block T_T))
snow looked at marta, then ammy, then waka, then back to marta. she knew what had to be done, but didnt say it. she simply smiled and said "how about we go get some lunch? " suddenly the door swung open and alistar was there "marta...snow..." he was baddly wounded, but they werent fatal. he then fell to the ground, out cold. snow instantly jolted up and said "marta come on, waka, ammy. take care of alistar" ammy and waka nodded as snow flew out to see what was happening... it was horrible... houses were being burned. men and women slaughtered. it was like a replay of what happened to snow, she was gripping the matii catti in her hand before letting out a shriek, she began to glow, and when she stopped. the mantii catti was glowing silver, snows eyes had turned pure white, and her wings had grown longer. she took off into the sky in a spiral, and then came down upon the bandits like a hurricane.
Marta smiled then shot up out of bed when Alistar came in "Got cha" she said then grabbed her weapon and followed Snow out. She was shocked at the sight and drew her glowing weapon and tore though the bandits like Snow.
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