monster hunter tri (closed rp)

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(sure, not a problem with me ^_^))
"oh!~ please... keep going!" she continued to play with martas clit. but soon, she felt it shaking a little, she didnt pay any heed, and moved back to licking martas pussy, she tasted so sweet... like candy. it was so addicting to her.
Marta moaned out then continued licking Snow and felt a familiar feeling. She suddenly got up and stood by the bed, covering her privates. "Ummm....I-I need to tell you something before we continue." she said, her mood changing.
snow smiled, though panting slightly, and asked "what is it? and please hurry, i cant keep a lovely lady like you waiting. and same goes for me" she chuckled as she waited to hear what marta had to say.
Marta stayed silent then just decided to show her instead of telling her. It was growing by the second. She removed her hands and it sprung forth, her clit had grown into a 9 inch long member similar to a male's penis. "I was born this way" she explained "I was never able to be with anyone until now. I was too worried I'd scare my lover away" she said, still scared she would frighten Snow.
Snow simply smiled, and said "wow... its... so big..." she chuckled and pulled marta back down and got her into a sitting position, before gently swirling her tongue around the head of martas new member. "mmm..." she moaned before pulled off and said "you taste... so good..." she then, right there, took almost half of martas member into her mouth, moaning and sending the vibrations through it, before she began to move up and down.
snow smiled after she pulled away, laid back in the bed, spread her legs and said "come get me big girl... i know you want to fuck me... so go right ahead. " she smiled and teased her by using two fingers to spread her pussy lips apart then let go over and over again until marta started to fuck her.
snow let out a quick, but loud chirp and said "o..oooohhhh! so big... it feels so good!" she soon after said "go all the way... i want to feel all of it in me, please!" while snow was having her first time with another, she couldnt of asked for anyone else. no one but marta would she let touch her.
"I will do as you wish" Marta said then pushed her member fully inside snow, moaning out. She was honored to get this close to her. She loved her dearly and wanted her to feel great. She started caressing her breasts as she thrusts inside Snow then leaned down for a long kiss.
snow continued to moan, the feeling of marta being inside her... snow felt like she was in heaven and felt pure bliss when she was all the way inside her. she moaned into the kiss, wanting nothing but to stay with marta forever. she felt it coming... the pressure in her lower stomach, the wild lust, she was close "oh... so gooood... i cant.. hold back much longer!!"
Marta was panting and clenched the sheets as she felt it build up. "D-Don't hold back......let it go" she said then moaned out loud as she tired to hold back so Snow could have an orgasm.
snow let out a loud moan and came all over martas cock. she was panting when it finished, but knew that marta still needed release so she moved her hands up and began to play with martas breasts, wanting to push her over the edge,
Marta heard Snow's moan then suddenly pulled out. She had yet to explain everything about her so she did want to release inside her. Soon after she pulled out her seed sprayed all over Snow. Marta panted as she looked on Snow's eyes and kissed her passionately.
snow panted slightly, and caught some of martas seed in her mouth "mmm... you taste so good. but lets head to the hotspring... i need to wash off... thought your cum tastes good." she stood up and pulled out a cloak from a chest and placed it over herself, "ill carry you if you cant walk marta" she said with a smile.
Marta chuckled then laid there for a few moments then soon got up. She was back to normal. "No I'm fine" she smiled then grabbed a cloak for herself and led Snow out. The two felynes where riding the pig that Marta named Poogie(that's it's nameXD. and also you can have your cat ride the pig in portable third) She chuckled at the sight then headed for the hot spring. it was late so no one was around.
as they bathed, snow sighed for a quick second and then said "well, since you revealed your past to me i should tell you mine. the reason i became a hunter, is because of my father. he was a proud and great hunter. but he was betrayed by his so called 'friends' they killed him and took his sword. it was called 'the shining blade' it was a one of a kind. forged by his own hands. and had a piece of a rune stone in it, which made it unbreakable. i swore to become a hunter to find those people, and bring them to justice... but i never found them...yet i will not give up." a tear fell from her eyes, which had a flame in them "enough talk of the past though. let us just relax. " their felynes, smiled and jumped up and down, as if they wanted to help their masters.
Marta looked at Snow and listened as they changed for the hot spring. She then went over and hugged her as they stood there nude. I'm sorry to hear that. I will be there for you and help you find them" she said then gave snow a kiss. She chuckled at the sight of their felynes. She then led them to the warm waters of the hot spring.
when the two finished relaxing snow said "thanks marta. but... lets go get some sleep. its almost midnight." she got out of the hotspring, got dressed and waited for marta. her mind drifted to the day of her fathers funeral she was 11, and she had placed her wooden sword that her father made with her, ontop of his coffin. she cried her eyes out.
"Alright" Marta said as she led Snow out, taking her hand as they walked back. Back in the house she undressed then went into bed, leaving room for Snow. The felynes got in their own beds and Poogie slept next to them.
snow fell asleep as soon as she hit the bed. she was exaused. but as she dreamed, she saw her fathers funeral. she was tossing and turning in her bed. "dad... no... dont, leave me" she mumbled in her sleep. "dad...please... " tears were streaming down her face even though she was asleep
when snow felt the kiss and felt marta hold her closer she calmed down, and the tears slowly stopped. "ma....marta... thank you... i will.. make you proud... " she soon was sleeping peacefully,
-the next dawn.-
snow woke up at dawn the next day. and was close to marta. she smiled and slowly made her way out of her grasp to go and train, but when she had her armor and sword ready and was outside, she saw the elder looking at the sunrise. "i take it your the village elder?" snow asked. the elder stood up and held a cane, "ah... you must be... snow if i am right. my son told me about you and marta..." he turned back to the sunrise "its beautiful isnt it...? the sunrise always hearleds a new day. its also calming." snow smiled and said "thats amazing, i never thought of it like that." the elder chuckled and said "heh, would you like to train with me?" snow was amazed, "but you dont have a sword..." the elder laughed and pulled from his cane a silver sword. "dont doubt me, i have many years of training." snow drew the matti katti and took a fighting stance. "let us begin!" the two clashed,
Marta smiled then felt alseep, holding Snow close. In the morning she groaned as she no longer felt the warmth of her lover by her side then just hugged the pillow as she slept for a short while more before waking up herself. She headed to the farm to check on some crops and their felynes who were hard at work. After that she went to look for snow. She was told she was with the elder and she went to go see for herself. She saw them sparing and just sat back and watched.
as they were sparing, snow was able to knock the elders sword out of his hand, but the elder surprised her with his speed, they both flew at it, and the elder reached it first. they clashed in the air but snow was able to grab the elders sword, and pushed him to the ground. before backfliping when the elder hit the ground, the elder stood up easily and said "bravo! that was one of the best fights iv had in years! i have never been defeated before. " snow bowed as well as the elder and said "thank you, i had alot of fun in our battle" she handed the elder back his sword, which he put back into his cane. "well, if you will excuse me. i am going to need to go to sleep. im tired " he walked off to his house.
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