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The Alpha and Omega: Spira's true history [with Ishu]

If Axle heard her which was more than likely, he simply didn't respond with anything more than a raised brow. Glancing back toward Ishu he idly wondered how long she would think they could avoid conflict before her; by the end of it, she would be leading this war against Omega. "Let us continue then..."

Legiaus blinked, and even he was a little off set by his friend's response. Although he shrugged it off more and simply nodded.

Xion, however, didn't like the frightened appearance of Ishu and offered her a protective embrace. "Don't be won't have to see things like this again...I promise. I'll take care of you, and...they're not bad...just difficult. Trust me?" The tone was soft, gentle, and warming...and he meant it. Whether Axle saw the point in it, at least until Ishu was in a state of mind to be a fighter...he would not let them engage in combat before her.
Ishu was weary about the whole situation, but Xions words calmed her. She held onto his hand tighter and didn't start walking until he did.

Aimee decided to keep her weapon out, just in case, and walked alongside Legaius, "Zned'm iedurk nul?" Her tone was quick but pouty. She forgot Legaius could not understand her until after a few moments of silence, "Oh, right. Well..." She decided to drop it and glanced over her shoulder at Xion and Ishu, then to Legaius, "I am going to take the flank, just in case." She fell back behind the formation, smiling and waving at Ishu as she and Xion passed her up. Aimee glanced behind herself before continuing behind their summoner and Alpha.

Besaid Description: The civilians live about 1/3 a mile away from the temple, the distance between them being completely leveled and filled with crops. The temple itself is missing half of its walls and ceiling, as if cut diagonally from the middle of one wall and to the top of the other. For safety reasons, no one uses the temple anymore. The door to the labyrinth is accessible from the inside of the temple. The town is much bigger than in FFX, somewhere from 30-50 huts knit closely together. The people still know all of their neighbors and they celebrate festivities together often. They are still considered a very small town, probably the smallest.

As they neared the town, Aimee caught up with the whole group and chimed, "Now, I forgot to mention this before but it is possible the Fayth is no longer where it was 100 years ago. This is the case with all of the Fayth Stones. We just need to try our best. Also, we should ask permission to enter the temple."
As they walked Xion would take Ishu's hand in an attempt to add another level of comfort for the girl. He could understand her unease...the world was so new to her, so beautiful, and that...was so quickly ruined by reality. When they arrived at Besaid he listend to Aimee's wisdom and agreed that would be the best course of action. "Then we should speak to the village Elder...would you like to handle the conversation Aimee, or should I attempt to?"

Legiaus and Axle simply listened. Right now they weren't concerned with the diplomatic aspects of the mission; they were more worried about the change in location for the Fayth. While it would make sense, it also meant there would be unforseened dangers in this trial for their young summoner.
"Well, it would be a good idea if you came with me. I will do most of the talking but they should meet the person that will be entering their temple, alright?" She led them into the village, smiling at the natives even if they did not smile back. She managed to find the hut that belonged to the Elder of the village and walked in, making sure to announce herself rightly but modestly before attempting to start making any requests.

Ishu stopped outside the hut and looked around. She became more interested in the scenery than the people. She let go of Xions hand and ran over to some tall grass. She gasped when it surrounded her after she got into it and she beamed over at Xion. The grass came up to her shoulders, easily.

"Excuse me, sir, (insert name here?), our apologies for showing up without warning, but we have a serious request from you. It is a vital concern of the Contemporary Faction and I was hoping we would not have an issue with this request." She paused and waited for the others to come into the hut before continuing, "Our companion here, Xion... has been activated as the new summoner," She put her hands up, "I know this may come as a bit of a shock but it is true, I assure you. But, we were hoping to have access to the temple and the trials to the Fayth inside. We are willing to be supervised if it would bring ease to you and your people."
Legiaus made his way to the local tavern for a small drink while Xion and Aimee handled their business. No more than five minutes in he was all ready flirting with everything that had a skirt, and suprisingly enough seemed to be very popular...much to the displeasure of the male populace.

Axle decided to keep an eye on Ishu, despite the fact that she seemed content on having Xion watch her new discoveriers. I wonder...just what exactly is awaiting those two when they meet the fayth...?

Elder Samdu listened to the words of the Al Bhed woman who seemed to speek on the behalf of the Contemporary Faction; however, it was the mention of the new summoner that surprised him the most. He was wisened by age, living to see almost seventy summers, and to have someone that would be called a summoner in this day and age? " not mind you looking through the temple...but I doubt you'll find anything of interest. However, I ...can't quite believe this young man could be a summoner...tell me boy what is your name?"

Internally he sighed, but on the surface he wore a calm expression. Doubt would be the first thing he had to learn to defeat when others learned of his station, and this was the first attempt. "Xion, good sir. And I understand it may be difficult to believe, but after a series of events my bloodline has awoken to the presence of the Fayth...surely you must have felt the energies around the temple...the atmosphere around it change in the last day or so?" He paused. The look on the elder's face confirmed his theory. "Please sir, we are at the start of this pilgrimage and I am just as you can imagine...but if this works, when it works, Besaid will have made the first step in helping clear a threat to our world."

Elder Samdu seemed to consider the young man's words, searching his eyes for any hint of dishonesty. After a long pause he assented to their request. "Very well, but please do leave us in peace...."
Aimee smiled, impressed with Xion's words and his act of diplomacy, "Thank you, Elder." She gave him a polite bow before adding in, "If any unfortunate trouble falls upon your village, as Ambassador of the Contemporary Faction, I will make sure all of your needs will be met. Even now, if you are having some kind of trouble, let me know. We do care about your people and their well-being."

Ishu ran through the tall grass, still noticeable by her long braid of pure white hair whipping in the air. Little animals scurried and scuttled around her, coming to and fro, back and forth to her her presence and eventually disappearing after she ran out of the grass. She blinked and looked around her, now somewhere in the village. It wasn't too big, but she could still get lost if she didn't pay attention to her surroundings.

She did notice a lot of brightly colored objects hanging from greens ferns infront of her- rows and rows of them. She walked over to the crops and tilted her head before reaching out and touching some fruit. She jerked back when it twitched, but only due to her touch, and she stared at it, watching.
Axle trailed the silver hair the moment she started to wander further. He wasn't going to immediate call her back to them, but for now just watched as she explored.

Xion for his part felt relieved that he handled that somewhat decently. If the smile was any indication he had Aimee's approval for the way he handled that, making him smile slightly as he offered the elder a bow. "Thank-you, Elder Samdu, and may the Fayth place their blessings on the island of Besaid...I promise you will will act with the best interests of the people in mind." Without another word he offered a small wave and dismissed himself from the hut, "Ishu?"

The elder was a bit taken back by the sincerity he herd in the boy's voice and sighed, tilting his head slightly. "When you have finished visiting the temple, have him return here...I...might have something to offer him as a token of good faith between Besaid and the new Summoner."
Aimee nodded to the Elder, "Of course. Thank you, again." She said her good-byes to the Elder Samdu before exiting the hut. She looked around and didn't see Legaius around anywhere. "Znihi tut dned cisn ky? Ni piddih ryd pi thurgurk ed e duli cugi dnum." She made a face before looking to Xion, "We need to get Legaius and head to the temple."

Ishu had heard Xion, even from the distance, and perked up. She looked around before running back through the grass the way she came, her legs keeping a "one track" mind as they did not stop until she came back out next to the Elders hut and bumped into Xion. The girl fell onto her butt and blinked, looking up at Xion and smiling like nothing was wrong.
"He's probably flirting in the nearest tavern..." Xion blinked when he felt something bump into him, and turned to see a smiling Ishu looking up at him. A small smile crossed his lips as he helped her up and shook his head. "Were you enjoying yourself, Ishu?"

Axle seemed to simply walk away from the group, and while they were talking decided to go find and bring Legiaus to the group. In a few minutes he would be seen dragging the older man by the ear, dragging him to the steps with the others. "He was enjoying himself.."

Legiaus...was...heartbroken. He was so close to the bliss of those very beautiful women in the tavern and then, then, Axle came and dragged him outside! "So close!"
Ishu beamed at Xion and glomped him as her response.

Aimee led the two of them to the front of the temple and they waited for Axle and Legaius. As the two approached, she chimed in with a condescending tone, "Ayo zyoct nefi piddih snersim zudn yri zyler uw ayo mdybbit wcuhdurk zudn ecc yw dnil." She grunted and raised a finger, "We should start heading in. We really don't want to waste time on pehleutm and standing around." Aimee turned and led the group inside, not needing to push any doors open at the front seeing as they were destroyed.

The inside of the temple was mostly very large bits of debris scattered around. The people of Besaid were able to get rid of a lot of the smaller debris that they could pick up. They felt terrible for not being able to clean it but they were not responsible for the destruction from a war that was somewhere around 50 years ago. They probably didn't even come in here any more.

"well, it looks like the door to the trial is still intact." She pointed over at a door with almost nothing around it. "Let's just hope everything inside is alright." Or even there- but she decided not to say that.
Before he knew it he was glomped to the ground and found himself blushing slightly. Um, the experience in itself was slightly awkward but when they managed to get up he just shrugged it off. " begins our story, just like in the days of Lady Yuna..."

In a rare moment of insight, Legiaus looked at her with a slight raise of a brow. It wasn't that he mysteriously knew Al-Bhed, but he had heard that phrase time and time again. "It's not that I don't have one I just want to be with, but...I can't help who I am ya know...maybe one day I'll just devote it all to you, Aimeee." A small grin flashed her way before entering the temple with the rest of them.

The group seemed to come to the start...and hoepfully there wasn't going to be a failure. Almost immediately Xion could feel his body rise with heat, a presence calling to him from behind the Cloister of Trials. "...The''s calling me..." There was something there they just had to get to it...and that's when he took the lead, having them follow him through the door on their way to find the chamber of the fayth. For the most part it seemed...mostly intact, until they came across the mechanism that required the activation of certain glyphs to make it to the next area.
Ishu had felt the presence too and she was becoming noticeably anxious, but she didn't leave Xion's side, not yet.

Aimee did not give Legaius the pleasure of her smile and she hurried after Xion, "well, it looks like everything is alright... until now," She glanced at the glyphs. They don't seem to be working and I don't see any keys that can help us." She sighed and looked around some more, "We could keep going and look for keys around the corner but I don't think-"

Ishu saw the glyphs and stepped over on one. She could hear it, hear it crying for her. The glyph lit up and unlocked the way in front of them.

Aimee blinked and beamed, "Wow!" Discovery 1: Alpha doesn't need keys. She clasped her hands together, "Oh! This is great! U net ry utie mni zyoct pi epci dy ty dnum! Yn, dnum um ELEJURK! Dnum mnyoct legi yoh dhub losn iemuih!"

As Aimee was busy yelling, Ishu had bolted ahead of the group, running through the trial and activating or deactivating the glyphs as she went through. She wasn't paying attention to them as she unlocked all of the doors with her presence, and simply ran towards that sad sound.
Almost instinctively his body began to fun after Ishu, only to come to an abrupt halt when that feeling of fear and despair began to assault Xion's mind once more. Without missing a beat a form seemed to appear through the floor as a portal of immense darkness opened up before them to reveal Omega, those golden hues starring back at the summoner and his guardians in amusement. "I do not believe I can allow you to continue summoner...for all that Alpha hears, for all the pain she can sense coming from the Fayth it means nothing if you die here." A small smile crossed the man's lip as a fiend of drake sized proportions stood at his side, the beast resembled a tiger though etheral save for the flickering flames of its dark mane.

Axle and Legiaus immediately took stances infront of Xion. Legiaus slipping into the thrid of his eight stances, while Axle removed the dual chakram daggers and began to analyze the opponent before them. Despite the negative being's awakening, they were still to underpowered to fight him just yet...but lucky for the group he would not be their opponent. "Man, can we shut this bastard up and be done with it...if we kill him here who needs the pilgrimage right?" Two guesses as to said that. "Legiaus, think rationally...if he was an opponent who could be defeated so easily...he never would have been sealed."

Xion was worried for Ishu...but he too, could get a faint feeling of the pain the Aeon/Fayth was in. He assumed it was because of Omega, because of the deep swell of darkness the man, creature, essence radiated and for once he removed his guns from his hostlers and prepared himself. "I will defeat or later, for the sake of Spira..."

Omega chuckled to this and smiled. "You have the same eyes as your ancestor boy...the same foolish determination...but no, I'm not yet sullying my hands with your blood...they will." And suddenly the trial was filled with fiends, not overwhelming in power, but the sheer numbers would drain them eventually.
Ishu kept running, oblivious to everything around her as the cries grew louder. Her eyes widened as she fell through a hole she had not seen. Her body stumbled against the walls until she fell flat onto the ground and she groaned. She looked up and saw a Fayth door torn off of its hinges. The girl pushed herself up to her feet and hurried forward.

Aimee saw everyone bolt ahead and decided she could revel in the trial later. She hurried after them and paused when they came upon Omega- and a sudden abundance of fiends around them. "In!? Znihi tut dnia syli whyl?" She drew out the pen from earlier and activated it, the device stretching out into a spear with an arrow-like end- perfect for flaying monsters with hard hides. She kept behind Xion and turned her back to him as fiends came up behind the group, "Quyr! Mdea ur dni luttci!"

Her feet brought her inside the dark room. She looked around at the rubble and heard it, the crying. She looked in front of her, her mouth gaping as she fell to her knees. The Fayth Stone that rest in the ground had been pierced by a giant piece of rubble from the ceiling above. The representation of the Aeon had been damaged- injured. It was in so much pain.
Almost immediately they found themselves in the heat of battle. The fiends seemed to be native to the island, just taken from the surrounding area to cause them trouble. Axle found himself slipping from his current position to Xion's right, his blades cutting through the thrat of two dingos aiming to take the summoner's life. When they fell down dead he resumed his stance, and began to slide into a movement he would later refer to as the flow...a state of reflexive consciousness that reacted only to threats within his range of movement. He slid forward, almost in a vanishing fashion adjusting the movement of his feet to create a circular arc of rotating blades that would render the flesh of the moderate, ground based fiends. "I will protect Xion, you two, focus on the stronger monsters..." He couldn't damage tougher enemies the way Aimee and Legiaus could, but he could at least keep the area around Xion guarded.

Legiaus didn't need to be told twice as he sprinted forward. Fists would collied with the faces of those fiends who were aiming to cut him down, breaking bones and rendering the beastly creatures lifeless. However, it was the iron giants that he was heading too...normally physical attacks were useless against such creatures but he had Aimee to get through the armor for him. "I'll distract the big guy, you weaken his armor and I'll come through with a follw-up hit."

Xion...on the otherhand didn't need to move for his attacks. He was intensely focused on reducing the number of fiends around them, especially the aerial predators that the others couldn't reach. Twin pistols would twirl in his fingers as he slipped them in multiple directions firing a volley of bullets into his opponents before exhanging clips. Trigger Happy was definitely a useful skill.
Aimee kicked her pike around, slicing through the throat of a drake. She wound her leg around the pike and flipped it back around, stabbing it into the drakes face and forcing it to the ground. She heard Legaius call out and nodded. She twisted the pike into the drakes face, bones cracking, and threw herself up onto the wall. She ran along it and pulled the pike out of the drake, lunging herself forward. She spun her body around and tensed up as her feet landed against the Iron Giants chest.

The Al Bhed cried out, spinning the pike above her head before piercing it into the chest of the fiend she stood on. It groaned in pain and reached for her. Aimee threw herself forward, never letting go of the lance. She landed on her feet and yelled again, pulling the pike out over her head and tearing apart the armor of the fiend, large pieces of metal falling to the floor.

Ishu cried softly, clutching her arms against her torso as she saw it in pain. She felt responsible for it's pain, for it's suffering. She crawled forward, closer to it so she could see it. The physical form did not move and the light had faded long ago. She shook her head, apologizing in the dark silence. She sniffled and wiped away the tears before breaking down again, her hands falling and pressing down onto the crystal.

She cried idly still, until the room seemed to brighten. She looked up, sniffling and stared in awe as the crystal glowed with her. The girl looked around as the light enveloped them, the color in her eyes fading as the light exploded around them.

She was standing in nicely adorned clothes, on the side of a cliff. She looked at what she was wearing and looked up when a strong breeze hit her. An Aeon hovered over her, blotting out the sun.


Ishu smiled up at the figure and opened her arms. The Aeon moved closer to her and their lights combined.

The light gushed from her, rushing through the temple and destroying all of the monsters in its wake, soon pouring out and enveloping the island of Besaid..

She opened her eyes as the light faded and looked before her. The piece of ceiling that had been lodged in the Fayth Stone was gone and the Fayth Stone was restored. She smiled and stood up, looking down at Valefors form resting, no longer in pain.
Legiaus was about to go for a crushing blow to remove the Giant's existence until suddenly the light fell over the temple, over the island, and left them in an empty room. Axle seemed to be just as confused as his partner, his blade striking empty ground as merely moments ago they were nearing a fiend's heart. "Ed fuimt caas yc ev Ymbry ec du pa dryhgat vun drec cediydeuh, E ys du esykeha?"

Xion felt the warmth of the light. Whatever was going on further in the temple was a positive thing, something that would allow them to move further...and something that made the fayth happy. He could feel it...its strength, its joy, and more importantly he could feel less and less of Omega. It seemed that in the midst of that the being had fled, vanished from the light for darkness cannot stand it comfortably. "We move..." With nothing more said, he sprinted off leaving the others to chase after him until they arrived at the door of the Fayth...moving in to find Ishu, he smiled.

" heal this one's pain, Ishu?"
Ishu turned around and smiled at Xion. She nodded and looked to the stone on the floor. It glowed just as it had years ago.

Aimee nodded to the others and deactivated her weapon, putting it away in her jacket, "Ud miilm cugica. Cid'm ky ewdih nul." She jogged after Xion and activated the elevator. Once the others joined her, she maneuvered it down to the ground and stopped off. "Well, I haven't seen one of these!" She smiled at the door that led into the Fayth's room and walked up the steps, into the room behind Xion.

"Yn... dni mdyri um pieoduwoc." She had never seen the Valefor stone in person and felt privileged. "Hm... We should go, Xion."
Xion nodded. While he was unsure about what was going on, it didn't feel like the Fayth was connected to the stone any more. In the back of his consciousness he could feel Valefor's power; so he assumed that the contract had been made. "Yes...let's go. C'mon Ishu."

He would wait for her before making his exit with the others. Axle and Legiaus seemed a bit content and discomforted about the fact that there wasn't much they could do in their stations, but it was generally better than being unable to do anything because they were too weak. "Do you believe that things will proceed a smoothly as they did this time?"

Xion sighed and glanced toward Ishu, his heart telling him no. "I doubt it...but for now let's just cherish our first success."
Ishu nodded to Xion and wrapped her arms around him. Power and warmth radiated from her when they came in contact, but it was not noticeable to the eye.

Aimee nodded to the others, "Right!" ^^ She didn't want to show it, but she was exhausted. "Well, that was easy... I think we should celebrate!" She started back to the elevator with the others, "Drinks on me??" She activated it and, after everyone got onto the device, it went up and the group left the temple.
Legiaus was the first person to agree to this sentiment. "I'll take anything that's on you..."
Axle sighed, tired with the idiocy at the moment, but content with the chance to have a break. "I too will take the offer...though we'll have to find something more suitable for Xion to drink...hehe."

Xion grumbled at the two, and blushed when Ishu wrapped her arms around him. It was unexpected, but the flow of power, it felt as if he was being opened to the Aeon truly. Like he could feel Valefor's power coursing through his veins. When they arrived at the top of the elevator and hurried through the temple, they were greeted by the whole of Besaid standing out waiting for them. At first there was silence...and then there began cheering in the name of the fayth and the fact that they had welcomed their summoner. Axle smiled. Legiaus cracked a grin...and Xion...he didn't know how to feel. It...was odd...welcoming...but...saddening all at the same time.
Aimee ignored Legaius' comment and stopped after they exited the Temple. All of Besaid was there to greet them and they cried out- cheering to them. "Dnum um vomd dni pikurrurk." She smiled at the village and nudged Xion forward, urging him to say something.

Ishu was startled by the cheering but the joy and hope that radiated from the people put her at ease. She looked at Xion, as if expecting him to speak.

Aimee leaned over towards one of his other guardians, "Eqci, nyz um ni zudn bopcus mbiegurk?" She hoped the kid wouldn't shoot himself down.
Axle glanced toward Aimee and moved over to whisper in the woman's ear. He didn't want Xion to hear what he was about to say. While he was sure the answer would explain some things, it would not in itself, be enough to explain the true horrors of what that man did to create the one they called Xion. "Ed'c hud dryd ra lyhhud cbayg eh dra bipmel...ed ec suna dryd ra...ryc dnuipma yllabdehk bucedeja naehvunlasahd vnus udranc. Ra'c...paah jano dnuipmat...E drehg oui cruimt ghuf, ev oui tuh'd ymm nayto, dryd ra ec Ceuh'c cuh...yht oui ihtancdyht ruf bcolrudel dryd syh ec ymuha."

Legiaus seemed to have the same expectations of his little brother as everyone else, and gave him a small pat on the back. "C'mon kiddo...they need a beacon of hope, they don't a kid to talk to a man, be a summoner they can believe in...where's that conviction to save people now?"

Xion was taken back by Legiaus's words, but offered a small, unsure grin. This kind of attention was different; it was something that he would have never expected to receive in his life and left him with conflicting emotions. However, right now his feelings were irrelevent, the people of Besaid were looking to their Summoner for his words and he stepped to the forefront with as much of a brave face as he could muster. "People of Besaid, I am sure you must have been wondering what the outcome of this visit may have been...for those of you who do not know, my name is Xion, and I have awakened as Spira's newest summoner." He paused for people to take his words in before continuing, "and our peaceful world has awakened to days of trouble on the horizon, a new force has come to threaten the peace, the prosperity that we have spent over one-hundred years building...but along with it comes a new hope in the presence of the fayth. I promise you that my guardians and I will rise to the challenge, and will defend our home with out will be hard, lives will be lost, tears will be shed...but we must live on. We must never forget, that we have tomorrow ahead to build a world without fear, and without threat...your summoner fights for all of you!"

Immediately the crowd broke out into a strong cheer. A sea of applause greeted the nervous summoner and his guardians, and Xion coudn't wait for the celebration to begin. He...needed to escape. He needed to get away from everyone and sort some things by himself.
Aimee glanced at Axle as he spoke and nodded slowly. Well, that wouldn't be easy to overcome, for Xion's psyche anyway. But his speech went well. "Good job, Xion." She stepped forward and smiled down at him, "Maybe we can get drinks here?" She looked back at Axle and Legaius, "I don't think the people of Besaid will mind if we linger around here for a bit." She walked down from the steps of the temple and started for the bar/tavern.
Axle and Legiaus nodded and began to follow Aimee down towards the tavern for a drink. They assumed Xion would follow them, allowing the people of Besaid to get a chance to greet and celebreat with their young summoner so they didn't bother to check behind him. Xion glanced toward Ishu and smiled, pointing to Aimee as he spoke. "Stay close to Aimee, Ishu...please?"

The tone was pleading, hopeful that she would follow the Al Bhed woman so she would stay out of trouble. If she agreed, Xion would slip outside of the village and make his way to a clearing in the jungle like island around a ledge over looking the ocean. He was tired...mentally...and needed some time to adjust.
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