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The Alpha and Omega: Spira's true history [with Ishu]

That was about the answer he was expecting. Chaos was something they wouldn't be able to avoid, and at best...they could only fight against the tides. Xion...I hope you've learned enough to be strong...because we can only protect you from so much.

When Aimee re-entered the room, Axle gave her a small glance before diverting his attention back to the others. "Nothing of great note. For now she just seems to enjoy his doesn't seem that she understands anything he is saying but I suppose the connection between Alpha and her summoner gives her comfort."

Xion smiled at her innocent behavior, pressing his lips atop her forehead. She may not have understood or was even paying attention to him, but he could tell she felt secure...he didn't want to ruin that for her. "Aimee-san...tell these types of stories have happy endings?"
Aimee smiled at the scene, watching the girl known as Alpha fidgeted with the materials on Xions shirt.

Her smile faded, however, when Xion asked her a serious question. " Not always." Not in the real world. "But, we do have the upper hand. Knowledge. I have a translator working on the site. If we can find out more we can probably find something that will lead us toward some kind of weapon that can stop Omega." Personally, she was hoping for a semi-biological germ that could take out Omega. "Optimism is good but we need to be realistic." She didn't want to say any of it, but she was right. Honestly, she just wanted to live through it all.
Axle and Legiaus both looked at Aimee as she gave Xion an honest answer. A part of them were thankful that she was the one to explain things knowing the most about the situation, but a part of them ached for the realization that...even if they could win there might be a loss that no one would want.

Axle was the one who spoke first, "Aimee probably has the finest that she can spare searching for information...if it wasn't possible for Omega to be defeated there would be no need for a summoner. It may be difficult...but we can write the endings to our own story, Xion. You may take the lead, but you will always have us as a supporting cast."

Legiaus nodded, flashing a thumbs up. "Yep...we've got your back kiddo and anything that's important to important to us. We're going to make this one kick ass adventure...and one way or another, we're not letting you suffer alone. I'm sure my lovely, Aimee, would agree too...right?"

The teen listened to them with a slight smile; however, all those that were watching could tell it didn't meet his eyes. He was determined...yet he was still frightened and unsure...but when he glanced down towards Alpha that seemed to change. "There's going to be a lot of pain in the world because of me...because of my existence and the potential danger that I released...and because of that it's my responsibility to take care of that threat." A comforting hand moved through Alpha's hair, smiling down at the girl before looking back to the others.

"Even if the world hates me by the end of this...if I can have their pain united into one thing that can bring them a future...despite knowing if I can have my own, it seems worth it right? And...even if they can me...there's so much at stake I will have to go an extra mile. I want us to save Spira...first and foremost that's our objective. My feelings...don't matter in this...just what we find out to be best for everyone."

Axle...and Legiaus...were speechless. They wanted so desperately to tell their hurting brother that he didn't need to think that way, but they knew, knew inside of their souls that he was taking the more selfless route. Xion was preparing himself to take a road not traveled by...

"It seems...he's starting to understand what it means to become an adult..."
Aimee stayed quiet during the speech, feeling just as much as everyone else that aura of impending doom. Someone was going to die in this- a lot of someones even. Her watch flashed. "well, it looks like your ship is done refueling." She looked at the girl, "I am guessing you want to start your pilgrimage as soon as possible, right?" She tapped her chin, "we need to give her a name..." She nodded, "Her code is 4748 which translates to ISHU. I think it would work- it fits her code and it's simple, easy to remember- kind of cut even." She smiled at the others.

"Oh! And you canNOT refer to her as Alpha! Got it? We can't have higher ups sniffing around." Who knows what kind of testing would be done on her if someone got their hands on her.
Xion listened to the suggestive name and nodded. Ishu was a name that just seemed to fit when he looked at her current form. "Ishu...I need you to stand up for me okay?" He wasn't sure if she would respond to him or not, but he hoped so. "Axle, Legiaus, ...and even, will you be my Guardians for this journey?"

Axle's response was almost immediate. The rogue seemed to kneel infront of his little brother, both of his chakram daggers crossed before him as he starred intently at both summoner and summon. "Nakyntmacc uv fryd oui yna huf, oui femm ymfyoc pa so meddma pnudran...dra uha E vuiht dryd tyo eh Pacyet. So pmyta femm ymfyoc pa vun oui, yht ev ed sayhc palusehk ouin kiynteyh drehg hudrehk...E bnuseca du caa oui drnuikr rec zuinhao, Qeuh."

Legiaus crossed his arms over his shoulders, nodding slightly. "I don't have a fancy speech like someone...but you're family, and a friend. I won't let you go through this alone; after all, it's an eldest brother's job to look after the youngest. I'll see you through it...good or bad...what about you Cutie? Are you going to go with or support from the sides?"
Her eyes lit up and she perked, smiling. After Xion stood up, Ishu stood up as well. Her arms were wrapped around his, though her eyes wandered around the room.

"oh, wow. I am flattered- really!" ^^ Aimee beamed, delighted with the thought of traveling the world and discovering new things. "I would love to! I will have to talk with the Gullwings Organization and the Contemporary Faction- but I am sure I will have an answer for you today!" Her political position and her job with the Gullwings were both huge responsibilities and she was the only one who could do it- but being a Guardian was a once in a life time chance.

"So, go ahead and do what you want while I go chatter away in the communications center. Just keep her safe." She gave them all a stern look before walking out of the room.
Xion looked down at Ishu and gave a small nod. She was such a curious really felt like looking after a child or a younger sibling.

"So what do you want to do kid? We'll probably have to get you something spiffy...don't think a summoner should go around looking like a punk." Legiaus was being comical, but slightly serious...afterall...Xion didn't look the role people would have to see him in.

Axle however made his interjection, "Nor do people know the status of his station. For now let's allow him what freedom he can have...and I reccommend we all get some rest now. I assume that Ishu will stay with you then,Xion?"

He nodded, a yawn parting from his lips. "I'll look after her. Good night...come along Ishu, sleep time." He would lead the girl to the private rooms that they had and let her take his bed; after all, he wasn't against using his couch for a good nights sleep. Small comforts were key in their lifestyle.

Meanwhile Axle decided to spend the remainder of his time...contacting some old aquaintances while Legiaus took the initiative to gather supplies.

When morning rolled around, Aimee would receive a transmission from the Excavation Team. "Fa'ja vuiht y cbrana...fa cahd ed aynmean oacdantyo yht cruimt pa ynnejehk crundmo vun ouin najeaf. Fa'ja dnyhcmydat uha drehk druikr...ed'c hysa ec dra Cbrana uv Pakehhehk...ybynnahdmo ed'c dra gao du ihtancdyhtehk Ymbry yht Usaky."
Ishu had stayed up quite a bit the night before, touching everything in the room and stepping on things like the bed, the couch and almost the counter. However, once she finally went to bed she was out like a light. She was still asleep, curled up in the blanket and with the side of her face resting in the pillow.

Aimee rolled over in her bed and felt around, turning on the audio for the large screen that showed up across the ceiling. She rubbed her eyes as she listened. She sat up and put her glasses on, then shut off the screen. She hurried to get dressed and went out to the front, grabbing the first mail-personel she could find.

After running around the base and soon finding the Sphere, she took it to the Sphere Center, where all of the spheres the Gullwings Organization had collected were stored. There were rows upon rows upon aisles of spheres. Ok, not that many but there were a lot.

She placed it in the reader and watched what it had for her...
The moment she placed the Sphere of Beginning in the reader the recording that came up showed a male that seemed to resemble Xion, but more intact with his Guado blood. He was dressed in ivory colored robings and carried a staff that seemed to have three ends similar to a trident, each with a name relating to Alpha. "If you are reading this sphere, then that means my attempts at defeating Omega were for naught...and that I was not powerful enough to destory him with the final summoning that is Alpha." There was a pause in the transmission before it continued, "Allow me to explain to you...the history of our world, the history of this place we call...Spira..."

From that moment the sphere would make a transition in scenes. The global map would show itself briefly before flashing to a cosmic view with Alpha in the midst of it, energies channeling around her body as the other Fayth seemed to work in unison around her. "Alpha is the beginning of this entity that is the true will, the heart of the Fayth that brought life to this planet. It was by her will that our existence was allowed to follow the planet's guidelines...and through her that we learned what life and prosperity were." Images of the world slowly coming together under the guidance of Alpha's power would flash across the screen before showing the ancient Spira. A world where summoners were aplenty and machina seemed to be at a state others could barely comprehend; it was what one would call the Golden Age.

"In the beginning there was darkness that seemed to expand forever, until she allowed us light. It was with this light the the races of Spira made the contract with the Fayth, to abide in them our trust and our lives...thus the path of a summoner came to be...we worked in harmony with the Fayth for many, many years...until our people were overcome by the darkness within all hearts."

The Sphere of Beginning would then begin to show the start of a war between Summoners, skirmishes with those who practiced the use of Machina, and a beast...a terrible beast that seemed to rise from the flames of destruction and loom over all sucking the very life from the planet. its truest form. "It was the human greed and desire for suffering that built Omega, twisting the hearts of the Fayth to create the antithesis to our creator's existence...and this was thanks to the Summoner, one that we call Yevon [whose descendent would then create the system Yuna destroyed] who merged with the beast...making it more powerful than we could have ever imagined." Destruction of impossible magnitude were flashed upon the screen. Death, famine, flames, and continents anihilated....

"We strove to seek answers but out own pride stopped us...that is until Alpha had awaken from her slumber. She approached me and told me that which I needed to accomplish...the ultimate pilgrimage... It would require me to make a covenanet with the other Aeons to unlock her true powers...before then combining with her to fight Omega...but if this sphere is being seen then that means all I could manage was a seperation of consciousness."

The screen returned to the image of the summoner speaking, a tired smile on his face. "I image I must have died in that confrontation...but if you are able to see this now then that means I must have succeeded in my attempts to preserve Spira. Go now, young summoner and complete the mission that I started...revive the Fayth, revive Alpha, and take the final fight to save this land. There will be hardships but you must prevail...for Omega will grow stronger will feed off the negativity of those who spawn pain in this world and if the Will of Omega joins the body...there will be nothing to stand in its way but Alpha..."

While she was witnessing the truths of this world, the others were just coming to awake.
Aimee gripped the metal stand infront of her, shocked and practically winded by what she was seeing and hearing. An omniscient being was just a few levels above her and it was completely lacking it's abilities. What had to happen on the pilgrimage to unlock Alpha's abilities? Surely Xion would die in the final battle, but how? She exhaled a deep breath and removed the sphere, then put it somewhere that she knew it would be safe.

Fidgeting with a pen, she went up to the hangar and, after opening it, she went up into the ship, "Anyone here?"

She had spoken to the Gullwings and her brother the night before. The Gullwings would be able to work without but they did not rule out requesting her presence for certain affairs. She agreed to that willingly.

As for her brother, she was always a satellite asset and would remain so until further notice.

"I brought breakfast!" She had, a box of donuts and another box of various pastries.
When she came into the ship she would find Axle and Legiaus laying about the common area, before immediately jumping up at the thought of breakfast. Xion seemed...a little worse for wear with Ishu's curiousity keeping him from getting much sleep, but managed a smile nonetheless.

"Ishu...time to eat...and good morning, Aimee-san."

Axle yawned, waving toward the woman and hovering over the donuts while Legiaus moved right into her face. "My love has finally brought me breakfast...could this be the first step to admitting your burning desire for me?"
Aimee rolled her eyes but smiled and shoved a bunch into Legaius' face, "Take it and eat." She gave the other box to Axle, trusting he would be good at distributing the food. "Good morning Xion, Ishu. Wow, you look tired!"

Ishu squirmed further under the blankets and huffed. She did not know what he said but she understood what she meant. She didn't budge until one of the boys opened a box of food and she perked up, her blue eyes looking out from under the blanket.
Legiaus fell over from the sudden thrusting of pastries in his face, but continued to spout out how this was nothing but a challenge to their love. And how great her rear end looked from the ground... "Sexy!"

Axle sighed and opened the box, noticing Ishu's curiousity and began to distribute the snackeries to each person accordingly. Trying to make sure the curious girl didn't devour them all.

Xion simply yawned and looked her way with a ragged smile, "she's a rather curious sort...kept me up most of the night...thank-you for the breakfast."

When Axle was done distibuting the food he glanced toward Aimee with a curious expression, "have you found anything else of interest...or is this simply a social visit?"
Aimee forced a grin while her eyebrows knit with frustration, "of course! It is my treat! We are leaving tonight anyway."

Ishu peered over the side of the box and sniffed the pastries. She smiled at the smell and took whatever Axle handed her, then hid under the blanket. She nibbled on the side of one of the pastries and immediately squealed. Her figure wrestled around under the blanket as she celebrated her delight and soon devoured the treat. It wasn't long before her head popped back out of the blanket and looked eagerly at Axle and the box of treats.

She crossed her arms, "well... yes. Having... Alpha has established the beginning of your pilgrimage. I didn't learn the definite details of how it will work this time, but it will be different. I believe the Fayth are still at the temples, or at least the ones in civilizations. Long Story short: Pilgrimage. Now."
Axle peered out at the girl starring him down for the box of deliciousness, and simply handed her the remaining treats that the others wouldn't eat. The way she answered him didn't exactly bring comfort to his mind, "I suppose we are to infer that you learned some things that you would rather not disclose with us...unless absolutely necessary then?"

Legiaus was picking himself off the ground and looked at Aimee then back to Xion. "Well we could ask her to spill the beans, or just go gung-ho and hope for the's your call Xion."

A small chuckle fell from his lips as he watched Ishu's reaction, and then he turned to look at the three talking to him. A part of him knew what she would tell them, and he rather not discuss it just yet... not until he had completely come to terms with what it truly meant to be a summoner. "I say...we trust Aimee-san to tell us when she deems it best...and we can't go...just yet...I have one more Guardian to aquire..."A large blush painted his face as he thought back to Eve... "...We need to stop by...the Pilot League..."
Ishu bunched her hands up against her cheeks when Axle gave her the box. She pulled it under the blanket with her and munched happily on the box. It was hard to say how long it would take her to go through them all, but a nap would be something to expect.

"Right!" Aimee smiled at Axle as he assumed correctly. She was happy that Xion seemed to take her side on this but blinked when he mentioned the Pilot League, "Oh? You met someone while you were out there then?" She nodded, "Alright then, I'm sure they'll be a good asset." She walked past Legaius, subtly knocking him over by bumping into his shoulder with her hip/leg as he was getting up. "we should get going then- Xion- start this piece of metal up!" She smiled and started looking at all of the computers.
Rather than be upset that she knocked him down with her hip/leg, Legiaus watched her walk away with a smile. "I know something else you cand knock me down with, and don't worry...I can do all hip rocking for you." A slight wink was sent her way as he stood and started to stretch. "Annd...Xion has the hots for the crazy insane chick from the Pilot League...that's probably who he wants to pick up."

Axle blinked and watched in amusement as Ishu began to work her way through the box. It reminded him of when he first found was, almost adorable...if Axle was the kind of person to admit such things. "Eve would be an immense asset if you could convince her to join...her combat prowess would be hardpressed to be matched by any of us I assume."

Xion felt himself fluster as his brother's talked about his motivations for asking Eve to be a part of his team...well, they didn't know about the talk but it was still embrassing. "...I-I-I...umm...Aimee-san...?" He was looking for her to help him on this, and hopefully not join in the bandwagon to tease him about his attraction. Either way he began to start up the ship and as promised began to teach Aimee how to bypass the bio-algorithm check so that she could co-pilot his beautiful craft if she chose to.
Aimee fumed on the other side of the room but said nothing as she fiddled with one of the coms. When Eve's name was mentioned, she paused and looked over. Having Eve on their team would be the best thing they could do- but it wouldn't be easy. Or cheap.

She left the discussion alone for the time being and focused on learning how to bi-pass his system. It wasn't difficult, and she wasn't going to admit it, but she was flattered that he would show her, "Alright then." She sat down in the co-pilot seat and wiggled, getting comfortable.

"Oh," She looked over her shoulder, "You two should probably watch Ishu."

Luckily for them, she was still working on the donuts.
Xion sighed when he didn't get the support he was looking for, and he all ready knew that her services would come with a price. That much Eve had all ready warned him. She knew things about him that he didn't even fully know or comprehend; one way or another...he knew they needed her on their team. "Ishu, come here when you're done eating..." He patted his lap from the pilots seat.

Axle and Legiaus blinked. A part of them wondered if that little statement was because he felt they couldn't watch the curious ball of energy. Or rather, if he was that attached to the girl all ready?

Axle blinked and looked at the girl then back to Legiaus...surely it wouldn't bee too much trouble for an hour's worth of travel? "Should we attempt to communicate the Pilot League and let them know we are coming?"

"...No...she knows I'll be coming to ask for her help...I just don't know what she'll want out of it yet..." replied Xion.
Aimee glanced at Xion, "Money, for sure. She is part of the Pilot League and she has done a lot of mercenary work." She didn't talk much during the trip unless prompted and focused on learning how to pilot the ship properly.

Ishu finished the treats shortly after they took off and spent a lot of the trip running around and avoiding Axle and Legaius. She had the most fun making Legaius run into things when he was about to get her. Eventually, though, when she felt she was too close to getting caught she ran over to the front and climbed up into the Pilot seat.
Legiaus sported a series of buises on his face and sides, pointed menacingly at the innocent looking girl in the pilot seat with Xion. "That little...girl...aeon...whatever...she's evil...evil I tell you!"

Axle didn't share the exact sentiments, but one could tell he was definitely annoyed by the energetic Ishu's chase. "She...would provide good endurance and patience training for sure...though I rather much have her stay by Xion's side."

Xion for his part was thinking over things when Ishu came running to the seat. A small chuckle left his lips as he held her for a moment, looking over to the sky as they were nearing the pilot league...between the three of them they each had earned up quite a rather large savings. But one could never be too sure on the price of a mercenary... "How's the ship controls coming?" Despite the bypass being easy to hack, she would find the actual controls to be quite...complicated to say the least. The operations system on the ship was his finest installment yet.

As the Pilot Leage headquarters were coming into view Legiaus moved over to the Captain's chair, and sported a small grin. "We're going to pick up some exotic, kick ass, scary woman...well...Xion's going to...she creeps me out...nothing like the lovely, charm of my little Aimee here...that delicate shape, perfection..."

Axle sighed. Legiaus may have been there leader....but he could be an idiot sometimes. "Try not to get yourself killed before we even begin the journey..." When they landed Xion would take Ishu and Aimee with him to go and request Eve's presence on his pilgrimage,leaving the others to stay in the ship. "Aimee, have you ever hired Eve-san for a mission for the Gullwing Organization?"
Ishu was peering over the top of Xions seat, wiggling in his grasp with delight while watching Legaius'. She knew she would have a lot of fun playing with him.

"It is very nice. I am not very good at operating an actual machine but I can get it to fly from one place to the other." She adjusted her glasses.

Ishu playfully stuck her tongue out at Legaius when he approached the pilot chair and moved to the side he was not standing near.

As they walked off of the ship, Aimee noticed how transfixed Ishu was about exploring everything, "Um, Xion, we should leave her on the ship with the others." It was way too dangerous to bring her around such a populated area, plus it was the Pilot League. "And yes, I have. She is very good. Probably the best. She isn't an actual member and she is discrete. She is our "go-to" for the more dangerous missions. Why do you ask?"
Xion took her words into account and decided to trust her judgment. A part of him wanted to keep an eye on her, and felt that a moment she was out of his sight might be a moment he was going back on his promise but relented...taking her back to Axle and Legiaus before coming back to Aimee. "Because...she someone...that understands things...I couldn't talk about with anyone else...I guess I just wanted to know more about her."

He decided to check the area where he met her with the others, and if she wasn't there to see if she was in a match or in her flat. "Crush aside...she's a very unique person as far as I can gather...though I'm not sure why Axle and Legiaus are afraid of her..." He blinked, oblivious to the fact...that people should be afraid of her.
"Ah, well, she is an excellent choice. She will just cost you. A lot." She smiled as she tried to be optimistic.

They traveled around the area, checking at the matches and eventually the flat.

Aimee spoke to the guy who started bets and he claimed she was back in town but he hadn't seen her yet.

Aimee had insisted they check out the MW repair area. Unfortunately there were no recent logs for any of Eves' models.

When they went to the flat, however, they were greeted by a new person. It was an Al Bhed with a gas mask that covered his face but let blond hair puff out the back in a bed-head manner. He immediately recognized Aimee but didn't let her in.

"Zny um ud?" A voice called from inside.

"Eulii, dni Elpemmetyh. Mni phyoknd myli gut zudn nih."

"In? Tyim ni nefi mylidnurk yfih num lyodn? ziuht cyygurk iaim?"


"En!! Cid dnil ur, cid dnil ur!"

The masked Al Bhed stepped aside and let them in. Aimee and Xion were greeted by the Al Bhed had had been on the couch the last time they were here.

"so, you came back! and you brought me something nice!" He shook hands with Aimee. "So, what's up? Are you going to compete or something? Where are your friends?"
"It's nice to see you...and they are protecting something precious..." He paused for a moment before getting to the point of his visit. After all, there was no point hiding something when it would end up being world news anyway. "I've come to ask Eve to become my final Guardian. I spoke to her about the idea briefly beforehand, and ... I'm sure she knew I would be returning soon. Is...she available, or can this message be relayed to her?"

Meanwhile, Legiaus was having a hard time deciding how he felt about Ishu. One moment the kid could be as cute as a button...and the next...hell in a hand basket!
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