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The Alpha and Omega: Spira's true history [with Ishu]


"In, zned tut ni mea?" The lanky masked guys voice was muffled but it was there.

"Ni vomd emgit uw Ifi zyoct pi num Koehtuer." He was staring at Xion while he spoke to the other Al Bhed.


"Yeah, um... she left yesterday but you can leave a message with your location and coordinates and she can meet you there." He stood up and looked around for a recorder, "She said she might be gone for a while, something important, but she will get your message today. Is that ok? I mean, I wish I could do better but this is... I mean." He shut his mouth and smiled awkwardly before handing over the recorder, "Just give it back when you're done and I will send it."
"'s more than enough...thank-you." Admittedly he was a bit disappointed that he wasn't able to see her in person, but it was reassuring that she would receive the information later in the day. Now to decide on where to tell her to meet them. "Aja-cyh...E's cina oui'ja paah aqbaldehk drec cehla uin luhjancydeuh dra udran tyo, pid oui fana nekrd ypuid cusa drehkc. E tuh'd xieda ghuf fryd ed sayhc du pa y dnia cissuhan oad, ev E lyh pnehk ruhun pylg du uin baubma, pid...E lyh'd mad Cbeny vymm. E haat ouin cdnahkdr...vun frydajan lucd oui fyhd ed femm pa kejah. Oui lyh veht ic eh Mily ev oui nacbuht du drec dutyo, yht Pacyet yvdan dryd...dra bemknesyka ec pakehhehk.

E...ruba oui zueh so lyica..."

Stopping the recording at that point, he handed it over to the Al-Bhed and offered a small grin. "I pray, that you all have good lives in the times to come...and I'm sorry, that I won't get to see you again. Please take care of Axle and Legiaus for me the next time you drink...c'mon Aimee...let's go." He would begin to make his way back to the ship with her, but with them being alone he had to ask her one question...

"I'm going to die, aren't I?"
The Al Bhed took it and gave him a pat on the shoulder, "Nah, you'll see us again. Tell the guys I said hi!" He took the recorder over to the screen and started to hook things up.

The second Al Bhed let them out and, after they left, turned to the first. "Zi'hi mshizit."

"Aob. Cid'm kid thorg."


Aimee didn't want to be the bearer of bad news- and she didn't know about the final battle. Maybe the summoner died from fatal wounds and not from the actual ritual? She couldn't say and so, she wouldn't answer Xion. "We should focus on starting the mission before concerning ourselves with how it ends."

Meanwhile, on the ship, Ishu was playing with one of the computer tops, pressing a lot of pretty buttons.
Xion accepted her silence with a grain of interpretation. There wasn't much one could say about these type of things; either you knew, you didn't, or you felt it was better left unsaid. As they were nearing the ship he glanced up and wondered exactly what could be on the horizon for their group. "...Well then, I'll be counting on you, Aimee-san. Please take care of me and the others." The flash of a smile and a mid-bow occured before he continued in silence until they reached the ship.

Meanwhile, Axle and Legiaus were having a battle with their most cunning foe yet. Despite every tactical action and advantage they could spare the duo found themselves being defeated at every turn. Legiaus attempted to go the direct route and entertain the girl with some games, but that simply turned into a disaster of hide, seek, and try not to have the ship blow up! Axle on the other hand had slightly better luck, his craft being that he needed to be stealthy...but every time he came close to capturing the girl she would move in a manner that made him hit Legiaus square in the face. A part of him was starting to believe that their torment is what made the Aeon girl happy...

"Man...oh crap...what the hell is she doing!" Legiaus, sporting a new series of bruises and swells, never enjoyed a child plus buttons relating to a ship's control scheme. Especially with his luck.

Axle sighed, watching the child and decided to try the only approach he attempt and see if she understood the next sentence. "Ishu...Xion will be...sad if you keep messing with that..."
Aimee stopped with Xion before entering the ship and put a hand on her hip. She smiled at him and nodded, "Of course!" She put a comforting hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze, "Let's go- there is no telling what she has done to those boys-" She laughed excitedly, happy beyond words that Legaius was finally being tortured by someone.

Ishu pressed and pressed as the colors lit up until she heard Xions name. She had, with the little time they had all been together, learned hat his name was. So, when Axle used it, she looked at him. The girl seemed transfixed, as if saying that name was the difference between life and death. Her finger slipped when the ship shifted from the door opening, pressing a button that launched a missile into the hangar.

The explosion terrified her and sent her running behind the boys and to the bed, throwing herself under the blanket and tucking it tightly around her as if it was a shield of some kind.
The pair of them could only sigh as one of the White Falconz's missles shot through the hangar of the Pilot League, and Legiaus could only pale at the cost it would take to repair it. Axle on the other hand couldn't help but feel a bit...disappointed. It seemed that she had registered Xion's name and that things would be fine; however, that one slip of a button put them in debt and sent the poor girl into a paniced state. "You realize, Legiaus, that both Xion and Aimee will kill us..."

Meanwhile as they entered the ship, he was immediately caught of guard by the rumbling of the explosions outside. He knew his ship well and understood that someone...had just fired one of his mid-tier missles and that meant he was going to be highly upset. However, he simply sighed and glanced toward Aimee as they came intot he beidge.. "And you said it would be best to leave her with would have been safer if I kept an eye on her going into the League..."
Aimee shrugged, "I can pay for it." She looked at the boys, "Wow, it looks like she got the best of you two." She covered her mouth partially as she stifled a laugh, "We will have to figure out a way to keep her distracted the next time we do this." She looked out the large window in the front and saw a few of the workers in the hangar approaching the ship. "I'll be right back." She walked back off of the ship for a few minutes.

Ishu opened the blanket just enough to see Xion and to show her sad, terrified and slightly pouty face.

Aimee returned after a few more minutes, "Well, I gave them some credit and a contact to the Contemporary League." She tapped her foot idly. She was right when she told her brother the night before that they would have to start setting aside a decent junk of gil for funding the new summoner and his guardians. Not to mention their destructive adolescent-minded Aeon.
The young summoner nodded to her words and sighed. Anything involving the help of the Contemporary Faction was better than having to ever rely on his father's sources of funding. At least I can count on Aimee to be the diplomatic type in all these situations... When those eyes cut to the blanket and saw the sad, frightened expression on the young girl's face, Xion simply walked over to her and kneeled to her level with a warm, comforting tone of voice. "It's okay Ishu, I'm don't have to worry."

Legiaus seemed slightly annoyed at the take Aimee took on their failure to hold the adolescent minded Aeon down. That little girl really was a handful if you weren't the halfling summoner of hers; at least, that was his take on things. "Well you know, you could have taken the monster with you...she seems to at least listen and behave a little around Xion!" Grumbling, he sighed, moments like this were a reminder that he had a ways to go before thinking about children.

Axle for his part did not seem to be outwardly affected by her comment. Although he was inwardly chastising himself for being so uneffective in such situations; his expertise lay in the subtle arts of shadows and elegant assassination. Espionage...and some darker elements...unless it was the type of child Xion was, he was at a loss. Rather than comment on this he nodded in appreciation to Aimee's words about the credit placed on their behalf. "I take it that by your lack of another body...Eve either denied your request or has yet to receive it?"

Xion nodded, slipping a hand under the blanket to ruffle Ishu's hair. "She'll get the message later today. We'll head off for now...if she decides to join us she'll meet us half way or at Besaid...I don't doubt she can contact us if she needs to."

Legiaus grinned, immediately enjoying the new subject. "We'll have some sophisticated sex appeal on the squad, and some ball breaking hotie...Xion you sure know how to pick--ummf!" His rant was interupted by Axle's elbow thrusting into his gut.

Xion simply chuckled. " you mind setting the course and piloting for the moment?"
Ishu waited for Xion to get closer before tackling his torso with her arms, holding him tightly while rubbing her face against his chest.

Aimee laughed at Legaius, "nono- she would wander too much and she is too noticeable here." She walked over to the Pilot seat and hopped in to Xions request.

Ishu muffled a whine when Xion ruffled her hair.

Aimee's eyebrow twitched while hearing Legaius, but she said nothing as she put in the coordinates for Besaid. "We can send her a new message with new coordinates if she doesn't meet up with us at Besaid."

Ishu clung tighter to Xion as the ship lifted and started to leave the hangar.

"Maybe you two should try to figure out how to distract her? Or play cards?" Aimee didn't want them causing any trouble while she was piloting.
"She is...a most energetic child..." Axle watched the difference in behavior regarding her interactions with them and with Xion. It was unique to say the least, and embarassing to say the most. Although a slight smile did cross his lips as he noticed the amount of concentration that Aimee had to put into piloting the ship. "I see there is at least one area, that you also have trouble with, Aimee."

Legiaus blinked slightly and watched the woman behind the pilot seat, and yawned. For a moment he said nothing before taking his seat within the bridge and opening up a screen channel; infront of him were documents of their previous missions and well as details of their accounts. "Is everyone properly equipped for the task at hand? We don't know what we'll encounter searching for the Fayth in Besaid, and while we know you can handle your own Xion, if we're going to do this right...than Axle, Aimee, and I need to be up to snuff. So, are we prepared or do we need provisions?"

Axle seemed to think this over briefly before shaking his head. "I am as well supplied as I can be for this first expedition...and with that said, you will be able to find me on the deck contemplating ways to distract children."

Xion smiled at Ishu's reaction but simply picked the girl up and carried her to the seat with him. It was strange seeing her in this form, knowing that behind the innocence of these eyes was a power necessary to save Spira...a power that he was partnered with. "I suppose we should try teaching you some words little one...I don't doubt that you're smart..." He pointed to himself and spoke his name slowly, just to see if she could say it. "Xion..."
"Yes, well I can't be good at everything now can I?" She did practice fairly often with holograms and such but it was the pressure of being responsible for something so big and expensive. She knew she could get out of control very easily and didn't want to explode with delight. But she wasn't going to justify herself- mostly because she didn't want Legaius knowing about "the animal inside" her.

"I am fine. If I need anything I can get it in Besaid." The civilization was still there and it was still pretty basic for today's time and technology.

Ishu clung to him as he carried her around. The girl, an innocent child at heart but a woman in appearance, beamed up at Xion when he used his own name and pointed at himself.

Eve walked out of the door and headed over to a large machine. She opened up the front and got into it, sealing herself inside. A screen popped up with a message. She opened it and listened to the message. "My, ud'm mdehdit." She started the machine, its outside morphing into a miniature airship. The engines revved as hot fire poured out and thrust the craft off of the ground and into the sky.
Because if Legiaus ever knew about the "animal" that lay dormant within her, she would never have him back down. Said man seemed content with the fact that everyone seemed well prepared for the start of their historical adventure; this was going to be the first pilgrimage in over a hundred years. Axle, Legiaus, and Aimee were the first Guardians in that time and were responsible for protecting two of, if not, the most important people in Spira's history since the time of Lady Yuna herself. "Well full speed to Besaid Aimee, shake time! And maybe, when you get the course plotted out...we can have a little cabin time..."

Her innocence kept him from taking her physical form seriously, not that he noticed her much physically when she was in her more mature mind set, but still. She seemed, so content, so pure the way she was now and it was something that he could not comprehend. That type of innocence was foreign to Xion, but it gave him hope in the future of Spira...because it made him think of children. Untainted children. "...And you are Ishu...and you're're friend..." He spent the entire trip trying to teach her some basic understanding of things.

Axle found himself at the top of the deck contemplating the events that were to transpire. Things that were coming ...and things that were going to happen to break them down.
The Al Bhed ambassador rolled her eyes, "Ifir uw ayo zihi eclymd dni cemd ler ur Mbuhe- ud umr'd kyurk dy nebbir." Her tone was a bit... uncertain, but Legaius didn't know what she was saying so she did not ponder on it. She did, however, put a little more thrust into the craft to increase its' speed. She chewed on her lip, forcing herself to remain calm and in complete control of herself and the ship.

Ishu was, surprisingly, a quick learner. The only problem was getting her to pay attention. Anytime they saw something other than clouds outside she would prop herself up on Xions lap and try to reach out and touch it. Of course, there was reinforced glass between them and she did fall down into it at one point. She was there now, laying out on the glass and watching everything under them as they flew over the island of Besaid.

Aimee fidgeted with the controls and tried to find a decent landing place. It looked like the most open location was the beach (since the town did not allow crafts landing in their civilian areas). "It looks like we have to land on the beach and we'll have to walk."
Xion chuckled at the statement Aimee made about Legiaus and returned to his lessons with Ishu. He was surprised by how quickly she was able to learn when she was paying attention, and he was definitely amused when she wasn't...especially watching her stare down through the glass bottom watching the world of Spira go by. "Spira's a big place, Ishu..."

When they arrived on Besaid he pulled the girl from the glass, and glanced at Legiaus and Aimee with a nuetral expression. He was anxious, nervous about the outcome of their first stop on the pilgrimage...but this was the most important point. "Ishu, it's time to go...there are many things you can see and touch...but only if I say so...understand?" Xion was many things but overtly gentle wasn't one of least until he was dealing with her. "As for us...I suppose it's time to awaken the Fayth and receive their blessing. I'm sure Axle's all ready going ahead to take care of some of the bigger fiends on the way..."

Legiaus pumped his fist in the air, excited for the adventure ahead. "Let's do this...look out Spira, Summoner Xion and Co...are ready to kick ass and take names!"

Xion sweatdropped... "I don't...think that's quite the purpose of it...but I like the sound of it bro..."
Ishu kept her hands pressed on the glass for as long as she could while Xion lifted her up.

Aimee landed the craft on the beach, keeping it close to the side of a small cliff. She shut everything down and engaged the security before stepping down from the pilots seat, "Alright then, let's not get too excited. We don't know if the Fayth's presence will have any affects on the village or its people. We need to be careful," She looked at Legaius, "and discrete- got it?"

Ishu shuffled down from her place with Xion and ran past Legaius and to the big door as it opened. She wanted to go outside and run around. When the door opened fully, she bolted out of the ship and ran around in the sand. She was obviously enjoying herself. She put her arms out like she was flying, the material of her sleeves fluttering in the wind, and she spun around while staring at the sky.

The girl quickly became dizzy and fell onto her back, smiling up at the clouds.
Legiaus seemed deflated when she mentioned the word discrete, but understood the importance. The casual, savant expression was replaced with a more considerate, serious one as they made their way outside. It had been years since he came to Besaid...and he wished he could say they were good memories. However, looking at Ishu run and make herself fall into dizziness was...cute. "She's like a like a babe, but innocent..."

Xion took his steps from the ship and watched the reaction with a nuetral gaze. He would rather forget the last time he came to this island those many years ago, but now he was right back...but this time not alone. A small chuckle fell from his lips as he watched Ishu, but he soon called out to her as they started to follow the path toward the city from the beach in a rather stern voice. It was the kind a parent would use to call their children to their side. "Ishu...stay with me."
Ishu popped up from where she was and stood up from the sand. She ignored all of the beads on her and put her arms out, running towards him with her sleeves flapping in the wind and that same big, childish smile on her face.

Aimee left the ship last and stayed in the back until Ishu caught up. She caught up shortly after the girl, who was now by Xions side, and chimed, "There won't be very many Al Bhed here, but Besaid has always been peaceful. They play a small part in the Contemporary Faction for safety purposes, but they won't like it if we threaten them. Everyone keep a level head, alright?"
While the group continued forward they would come across the bodies of low leveled to moderate fiends scattered across the path. It would seem Axle's handiwork judging by the two slashes parallel to one another on each body. Legiaus managed a whistle and a small sigh of disappointment, "think he'll save any for us...?"

Xion listened to the words of Aimee, taking Ishu's hand like one would a child to guide them. If he knew Axle's style of humor they would most definitely have a small bit of fun before they arrived at the city, "If we're working to stay level it would be best to make sure either you or Axle handle most conversations...usually I can make decent enough judgment...but this place makes me on edge...and knowing Axle, Legiaus, he'll have saved us some trouble."

As they continued through the forested area leading to the main road, said Guardian watched from the foliage with a rather comical grin. He did indeed leave them something fun to mess with...mainly to see what role he would need to play, and to see how well Legiaus and Aimee could maintain their roles as protectors to the summoner.
"I will gladly do most of the talking." Axle was fairly level-headed but he couldn't keep his cool when it came to Xion- none of the boys could. The group came to a slow stop as they came face to face with a fiend, a drake. Aimee sighed and made a frustrated expression before whining, "Eeezz! U tutr'd zerd dy wuknd eradnurk dytea!" She stepped over in front of Xion and Ishu and waved Legaius forward, "Pi e kyyt pya ert gucc ud!" She gave Legaius a big grin and a thumbs up- which should be enough to get him to fight on his own.

Ishu was trying to look around Aimee to see what was going on- and why they had stopped. She saw the dragon and blinked, unsure of what to do.

Aimee looked back at Xion and Ishu, "He should be able to beat it on his own. They aren't too hard."
Legiaus took the hint without having need to be told twice. After all it was just a little fiend, not much of a problem for him. He adjusted the bracers and metal-plated gloves before sprinting forth and driving his fist into the creatures head; the follow-through was a rather powerful roundhouse that sent the poor creature over a ledge. Honestly, the roughkneck member was a little disappointed by the fight... "Too easy...I thought Axle would have left something...more dangerous..."

Xion seemed a bit confused as well until he felt the rumbling of the ground beneath their feet. The temperature around them seemed to gradually rise as bushes rustles near the cavern like area. It seemed that the real threat was on its way. "I don't believe that was the thing he left us, Legiaus...prepare for a fight..."
Aimee groaned, "Eezz! Syli yr!!" She wanted to remove her glasses, throw them on the ground and crush them under her heels- but she didn't. She stepped forward until she was next to Legaius and drew a pen from the inside of her labcoat, "Alright, let's see what is coming for us!" She looked back at Xion and Ishu, "Keep her out of the way and don't do anything stupid- alright?" This battle could get serious and she didn't want anything going wrong so early on.

The large drake rounded around the corner and wandered towards them. It roared as it approached, wanting only to get past them. However, it was hungry and it did not appreciate other creatures encroaching on its' territory. It rushed toward Legaius and Aimee, using its' entire body to slam into them.
Xion grabbed Ishu and stepped to the side of the field of battle. "Ishu, stay with me...understand?" His voice was serious leaving no room for debate; at least by now she would have learned enough to comprehend those words and the sentiment behind them. Despite needing to keep his eye on her, Xion hated the fact he was being protected...he could fight but he understood why he needed to stay back. "Aimee...Legiaus, we're counting on you!"

While the large drake was making its charge, Legiaus grinned and glanced back toward Xion. Sure the creature might have been radiating some moderate amount of heat, but he's endure worse. For at the Legiaus may have been, a master of the limits of physical perfection was definitely something he prided himself in and when the beast moved close enough he sprang forward in a jump grabbing it by the neck and swinging himself to its back" Yeeeaaaaah! Now this is what I'm talking about!" Creatures like this had great defense...which made his abilities shine when he channeled his internal force into his fist, hammering it down on the drake's backside cracking some of its natural hide.

It did help that the fiend wasn't fully grown... "Aimee, how'd ya like tha...oooh!" His moment of cockiness was held at bay when he was swung off the drake and into a tree, getting a bit dizzy from the ordeal...
Ishu smiled at Xion and nodded. She stayed next to his side and watched the battle.

The drake continued running forward even after Legaius jumped onto it. It flailed its head and roared, trying to reach back at Legaius but failing. Fortunately for the drake, it managed to shake him off. What it did not expect was to have metal flay into its chest, slicing through layers of muscle and other tissue. It groaned from the pain and moved backwards, roaring in a disturbing manner before getting the weapon out of its chest and falling onto its side.

Aimee had activated her weapon, propped it against the ground and braced herself. It had thrown itself right onto the pike without paying attention and, unfortunately for its health, pulled away, causing more damage than anything. She held onto the metal shaft of her spear as the creature fell off and onto the ground. She swung it around, blood flying into the air.

The monster was still alive but it was losing a lot of blood. All of its chest muscles had been torn apart due to the fact that the end of Aimee's spear was designed very similarly to that of an arrow tip. It wouldn't have full function in its front legs but it could still be a threat.

Ishu held a saddened and pained expression on her face as she watched the creature suffer. It needed to be put out of its misery.
Legiaus whistled slightly, appraising Aimee's work befor getting back for the final strike. The creature was crippled and despite some burising he was pretty much in perfect condition when he ran up to it, creating a fist as he leapt into the air. His metal guards seemed to protrude outward from the pressure, creating a variation of a punching dagger that found itself slamming into the fiend's skull with immense power. The ground would shake slightly from the force of Legiaus's blow, and by the time he landed the drake would feel nothing's life foreit.

Xion sighed, watching the creature takes it final breath in one fell swoop...and turned his attention to Ishu. This would be a good lesson for her as he ran his fingers through her hair, " understand it's pain don't you? Life, is a cycle, it repeats but is surely doomed to end...and death is something no one can escape...but it is something that should never be you understand?"

Meanwhile Axle was watching impressed by their efforts. Xion and Ishu were neither harmed nor threatened, and Legiaus and Aimee seemed to be capable enough. When the hustle was over he walked toward the group from the shadows, a cool gaze lingering in his eyes. "You two work rather well together. I was afraid I would have needed to intervene, but alas, you proved me wrong."
The drakes skull cracked under the pressure of Legaius blow. The kill was almost instant, the tongue of the best swelling in its throat and soon hanging out from between its jaws.

Ishu's sad and hurt expression didn't go away. She hid behind Xion and watched over his shoulder, not sure if she wanted to stay with these people now.

Aimee frowned at Axle, "U dyct ayo U zem peddci sebepci! Ayo mnyoct ryd nefi zemdit yoh duli. Zned tut ayo ty dy hyomi dnum shiedohi dyzeht om erazea?" She didn't like killing things when it was unnecesarry, plus, as she looked back, she saw the look on Ishu's face. She looked at Axle again and mumbled, "U dnurg zi msehit nih. Zi bhypepca mnyoct ryd pi wukndurk cugi dnum ur whyrd yw nih."
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