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The Alpha and Omega: Spira's true history [with Ishu]

As he watched the two share a moment he gulped as he found himself dunked under the water. When he came up and found himself under a barrage of splashing he took the war back to them, attempting to splash them back. Eventually he did a swim and run, circling them and splashing around them before tackling both of them; he wasn't concerned with Ishu's response because she was so innocent but when he water tackled Aimee he blushed and immediately swam away from her. He was sure his excitement was obvious after that. "U-u-um...s-s-sorry!"

And speaking of Legiaus, after a while Legiaus and Axle began to get worried and came out to find the trio...only to see them enjoying themselves. Axle could only smile and wished tot hank Aimee personally for helping Xion relax and enjoy a good time, while Legiaus, the poor man was torn. On the one end he was proud of his little brother for takingt he moment, but he was...jealous, so much to the point he was in comical tears on the floor wishing it could be him.

[ yesssssssssssssssssssssssss!!! ]

Aimee decided to let that one slide since it was obviously an accident and Xion was beating himself up about it. "It's alright," She nudged Ishu, deciding that continuing as if his face hadn't lodged between her breasts would be the better thing to do, and the two of them splashed him with water again.

After splashing him for another moment or so, Aimee heard something nearby and turned around. She smiled, absolutely glorified by the sight of Legaius bawling like a baby. She turned back to Xion and stretched her limbs, "Well, I'm about done for tonight."

Ishu, still having a good time, splashed Aimee as she idly stretched. This caused Aimee to splash her back and the two went at it again for a few minutes.
Xion watched the encounter with a small nosebleed, comically sinking into the water as if he was dying and going to heaven. " to...the fayth..." It was low and inaudible to most, until he rose back to the surface with a breath. "Well...let's go for the night..." And so he'd swim back with them to the shore when they were ready, nudging Ishu and messing up her hair before they arrived, and likewise to Aimee playfully.

Axle couldn't help but find the situation humorous. On one end there was a boy who wouldn't be able to have pure thoughts about either of the two women for weeks, and on the other, was a man with the heart of a lustful teenager watching his little brother enjoy a moment he'd kill for. When Aimee and company were closer enough to hear, he decided to further send Legiaus over the deep end... "It seems Xion has a higher chance of scoring with Aimee than you do, perhaps adding Ishu to the fray too. What a shame Legiaus..."

The man then seemed to sob harder, glancing at the composed member of their team and punched him in the leg. "SHUT-UP!...I'm so proud...bu...but..NOOOO IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN MEEE!!!" All of Besaid could hear the poor man's plight...and Xion just blushed, throwing a rock at Axle's face. "Idiots..."
Ishu skipped over to her clothes and picked them up and shook them in the air while jumping in the sand.

Aimee approached the others and smiled widely, striking a pose. She leaned forward with her hands on her knees, pressing her breasts together as she cooed over to Legaius, "Lll~ Aim, riqd duli U zucc phurk ayo nihi tohurk dni tea ert zi ser hycc ehyort ur dni mert dykidnih. - Zi ser degi cydm yw busdohim ert ayo ser moplud bnydym yw li dy CoseQKuhcm Lekejuri." She stood up straight again and laughed- hard, then pranced over to her clothes and picked them up.

"Let's get inside- I need to wash this sand off!" Aimee was actually pretty tired, though she did have her share of fun.
Axle and Xion both stopped, blushing at the mere thought of it and sighed. Legiaus blinked, only understanding the cooing voice and watched her move to her clothes with a transfixed stare. Xion grinned and whispered in his ear about what she said and watched and watched as the poor man began praying to the fayth in many langauges of thanks.

The others shared a laugh before leaving him there and heading to the ship.
Once inside, Ishu had already passed out on the bed she slept in before. Her clothes were hanging off the side of the bed next to her hand.

Aimee saw this and smiled, "Byyh kuhc, zi dosgihit nih yod." She turned back to Axle and Xion as they entered the ship, "Dibs on the shower." ^^ She pranced to the bathroom/shower area (that they have to have on an airship at this era) and took her sweet time cleaning up. When she was done, she came out in a green short sleeved pajama dress that cut off right above her knees. She folded her clothes and set them next to Ishu's bed, then folded the other girls clothes as well.

Aimee lifted the blanket and maneuvered the girl under the blanket before getting in herself, "Dni kuhcm zucc pi mciiburk dykidnih- my ecc ayo pyam giib ayoh wucdna cuddci bihf bezm dy ayohmicfim!" The woman then yawned before letting her head fall to the pillow and her rigorous snoring began.
Legiaus finally caught up as she was laying down, while the other two were playing a friendly game of Rock Paper Scissiors for the shower...of course Axle one, but it didn't really mattered much. They took their time, and when Legiaus was about to make a move on the girls a small clicking noised from Xion's gun told him to leave it alone. "I'll just head to my room...."

When they all got their own showers taken care of, they each went to bed and passed out through the night. Content, happy, and hopeful for the day ahead.
The girls slept through the entire night, but Ishu was the first to wake up. She yawned and stretched her arms, one of her hands landing in the middle of Aimee's face. Aimee, still out of it, simply grunted and rolled over. Ishu stretched out her legs and sat up, yawning pathetically like a small kitten before stumbling out of bed and looking at her surroundings.

She blinked a few times and rubbed her eyes to remove the gunk that built up overnight. When she was done, she began her search for Xion.
The boys had peaceful sleep with at least two of them haunted by both pleasant and awkward dreams. Axle would be the first to awaken and had taken to making a few rounds in the ship, before heading outside for his daily practices. Legiaus would awaken next, comforted by the warming, if not lovely dreams from the previous night lifting his spirits...and Xion couldn't be found inside the ship when he had awakened. Instead the summoner was outside on the deck of the ship over looking the ocean; there was a small smile on his face...but he felt slightly uneasy.
Ishu explored the ship until she found Xion. It took her about twenty minutes to find him and when she did, she approached him quietly, her hands rubbing her tired eyes. She smiled over at Xion once she stood next to him and she looked out at the ocean. The same ocean he was looking at and that they had played in the night before. The sun was coming up behind them and it cast a beautiful color over the water. Her hand reached over to his and held it.
Xion didn't notice Ishu's approach as he was lost in his own thoughts. Three years ago this place island was both his prison and his liberation, and now he was an icon in the eyes of those people for something he wasn't even sure he could handle. But it didn't seem so bad when he thought about those who would be beside him: Axle, Legiaus, Ishu[Alpha], and possibly Eve if she decided to take the employment. When he felt her hand he was startled, turning his head and offering her a slight smile. "Good morning, Ishu...did you sleep well?"

Legiaus meanwhile decided that he would cook breakfast; this was normally a task that he left to Xion but he managed rather well. It may have been a secret that their leader was an accomplished chef in his own right, but it was one they appreciated from time to time. The scent of eggs, cooked meat, french toast, and juice would come from the common lounge area of the ship when everyone was prepared to eat and discuss their plans for the day.

Xion tilted his head and looked at Ishu for a moment; he couldn't shake the small feeling that Omega was still in the area...waiting but for now he enjoyed what he could.
Ishu smiled at him and nodded. She swung her hand with his and smiled up at the sky. The stars from the night before had faded away and the suns light smoothed over the sky like a silky sheet laying over the world.

Aimee grunted again in her sleep as the scent of a beautifully cooked breakfast wafted towards her and filled her nose. She sat up and looked around, "Nia, zned um dned? Ud mliccm khied..." She rubbed her face and threw her feet over the side of the bed and stood up. She followed the scent to the source, purring with each step until she entered the kitchen area. "Lllll, zned ehi ayo legurk?"
Legiaus blinked, looking back at Aimee with a slight til of his head. He really needed to have someone sit down and teach him Al Bhed. "Not sure what you just said beautiful, but I'm sure you don't mind waking up to a charming, beast of a man serving you breakfast do you?" A small grin tugged at his lips as he set a plate down for her and the others, nudging his head saying she could dig in.

Xion seemed content with her response and nodded. She was definitely a strange existence; next to him was probably the most powerful life form on the planet and they were inexplicable tied together by strings of fate. "You know, I wonder, what you would say, what you will say when you gain more of yourself...about how this journey really is...the things we'll see and the reasons we're fighting. I wonder if I'll be a summoner you'll be content with by the end, Ishu."
"Mmmm~ This smells amazing!" She sat down at the table and immeditely began to dig in. She stuffed the food into her mouth and groaned joyously, "Yyyn~ Pa ecc dned um Weadn ur Mbuhe- U luknd nefi dy hisyrmutih ryd mciiburk zudn ayo!" She stuffed more food into her mouth, groaning again as she chewed and swallowed the delicious food. She helped everything go down with a glass of orange juice.

When she heard her name she looked over at him, her lips smiling and now her eyes. She did not know why, but she loved hearing him say her name. She felt safe, content... happy. She felt like she was supposed to be with him no matter what happened. The girl liked this feeling.
Legiaus blinked and watched her wolf down the meal with a satisfied look on his face. While he may not have cooked often, it was always nice to have someone appreciate the skill. "Well if you want more, I can always whip up some extra."

Xion seemed to watch her for a moment, tilting his head before rising to a stand and helping her up with him. "Let's go see what the others are up too...I'm starving.." A small smile played at his lips as he lead her down to the common room, in time to see Aimee's decimated plate with a small sweatdrop. Well...that was different. "I see breakfast is up...where's Axle?"

As if on cue the male made his appearance. His cloack was covered in tattered remnants of its previous appearance; cuts, burns, and ripped areas seemed to speak for his previous disappearance. "I see that Legiaus has made another meal...this will be an indulgence surely."
Aimee groaned one more time as she fell back onto the back of her chair and rest a hand on her almost swollen stomach, "U. El. MDOWWIT!" She ran her hand through her hair and looked over at the others, "Good Morning!" She finished the little amount of orange juice that was left and fervently demanded, "Coffee- where is the coffee?"

Ishu followed along with Xion until they got to the kitchen and dining area. Her features lit up when she saw the food and she hurried over next to Aimee. She did not serve herself because, well, she had never been given the option. (If the food is already there: She picked up her fork and stabbed her food, the metal scraping across the plate, then stuffed the food into her face. She ate the same way Aimee did when she first woke up and hadn't eaten the entire day before.)
Legiaus yawned, sipping a dark blend of Bevelle's premium roast in his own mug while Aimee demanded the coffee. A brow raised before he took another swig, "well if you come over here you can get some yourself...cups in the cabinet to my left."

Axle didn't bother saying another word, moving to pour himself a nice cup of joe and sat his tail at the table. Normally, he was a composed individual but he was just as much a monster devouring the meal before him as Aimee and Ishu were. " always..."

Xion seemed to wear a confused expression; why was it that everyone...couldn't have restraint in their meals? A small sigh fell from his lips as he joined everyone at the table and began to eat, admittedly alot more restrained than the others. "Well, now that you've had Legiaus's cooking you can make him cook from now on Aimee-san!"

Both Axle and Legiaus looked at the boy with stares that promised him not to even joke about that. A small grin tossed at the young summoner's lips. Hey if they didn't know he could cook and just experienced Legiaus's skills, he felt justified in manipulating the situation in his favor for once.
Aimee got up and served herself a cup of coffee. She leaned against the cabinets and blew on the hot liquid. She took a sip and smiled over at Xion, "Yyyn, dned um e kyyt utie, Quyr." She then smiled over at Legaius, "You are - officially - the crew's chef!" She sipped some more of the coffee before continuing, "Besides, we can't save the world on an empty stomach, right?"

Ishu finished up her food and drank her orange juice all the way down to the rim. She smacked her lips once and made the "aaaah" sound as she set the glass down. She wrapped her arms around her stomach and curled up while purring her approval of Legaius' cooking.
Legiaus held a look of horror and shock; all he wanted to do was score some points and have a good meal...and now he was being dumped with the cooking details? "B-b-but..X-x--" he was interupted as said boy split into a large grin, "Buuuuut nothing, brother, Aimee and Ishu seem to agree with the idea and three against two wins doesn't it?"

If anyone paid attention a small glimmer in the youth's eyes flickered briefly before dying down. He was both amused and greatly content with how easy that was, and would definitely find a way to thank Aimee and Ishu for unknowningly stopping him from being the kitchen slave anymore. "Annnd with that said, good job I love it!"

Axle blinked and couldn't help but shake his head. Despite the oddities, the psychotic tendencies, and the general attempts at being a good was obvious Xion still had a nasty habit of taking situations and manipulating them with the right cast. A part of him wondered who all would be pulled into the boy's amusement. "Well...while we are all gathered, should we discuss the next course of action?"
"Hm, that is a good idea." Aimee sipped at her coffee again as she thought about what they should do next, "Well, we already have the Fayth from Besaid... Most of the Fayth have been moved or excavated from their original locations." One she knew of was the Fayth of Shiva which had once been lost at the bottom of the ocean. The other that had been excavated was Anima, which was rumored to be in possession by none other than Sion of the Radical Faction. Of course, those details were not well known.

"I know the temple in Kilika is still intact. Last time I heard anything about it, it was overrun by monsters. No one goes there any more. We could try it if you guys want." She drank down half of her coffee before chiming, "Oh! We will have to send Eve another message- just in case she is planning on coming along."
Xion listened to Aimee give the details about their journey and couldn't help but think that this would be more complicarted of a travel than that of Lady Yuna's tale. Kilika would be the safest place to continue for now until they mapped out more information regarding the locations of the other Aeons; however, the thought of having to cross with his father for Anima made him unsettled. The boy was there when they removed the stone from the chamber of its fayth, from its resting place, and he still felt nauesous about the atrocious actions he comitted to help Sion get his hands on the rare treasure of the world. "Kilika will be the best place to start then...and...Eve-san?" A small blush painted his face at the mention of the femme fatale, and it was hard to miss the eerie positive nature that he seemed to sport suddenly. "I'll leave the second transmission up to you, Aimee!"

Axle and Legiaus sweatdropped at the sudden change in their little brother, and wondered idly whether something was seriously wrong with the boy. Seriously, Eve was damn near the most frightening person the other White Falconz members had ever seen, and he was too enthusiastic about here being a potential team member for this trip. "Xion sometimes we wonder if you got some loose screws boy..."

Axle...blinked, "For once I must concur with Legiaus, you're...choice is questionable..."

Xion looked at everyone with honest confusion, blinking with a mild tilt of his head, "What?"
Aimee shared both sides opinions and soon voiced it, "Yes, she is... different- but she is the best we can get." She put her now empty coffee cup into the sink and filled it with water. "Well then, I will get ready and get started on a transmission with Eve. You two make sure the ship is ready to go. As for Xion, you need to head back to town and talk to the Elder. He said he wanted to see you before you left."

She leaned off of the counter and headed out of the kitchen and to the area that she and Ishu had slept in the night before.

Ishu, on the other hand, was still in her bathing suit/undergarment attire. She looked around at everyone in the room as they spoke and smiled when Xion showed an obvious excitement.
Axle didn't question that Eve was the best they could hope for when it came to combat; her prowess, left him and Legiaus unsure of their skill. "...It would be better to have her as an ally than an enemy at least, I'll go prepare the course navigations for launch." With that he made his way to the bridge to handle his responsibilities.

Legiaus on the other hand sighed and shivered. That woman was nuts, a fuckin babe, but scared him shitless. Rather than dwell on the thought he took another cup of coffee and decided to follow Axle, but then made his way to the engine room to make sure everything was up to spec. He may not be the gear head than Xion was, but when it came to having their ship stable he was oddly informed for engine work.

Xion's excitement was just barely contained behind his eyes as he nodded to Aimee. "You can come with me or stay with Aimee, Ishu." She would probably feel a slight need to follow the, and after the decision was made he would head out to the island town to seek out the elder. The walk itself was peaceful enough but when they were getting closer to the town the cries of its inhabitants seemed to echo as that despairing feeling got heavy in his soul. Omega was acting and all he had was Ishu for support.

"Ishu, come!" Without another word, and without his weaponry, he would walk sprint ahead to the village as the villagers were running toward the main gate. Many seemed delighted to see their summoner appear, others frightened that he had unleashed this hell upon them, and when Xion saw the beast that was attacking the villagers he cursed. Before him in pure darkness, seemed to be a winged beast that he could see in the back of his mind...Omega's remnants were negative creations of the Aeon's themselves and a dark Valefor flew before him. Preparing to strike...

He didn't know what to do, where to feel the connection from to call out to the flying Aeon that would be released upon his command...but he knew he needed to bring it out. Think Xion...think... Everyone had a style, a chant, a way to connect to their power but he was lost...and glanced toward Ishu briefly. When she held him earlier he felt the power of the Aeon clearer than he could have before, and took a risk to grasp her hand, focusing his mind on the hazy image of the winged creature until he could see it clearly. Once he did it would be then that he would take his role for upon the stage...

Meanwhile, Axle would move to report to the others the massive energy levels that were radiating from Besaid and his concerns for Xion and Ishu.
Aimee dressed herself and headed up to the bridge. She started her recording for Eve, "Hey, we don't know if you received our last transmission. We are about to head out to Kilika and it's temple. If we don't see you in Kilika, we will send you another transmission with our next step." She ended the transmission and leaned back in her seat.

Ishu followed Xion, running as they neared the village and all of the screaming people. She frowned at the sight- all of the fear and anguish and then- there it was! Valefor! But... it wasn't hers. It wasn't the real Valefor. It was his. It was the abomination he made. She frowned up at it, feeling a sense of maternal rage. Power coursed through her veins and they sparked when Xion touched and held her hand.

She gasped a breath as light enveloped her and her mouth gaped open, light spiking out of her mouth. The summoning symbol lit up on the ground under their feet and a figure bubbled out of Ishus' skin. Valefor sprang forward, shrieking as it came to life for the first time in 100 years.

Aimee looked back at Axle, "What!? They just went to Besaid!" She ground her teeth together as she thought about their next move, "We need to get out there- fast!" She began to power up the ship and closed the doors from where she sat, "Hold on!"
Xion felt the connection of power shared between him and Ishu as Valefor spread its wings and took flight. The first Aeon to come and test its power against the abomination of darkness, and then suddenly everything seemed to make sense. He wasn't sure why he understood the Aeon mysteriously upon the first summoning, he assumed it was because of Ishu, but he knew what it could and couldn't do. This was important as the Dark Valefor seemed enraged by the appearance of its true counterpart and began charging up its Overdrive; this was something they couldn't allow. "Valefor, Sonic Wings!"

Immediately the creature took to rising in the skies, coming down with a forward flap of its wings as sickles of wind cut through the dark abomination sending it back. It screeched having its attack interupted, but began to fight back by flying toward the true beast. The two respective powers would clash in mid-air, essences of magic sparking off as the dark aeon used dark related magic while Xion called for a counter of thunder which seemed to be effective.

Axle and Legiaus took their places in the ship and began to bring up different menus on their screens. Legiaus paid attention to the sight before them as they neared, and cracked a small grin in amazement. "So that's what an Aeon looks sure to record this...we need something to show anyone that tries to use this event against him that he was savior of the island. Hover near the battle, Axle, keep the missles on standby and if he needs help we'll interfere but for now let them handle it."
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