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The Alpha and Omega: Spira's true history [with Ishu]

Ishu looked at Aimee, then to Xion. She tilted her head as he pleaded to her and soon unwrapped her arms from around his arm. She turned away from him and walked towards the others, but glanced back at Xion with a worried expression once before heading into the tavern.

Aimee had already approached the bar and ordered drinks for everyone. After being served, she handed everyone their drinks and was left with two waters. She blinked as she only saw Ishu infront of her and not Xion, "Where did our new summoner go??" She idly handed Ishu one of the glasses of water.

The girl looked into the cup and sniffed the liquid. She looked to Axle and Legaius to see what she was supposed to do with this.
Xion glanced at the waters with a heavy heart despite the joyous occassion. Just what was he supposed to do as a summoner; much less, would this allow him to escape the shadows that were looming over him from his past? They were's just...strange...father, no, the whole Radical Faction was no where near as pleasant... Xion briefly recalled the abuse he suffered under the hands of Sion both physically and mentally, as well as the sins that would forever taint his soul because of his love for the man at the time. Perhaps this route would allow him to give back to the world, but, it was hard to understand...being appreciated? "Things...were so much simpler when I was just a side character..."

Legiaus and Axle glanced over to the seat before they shared a collective sigh. Legiaus seemed to not even bother with the barmaids he had flirted with earlier as he took a sip of his draft. They would have expected this, but he hoped Xion would have taken the praise better. "He probably went to...think...kid's got a lot of baggage ya know."

Axle nodded, glancing toward Aimee with a slight sigh. It was probably best that she learned more about her summoner. "Would you care to learn how we came across Xion?"
"Sure." Aimee sat down with them and stirred her drink. Of course the kid had baggage, every main protagonist had to have some reason to fight- or to just harbor some intense angst. She picked up the cherry from her drink and put it in her mouth, twirling the stem until it came unhinged from the fruit.

Ishu was standing next to the group when she saw Legaius have some of his drink. Excited, she lifted the cup to her face and coughed, choking on a splash of water that got her entire face wet. Water dripped down from her chin and onto the floor.

Aimee heard the girl choking and facepalmed herself, "Come here," She motioned for the girl before grabbing her by the arm and pulling her closer. She recieved a towel from one of the bartenders and cleaned Ishu's face while listening to the boys tell her the origin of Xion.
Axle sighed and took a drink of his beer as he recalled the night that Legiaus and him picked up their stray, little brother. "When we first met Xion it was during the Sphere Hunting Assignment you sent us three years ago regarding the strong sphere ratings you had received from Besaid Island. You remember correct?" He paused for her response before continuing, "well, we tracked the signal to the caves near the shore when we came across the most horrendous sight we've ever seen..."

For a moment Axle seemed lost in the memory, his fists clenching and so Legiaus momentarily took over the story. A serious, almost hurt expression on his face. "A thirteen-year-old kid was pinned to the wall with the very katana you see him use in combat through his chest. He was a wreck...bones broken, cuts that were bleeding profusely, bruised, he even looked like he was pissed on...hell he might have even been raped we don't know..." Silence fell on the group before he continued. "The thing is it was all some sick kind of training...some sick kind of conditioning to make him desperate, to make him inhuman, desensitized to the world so that he could be Sion's personally killing machine."

By this time Axle seemed able to continue, and Legiaus allowed him to do so. "Do you know what the Radical Faction really wants? World domination and that little bugger was supposed to be the key to it...he's a prodigy, a genius, and a blessing in the art of death. They wanted him to be able to kill without emotion, thought, and completely loyalty to his father...and we were sickened. So we removed him and dealt witht he Radical Faction memebrs around personally. It took us a year for him to open up...the rest is as you would say, history."
Aimee nodded toward Axle when he questioned her and she helped Ishu up onto one of the seats. She grabbed a straw and put it in the girls drink so she wouldn't spill it on herself again.

Ishu sipped at the water after figuring out how to use the straw by watching Aimee drink her own beverage.

Aimee features contorted to disgust as they described the scene to her. She looked down into her drink and shook her head, "That is...awful." She sipped at her drink, finishing it, and set the glass down, "well, we can't let him brood on it. He is past it now." She nodded, trying to be optimistic.
LEgiaus and Axle nodded. They would never wish to have something like that on their own hearts and minds, much less their brothers. It was Legiaus who spoke up, "It's easier said than done...some wounds heal harder than others...and it's no telling what kind of damage he's gone through. The kid's broken and the best we can do is be his family to make up for help in that process. He's grown, but still...lost..."

Xion sighed and decided to make his way back to the town. They were probably going to seek him out soon, and he'd rather find them than be found. " me..."
Aimee smacked Legaius on the shoulder, "No! He is not lost! You cannot say that! You cannot even think that! To think he is lost is to give up on him!" She ordered herself another drink and, after ordering it, she lifted it to the ceiling, "For optimism! For that is the only intangible thing that can heal a persons soul!" And with that, she downed the alcoholic beverage without another moments notice.

Ishu silently sipped her water through the straw until it made that annoying slrrrckckslrkclslrrrrck sound.
Legiaus looked at Aimee with shock before starring her down in a manner that was foreign to his face. "There's a difference between being lost and being a lost cause, Aimee, and to say the boy isn't lost would be like saying Spira wasn't the world we live in." The tone was decidedly colder than he had ever been with her in his life; apparently she pused a button. "He doesn't know what he wants, who he is, what to do, and whether he'll ever have the common things in life people take for granted. Love, happiness, hell even a future...but he has us. Optimism may be nice where you live, and what you see, but it's not what keeps people like us going. You can hope all you want but hope without action is just bullshit. What would you know? Have you spent three years caring for him, loving him like a brother? kindly shut up."

Axle, was...surprised to say the least. He would never have expected Legiaus to be so forceful, so cold to the woman he had a genuine interest. However, he could not blame the man considering the topic; there was simply so much more to everything than she knew...than she could speak of.
But luckily, by this time Xion had entered the tavern, and was...bombarded by islanders...sending pleading eyes for them to help him.
Aimee frowned over at Legaius, insulted by him. She set down the glass and stood up from her seat. She witnessed Xion walk into the bar and looked at his two brothers, "Then keep taking care of him." Frustrated, she walked out of the bar without looking back at the two men.

Ishu blinked at the scene, unsure of what had just happened. Slrrckslrkcckckckslrrrrrrck. She saw Xion now and beamed, setting down the cup and rushing over to him. She squeezed through the islanders with ease and popped up in front of Xion, smiling.
"Don't you think, perhaps, you were a little hard...Legiaus?" Even if he understood the fragile emotions they both shared when it came to the boy, Axle was still surprised at Legiaus's reaction. A sight parted from his lips as he watched Aimee leave, but he soon fell back to his neutral state of mind with another drink.

Legiaus sighed and shrugged. Maybe I was a bit harsh...but still.. "She might have meant well, but I don't need anyone telling me I've given up on that kid...anyone telling me what's what about him that hasn't been there to see him then and now..."

Xion tried to call Aimee over to help him, and felt a little confused when she walked passed and moved through the doors. Wasn't she treating them to drinks? However, when Ishu came and made her way through the crowd with her smiling face he felt a bit at ease, "Enjoying yourself, Ishu?"[/i]
Ishu nodded and gave Xion a big hug, pressing her cheek against his chest before drawing back and holding his hand. She pulled him forward, wedging through the islanders and bringing the boy to the bar where his brothers were. She thought this was where he wanted to go so... she brought him here. Ishu hopped back up onto her seat and slurped at the empty cup with the straw. Slrrckckcslrrrslrrslrslllrrrck. ^^

Aimee walked all the way through the island until she made it to the beach. It was a little bit windy and slightly chilly. The waves nipped at the shoreline without a single thought. She decided not to think about Xion, Legaius or Axle. Their lives weren't her business and she should not have said anything. She removed her glasses and put them in the labcoat, then removed the coat and kicked off her shoes, dropping the coat on top of them.
Xion smiled toward Ishu as she lead him to the table and gave her an appreciative nod. A small blush crossed his face as he watched her slurp at the empty cup, and ordered a small soda for her to was strawberry flavored. Something he also ordered for himself. "So, why did Aimee leave all of a sudden?"

Axle blinked, starring at Xion with a blank look before tilting his head to Legiaus. Legiaus sighed and proceeded to explain the situation which only made the young summoner feel worse about himself; his guardians were all ready fighting about him...and he wasn't sure what to do. " should have just left it alone...I mean...she meant well and that's all that mattered...and Axle, why didn't you stop them?"

"Because in sense, I could understand where they were both coming from...some things simply need to be said. Beliefs expressed, Xion," was the reply from the collected member of the White Falconz.

Xion sighed, sipping his soda, and felt a headache coming along. "I'll go find her...if you all can't be adults about things, I guess....I'll have to play mediator."
Ishu looked at the soda. It had a different color from the clear water and it smelled very sweet. She put her straw in it and sipped. Her eyes widened and she bounced gleefully in her seat, slurping the liquid down to the bottom of the cup right after being given the new drink. She held out her cup and bounced briefly, then wiggled in her seat, awaiting a refill of the delicious beverage.

Aimee unbuttoned and removed her top, then pushed her skirt down her legs. She left both of them, and a pair of tights, ontop of the coat. She was wearing an Al Bhed style undergarment that looked like and doubled as a bathing suit. She stepped into the waves that lapped at the shore line and soon walked in closer until the water came up to her hips. She lowered herself and put her arms forward, soon swimming a little further out into the water.
Xion smiled at Ishu's seeming love for the new beverage he had introduced her to. It was his favorite after all, and she seemed to enjoy it as well. A small laugh fell from his lips as she held out her cup for a re-fill and he ordered one for her to go, "c'mon Ishu, you can drink it on the way...let's go find Aimee."

Legiaus felt down after hearing Xion's words. While he still agreed with his own sentiments, he could admit that perhaps he could have handled the situation better...but he was a stubborn one at that. I'll...apologize after he talks to her...

Xion would take Ishu with him after she got her drink, and would start to search the island for Aimee. It would take them a minute to find to woman, and by that time she could still be enjoying the ocean water or just coming out of it. So to pass time he started to work on Ishu's vocabulary again and teach her what plants, fiends, and other things were on the way.
Ishu squealed without opening her mouth as she watched one of the bartenders refill her drink. She drank about half of it until Xion motioned for her to follow him. Her lips curved downward just slightly when she realized she would not be able to get more. The girl took ahold of his hand and followed him, sipping at her drink with a vigorous intent to make it last.

Aimee swam for some time before moving her legs up and floating on her back. She stared up at the stars in the sky, thinking about everything and nothing all at the same time.

Along the way, Ishu began to recognize the plant and fiend names but she did not repeat them.
Xion blinked slightly and couldn't help but wonder about Ishu sometimes. Here before him was the most powerful of all Aeons, the one force that could stand before Omega, and she was like a child in the body of a woman. Sometimes it was adorable and other times it made him wonder how much would need to be done to keep his promise to protect her; after all, she was...always running of with curiosity in her eyes. When they finally found Aimee floating along, a slight smile crossed his lips as he moved to the shores and called out for her.

She heard a voice echoing above the water, calling her name. Aimee sat up and turned around, the light from the moon casting a shadow over her face. She saw Xion and swam forward until her feet touch the floor and she stood up, using the muscles in her legs to bring her forward. She took her time approaching the shoreline and Xion. Once infront of him, she smiled briefly, "Hey... did Legaius trash the bar already?" She assumed he came out here to retrieve her to fix a problem.

Ishu was standing off to the side, sipping at her soda.
When she came from the water a small blush crossed his cheeks and he really cursed being the young one of their party. It was quite easy for him to become embarassed seeing the wet form of the woman before him, but he managed to control that more than he could around Eve. A slight chuckled parted his lips before he shook his head. "No...I apologize for his words. I know they must have felt insulting to you, and I am sorry...I'm sure he is too but he's a bit stubborn."

For a moment he said nothing before offering the woman a small bow. "Please forgive him...I know you meant well, and I know he did as well...but I'd rather not see our group get torn apart before we even got started on this journey fully because'm all ready enough trouble as it is."
Aimee shook her head at him, "don't worry about it. It isn't your fault." She began to ring out the water in her hair, "Is that all you came out here for?" She smiled over at him and glanced back at the water, "It is nice out there tonight... do you even like swimming?" Not many people swam just for the joy of it, unless they were native to areas with a lot of water. People from Besaid and even Kilika swam the most. If you were from anywhere else, you only swam for the sport of Blitzball.
Xion glanced toward Ishu wondering if he would be able to enjoy swimming with her around, but then smiled. If the girl couldn't swim, then between Aimee and himself she could learn he was sure...she seemed fast at picking things up. "Actually, I love swimming...but there's not much time for it with all the jobs we take from the Organization you know..."
"Well then, let's get you out there!" Aimee smiled at him and nudged him closer to the shore line. "This might be the only time you will get to swim leisurely for a while." she walked over to Ishu and took the empty cup from her hand, set it on the ground and shoved the girls skirt down. Aimee removed Ishu's shirt and put it down with her skirt, then held hands with her. Ishu was wearing an undergarment very similar to Aimee's. It also doubled as a swimsuit but had a different design and color pattern. "C'mon Ishu, let's go in the water with Xion."

Ishu obliged to Aimee's comment and walked with her to the shore line. The two went into the water and Ishu, startled at first by the cold, soon ran right in until the water was too deep for her to run.
Xion watched as Aimee all but undressed Ishu and had to stop a small nosebleed from trickling down. Despite all the composure in the world he was still a pervert behind closed doors, and the sight was beautiful in his eyes. Shaking his head he watched as Ishu and Aimee moved to the water and simply followed them intent on enjoying this moment while he could. There was nothing to stop him from...having fun...from enjoying life right then and there with two people, technicaly one person and an aeon he was tied to, that mattered.

For the first time in months, Xion had true, honest fun that didn't involve violence or pain...
Ishu squealed and ran into the water until it hit her chest and she couldn't run any more. She sank under the water and bobbed back up, white hair sticking to her face and covering her eyes. She felt around infront of her as if searching for someone or something, unsure of where she was going or how to see again.

Aimee swam over to her and pushed the hair away so the girl could see her. Aimee then dunked her under and put her hand under the water, moving the hair out of Ishu's face before letting her back up.

Ishu coughed a bit and wiped the water off of her face with her wet hands, then beamed at the two people in the water with her and splashed Aimee.

The two girls giggled and splashed each other under the moonlight.

(just for you/xion, lol)
Xion was suddenly very aware of the contrast between the cool water and the heat that was radiating from his skin. For this one moment he felt as if he was witnessing a small portion of his own personal heaven; his eyes taking every physical detail of the women before him as they splashed each other. He knew he wouldn't be able to look at them decently for awhile, much less go to bed without erotic dreams involving the pair. For now...he decided to enjoy what he could and swam over dunking the both of them with a small chuckle.

[Lol. Aww, that was sweet of you.]
The two girls laughed and giggle as they were dunked. Aimee smirked over at Ishu, who giggled, and the two of them attacked Xion, dunking him under the water. When he came back up they barraged him with splashing water.

(Legaius would be so jealous)
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