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Love Is Just A Click Away (NightStalker73au and Searcher)

She could barely breathe, the anticipation already high and being teased so delightfully with his mouth and hands. As her thighs parted more for him, she softly inhaled as he licked her panties. Her bound wrists raised up and her fingertips swept along her throat until she felt the material pulled to the side and the heat of his tongue finally touched her freshly shaved pussy. Needing to touch him, she whimpered and ran her fingers through his hair.
He was barely paying attention to anything else now but the softest of heartbeats from her, the breathing so slow to his ears as he flicked his tongue across her labia, slowly circling her clitoris gently easing it into his mouth as he slid hands up her body to cup and squeeze her firm full breasts.
A low moan was interrupted, her breath hitching as his tongue gently teased her clit into his lips and lightly sucked. "God," she exhaled and shivered as his hands found her breasts and pressed them upward until she was nearly spilling out over the top of her dress. Her fingers continued to run through his hair but she ran the soles of her feet up his legs.
He was zoning out, completely focusing on what he had intended to do and that was to give her pleasure first. His tongue licked and swirled around her hardening bud slowly, dipping lower to teasingly thrust it into the soft velvety inner folds of her pussy. It was tasting very sweet and he knew it would flow a little faster soon as he probed the depths even more, teeth gently moving against her clitoris.
Her breath exhaled in soft grunting moans as his tongue lavished along the soft folds and explored further into her. "Oh hell," she murmured and leaned back slightly so her hips tilted upward. Gently her hips rocked and she pumped her pussy into his mouth, whimpering as she felt herself reaching the breaking point. When his teeth raked across the sensitve bud, she cried out and his attentions were rewarded with a little burst of her juices and her fingers clenching lightly in his hair.
He heard the murmured words and felt her body responding even more to the attention from his tongue as it played upon those soft velvety inner folds, teasingly tracing deeper as teeth moved even faster across that swollen bud. The juices were just like he expected, making his hunger reach new heights as he thrust his tongue even harder and deeper into her pussy to begin slowly fucking her with it.
It was so much more than she had expected, the way it felt to have his tongue delving furiously into her pussy and his teeth raking across her clit felt painfully good. Slowly she started to rock, not just her hips but her entire body, and her thigh and backside muscles began to tense. "Oh God," she whimpered and rocked a little harder. Her fingers released his hair and she raised her hands to her throat again as her head dropped back. "I ... I ... I can't ... hold on," she panted and felt her juices burst forth as her insides seemed to implode bringing forth a quite feminine cry of release.
He could tell that she was starting to lose it, his tongue moving even deeper and faster as it penetrated harder. Trying to split her open with his tongue he felt the muscles contracting around the invading object before the gushing of her sweet nectar flowed furiously out into his waiting mouth. Lapping them all up he kissed her pulsating clitoris and glistening labia several times before lifting his head to smile into her eyes.
Her body trembled and she reached her bound hands out again to rest on his shoulder and merely steady herself. "That was ... incredible," she panted and had a bit of an awe-struck look as she gazed down at him. And this is just the beginning ... she thought to herself.
He smiled even wider up into her eyes leaving her hands bound for now as he lifted her down from the table type structure, carrying her over to the couch he poured them both a glass of champagne and sat down near her. Placing the glass to her lips he spoke softly. "Sweetie I have wanted that since we first spoke."
Leaning close once he sat, she sipped the champagne and then leaned even closer so she could kiss his neck. "I hope I pleased you a little," she murmured and rasped her tongue along his jaw before nibbling his earlobe. "I've wanted to be with you so bad I dreamed of you but dreams can't compare."
He smiled as she leaned closer sliding his long strong right arm around her shoulder drawing her closer and offering the flesh of his neck to her, teasingly moaning he spoke in a whispered tone. "Sweetie you have always pleased me, tonight is just the start of another journey for us both."
Though her hands were still bound, she was able to do a few things. Polishing off the champagne, she set the glass on the table and went back to kissing and nibbling his neck while her fingers finished unbottoning his shirt. Her palms rested on his stomach as she let her fingernails drag lightly down to his side. "I want to please you more," she murmured seductively.
He knew she was talented and with her hands bound like they had been she showed just how much, feeling her nails raking across the skin of his chest the muscles beneath the surface rippled lightly as a grin spread across his face. His words softly spoken. "Sweetie I know you do, shall I untie you first or want to try to please me bound first."
"I type for a living so my fingers are a bit nimble but ..." She looked at him with longing and desire. "But I'd like to feel you properly," she murmured and leaned down to kiss his exposed chest. "Touch you all over and wrap myself around you."
He listened intently to her words, a smirk playing across his facial features as he fully unbound her hands and left his tie nearby for now just incase it was needed later, perhaps she would play out her own fantasy with it he mused to himself.
She watched him remove the tie and when it was gone, she held his face in her hands and teased his lips, tiny caresses and nips before sending a clear message of just how badly she wanted him. Rising from the seat as she continued to kiss him, she reluctantly pulled away and stood before him. Reaching behind, she pulled the tab and unzipped the beautiful dress he'd sent her. Slowly, she eased it down until she stood in only her strapless bra, thong, stockings, and heels. "Let's get you more comfortable," she said then and took his hands for him to stand.
His eyes stayed locked on her movements, each and every one was almost filed away for later use or knowledge. More the latter he mused to himself as they focussed on her undressing, the dress had fitted her body perfectly and licking his lips as she stood there for several minutes he drank in her body. Standing up with her help he removed his shirt fully and looked into her eyes deeply before speaking. "You want to remove them or shall I" indicating his trousers.
"Me," she whispered and delicate fingers worked the belt open and quickly unfastened his slacks. Her lips danced along his chest and tongue teased a nipple as she pushed them down, her palms sweeping back up his thighs and then she cupped his balls with one hand and the other rubbed his length through the fabric of his underwear. She was so close to touching the soft skin of his cock, something she dreamed of when she watched the snippets he'd sent her.
The whispered words followed by the movements of her lips across the skin of his chest combined with her hands working his trousers fully off had him trying to keep his hormones totally in check. The feelings were incredible and moving only slightly back to the couch he sat down and spread his legs a little. "Come kneel between my legs sweetie."
She'd just been about to remove his underwear when he pulled out of her grasp and sat on the couch, bring a momentary look of frustration. She stepped forward and knelt quickly though, hands caressing his thighs and a slight smirk on her face. Before he could say anything else she ran her tongue up his inner thigh and nuzzled his crotch, her warm breath penetrating the material as she rubbed her cheek against the hard length of his cock.
He knew that his actions had caught her offguard, smiling widely as she not only knelt but nuzzled against his cock he leaned down and ran several long thick fingers through her hair as he whispered his words. "Go ahead and taste it sweetie."
"I thought you'd never ask," she grinned back at him. Her fingers slipped under the waistband and gently pulled them downward taking great care to not snag and pull him harshly. Once he was exposed she took a moment to just admire him. Leaning forward, her soft tongue slipped out and slowly made it's way up to the top before she blew a soft jet of cool air and watched the tip flare in response. "Better than I dreamed," she purred and teased the opening with the tip of her tongue.
He sat there for what seemed an eternity after the words had been spoken but it was merely seconds, the long slow lick followed by the hot breath had him moaning softly as he gripped her hair a little tighter pulling her mouth further down over it. "No more teasing."
She more than happily obliged, letting her lips slide over the head which she sucked gently for a few moments and then took him fully though it was nearing the uncomfortable level because of his length. Still she did her best, letting her tongue spread around his shaft as she drew back and dropped down again. After she established a good rhythm, she looked up through her lashes and drew her fingernails lightly up his inner thighs.
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