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Love Is Just A Click Away (NightStalker73au and Searcher)

Her smile was playful as she scrunched her nose at him. "Definitely won't be worn out, least not until you're finished with me." The closer the time came for the trip crept along, the more keyed up she seemed to be. "And you just keep drinking lots of water," she winked.
"Just a little bit of last minute shopping," she said mysteriously. "Getting most of the stuff packed and ready so I don't have to deal with too much the morning of the flight. What about you?" She'd sat up straight when she asked, obviously interested in what he had to say.
He could sense that she was possibly hiding something from the way she had answered him, never did phase or unsettle him as he chuckled at her light questioning words. "Nothing at all left for me to do, am all ready for the trip and raring to go." He said with a wink.
Trisha felt that nervous energy starting again, that wink exciting her and the gnawing feeling from wanting to touch him and being unable to yet. It was just around the corner though. "I know there's a lot to do but for the first night, would you rather just relax or go ahead and hit a show?" Her soft eyes were full of curiosity and simmering hope.
He could see the look on her face, it was a curious one with so many thoughts going on behind those eyes even without him asking. The light questioning words only made his own eyes sparkle brightly as he laughed a little. "I believe that we should work on that when we meet in Vegas."
Realizing how forward she must look, and much to over-eager, she blushed brightly. "You're right," she said softly with that embarrassed tone. "I just tend to be one who wants to get things organized. A little throwing caution to the wind can be good though."
He chuckled at her reaction and could tell that at least part of what he was doing was completely oblivious to her, a very good thing indeed he thought to himself. "I am sure we can both find ways to be spontaneous in Vegas."
Nodding at first, she then got a puzzled look. "I don't know why, but I had a feeling you could already be the highly spontaneous type. Grounded for sure, getting done what needs to be done, but ..." Blushing a little again, her voice dropped in volume to not a whisper but quiet nonetheless. "That video you sent me and what we did before, it was incredibly sexy and spontaneous."
He grinned at the tone and words used, nodding his head while eyes sparkled even brighter. "Oh on that one you can be assured I am but only so far, in time you will learn more."
"I can hardly wait," she said, her own eyes shining as she gazed at him. He was so enticing already and she silently hoped she wouldn't get all woozy when she actually stood next to him. He already affected her deeply and talking about their previous encounter had her flushed with light arousal.
He could tell that with the amount of time they had already spent together, certain feelings would be showing and to give her even more to think about he flexed his chest muscles before standing for several seconds and grinding groin towards the camera before nonchalantly sitting back down. "So dancing would be on the menu for you."
Yeah, she was gonna feel woozy but in a good way. Smiling quite appreciatively, she couldn't quite suppress the shiver of delight. "Dancing is a definite must. The clubs won't know what hit them." She needed to work on some moves and her mind whirred around and she knew just who to ask.
He chuckled loudly and finished his drink, ready for Vegas already and knew that they still had a few more days to wait until they finally met face to face. The nerves that would need to be settled that day he mused to himself as he spoke. "Shall I let you go and wish you a good few days before we meet in Vegas."
"As much as I would love to stay here with you, I do need to take care of a few things. Take care of yourself and get to Vegas safely," she said softly as her cheeks flushed with emotion. "Next time I see you will be the lobby of Excalibur.
The wide smile across his face hid the planning already done along with the thoughts of their first face to face to meeting. "You too sweetie and looking forward to this immensely."

The next few days went by quickly at work and soon he was on his way to Vegas to meet up with a client as well as relax before she arrived, double checking on everything at the hotel gave him even more reason to be smiling widely as he sat in his room on the same day she was to arrive. In her room not only was there gifts but a nice surprise that should give her a taste of things to come while they explored Vegas together. A dozen red roses, the most expensive dark chocolate he could buy along with red lingerie and a spaghetti strapped black evening dress were just the start of the gifts, the more private one was sitting in the dvd player attached to the television. It was another shower workout taken earlier that morning and he knew she would like it. Dinner reservations had been set up for them both leaving her plenty of time to not just arrive but relax before they met up, all details would be given to her once checked in and the small embossed card inside the roses would just say. "Your admirer."
It seemed like time dragged along but then suddenly it was time for her trip and she nervously went through the security checkpoint at the airport. She'd heard horror stories and worried her hairspray might be tossed. There was a tiny snafu when she set off the metal detector and had to be pulled to the middle for the infamous wand treatment and pat down. She would not be wearing that particular bra when she went home, that's for sure.

After that though, it was thrilling. Taking off she watched the ground zoom by and then she felt the tingle as the plane lifted up until soon everything was reduced to tiny specs. All those specs represented the cares left behind and the anticipation set in hard. She didn't mind sitting with another woman her age and her toddler and in fact, let the toddler sit on her lap when they could remove seatbelts so the little guy could look out the window.

Finally, she was dropped off by the cab at the hotel and she felt herself stepping into fantasy land. Excalibur! She looked like a grubby little peasant but she didn't care. Check in was quick and easy and then she stepped into her room. The roses on the king-sized bed caught her attention immediately and her mouth dropped. "Oh my god," she breathed and shut the door and scooped them up to inhale their beautiful scent. Then she started noticing all the other gifts and felt completely stunned. She felt the tears and didn't try to stop them. It was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done and she felt the rush of emotion deeply. The DVD further tantalized her and she spent a little extra time in the tub to get ready.

Properly shaved and bathed, she dressed in the gown and black strappy stilettos before taking great care with her make up and hair which she pulled back in a soft sweep with a few ringlets draping down the back. Adding the small dangling pear earrings and matching necklace she looked like a completely different person, like a girl gussied up for her prom only better. Adjusting herself so the cleavage was just right, she picked up the small black purse and made sure she had everything she would need for touch ups or purchasing requirements and felt like she floated to the lobby to wait for her beau. Her heart beat wildly as she looked about for him, her shy mannerisms giving her away easily.
The hours seemed to have dragged on, it was taking forever or was that just the anxiety building up deep inside of him at actually getting to meet her. In fact it had been ages since the last time a face to face meeting had happened for him, this one seemed to be one that may not have happened. He was already dressed in his black pinstriped suit, sunglasses covered his eyes as he sat at the small bar glancing around occasionally for her. The third time his eyes scanned the room fully there she was, looking even hotter than she ever had if that was possible. Taking a few breaths he stood and strode across to where she stood, leaning in close to not just breathe in the intoxicating perfume she wore but to get a better view of her luscious mounds beautifully encased in the lace as well as placing a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth and cheek. "Shall we walk to the small restuarant where I booked us a meal." He whispered.
She'd been looking around and missed seeing him so when he finally made it to her line of sight she took a deep breath and felt her heart jump into her throat. He looked fabulous and she leaned into the sweet kisses. It was hard not to turn her face just enough to let their lips touch each other but they were both dressed too proper for unseemly displays. "You look wonderful," she said and caught a whiff of his cologne and nearly melted. "I would love to take a walk with you," she said with a soft smile as she slipped her hand under his arm.
He could tell that she had not just inhaled hisscent but liked it as he had with ehrs, a sly grin spread across his face as their arms linked before he led them both from the foyer of the hotel down and across the sidewalk to one corner, turning right down the next street he was soon pulling the large thick double glass doors open to allow her to enter first. The table was his usual one, far right back corner with plenty of privacy.
Walking out the main doors of the hotel, she turned that radiant smile to him. "It's so good to finally see you for real," she whispered as they walked. Her hand squeezed his strong arm gently, almost as if trying to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Again she felt that fluttering as they were led to a private table in the back and she realized just how hungry she was when she smelled the aromas from the dishes being served close by. "It's been a while since the peanuts on the plane," she said a bit shyly when her stomach voiced it's desires.
He gave a sly grin to the low stomach grumbles coming from her direction as they sat at the table, his order having been placed the minute he landed almost three days ago. It was his favorite restaurant while in town and tonight she would be sampling quite a variety of things. His voice whispered. "Yes I am sure the video did not make you hungry either." Eyes sparkling across the table at her before speaking again. "Hope you like my choice of meal and wine."
Unconsciously, her hand smoothed over her stomach and her cheeks already had a bit of color but his mention of the video brought even more color that spread down her neck and across her chest. "I have complete confidence in your choices," she said quite sincerely though she had ducked her head a tad and the dimple in her left cheek deepened. "And the video reminded me how good dessert will be," she whispered softly.
The grin that spread across his face was a devilish one knowing full well what the video had done to her, excitement had run through him when he made it. Laughing softly he watched the staff moving between different tables, the waiter delivering their meal a few minutes later. The cork on the wine popped expertly, taking the bottle he poured them both a glass and spoke softly. "Oh yes dessert will be special tonight I am sure."
Trish was torn between embarrassment and arousal, which kept some of the blush in place. Her eyes sparkled though, anticipation remaining steady. "To a wonderful week," she continued in her soft voice as she took the glass of wine. After touching her glass to his, she took a sip though her eyes were drinking in the sight of the man sitting with her.
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