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Love Is Just A Click Away (NightStalker73au and Searcher)

He was not sure exactly what she was thinking but if it was anything like his own thoughts then the night was going to be so hot and steamy for them both that no amount of ice in the hotel would cool them off. His eyes had already drunk in the sight of her body so many times that a few more looks would not hurt, his body was almost demanding her touch though as he took a few sips of the wine and began to eat the meal.
She couldn't keep her eyes off of him for very long, merely glancing about now and then out of curiosity due to being in a strange place. "Thank you, by the way," she said softly as she gently caressed his free hand. "The roses are lovely and this dress is gorgeous." Then with a little mischevious look, she leaned in and whispered "We'll discuss the video later."
He gave a sly grin back to her whispered words, widely smiling now as well before speaking softly. "Sweetie the dress and roses are my pleasure." Taking a few more sips of the wine he topped up both of their glasses, turning hands to give hers a squeeze as he soon finished off his food.
She didn't rush but didn't tarry overlong on her food, though she held his hand as she finished the last little bit and washed it down with the last of her wine. She'd tempered herself with the wine, wanting to enjoy every moment but letting it relax her a teensy bit. "Dinner was wonderful," she smiled softly. "I can hardly wait to see what you have planned next."
He smiled across the table at her, giving her hand another gentle squeeze as eyes sparkled brightly. Leaving a rather large tip on the table to pay for the meal as per his usual occurrence when visiting he stood and keeping contact with her hand started to lead her from the small restaurant. "A walk along the nearby esplanade for a start" he said softly,.
She didn't notice how much he paid, simply dabbing her lips clean and then entwining her fingers with his as they walked away from the table. "Sounds wonderful," she said just as softly and once outside, reached across her body to snug his upper arm in an intimate gesture. "You really are making me feel quite special," she said a bit shyly. She felt like it was a dream come true, her moment to be Cinderella, and she knew without a doubt that she didn't want it to end.
He had never elt this way in a long time, every relationship online had ended long before talk of even meeting let alone it actually happening. His insides were a mixture of sorts, shaken and happy to have her so close as they walked casually down to the esplanade. Stopping he turned to face her and cupping her face under the pale light of the moon he kissed her lips softly at first, teasingly tasting her lower lip.
She was enjoying looking around at the sights and not so incidentally his face but when he stopped, a moment of wonder seeped into her being at the way he looked at her. Then his hand was tenderly cradling her cheek and he leaned down in a way that made her heart hammer against her ribs. For all the jokes about fireworks exploding with a kiss, it was exactly what she saw when her eyes closed and she responded just as tenderly. There was no one else in the universe at that moment as every nerve in her body seemed to ignite. Her own hand reached up to softly caress the skin just underneath of his ear and her tongue softly touched his, a gentle invitation filled with hunger.
As they kissed he could feel his hormones beginning to race just like a teenagers on a first date, oh it was such a special moment to be savored and he always would as the kiss deepened. His fingers moved to take hers, gently squeezing them as he brought his body even closer to hers, free hand sliding to her waist holding her closely as he moaned out loudly into the kiss.
Romance was supposed to lead to magic and that's exactly what he was creating. Trish found herself spellbound and lingered in the kiss though his moan seemed to vibrate all the way down to her toes. Pressing her body up against him, she felt the heat rising and the kiss deepened in response. Her fingers tightened in his and a soft moan escaped into the kiss, signaling enough arousal that they might wish to find a more private place soon.
He could tell that her own arousal was matching his, the beautiful sounds escaping her lips sent a few faster beats of his heart at the thoughts that had been building ever since the idea of meeting had been mentioned. It was time to act upon them as long thick fingers slipped from hers to cup her buttocks, grinding hips harder against hers as he pushed her up against the railing which was soon going to be supporting her weight. Lifting her effortlessly onto it his eyes locked with hers fiercely seconds after the kiss broke, fingers sliding up under the hem of her dress to massage her inner thighs. "I'm game if you are." He said in a whispered tone.
It was incredible and so racy for her, and would be so damned easy to give in right then as she felt a fire burning through her. The way he felt against her, how his hands gripped her. When he ilfted her so easily, she felt overwhelmed by his controlled strength so when he pulled back from the kiss she gapsed for air and placed her hands on his shoulders for stability. "Damn," she whispered as her breasts heaved with each breath. "You don't now how tempting it is," she murmured and placed her forehead against his. "Would you think horrible of me if ... for our first time ... I wanted it to be private?" she asked in hushed tones as her hands slipped up his shoulders to his neck.
He could tell that her body and mind were not complete on the whole issue, the words echoing the thoughts that he had felt now as a soft smile spread wide across his face. His hands still cupped her buttocks, giving them a gentle squeeze as he placed several soft kisses on her forehead and passionately on her lips. "I want this position though" He whispered.
As his lips sought hers again, she groaned and then nodded. "If we weren't in such nice clothes and I didn't want to see and touch and taste every inch of your skin for real," she murmured with frustrated tones. "I want this position too ... and so many more," she purred and tasted his lips once more as her fingertips stroked the soft flesh just below his ears.
He could tell how frustrated she was, the tone was just the added dimension to it all as he turned his face in her fingers and leaning closer kissed on the delicate flesh of her earlobe. "Sweetie lets go" He whispered before stepping back and taking her hand, lifting her down he proceeded to lead them back to the hotel. It would not take long as fingers left hers only to slide around her waist cuddling her closer as they walked.
His voice whispering in her ear was enough to set her nerves on fire. She'd wanted him for so long and watching the video before meeting him had kept her in a constant state of arousal knowing he was going to be right there for her to touch. She just hated the fact that she might be disappointing him so made a vow to herself that she would do her best to make it up to him. As they approached her room, she pulled the keycard out of the little purse, feeling her heart slamming into her chest and hearing the blood rush in her ears. Once inside, she slipped the do not disturb sign on the outside and turned to face him. It was real and he was here, the air nearly shimmering with her desire for him.
His eyes sparkled back into hers as the distance between them closed even more, it was barely inches between them as his large strong hands guided long thick fingers to each side of her waist lifting her up and carrying her through the tiny room to the small table. Pushing off the two light magazines that had been left there he looked even fiercer into her eyes as fingers deftly pulled up the hem of her dress, caressing her inner thighs he spoke in a whispered tone. "You could never disappoint me sweetie, you are too beautifu in so many ways."
Her thighs had parted and rested against his hips as she wrapped his tie in her fingers and brought him closer to her. He'd seen her worry and relieved it with those few soft words, her tense shoulders relaxing as she reached up and loosened his tie. "And you won't disappoint me," she murmured with assurance and started to unbotton his shirt.

Once she had half of them undone, she leaned forward and pressed her soft lips to his bare chest, conitnuing her work to expose that torso she'd been longing to touch. Her tongue lightly swept along his skin and she groaned slightly as his hands continued to work her thighs. Every move and touch were soft and sensual as she worked to memorize every muscle and how he tasted.
Her softly spoken words echoed around inside his mind as those seductive lips of hers worked their magic on his chest, every muscle rippled beneath the thin layer separating them. He was in heaven and she was the angel that was taking care of him right now as he fought to gain control. Taking one hand away he fully removed his tie and captured her hands before loosely tying them together with a grin and sparkle in his eyes as they met hers. Pulling her tied up hands above her head he spoke in a whispered tone. "Sweetie time for yoru pleasure, mine can wait."
Being tied up wasn't what she thought was going to happen, at least not immediately and in some ways it made her nervous. It left her quite vulnerable and yet she wanted him so much. She yearned to touch and taste him more and looked almost forlorn as he raised her hands. "But touching you was a pleasure for me," she whispered softly but yielded to him.
His eyes showed concern and love for her as he softly kissed her lips, words whispered. "Sweetie all the time in the world for your touch later, let me taste and savour you first."
It was the first time a lover wanted to please her first and it touched her that he wished it to be this way. Soft lips brushed against his and her lashes touched down a couple of times before she nodded slowly. "I'm yours," she whispered and kissed him tenderly again.

NightStalker73au said:
His eyes showed concern and love for her as he softly kissed her lips, words whispered. "Sweetie all the time in the world for your touch later, let me taste and savour you first."
He had always been this way with lovers, it was not something that he wished to change if he could help it as he returned the kiss with more passion and zeal, long thick fingers caressing higher up her inner thighs inching closer to the v of her legs. Breaking the kiss his eyes met hers and stayed that way for what seemed an eternity but was only seconds before lowering his head along with body to kiss up her legs.
Again she felt a moment of disappointment as his lips left hers, finding it so easy to lose herself in the way he tasted and trying to find all the sensitive spots to tease with her tongue. As he dipped down and his lips caressed the skin of her thighs, she felt that tugging sensation deep in her pelvic region. Holding her bound hands close to her chest, she watched him with rapt fascination and her eyes darkened with desire.
Already he could feel her arousal reaching new heights, before he was threw tonight she would be finding new boundaries that were just blown away such was his desire to make her feel like a princess. His long thick fingers massaged her thighs as he left a trail of soft kisses, long slow licks and gentle nibbles upon the soft tender flesh, parting her legs even wider his tongue flicked against her panty clad pussy tasting some sweetness. "Oh yes dessert is going to taste so good" He whispered only seconds before hooking two fingers under the gusset of one side and allowing his tongue to teasingly touch her labia.
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