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Love Is Just A Click Away (NightStalker73au and Searcher)

Checking out his pride, the corner of her mouth twitched into a lopsided grin but she looked at him with those smitten eyes. "Work is same old same old and thankfully I can do it in my sleep. I'm having trouble sleeping now, probably from being so excited about this trip."
He chuckled softly at the combination of her facial expression and words. "Then I should let you go to sleep a lot earlier, that would ultimately work I suppose and there is only 1 week left before we meet so not long now."
More amusement suffused her expression. "It wouldn't matter if I went to bed earlier. I'd still lay there staring at the ceiling. Basically," she said with a sly grin, "I'm like a kid waiting on a trip to Disney World and can't stop thinking of all the rides."
He chuckled loudly at the last of her words, his mind had gone down the gutter in only a few seconds before he took a mouthful of his tea, letting it go all the way down his throat. "The rides can't wait for you either." He said with a wink.
"And to think I have a week-long pass," she said with wide innocent eyes. "I'm sure there are some I'll have to ride again and again." She'd really loosened up with him, feeling more and more comfortable the more time they shared together. While the sexual tension was there, she also felt the strong need just to be close to someone again.
He smiled widely at her words knowing full well what she meant by them, it had been even longer for him and with the time in Vegas fast approaching it was going to be difficult to keep the nerves settled and he knew it. "I am glad you will want to try the rides many times." He said before laughing and giving a wink.
"Not just the rides but also the sight seeing," she spoke solemnly, "and all the food too." It was impossible to keep the straight face though and the merriment danced in her eyes. "I just hope we can fit everything in for the one week."
His smile widened at her words already looking forward to spending many weeks either at home or away with her. "Oh yes vacations are awesome for the mind and body."
"When you take a vacation, what typically do you like to do?" she asked curiously. "Do you like amusement parks or lakes or beaches?" She was already thinking of future vacations and her mind was whirling with all the possibilities.
He smiled at her words, already knowing that she was thinking ahead to many more types of vacations for them both. "Oh I do enjoy parks and beaches, scenery is the one part that I do like to view and explore fully. So beautiful to watch a sunrise or sunset over mountains or a lake, even better when you are with someone."
She had a bit of a dreamy look, obviously thinking the same things as she twirled a lock of her hair. "It does sound wonderful," she murmured with a sultry little lilt to her voice. "And it would be a fantasy come true to watch the sun sink into the horizon as my lover sinks into me."
His facial features came alive as eyes sparkled brightly across the screen towards her, his voice reaching greater depths. "Fantasies are meant to happen so count on that with me."
He gave a chuckle and wink to her as a way of saying that he would endeavour to make them worth the time she had invested in getting to know him better. "So any other things you want to experience while in Vegas this time."
(( OOC: I responded to your last post like the day after but apparently the net ate it! So sorry!!!! ))

She pondered for a bit and started ticking off on her fingers. "Food, dancing, shows, sight seeing, and lots of good times with you ... Considering there's just a week that's probably about it for this trip."
(( Its okay. ))

He smiled at her response and felt exactly the same way but knew there was so much for both of them to explore not just in Vegas. "Yes spending time exploring some of Vegas will make those places even more special I feel"
Her expression was wistful and her smile soft. "I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to this, to hold and touch you for real. They say it's a magical place and sharing it with you will be wonderful."
He felt his cheeks heat up again, it was not something that he ever felt he could get used to, the sweetness in her voice and words showed the care and love for him, something that he felt that he would never find again. Laughing a little. "Oh you will enjoy my touch I am sure of that." He said with a wink.
Her own cheeks were flushed and her large eyes flashed with desire. "I know I will too," she said softly. There were a few moments of silence as she sat there just looking at him, not awkward or anything but just looking utterly happy. Then she cleared her throat and chuckled. "So just a few more days and we're hitting the airports and leaving work woes behind. Any big projects before you leave?"
He could tell it was a lot for her to take in, the weeks had gone by so quickly and with it the feelings grew even stronger between them to the point of almost being a raging fire. Laughing a little he shook his head. "Nothing at all for me, do hope your boss does not overwork you."
She shook her head. "Not a chance. I type fast enough that I keep my stuff caught up and usually help others out who can't keep from hanging out at the coffee pot and hogging all the donuts," she chuckled. "And given the fact I haven't taken a real vacation in so long, they figure I'll mutiny if they even try to load me down or THINK about telling me to reschedule."
He chuckled at her words and could imagine how she would do exactly that, his own workload was very low so he would definitely be in Vegas waiting for her to arrive. "Sounds good and you will not be wore out before you arrive."
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