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Love Is Just A Click Away (NightStalker73au and Searcher)

"Nope. Just me and the treadmill after a bout of ice cream in a bit," she quipped. "Not to mention any time I get to look at you." Yup, she was quite smitten.
He had a sly grin at his own thoughts before feeling his cheeks heat up quite a lot. "So you going to wear a leotard to use the treadmill and possibly show it off for me."
"Ooooooooh no. I tried one of those once and good gods! Talk about an atomic wedgie!!" She was chortling and dropped some of the underwear she was folding so bent to pick them up and fold so she could set them aside. "I wear jogging shorts and a sports bra, much more comfy."
He gave a soft chuckle to her words, his eyes sparkling brightly as he relaxed in his chair. "Oh really.. I want to see you in that." He said with a wink.
He'd seen her in less so it didn't seem to bother her. "Nothing fun to watch, just me jogging and getting all sweaty ... hang on ... now I see." She stuck her tongue out at him playfully, smacking herself in the head.
His sly grin only widened now as the full realization of why he wanted to watch set in, laughing softly he shook his head. "Sweetie you are sexy with or without clothes on, I enjoy the female body moving so just think while you are working out I will be masturbating."
The sound of laughter made its way around the hand in front of her mouth. "Better not let me see that or I'll misstep and end up in the hospital during the time we're supposed to be in Vegas!"
He shook his head and gave a wink as he spoke. "Sweetie I will make sure that you are in Vegas so you will have to dream about me showering your body with cum when you sleep tonight."
"Mmmmmm, Vegas ain't seen nothin' yet. We'll melt the buildings with all our sexy heat." She did a shimmy with those last two words, being completely silly.
His whole body already felt like it was on fire as he grinned and laughed at her words. "Sweetie I am going to let you workout, I will be thinking of you when I sleep tonight that is for sure and we can chat tomorrow?"
"Absolutely," she bobbed with a smile and leaned forward, kissing her lips and pressing it to the screen where he sat. "Just look for me when my computer comes on."
He smiled widely and could almost feel the touch of her lips on his own such had been the dramatic build up and connection they were forming. "Oh I certainly will do that sweetie."
The next day, she woke and turned on her computer and web cam. Since he wasn't on yet, she toodled off and fixed herself a breakfast burrito and a glass of milk before returning to play some solitare and see if he would come online soon.
He had spent most of the afternoon and early evening working to tidy up the backyard along with preparing the are that he needed to use for the barbecue, work was started early and before he knew it almost half of the morning had come and gone in a blink of an eye as he took a few moments to check his computer and messages. Sitting down with a coffee he relaxed knowing he had to wait awhile for the concrete base to fully set before he could do anymore work. "Hello, trust you slept well."
He could just picture her sleeping like that as a wide smile spread across his face, stretching arms behind his back a little "Slept well enough, how was your workout last night."
"Well, I didn't hurt myself so that's a plus," she chortled. "It was actually nice. I put on some music and daydreamed you were jogging next to me. Made me sweat just a little more than usual." Her smile turned a little more sensual and she winked at him.
"I'm sure it doesn't," she giggled. "But being in Vegas where all the gambling is ... I bet it will still involve some bouncing of certain parts."
The grin that had been threatening to break through did, widely across his face as he chuckled evilly at her words. "Of course it does in so many positions and rooms too."
A few more snickers and she wiped her eyes. "Oh gads we're incorrigable. I think what I would enjoy the most really would just be close, laying in your arms and not caring about the rest of the world for a while."
She thought for a moment, chewing on her bottom lip with her brow furrowed. "Hmmmmm, hadn't thought of that. I'm not a fashionista ... don't have a million shoes ... probably just one suitcase and a carry-on." She looked at him with a rueful smile. "I bet you can get two weeks' worth of clothes in one duffle can't you?"
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