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Love Is Just A Click Away (NightStalker73au and Searcher)

He smiled and took a few sips of his water, eyes meeting hers. "So sweetie you think some time that perhaps you will use more a finger to masturbate with?"
"I've thought about getting a vibrator, for times when the need gets too strong" she admitted a little shyly. "I just ... guess I feel it's not as good as being with someone. It's sort of like if you have to do that by yourself, then you're pretty pathetic because no one wants you." She rubbed her nose a little self-consciously. "Not that I think it's wrong for anyone else to and if they enjoy it then it's no busniess of mine ... just sort of a personal feeling."
He listened intently to her words and nodded before having a sly grin spread across his face. "The company of another is always better but when you can't have it, a toy made like them can be just as good." he teased with a hint of an offer.
"I guess it could ... might try it one day." She shrugged a little. "I think a lot of it's mental and sort of like regular Coke versus Diet Coke. One's just a lot better than the other." A little half-smile had crept back with her last sentence.
He was not going to press her right now but he had eluded to something that most people would not have even considered, yes he was madly in love with her and knew that the time in Vegas would be special but may be some time after that before they be together always. "Yeah well I don't tend to drink much of that." He teased.
That little puzzled look came back and a little self-criticism slipped into her tone. "I missed something just then, didn't I? Sometimes you gotta smack me in the head and tell me point-blank ... it's the ditz in me." She hoped she hadn't hurt his feelings and that he would explain what he'd meant, all the while forcing herself not to smack herself in the head.
He shook his head lightly before setting his glass back down on the table. "Sweetie I will explain when we meet in Vegas, can't wait for that time right now."
Well he didn't seem angry with her at least so that made her feel a little better. Still, it was yet another something to wait for. "This is seriously going to teach me a little patience," she grumbled but wasn't really upset given the way she looked at him through the curtain of hair that had fallen over her eye before she swept it back behind her ear.
He smiled back at her and nodded knowing that indeed it would for both of them, stretching one arm behind his chair he quickly glanced at the time. "Perhaps I should make a start on clearing up the yard and don't wish to keep you from anything you may need to do."
"I have laundry to do," she admitted. "I kept putting it off through the week so now .... ugh!" That soft smile crept back up as she took her last few glances at him. "We'll see each other soon though."
He flashed her a big smile and nodded. "Of course we will sweetie." he said before standing slowly and taking his sweatpants, putting them back on along with his shirt and leaving the room to work on parts of the house and yard.
Clicking off the webcam and shutting down the computer, she gathered up her own clothes and headed for the bedroom to get her other dirty clothes. It was a little surreal what she had just done, something so out of character, that she was in a little haze. The technology was allowing her to open up more and in a way it was good but it still lacked the personal touch she craved so much. That would change in a couple of weeks though, bringing a smile to her face. Not sure yet if it was love, she definitely knew there was lust and he seemed the type she could fall for head over heels ... or ankles around neck.

(OOC: Table top game today so will be afk until tomorrow.)
He whistled softly as he worked around the back rooms of the large house, even more empty now that he was sharing time online with her but could not just yet for real. Stepping outside he took to the work of cutting back some trees, clearing off old wood and setting it alight before watching the flames flicker softly. Entranced by it he whistled louder, it was several hours that he returned inside with the embers fully burned down, taking a quick shower and changing his clothes he made a coffee and a light lunch for himself finishing the lunch quickly and checking to see if she had left another message. His computer was on, so was cam and instant messenger as he sat down near the computer, pulling out a book from the desk drawer with some music playing in the background.

((OOC: Enjoy the gaming.))
Three loads of wash shouldn't take that long but she found herself daydreaming so it ended up being most of the afternoon, especially since she needed to iron a few of her work clothes. Finally it was done and she sat down with a bowl of cereal, turning on the computer to check e-mails and possibly see if he was around. His IM showed available so she typed *peeks in* How ya doin?
He heard the little ding from the IM and smiled at the words on the screen. "Hey sweetie, finished all that housework or still got lots to do?
I am better for seeing you again."
Turning on the webcam, and thusly the speakers so she could hear him and have her hands free, she waved. "Hey darlin. Almost but not quite." Holding up some socks, he could see she was about to finish her last load and by the crinkling of her nose she hated matching up socks. "So what all sorts of manly stuff did you do?" There was a sexy lilt when she said manly.
He laughed a little as she waved the socks around, one of the least fun things to be done of all laundry but necessary so at not to be fashion disaster. Cheeks heated a little at the tone of her words. "Cleaned the whole yard up, going to work on finishing building the barbecue tomorrow."
She blinked a iittle, clearly touched by the offer. "Wow, never had a guy cook for me before, well, besides Daddy when I was young. That'd be really nice." As she matched up another pair of socks, she said "I could make dessert. My main course menu is a bit short but I'm really good at the sweet stuff."
He smiled warmly through the screen at her, it was hard to fully gauge her reactions even via the cam, a lot easier if they were both in the same room as he began to drool a little. "Whats your favorite sweet food to prepare?"
She chuckled. "I have quite a few but I'll try to narrow it down ... chocolate chip cookies with a little secret ingredient that always won me first prize at the county fair," she ticked off on her fingers, "also oatmeal cookies with butterscotch chips, peach cobbler, in the summer homemade peach ice cream, and in the winter when we get the good snow I make snow cream." She shrugged a bit. "Those are my usuals and scratch type stuff but I like to try all sorts of things. Gimme a recipie and I'll give it a whirl."
He felt his stomach moan out its urges, grumbling softly as he could already feel himself getting hungry just at the mere mention of those types of desserts. "Sweetie I will you surprise me one night with one."
His reaction made her smile tenderly. It seemed she enjoyed doting on people and didn't get the chance much. "Of course I'd fix them for you. In fact ..." she smiled. "I'll bring a box with some samples ... how's that?"
He laughed softly at her words before giving a sly grin. "Sweetie I look forward to sampling them too. So any other plans for the rest of your weekend?"
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