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Love Is Just A Click Away (NightStalker73au and Searcher)

Pursing her lips, her head tilted sideways. "Black silk boxers ... get those and I won't be able to keep my hands off of you. But then I just might steal them for myself." The last was said with an impudent smile. "I like silky satiny stuff."
His eyes sparkled even more brightly at her words, the plan already having been formulated and readied in preparedness for when she arrived in Vegas, it was all going so well. "So any plans for your next two weeks before Vegas"
"Hmmmmmm," she thought with that playful finger to her lips. "Work, sneaking peeks at you as much as possible, and doing some Keegle workouts ... besides a bit of eating and sleeping that should cover things I think." She was actually doing that one little work out as she talked to him, such a discrete way to really get herself 'in shape' for him.
His facial features lit up like a christmas tree at the mere mention of her working out, he could tell the next few weeks would go easily enough. "I will make sure you get a few more short videos too before we meet in Vegas, oh so looking forward to this."
"Maybe I'll send you an exercise clip ... if I figure out this silly camera thing," she laughed. "Here's a tip for you though, never ever under any circumstances should you try to sing and dance along to YMCA while on a treadmill. The results can be quite painful."
His face highlighted even more at the mere mention of a clip from her, the last part drawing some oohs and ahhs from him. "So first hand experience talking huh?"
"Ayup," she bobbed her head. "Sprained ankle and hyperextended elbow ... hurt like hell!" She laughed then, pulling her hair back behind her. "That was about four years ago and other than that ankle trying to be weak now and then, there weren't any lasting physical scars. Mental now ..." She crossed her eyes and blew a raspberry.
He listened to her words and took mental note of the cheekiness on display vowing he would lightly punish her for it. "That would be understandable and a perfect reminder of what not to do."
She was still chortling a little. "To this day I still can't listen to that song without doing the YMCA moves. Such a cheesey but fun song. So what's on tap for you today? Got some good barbecue going on?"
He chuckled loudly. "You could try to spank me but I feel you would enjoy being the one spanked more than me and I can't help it if your mind only has a one track to it."
Laughing heartily she nodded her head. "Food ... my mind is usually on all sorts of food, usually sweets. My nickname at work is Cookie Monster. As for spanking I prefer to be a good girl and not need them." There were a few more snickers and then she shrugged and blew her bangs out of her face.
He chuckled and shook his head before taking a few more sips of his tea finishing it off and glancing briefly at the bottom of the cup before the time at the corner of the screen. His eyes met hers. "I should let you go do your housework, Will catch you sometime during this week before one final week apart then Vegas."
Smiling, she nodded. "I'll peek in now and then at the usual times and we'll see if we catch each other." Kissing her fingers, she blew him a kiss and waved before toodling off to the kitchen.
He had a sly grin on his face as he caught the kiss and watched her leave the room, soon he was back outside working on the barbecue not finishing until it was late in the evening. Only a few more hours and it would be ready to use.
That anticipatory feeling was getting stronger and Trish kept the webcam and computer on all the time in case she could catch a glimpse of him more often. She was spending a lot of time in the kitchen making up cookie doughs and freezing them, preparing for a big bake day right before she flew out so she could have a goodie box for him.

It had been a few days since they'd talked and she walked into her apartment after work with a salad from Wendy's and set it down on the desk. "God I need this vacation," she grumbled and kicked off her heels. Turning to leave the room, she reached behind and pulled the zipper down the back of her dress and let it drop to the floor. Kicking it up with her foot, she caught it. "Change into comfy and then eat ..."
During the last few days work had been extremely busy and with him leaving for Vegas the inevitable was going to happen or was it, the cancellation that he felt his higher up boss may impose on him was not coming as he arrived home with only three days before Vegas. Leaving in the morning actually and catching up with a couple of clients there he was relieved he had set up a small timer with recorder via his webcam, receiving and playing back her little show to him he left a short message. "Looking ever sexier, you should just stay naked and get used to it because in Vegas you will be naked a lot." Chuckling at his words he sat down with coffee and salad while waiting for her to return.
She'd decided to take a quick shower and when she passed the computer again, her hair was still damp and tousseled and she had a towel tucked under her arms but her backside was still in full view. He could hear her muttering, cursing herself for leaving the clothes on the dryer again instead of putting them up like she should. A few moments later, she came into view again with a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Her peripheral vision alerted her that the box wasn't empty anymore and she found herself blushing as she approached the compuer. Eyes quickly skimmed the text he'd sent and her blush turned brighter. "Well hello to you too," she said genially. "Caught me looking like a drowned rat. "
The view he was given gave rose to even more naughty thoughts, the last few days apart had been making them even more clear than before and with her state of undress for those few minutes he gave a soft chuckle at her typed response. "No I caught one sexy lady enjoying her home like she should do more often."
Chuckling softly, she shook her head. "I don't normal traipse around in nothing but a towel but I was lazy and didn't put up all my clothes. Give me just a moment to toss these on and I'll be right back ... with a brush too." She was holding the towel in front of her with the clothes clutched in her hand and trying to run the fingers of her other htand through the tangles of her hair.
"Five is good," she agreed and toodle off giving him a little more moon if he happened to be looking. Tossing on her clothes in the bedroom, she got a tall glass of tea and went back to the computer to wait on him. Scribbling out a couple of checks, she stuffed them in envelopes, stuck on the stamps, and with a crinkled up nose licked them closed after which she took a big swig of tea to get rid of the taste.
He gave a wide grin to the moon and stood walking casually from the room to grab another drink, checking on his handywork in the backyard took a few more minutes than it should have it, his proudness evident as he sat back down at the screen. "So anything new for you at work?"
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