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Love Is Just A Click Away (NightStalker73au and Searcher)

He chcukled and flexed his whole upper body, muscles rippling beneath the surface. "Would have to say a beach during the height of summer activity."
"Ooooooh, that could actually be done ... well I'm sure it has a lot more than people realize. Playing in the water particularly ...." She hadn't missed his flexing and her mind started to drift, a tiny smile turning up a corner of her mouth. "Um, yeah ... your turn to ask me."
And he finally dared it. Her tummy floped heavily but she nodded. Adjusting the little camera, she judged by the tiny corner of the screen that it was showing her from the waist up. Pulling the tails out from her pants, she started slowly unbuttoning the blouse and when the last one was out let it open fully and slip over her shoulders. Her bra was a combination of white satin and lace with a tiny rhinestone set in the front-hook. There was a good expanse of cleavage, the upper section of the mounds well exposed.
He was not sure if she would go through with it or not as eyes never left the screen, a wide smile spreading across his face before licking his lips and taking a sip of his tea to quench the sudden dryness he felt in the back of his throat. "Very nice indeed sweetie. Your turn to ask again."
Her eyes were riveted on his fierce gaze, her mouth dropping open a little in surprise. "You mean like this?" she asked softly and ran her own fingertips down the middle of her chest.
His eyes watched like in a trance as the finger did what he wanted. Nodding his head the words came slowly. "Yes and would love that bra to be front clasped."
A feeling of power was starting to build inside, enjoying his entrancement. "It is," she said softly and reached up with the other hand to unclasp it but didn't open the cups yet. He could see her nipples hardening through the material as she shifted herself a bit.
His gaze never left the movements of her fingers, the corners of his eyes taking in the hardening of her nipples. "A truth for you - Are you aroused?"
She wasn't a liar and she knew it was obvious anyway. "Yes," she said barely over a whisper. "Are you?" Her request for a truth rather than any dare ...
He smiled at her response, moving his chair back slightly so that more of his body showed to her. His trousers had tented as he spoke. "Of course sweetie. "
"Everything isn't a part so I have to go with the obvious," she said a bit cheekily. "I've always found how it can change size so quickly to be fascinating ... and how soft the skin is. It's almost like velvet."
He read her words with a sly grin on his face making sure that indeed the screen fully encapsulated his lower body now as he moved a little on the chair as he spoke. "So you got another Truth or Dare to ask me."
He smiled at her words, shifting a little more to relax further back on the chair. "I will say swallow but if she does not like to then I prefer to spray her body with my cum."
"Body lotion," she murmured with a little smile. "Well, I guess I can try both ways and see which I prefer ..." Looking back at the screen she bobbed her head. "Okay, your turn."
A very sly devilish grin spread across his face. "Truth for you with that line of thought, have you never experienced a spraying of hot cum all over your body."
"No ... it's always been inside or during a hand job and it went on them," she shrugged and one side of her bra slipped a little to expose a bit more. A hint of pink aereola peeked out over the top.
The grin got wider as he sat there with legs spread a bit wider, enjoying the obvious show from her even if it was all subtle. "Okay your turn sweetie."
He laughed, grinning widely as he had expected it to come from her. Standing he pushed the chair back and made sure that she could indeed see all as he slowly slid his pants and boxers down, the tip of his cock was coated in precum as he sat back down on the chair. "Dare completed sweetie."
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