DBZ roleplay

"Would..." she was embarrassed she even considered asking, but continued, "would you...sleep with me? I mean...not...sexually...just, um, sleeping." Nazera's face turned beet red and she sat back on the bed, keeping her eyes on her lap. She was one of the most powerful beings in the universe and yet, here she was, begging someone to keep watch over her dreams! She felt like a little girl again, almost reaching out for her tail which was no longer there.
Nathan seemed to look at her, puzzled by her question. It soon grew into a small smile as he walked over to where he once laid down beside her when she was having her nightmare. He looked at her, with assuring eyes. "I'll be right here Master. Don't you worry."

(Hm...I wonder if I'll be able to find a custom Namekian picture for my Namekian OC.)
She sighed, somehow relieved. She lay back down, curling into the fetal position and fluffing her pillow. Red faced, she replied, "Thank you...Nathan."

(I'm sure you can. Trying searching Google and deviantart. Example 1, 2, and 3.)
(I found one, though its from Deviantart and it has a pre-made information on him...I don't get his family status bit. Dende is his father, yet Piccolo is his birth parent??)

"Don't thank me Master. I'm only doing what you order me to." He said as he closed his eyes to shut himself down for the night. He seemed at peace, happier than ever, more peace than she'd ever see him with.
(Namekian's are considered asexual reproducers, but in fanfic, it is usually accepted that they are hermaphroditic, so Piccolo could be his mother.)

Nazera finally fell asleep, not dreaming, getting the first real rest she had since coming to this miserable planet.
(I did not know either of that so now I actually get it lol. Thanks.)

In the morning, Nathan's internal clock automatically started him up. He sat up slowly as he looked around, trying to get his eyes adjusted to the light that shone through the windows. "Damn...its so bright today..."
Hearing Nathan, Nazera began to stir. She groaned, turning over to lay on her back, throwing her arm over her face to protect her eyes from the bright morning light that began to shine in through the window.
Nathan walked over and looked outside, the bright day was upon them, which made Nathan groan as he was still starting up. For the first time, he noticed just how crappy his body was. It was taking forever for him to start up, he used up so much energy through the day that he pretty much had to get recharged every few hours. He frowned, wondering what he could do, but then a thought hit him...perhaps if he headed back to the cave, he could upgrade himself. Smiling, he didn't remember that Nazera was still there as he left the house and flew off toward the cave.
She groaned, finally waking. She looked around and didn't see Nathan in the bedroom, figuring he had just run down to the garage to charge himself. She walked around the bedroom and riffled through the drawers, picking out a pair of tight black leggings and a baggy jersey dress. Nazera went to the Master bathroom and filled the jacuzzi tub, taking her time bathing herself. Her bodysuit was stained and had a multitude of holes in it from her past fights with Nathan. It just wouldn't do any more.
She finally stepped from the tub, toweling off, smelling faintly of vanilla and cherry blossoms. She pulled on the leggings and dress and padded down the stairs to the kitchen for breakfast.
Nathan arrived at the cave and looked around the blueprints and designs before finding a body upgrade that could help him sustain power, or at least increase his battery so that he could shoot energy blasts just as much as Nazera could. He got into an empty pod after programming it to upgrade himself. The hatch closed and a timer was placed. Two hours before the upgrade was done.
Nazera walked around the kitchen, looking in pantries and the refrigerator, trying to find something suitable to eat. She settled for a left over steak, steamed broccoli, garlic mashed potatoes, and a deflated roll. She tossed it onto a large plate and threw it into the microwave, setting it for three minutes. The microwave beeped to let her know the food was ready. She picked up the plate, burning her hand, but paying it no mind as she sat down on the couch, eating furiously. She noticed the blank box on the opposite wall and the controller with the same name and pressed the power button, amusing herself with stupid human dramas.
One hour passes and even as Nathan is shut down, he can still feel his body begin to change. Not physically...but it were as if his very soul and power were rapidly increasing because of this one upgrade. The power felt great...it felt like he could even take on Nazera if she tried to kill the planet again.
Nazera finished her meal, tossing the plate into the empty fireplace. She grew tired of the human stupidity box and turned it off. Growing bored, she went down to the garage, wondering what was taking Nathan so long. She flicked the light switch and walked over to the pod, only to find it empty. Empty?!!
Nazera was furious. Had the scoundrel run away in the middle of the night?
She tore through the large house looking for him, but couldn't find him anywhere. Knowing there was only one other place he could be, she set out for the cave she had taken his pod from.
Thirty minutes until the upgrade would be complete. Nathan's body automatically turned on, to his surprise. His sensor was different now, it was more human and had lost all the bars and meters from before, and instead integrated it into his mind so he'd know himself, rather than relying on his sensor. "W-Wow...and the update still isn't even complete."
Nazera landed at the mouth of the cave, slowly walking into the darkness. In the distance, she saw a pod on with someone inside it. Walking over, she tapped on the opening. "Just WHAT do you think you're doing?"
"I'm upgrading! Now leave me alone until the upgrade is finished Master!" He said as he glared at her. Seeing as how he wasn't weak enough to lose to her easily anymore...all those cares he had for her seemed to flow out of her as memories of her murderous rampage in town flew through him.
"Upgrade for what? You're not broken. Do you need this 'upgrade'?" She glared at him through the pod cover. "Get out. Get out right now! Just who do you think you are, leaving the house without my permission?"
"Shut up!" He snapped at her. Five minutes until the upgrade was done. He just needed to stall her. "I'm a living being as well! I have a free will, I'm not condemned to serve under you unless I want to, and frankly, I'm really starting to get pissed off by you!!"
"How about you wait three more minutes and then I'll get out of the fucking pod!" He said angrily to her. "I'm tired of this, I'm not going to die and neither is this planet, the only one who's going to die is you!"
With Nathan's exclamation, Nazera punched through the pod cover, yanking the door off it's hinges. Leaning forward, she grabbed his neck in an attempt to rip him from the pod.
Nathan grabbed her hand as she held his neck. He forced himself to stay in the pod, to keep the cords in his neck intact until the upgrade was done. "No..! Don't take me out too early! I'll crash!" He said as he retained his position in the pod.
"You just said you were going to kill me, why should I care?" Unable to pull him from the pod, she began to tear the cords from him, looking frantically around the pod for the off switch.
Feeling the cords rip from him, his eyes went wide. "I just needed...a few more seconds and I could've..." He fell to the ground until he was on his knees. His head started to throb as his body had to manually stabilize his body to the new programs and functions added on, something the pod was doing for him. He began to cry out as his body painfully adjusted to everything.
Nazera smirked, seeing him cry out on the floor, as if in pain. "Interesting. I don't think I've ever seen that reaction from you. The only reactions are usually hatred or arousal. Is that part of this 'upgrade' you were getting?"
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