DBZ roleplay

He growled as he shook his head. His body was finished but he still felt limp. He was certain if he tried to fight her now, he'd be destroyed even with the upgrade. He needed to escape, find a place to hide out until he was done resting. He sent an energy ball toward her in hopes of distracting her as he flew out the cave, faster than he usually could.
Surprised, Nazera narrowly avoided the energy ball as Nathan sped out past her. Furious, she turned and destroyed the pod he had been using and exited the cave, going in the direction she thought he was headed.
Nathan dropped down into a forest and laid low. He hid under the cover of a thick-branched tree and waited a bit as his body was slowly recovering. "Damn her...I won't have to deal with her...once I recover, I'll kick her ass and save the planet...!"
Nazera continued flying. She thought for certain she had seen him jet off in that direction, but there were no signs of him. Put out, she decided to turn around and head back to the city. Eventually, she knew, he would come and find HER.
Eventually, his body returned to normal and he sighed a breath of relief. He flew into the air and tried to sense Nazera's energy and saw it was in town. He cursed at himself as he darted off to town, seething with rage if she had harmed any civilians.
Nazera had returned to town and set off through the streets. In her human clothes, she looked very much like any other civilian. The humans didn't even regard her with fear, though a few did a double take as she stalked past them, her round bottom and pert breasts straining against the dress' material.
If Nathan wasn't going to be there, she might as well have some fun.
Nathan landed on the opposite side of town. He'd have to walk from here so that he didn't spook any civilians. He began to follow the strong power source and was growing more stressed. At any moment, she could kill this entire city's inhabitants.
As Nazera walked, she noticed two men following her. She passed an alleyway. Through the corner of her eye, she saw another two men come out to join the others behind her. The street she was walking down turned into a dead end.
Noticing this, she turned, facing the four men.

"Now lookie what we got here," one of the men snickered to his friends.
"You're awful pretty. What do you say we go on a date?" another said.

Nazera smiled, getting ready to have some fun. "Sure."
Nathan continued to walk and was almost there. He had to turn the corner and he'd meet with her, though when he did so, he only found four men, he couldn't see Nazera past them. "Hey...which of you is the strongest?" He called out, wondering if there had been a second alien being that might've landed with a similar power level.
Nazera heard Nathan past the four ominous looking men, smiling in pleasure. This was sure to be interesting.

"Fuck off man!" The third man called, turning. He had short brown hair and was wearing a light tan suit, his left ear pierced.

The first man, a long haired blonde man stepped toward Nazera. "Forget about that loser, let's go. I bet my friends and I can show you a great time."

The second man, a buff guy who looked like he could be pro-wrestler looked over his shoulder at Nathan. "Can't you see we're trying to have some fun with the lady here?"

The fourth man stayed silent, watching as the scene played out.
"Lady...? Get away from her!" HE said more for their safety rather than sounding for her own. He rushed passed the men, not once contacting them, as he rushed to see Nazera. "Alright...now to do what I was going to do the first time I saw you! Prepare to die!"
Hearing what Nathan had planned, the three men leapt at him. The fourth, a soft spoken man with shoulder length black hair and wearing a school uniform grabbed Nazera's arm. "Let's get out of here!" The man and Nazera peeled off around the corner.
Nathan growled as he was pinned, only because of it beign a surprise. He easily stood up and didn't bother with them as he dashed off after Nazera and the man, even if the others were hanging on him. "You're not getting away that easily you alien freak!"
The three men somehow managed to keep hold of Nathan as he ran after Nazera and the other hoodlum. The buff one punched at the back of his head while the others simultaneously punched him on either side of his ribs.

Nazera and the other man continued to run, looking back to see Nathan catching up easily.

"Hang on," Nazera told the man, grabbing him around the torso. With that she blasted up into the air.
"Oh no you don't!" He powered up, sending energy waves to send the men off of him as he flew after Nazera. "Get back here! What're you afraid of!?" He said as he continued to pursue the girl. He couldn't send energy waves out, he might hit the guy she was holding.
The three men fell off, cursing Nathan as he went after Nazera, confused as to how anyone could fly.

Nazera sped up, not wanting Nathan to catch her. The man at her side trembling with fear, though trying not to let his face show it. She smirked, enjoying his terror. "Having fun yet, sweetheart?"
Nathan cursed at himself and sped up, trying to catch up to her. "Cmon! Fight me! I'm the only thing standing between you and destroying this planet! Fight me you cry baby bitch!!" He called out, provoking her about the time when he had found her crying in her sleep.
Nazera slowed, stopping above a large shopping center. "Are you sure you want to do this, Nathan?" She powered up an energy ball and aimed her hand above the mall. "There must be at least a thousand humans down there, don't you think?" She squeezed the man in her arms and he let out a cry of pain. "Oh, and this one seems to be very fragile."
Nathan stopped dead in his tracks as he growled. "D-Damn you...!! This is with me, not them yet! I won't allow you to do this!!" He called out, unsure of what to do. If he sends an energy blast to her, she blows up the mall and the blast would just hit the man she was holding. "Leave em alone!"
Nazera laughed. "Is that what you think? That this is all about you you you? Don't be so naive you buckethead! This is bigger than you or me, bigger than both of us. I don't have a choice. This planet will be destroyed, whether or not I have a hand in it."
"What are you talking about!? You have just as much a choice as anyone to not destroy this planet! Who else is going to come here to destroy it? Well!?" He said angrily. "To think I actually felt something for you...!"
She rolled her eyes. "There's a whole fleet just waiting to take this planet. Freeza himself could even come. Or Prince Vegeta! You are so clueless. You don't get it do you? I'm not the only fucking alien in the universe!"
Then she heard the tail end of his reply. "Wait, you...You....You felt something...for me?"
Nathan didn't turn down his glare at her. "I once did...the first time you kissed me...after our first sex, when those mixed feelings came in...I now know why and what those were...I felt something for you that caused me not to kill you when I had the chance. But its over...I'm done playing games...even if I don't have a heart...I'm tired of it being played for your selfish desires...it ends now, one of us is going to die before the end of this day."
Nazera's face softened. She teleported down to the street, letting her captive go. She floated back up to where Nathan was, crossing her hands over her chest. "Fine. Then let it be me."
Nathan glared still, though he didn't attack. He floated over to her and was cautious the whole time. "Why? Why are you just now giving your life up? I thought you had a duty to do."
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