DBZ roleplay

Nazera sighed. "You don't know the things you have to do to get as high up as I am in Freeza's army. Especially as a female. Those nightmares last night...that's not even the half of it. I saw my own planet be destroyed! The things that I've had done to me...for the sake of my people!" She shook her head, not wanting to cry in front of him yet again. These damn emotions just kept getting in the way. Perhaps the earth was making her weak.
Nathan frowned but his face did not soften. He raised his hand to her face and energy could be seen begin to build. "I'm sorry..." HE said. He tried to release the energy to blast her, but he could not. His face turned into despair over him not being able to kill her, he still had those feelings for her. His hand shook as the beam still charged and it seemed like he himself was going to cry, something unusual for he was an android.
Nazera grabbed his hand, placing it on her chest. "Don't miss." How his hand was positioned, it would be sure to pierce her heart, if it didn't destroy her whole body.
The energy died out as Nathan's hand fell to his side. He looked down, ashamed he couldn't do it to protect the planet. He looked at her before his eyes went wide. He put himself into a shut-down so that he'd plummet to earth to be destroyed so that he wouldn't have to witness her destroying the planet.
Horrified at what Nathan was doing, Nazera teleported to the ground, barely catching him in time, but leaving him with several scratches from the kicked up earth. She took him back to the cave, wondering if he needed to recharge.
Nathan lay there as he lay in the pod. He was still shut down and his eyes were shut close, without any hope of seeming as if they'd open anytime soon. In the corner of his eye, a single tear was just hanging by a threshold to his eye before it would fall down his cheek.
Nazera waited impatiently, worried as Nathan sat in the pod. He didn't seem to be moving. Was there something wrong with him? She continued to fidget, pacing around the cave.
After an hour, Nathan came online to see if the world had been turned to a wasteland yet by her power. He was surprised to see himself within the cave and inside a pod, yet where Nazera was, he couldn't see her. "Was it all a dream...?" He reached up to his cheek and felt a tear. He looked at his wetted hand and seemed confused. "It can't have been a dream...that upgrade was supposed to make me more human and...here I am crying..."
Nazera continued to pace, not noticing that he had woken. "Damn machine, making me worry. What's his problem? What was that stupid stunt supposed to prove?"
Nathan looked up upon hearing Nazera. He stepped slowly out of the pod and looked at her. "So it wasn't a dream after all..." He said looking at her then looking out again. "So...how many are dead so far...? How many billion?"
Nazera started as she heard the pod click open and Nathan's voice. She rushed over, confused by his words. "What are you talking about?" She flung her arms around him. "I'm so glad you're alright. I thought you'd broken."
Nathan was surprised she had hugged him. He frowned as he looked away from her. "What're you doing...you're just hugging a useless pile of scrap...you said it yourself." He pushed her away from him to break the hug.
She frowned. "You are a useless pile of scrap, but..." She sighed, rolling her eyes. "I like you, Nathan. I like you more than any living, breathing man I've ever known." She ruffled her hair, frustrated. "You have to understand how difficult this is for me. Emotions are unacceptable where I come from."
"I'm sorry Master but..." He turned away from her. "I cannot be with you...as much as it pains my non-existing heart...we can never be together if you are truly this devoted to this Freeza person...You should go ahead and blow me up..." He turned to her with a sorrowful look. "Or take me back to Freeza and reprogram me...reprogram me into a killing machine just so I can be with you...either is fine with me but...I'll never be the same if you do reprogram me...but you still have me."
She shook her head. "The things Freeza did to me...No, I'm not going back."

She walked up behind him, hugging him again. "Would it be so terrible if I just stayed here and created a life of my own? I don't have any scanner, there's no way to contact Freeza and none in his fleet could even find me unless they came here themselves."
Nathan wrapped his arms around her as well as he hugged her close to him. "Thank goodness you've seen things my way...thank you..." He said as he smiled to her. Though in the distance, a wrecked space pod was slowly coming down outside as it just entered earth's atmosphere.
She smiled, leaning up as they hugged one another. "Nathan, I think I love you." Nazera kissed him, tentative about this new level of intimacy they had come to.
"L-Love...?" He said looking at her with confusion. "H-How...after all that went on...how could you love me...I treated you so badly and hardly showed you any kindness when my emotions were on..."
Nazera shrugged. "From what I've gathered of humans, you don't need kind words and affection to love someone. It just...happens." At least that's what she saw on that morning's soap operas. Humans were very strange indeed.
Nathan smiled as he hugged her closer. "I don't even know your name..." He whispered to her as he held her closer to him. He felt happy and warm inside with her being with him like this.
She smiled, feeling her knees tremble as he whispered into her ear. Breathlessly she replied, "Nazera." Surprised at his affection, she found herself becoming aroused. How could she not when a handsome android has his arms around her?
"Nazera...such a wonderful name..." He said smiling to her. He was about to pull back and kiss her before the pod landed outside of the cave in a loud crash that caused a large crater in the ground where it landed. "What the hell...?"
The cave shook as the pod landed. Nazera was startled as dust clouds flew in. "I don't know." She took his hand, heading to the mouth of the cave.
Nathan walked out of the cave and approach the pod. He wondered what could be inside. He began to tap on it, not really sure where the door was on this thing. "What is it...? A space ship?"

(Perhaps this can be one of your second characters? Not a choice, this can just be a minor character that can set them on the course to Namek.)
Once Nathan tapped on the pod, the door clicked open, a heavy mist pouring out. From it stepped a small, bloated green man in a white armored uniform. Nazera stepped between him and Nathan.

"Guldo, what are you doing here?"

The squat green man turned toward her and in an annoyingly nasal and wet voice replied. "My lord Freeza and Ginyu, leader of the Ginyu force sent me here to find you. We were unable to communicate and wanted to see if you had finished destroying this pitiful planet. Obviously not. He should never have sent a woman to do the job. And to think he wants you to join us in destroying Namek!"
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