DBZ roleplay

(lol Guldo. You're gonna make him a MC?)

Nathan peered over Nazera's shoulder and looked at the strange green man. "Destroying...Namek?" He said confused. "Whats Namek?"
(Nah, I'm gonna kill him in a sec.)

Nazera scoffed. "And you think you could do a better job? I've seen mice with more power!"

She turned back to Nathan. "Namek is a planet in another galaxy. A peaceful people."

Guldo looked past Nazera to Nathan. "What's going on here?"
(Ah lol. Guldo was such good comic relief.)

Nathan glared at the small green man. "Shut up...I won't allow you to go off and destroy planets as you please short green man!"
Guldo laughed. "You won't allow me?" He patted his large stomach. "Oh, that's a good one. Kill him Nazera."

Nazera cocked an eyebrow. "I don't take orders from you, Guldo." With that she flew into the air, appearing before him, smashing her elbow into his face. "Whatever you do, don't let him hold his breath!"
"Huh? Why?" Nathan said as he watched the green man get hit by Nazera's elbow. He began to charge up a beam in both hands as he focused and locked onto Guldo. "Keep him busy while I try out one of my upgrades!"
Hearing Nathan's suggestion, Nazera tried to hold down Guldo, but he struggled wildly, trying to take a big breath so he could immobilize them. "Oh no you don't you green bastard!" She punched him in the stomach and kneed him in the crotch, hoping she could hold out for Nathan.
As he charged it, his hands began to burn, signalling that it was ready. "Nazera, Move!" He yelled out. He moved his hands in front of him before yelling the name of the move. "Masenko!" A large yellow beam shot out swiftly from his hands and headed for Guldo and Nazera.
Nazera jumped out of the way just as Guldo took a breath. It was too late for Guldo as Nathan's beam charged toward him, hitting him dead on. The explosion was more powerful than she could have imagined, blowing her back, spinning her head over head as she tried to stabilize herself in mid-air.
Nathan watched as a long piece of land was just destroyed from this one beam, Guldo's body would most likely have perished with it. He sighed as he dropped to the ground. "Namek huh...?"
Nazera managed to right herself and flew back to the pod where Nathan was waiting. "I felt that was a bit excessive, but it certainly did the job."
"Well excuse me for enjoying my new power." He said smiling to her. "What're we going to do now? They'll most likely find out the green man is dead and this Namek is still in trouble."
Nazera smiled. "Way ahead of you. I'll use the comlink in the pod to tell them I've destroyed earth and I'm heading to Namek to destroy it. Then we'll use the pod to travel to Namek and save the fuckin' day. How about that?"
Nazera laughed, sitting on his lap and hitting the trigger to close the pod's door. "I've seen someone twice our size squeeze in here. I'm sure we'll be fine. Besides, together in one pod, we won't have to worry about getting bored." With that she ground her ass into his crotch, grabbing the com device to make the false communication.
Nathan smirked as he felt her grind her ass into his cock. As she spoke, he reached over and began to massage her breasts, his cock erecting against her leg.
Nazera shuddered, supressing a moan as she was patched through to Ginyu and told him her lies. When she finished, she hung the com device back where she got it and brought up the ship's navigation to plug in their coordinates.
"So...how long will it be before we arrive on Namek?" He said as he reached into her shirt to begin massaging her bare breasts, his fingers pinching and pulling on her nipples.
Nazera moaned, arching her back as he worked her breasts. She gasped. "Not long enough." She reached between her legs, tickling her fingertips over his crotch as she continued to swirl her ass on his growing member.
"Well then...lets make due of the time we have then." He said smiling as he reached down to unbutton his pants. "Pull em off so we can fuck baby." He said smiling as he slipped his hand into her pants to play with her clitoris.
She pulled the leggings down to her knees as he played with her clit, eliciting many gasps, humping his hand delightedly. She reached under herself and pulled his cock from his pants, sliding it between her legs. She moved his hands up to grasp her breasts under her dress and humped the cock that was nestled tightly between her legs, her whole body shivered from the friction of his cock against her clit.
Nathan smirked as he leaned down and whispered into her ear. "Let me show you something that my upgrade has given me the ability to do." He said as he placed his finger inside her pussy. It began to rotate by itself, rubbing against her walls as it rotated inside her all the while vibrating. "Seems my master also made some upgrades for my sexual activities."
"Ah!" She arched back, her head landing on his shoulder as she squirmed on top of his finger. "Nn...Nathan!" She could feel the vibration through her whole body, her head swimming as her body heat escalated.
He smirked as he moved so his lips were placed on hers. His tongue swam in her mouth and danced with hers as he continued to keep his finger there, rotating and vibrating inside her.
Nazera panted against his lips, twitching on top of his finger. She leaned back into him, sliding her tongue into his mouth. She kissed him deeper as she ground herself on top of his twirling finger, knowing she couldn't hold out for much longer. "Ah! So good...Nathan!!"
"And you're so wet Nazera...it might break through my waterproof metal." He said jokingly as he continued. He placed a second finger inside her and began to do the same with that finger.
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