DBZ roleplay

Nathan smiled and nodded. "Thats good to hear...uh...hey...exactly how are we supposed to land this thing?" He said as the pod began to plummet toward the planet faster and faster as the spoke on.
She patted his leg, reluctantly lifting herself from his gorgeous cock and pulling her leggings back up. "The pod is on auto pilot. It will land itself, just as it did when Gludo arrived on earth."
"In other words...we better strap in...!" He said because Guldo's pod had crashed on earth. He gripped the bars to the sides of him as he braced for impact on Namek.
Nazera laughed, pulling the straps from behind Nathan and buckling the two of them in. Minutes later the pod crash landed on Namek. They had arrived.
Nathan seemed to be in a daze as the ship finished landing. "Aiyee....how do you get around doing this..." He said gently as he sat up, rubbing his head. "Planet Namek...what exactly does Freeza want to blow this place up for anyway?"
Nazera shrugged again, it was getting to be a habit. "The pods are fast and you get used to the landing. As for Namek, it's people are peaceful. Based on it's placement within this solar system, it is prime realty space. Also...I'm not sure, but I heard rumors about some kind of magical stones that grant you wishes? If that is true, Freeza could have whatever he wanted."
"Magical stones that...grant you wishes?" Nathan said wondering what he'd wish for. "Perhaps I could figure out who my creator was if we find the stones, but thats the last thing on my agenda. Shall we take a look around?"
Nazera nodded, popping the door of the pod. "You were never one for looks, were you?" She stepped from the pod and turned around, deepthroating his to clean it before putting it back in his pants and zipping them up.
Nathan watched as she deepthroated him and wondered exactly what made him so lucky to have met a girl like this. When his pants were on, he stepped out from the pod to look around. "Seems peaceful enough...Maybe Freeza isn't here yet?"
Nazera looked around, walking further away from the pod. "Well...it's possible. If we're lucky, he didn't send anyone at all...but it's doubtful."
"Well then, until then lets see if we can find those magic stones. Maybe we can send this Freeza bastard into an asteroid field or the sun." He said as he began to walk off in a random direction. "Er...what do they look like, do you know?"
"Um...I think...They look like golden orbs...with stars inside them. Ah!" She ran back to the pod and scrounged around inside for a few minutes. "Yep, here it is. Freeza made a ball detector. Luckily Gludo had one, he was probably supposed to meet them here."
Nathan looked at the detector and reached to the back of his neck. He pulled out a cord and plugged it into the detector. "Gimme a sec...I'll imprint all the data and the programs into my sensors so I'll be a walking radar."
Nazera smiled, impressed. "That would certainly help. That way, should we run into anyone, they won't know that we're looking for them."
Nathan nodded as the process was done. "Guess we don't need this anymore." He crushed the detector in his hand after taking out the cord. He dropped the shattered remains of the device and looked around. "Radar says the first ball is east of here...and that...there are three of them in a bunch far north of here...hm...how many of these things are there?"
Nathan nodded. "But...where should we go first? It seems someone is collecting them...do you think it might be Freeza?" He said as he looked at her and his sensors at the same time. "Should we go take him out to get the three he has or go and get the one thats alone?"
Nazera thought about it for a minute. "If it is Freeza, it might not be a good idea to fight him head on, this early in the game. It would probably be best if we found the other balls and hid them until we could procure his. Good thinking."
"Alright then...try and keep up." He said smiling to her as he flew off swiftly in the direction of where a ball was being kept. He stopped on the hill above a village to see the villagers confronting some threatening looking people. "What the...?"
Nazera followed him quickly, landing just beside him on the hill. She looked down on the village and noticed the skirmish. "What is it? Should we help them?"
Nathan seemed to look at the soldiers with slight fear. "They're power levels are near yours...I never imagined there'd be other people almost as strong as you Nazera...! Though, I'm not afraid...moreover surprised. Cmon, lets go save em!" He said as he charged up his Masenko.

(Do you want a personality preference for my Namekian? Or are there any sexual activities that'll happen to him? Your choice. Answers to this last question'll effect his personality if you leave it up to me.)
Nazera laughed. "No one matches my power except for Freeza. These guys are whimps. I'll mash their bones to dust!" She flew into the air, charging at the invaders, readying energy balls in either hand.

(You can choose the personality, but I'm gonna fuck the shit out of him. I <3 Nameks.)
(Alrighty then, perhaps a perverted one?)

But before Nazera could make it, a beam shot out, piercing one of the intruders. A namekian rushed out from the crowd and began to fight the mass of soldiers attacking. Nathan cursed and shot his Masenko out at the reinforcements coming, cutting them off from the battle by killing some of them and injuring most the others.

(Oooo. Yes please!)

Stunned by what was happening, it took a few seconds for Nazera to catch up. She fired off her two energy balls in an attempt to kill the rest. She just didn't believe her eyes. Namekians were supposed to be peaceful, gentle. The invasion and takeover of their planet should have been the smoothest Freeza's army had ever seen.
(So that image is alright then? Aside from the description and his Dislikes, and the family section, everything is as is for him on the image.)

Eli easily took out many of the soldiers in the most brutal of ways. He loved peace, but he was known for being a devestating fighter among the Namekians and one of the best aside from Nail, guardian of Guru Namek. He saw the energy blast come from both Nathan and Nazera and wondered who they were before he continued to fight on. Nathan sent out blasts of energy balls toward the reinforcements that were coming after him now. "Shit shit shit!!"
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