DBZ roleplay

(It's fine!)

Nazera continued firing energy balls, switching to her eye lasers when she met opponents that were too close. Wiping out this slime would be easy. She eyed the Namek warily, wondering just what his deal was.
(You seem awfully excited about it lol. Perhaps, if you don't want to bring in a second character, a love triangle?)

Nathan began to fight the reinforcements head on with close ranged fighting. It was a good thing he got the upgrade when he did, he would've died with that one Masenko he sent out because he could tell it would've used his whole battery up had he not upgraded.

Eli finished off the last soldier easily before turning to look at the girl with his piercing blue eyes. "Who are you? More of them?"
(Absolutely!!!!!!!! *squeegasm*)

Nazera scoffed. "Yes, I'm one of them, that's why I made them into ashes and spared you!"

"Cocky little...you're lucky you've got a nice ass or else I'd kick the hell out of it." He said as he slammed his foot down on a soldier's head that was about to shoot a blast at him. He looked up to see Nathan floating down with some of his clothing cut. "Damn...they were faster than I thought...are you okay guy?" The Namekian looked at Nathan with confusion. He didn't sense a power level. "What is he?" Eli asked, referring to Nathan.
"I'm an android thank you very much." Eli didn't seem to pay much attention as he grabbed Nazera's hands to look her in the eyes. "You looked wonderful out there killing off those soldiers." Nathan growled and poked the Namekian. "Hey, who the hell do you think you are greenie!?"
Nazera blushed as Nathan took her hands and looked her directly in the eyes. It was enough to make any girl swoon, but she stood her ground. Looking at the Namekian, she said, "And just what was that? I thought your people were peaceful!"
"We are...most of us anyway. Many of us have trained in the ways of fighting as a way of...meditation, per say. Also, we have to have some way of defending ourselves as well, we cannot be low on the food chain, as you human...and er...android, might say."

Nathan growled. "Okay this guy is starting to get on my nerves Nazera..lets leave." Eli butted in. "Oh! But you must stay the night, I can show you to my home north of here and you can rest from your battle."
Nazera was quite amused with their banter. "Nathan, calm down. Let's just go with him. We can gain shelter that way we won't be easily spotted by the enemy."
She turned to Eli. "Oh, I'm not human. I'm saiyan, from what used to be known as Planet Vegeta."
"Never heard of it, yet it sounds like an enchanting place is someone such as you could've been made there." He said smiling as he held her hand, leading her to his home and leaving Nathan behind.

Nathan sighed as he looked down, seeing as how the dragonball was north of there anyway, he slowly slugged after them, feeling like he was in a rut.
Nazera nearly laughed, but blushed instead, letting herself be lead by the Namek. "You're rather attractive...for a Namekian..."
"Thats mighty kind of you to say. Perhaps I can show you later on just how attractive I can get? I've got skills in more than just fighting." He said as he wrapped his arm around her waist. Nathan saw the display and his metaphorical heart seemed to break.
Nazera did laugh then, not surprised at her arousal when the Namek wrapped his arm around here. "Hehe, maybe that can be arranged."

She looked back, seeing Nathan trailing behind them. "Nathan, come!"
"Go on without me...I'm gonna go sight seeing..." He said as he turned to walk the other way, not being able to bare what would go on. He heard what she said and knew he'd lose her to the namek.

Eli just laughed silently to himself and Nazera as he walked on to his house. "Leave the square behind, lets head in shall we?"
Nazera felt badly, but figured Nathan just needed time to himself. As an android, he didn't need to sleep, so maybe he was even planning on going after the Dragon Balls himself.
She shrugged and nodded to Eli, following him inside.
Eli showed her in to his small home made for mainly one person, it was literally all just one room. "It may not be much, but its my humble abode." He said as he walked over to sit on his bed. "So tell me...whats the story between you and robot boy out there?"
"Hmm a sex slave huh? Sounds like he's in the right deal of business. But with him being a slave and all...I believe theres room for a lover in your life, is there not?" He said smiling to her.
Nazera shrugged. "I suppose it depends on your definition of lover. Someone you FUCK or someone you love or both?" She sat on the bed next to him, letting their thighs touch.
"My definition of lover is just someone you love...though fucking would also play well into this." He said as he began to rub her inner thigh with his hand.
Nazera's cunt was already moist, hers and Nathan's cum dried to the inside of her leggings. She spread her legs, giving Eli better access as she reached over and caressed his leg in the same fashion. "What about sucking cock? Does that play into this as well?"
She sighed, licking her lips eagerly as he patted his crotch. "I've been known to be able to handle cock. If you'd let me see yours, you could find out for yourself."
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