DBZ roleplay

Nazera was put out. "I'm not FROM Earth. How emotions are expressed there means nothing to me. On my planet you can love multiple people if you so choose or if it is in your heart to do so. It is in my heart! Am I not meant to be happy? I'm sorry you got hurt, but this is hurting me."
"Forgive me Master...I only wish to make you happy...I would have attacked Eli for what he has done but instead...I saw how happy you were when he was fucking you...I didn't want to take it away from you...so I left..." He said as he turned to look at her.
"Do you know how happy I am when I'm fucking you? Did you see the pleasure on my face when his cock was deep inside me? That's the same way it is with you....only you have so many more functions."
"Functions that I would not have used if I still had my emotions...Master...you must leave me. I've become useless once more...and we're so far from earth to repair me that Namek might be destroyed before we can even get back. I'm a lost cause...you should leave me to rot." Eli shrugged. "Sounds good to me. Cmon Nazera, lets go."
Nazera growled. "No! I'm not going to leave you. We came here together, we'll leave together. Now you're coming with us and we're going to save this planet and get on with our lives!!"
"If that is what you wish Master...but I am now incomplete and obsolete...should I even be repaired, I'll never be what I once was." He said as he turned and headed back to where Freeza's ship was. His sensor saying he now had five dragon balls, not counting the one at Eli's and the other one someplace else on Namek.

Eli shrugged as he draped his arm over her shoulder. "Lets go see where the rust bucket is taking us."
Nazera sighed in defeat, her pussy aching from the brutal fucking the Namekian had given her. "Alright then."

She looked toward Nathan. "Where are we going?"
"Frieza's ship. I sensed an high power level inside so I would guess it would be him." He continued to walk on as the ship was now in view.

Eli watched Nathan as he walked on. "Frieza? You're really going to take him on with just the three of us, are we ready for him? You sense this power level don't you? IT far surpasses us."
"Nathan! Do you think we can defeat him? Are the three of us, out power levels, high enough to take out Freeza and his men?"
"What are you talking about? I am going to take on Freeza myself. You two need to gather the dragonballs and wish him dead." He said as he continued to walk on.
Nazera stopped dead in her tracks. "Nathan...There's no way you can take Freeza on by yourself. You need help. You need OUR help!"
Nathan turned to her and grabbed her by the shoulders. He looked her in the eyes. "For once Nazura...you need to listen to me...just do what I say...alright? Just wish Frieza dead and everything will be fine..." He turned around and began to walk toward the ship once more.
She whimpered. "I don't want you to die, Nathan! Can you tell me, without a shadow of a doubt, that you can beat Freeza? Can you?!"
Nathan kept on walking and did not stop. "If I did, I'd be lying." He was now at the base of the ship. He blasted a hole into the bottom of it, causing a loud explosion and alarms to go off. Nathan jumped through the hole and began to fight minion after minion that was sent after him, killing each that he managed to.
Nazera flew after him. "I can't let you do this alone!" She landed inside the ship and started blasting everything in sight.
Eli grumbled as he flew off after Nazera. He helped in the invasion. "To the right is the room with the dragonballs, take them and go!" Nathan called out as he rushed off toward Frieza's room. He turned and blasted a hole in the ceiling to have it collapse onto the ground so that Nazera couldn't follow. Eli walked over and laid a hand on Nazera's shoulder. "Lets honor his last wish Nazera."
"No! No! Nathan!" She pounded on the scrap metal debris in front of her. "Why?!" She slumped down onto the ground, crying. "Why?"
Eli patted her shoulder. "Come now Nazera, we must get the dragonballs before Frieza can use them." He said as he turned into the room Nathan had indicated and began to gather them up.
Relucantly, Nazera got up and followed Eli, grabbing one of the five Dragon Balls that Freeza had collected. "What now?"
"Get the hell out and head to my place. We'll have six then...if we can find the last dragonball then we can summon the eternal dragon to get our wish." Eli said as he flew out of Freeza's ship and headed for his home.
Nazera followed him speedily, arriving at his home in a matter of minutes. "Where should we put these while we look for the other ball?"
Eli walked inside his house and lifted up a hatch that was hidden under the carpet. He dropped the dragonballs he had picked up into it. "Thats four, put the two you have in and we can go find that seventh one."
She dropped the remaining Dragon Balls in and lowered the carpet back into place, stomping it to make sure there weren't any loose edges to give it away. "Alright, but where do we look?"
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