DBZ roleplay

Nazera scoffed. "And you BELIEVE him? I served under Freeza since I was a youngling. He'll not spare this planet no matter what you do! Once he has his wish, he'll take off on his ship and blast this place to dust and ashes!"
"Liar! He told me about how you were trying to wish Namek to go into the sun! And to think I could trust YOU Eli!" He said growling, though meanwhile behind the scene a soldier with a radar was bringing the hooded figure the last dragonball...
Nazera looked past him. "No!" She tried to dodge around Cello, aiming a strong energy ball toward the two with the Dragon Balls.
Cello growled as he deflected the blast and send another toward Nazera, where Eli tackled Nazera out the way, taking the full force of the impact. The seven dragonballs began to light up as the hooded figure recited the Namekian ritual. Freeza appeared behind him in his hover car, laughing his cynical laugh as the eternal dragon rose up.
"No!" Nazera rushed to Eli's side. "How could you? He's your brother!" She watched as Freeza chuckled in the background the ceremony complete and the dragon rising to grant his wish. "Now we're all doomed! What have you done?"
Cello growled. "Shut up! This is exactly what I wanted! Now Nathan!" The hooded figure stopped chanting and he turned to Frieza who stopped laughing. Nathan raised his hand and shot out an energy blast to Frieza, but it did nothing as the smoke cleared. The only thing missing was his hover pod. Freeza glared in disgust as he shot a death beam through Nathan's power supply, a surprised look came upon his face and Cello cried out to the failure of the plan.
Nazera was stunned, seeing Nathan still alive, only to see him killed moments later. "No!!!" She rushed Freeza, sending out a multitude of blasts before attacking physically as she neared him. "Die!!"
Freeza turned to Nazera and laughed as the energy beams hit him straight on. When one came straight for him a while later, he slapped it back toward Nazera, hitting her head on. Cello glared in disgust as he charged after Freeza with a war cry.

Meanwhile, Nathan was running on reserve power as he looked up to the eternal dragon. "I...I wish my friends were to...have a fighting chance..." He said. The dragon said he would grant this wish and he began to flow enough power into the three beings, Nazera, Cello, and Eli so that they matched up with Frieza's first form, no one knowing he had a multitude of forms.
Feeling power flow into her as she fell toward the ground, Nazera flipped, springing back up when she hit. She went after Freeza with renewed energy, punching furiously toward his head as she fired small beams from the fingertips of her other hand.
Frieza blocked the attacks before the last one pierce through his shoulder. He glared before he started to laugh. "Oh how amusing. This little monkey girl has come to try and save this planet...well then..." He laughed as he began to transform into his second form.
Nazera looked on in horror. She had heard of Freeza's different forms but had never witnessed them before. She attacked with fervor, trying to prevent him from completing the transformation.
(Gonna be right back for a few minutes, I'll be back by 10 PM or less.)

But it was too late, Frieza's second form was complete and he started to take on both Cello and NAzera at the same time. "Come now little bug and monkey girl, is that all the power you've got!?"
Nazera continued to attack, but was smacked aside, plunging down toward the ground into a large boulder, causing it to explode. Dirt flew every which way as she lay stunned.
Cello continued to fight Frieza but this proved to be effortless as he too was slammed into the gut, causing him to fly off and land next to his brother. Frieza laughed as he dropped down next to the dead android. He picked him up by the neck and smirked. "This piece of junk cost me my immortality!" He said as he crushed Nathan's neck to dismember it from his android body. He tossed it into the air and slapped it away with his tail, causing it to land next to Nezara.
Nazera groaned, coming to. She shook her head and saw Nathan's decapitated one next to her. She screamed in rage, getting up and charging toward Freeza. "You're going to pay for all the things you've done!"
She waited until she was almost in his face before blasting off five powerful energy balls, hopeful that at least one would land, distracting him if not immobilizing him for a while.
Each one hit as Frieza was still shocked at the sudden change in power level. He was sent flying off into the distance as he crashed through a mountain. He regained himself in midair as he growled and began to transform into his third form, a form no one had ever seen except for his brother.
Nazera couldn't believe he was transforming again so quickly. She did everything she could think of, firing off energy ball after energy ball, blasting her eye lasers and the beams from her fingertips. Anything to keep him from transforming, hoping it would be enough, but knowing it never would be.
It was still too late as he had transformed again and easily dodged out the way of the blasts. When he was in a clearing, he aimed his finger toward her and laughed as he sent a volley of death beams heading straight for her.
Nazera's eyes widened. She was able to avoid most of the blasts, but was nicked by one. In his transformed state, the beam was too powerful and she felt as if she were being ripped apart. She fell unconscious to the ground, but felt something powerful stirring deep with in her.
Frieza laughed as he flew toward Nazera, grabbing her body with his tail as he swam off to a lake. He stayed over the lake but forced her head underwater until she would drown.

(Or did this happen when he was in his final form?)
(Freeza only has three forms, his brother, Cooler, has four.)

Nazera lay lip in the grasp of Freeza's tail, slowly inhaling the water as her head was shoved beneath the lake's surface. Suddenly her body sparked in an array of golden light, flinging Freeza away from her. Floating in the air, high above the lake, Nazera faced him. Her hair was golden and stiff, spreading out from her like the beams of the sun. Emotionlessly, she extended her arm, an abnormally small, but exceptionally powerful beam of energy extending from it and heading straight for him.
(There was the one in his pod, the one where he was buff as hell, the one where his head was long, and the one where he was white with the purple orb on his head.)

Freeza was sent flying from the force but easily recovered, but not to the point where his shoulder was pierced by the beam. It would have pierced his heart, had he not tried to dodge. "W-What the...!? What are you...!!? I can't lose to a monkey!!" He cried out as he rushed into the air, hand gathering energy for a Death Ball to destroy her and this planet like he did Planet Vegeta.
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