DBZ roleplay

Freeza couldn't believe how strong she had suddenly become. As he was getting blasted with a volley of blasts, he cursed himself as he quickly got out of the way as soon as he could to raise his hand up for a powered up death beam.
Nazera flew in front of him, crushing his hand in hers and headbutting him back toward the earth. "I'm sorry boss, but I can't let you win this one."
Freeza cried out as his hand was crushed. He growled as he used his other hand to pierce her gut with a death beam right before she headbutted him toward the ground.
Nazera looked down at her torso. The cut was bleeding badly, but she paid it no mind. Nothing could stop her from completing her mission. She appeared beneath him, blasting him in the face with a high powered energy blast.
Freeza cried out as he was hit with the energy blast with full force to the face. He was sent through Namek, literally, from the force and sent to the core. Upon doing so, Planet Namek was sent on its pathway to destruction as dormant volcanoes began to explode and the water began to drought.
Nazera paid no mind to the fiery lava that sprang up, quickly fizzling the lakes to dry wastelands. She followed Freeza down through the planet, not stopping until one of them was dead.
Frieza was halfway gone, half his body fallen to the hot core of the planet while the other one struggled to stay conscious as it hung onto the ground near it. Upon seeing Nazera, he cursed and sent a volley of death beams toward her, knowing it was a narrow corridors.
Nazera shifted quickly, the beam barely nicking her shoulder as she skimmed the edge of the opening, punching his face over and over before performing a new move- her whole body glowing and pushing out an engulfing force of energy.
(Use the force lol)

Upon feeling the push of energy, Frieza was sent into the core. "Damn you all to hell!!" He said as he began to burn inside the core of the planet. His body turning to mere ash within seconds. Now all that was needed for her to do was to escape the planet, with or without her may or may not be dead allies.
Nazera returned to the planet's surface, gathering Nathan's parts and checking on Eli and Cello. "Are you two alright?" She looked around at the planet erupting lava. "We don't have much time. We have to get out of here!"
Cello got up slowly as his body ached. "I'm alright...but Eli is still unconscious..." He said as he picked his brother up. "Where are we goin? How're we gonna get off this place!?" He said as he began to panic.
Nazera pointed toward Freeza's ship. "There's bound to be pods or a small craft inside that we can use to escape." She made sure she had a firm grasp on Nathan's body and head before zooming toward the wrecked ship, heading toward the pod bay in search of escape.
Cello nodded as he dashed off to the ship, slower than usual due to his injuries. He entered the ship and soon he found two pods. He got in with his brother on the other seat within. "Where to Saiyan?"
"Dunno where that is but I guess we'll just follow you." He said as he entered the pod. "What coordinate?!" He said, seeing as how this wasn't a manual control kind of thing.
Nazera slid into the pod and entered the coordinates. "Its on auto-pilot. Just make sure you buckle up, it's a rough landing."
Cello nodded as the pod closed and shot out of Frieza's ship, leaving Namek's atmosphere. Nathan's head seemed like it always had been, soulless and eyes showing no emotion or care whatsoever as he was 'dead'.
Nazera kept Nathan's head in her lap as the pod sped toward Earth. She smoothed his hair and ran her finger over his lips. Her eyes slowly tearing up as she stared into the space that whizzed past them.
Nathan's eye seemed to be blinking a light upon feeling her fingers on his lips. A small video message beamed out in front of her with Nathan as the person in the video. He still sounded monotoned.

"Hello Nazera...if you're reading this, Frieza's killed me. Hopefully he didn't kill me to the point of my head being destroyed, otherwise the repairs to my body cannot be done. Simply take me to the pod at our house and leave me in there for twenty four hours, I'll be repaired good as new...though...like I said before. I'll still never be the same after what you did."

With that, the video cut off.
Nazera sighed, crying in pain and joy. At least he could be repaired. She wondered if the emotion switch would also be prepared or if there was something she could do to erase his memory of her with Eli. Perhaps there was a way to turn off his jealousy so he would be alright with it, even if she couldn't take away his memory.
The trip to Earth seemed longer than the trip to Namek. Maybe it was because Nezara was left without a person to waste time with? As the pods made their way to earth, they crashed in successful landings. Cello stepped out of his pod, carrying his brother as he looked around the alien planet.
Nazera was fully healed by the time they crash landed on Earth. She grabbed Nathan's body and head. "Cello, this way." She got her bearings and headed toward the house she had stolen. Once there, she went to the garage, placing Nathan inside to recharge and be fixed. She returned to the first floor and motioned to a hallway that went out behind the kitchen, past the bathroom. "There are rooms through there. Let him rest in one of them."
Cello nodded as he headed down the hallway and into one of the bedrooms. He laid his brother down before exiting the room to look at Nazera. "Well...what do we do now? Namek's blown up and we probably won't fit in on this planet."
Nazera shook her head. "You'd be surprised. Humans are more likely to accept alien beings than they are to accept the powers that we all possess. They're a strange species."
"Apparently...well. What do we do now, like RIGHT now? This planet seems...peaceful. I want to get to fighting." He said as he made a fist and crooked his arm as if taunting. "Alien planet...lets hope they have some tourneys haha."
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