DBZ roleplay

"We have to check the villages, each village has a dragonball...and if they've had five, all but wo of them should be intact still and five are destroyed. Our village is still intact, so we just find the one that doesn't seem destroyed."
Nazera nodded. Hopefully he was right about that. She wished with all her heart that Nathan was able to defeat Freeza and would come back to them. "Alright, let's get going." She flew up into the air and headed toward the other villages.
Eli followed after her, and after a few hours of searching they came upon a village being attacked by Freeza's goons. The Namekians there were putting up a fight but were outnumbered. "Well then, time for us to join the party. Then afterwards I can treat you to another nice fucking to congratulate us on living." He said smirking as he dashed off to the war.
Nazera smiled, but her heart wasn't in it. She sped down towards the skirmish, blasting out energy balls and eye lasers at Freeza's henchmen, taking out at least four in one go.

(heading off to bed. night!)

Eli swooped down as he began to take out soldier after soldier, attempting to save as many Namekians as he could. "Damn, where does Freeza get all these followers!?"
Nazera spun as she landed, her energy ball like a whip of lightening as it cut through her opponents. "All over the universe. Some he threatens with annihilation, others join of their own accord. It's survival of the fittest."
"Apparently!" He said as he continued to thrash at the soldiers. There was a long line of soldiers coming his way and Eli smirked. He began to throw random energy balls into the air above the ground before him and he had his two front fingers pointing to them. "Hell Zone Grenade!" He called out before he slashed his fingers downward, causing the energy balls to fly down and start to randomly pummel the group of soldiers.
Slowly but surely the duo was being surrounded. Things weren't looking good. Nazera threw a large energy ball into the air. As it reached it's peak, it split into twenty smaller balls as they zoomed back toward the ground, each piercing through an enemy in either the head or the heart.
Eli soon found that this was becoming far too much for them. He rushed over to Nazera where he kicked off an enemy soldier before he could land a sneak attack on him. "Well Nazera, it was nice knowing you but I think we're way outnumbered here."
Nazera looked around, suddenly panicked by the Namekian's change in attitude. "What should we do? Make a run for it or try to take them out with us?"
"Well sure, thats a good plan. I'll run out back and distract them while you get the dragonball, alright? Don't wait for me and rush to my house!"

Although meanwhile...a black robed figured was already making off with the dragonballs from Eli's house and was heading for Frieza's ship.
Nazera nodded, sticking with Eli's plan. She rushed in and found the Dragon Ball while everyone was distracted, sneaking off to Eli's house when she was done. Hopefully no one followed them back there before they could make their wish.
After a while, Eli had finally finished off the soldiers at the cost of his right arm busting. He grumbled as he began to fly back toward his house, hoping that Nazera was alright. When he arrived, he opened the door to his house to walk in.
When Eli entered, Nazera was sitting on his bed, the hidden compartment under the rug still open and empty. "They're gone. They're all gone."
"What!?" He said as he rushed over to the hatch and looked into the whole. The dragonballs were gone. "Damn that Frieza! I guess the android didn't-" He cut himself short. He shook his head, not needing Nazera to get blinded by her feelings again if he mentioned that Nathan probably did not survive the attack. "What do we do now?"
Nazera shrugged. "Go after them? I don't know. This whole thing just seems impossible. Can we destroy it? Would that stop Freeza from making his wish? Is it even possible to destroy a Dragon Ball?"
"That...wouldn't be a good idea...legend tells of seven disasters that would come if the dragonballs were even cracked" (Epic foreshadowing lol) He shrugged as he placed the last dragonball back into the hatch. "Cmon, we have to go get them. Frieza can't summon the eternal dragon until someone recites the summoning ritual in Namekian tongue anyway."
Nazera sighed. "This seems a fool's errand." When she heard him mention the ceremony could only be done in Namekian, she nearly choked. "Do you think...Is it possible there might be a Namekian working with them?"
Eli shrugged. "I don't know, my brother Cello is missing. He is just as good a fighter as me, yet he is gone now. I worry for him if he got captured. Come on, we gotta go. Whenever your ready, though...we can perhaps go with what I said earlier. The little ceremony about us surviving that attack?" He said winking to her.
Nazera smiled. "If there is a later, you're in for the fucking of your life." She got up from off the bed and walked out the door, jumping into the air and heading toward Freeza's ship.
"I'll hold you to your word." He said chuckling as he flew after her. Within the distance, Frieza's ship was seen and the hooded figure was standing atop of it. Its gloved hands were over the dragon balls and some mumbling could be heard as if it were reciting something, though it wasn't clear on who the voice's owner was.

Before she could reach them, a second Namek appeared and began to attack toward Nazera. The cloaked figure continued to chant over the dragonballs.
Nazera was taken aback by the Namek attacking her. She blocked expertly. "Why are you doing this? Namekians are supposed to be peaceful. If Freeza uses those Dragon Balls, he could destroy the universe!"
"Like I have a choice in the matter!" He said as he continued to fight. Elie appeared and kicked the Namek away from Nazera. "I know that voice...Cello!?" He said as he glared at the Namek. "Why're you doing this!?" Cello caught his balance and exclaimed that Frieza would spare Namek if he were to help summon the eternal dragon.
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