DBZ roleplay

The next morning, Nathan regained consciousness as the pod slipped open. Still feeling woozy over the fact he died, he stepped out the pod but ended up falling with a thud. He grumbled as he stood up, using the wall as a support as he made his way into the living room to see Cello watching TV. Cello greeted Nathan and helped him over to the couch. Cello began to explain all that went on and Nathan nodded, not remembering, at that moment, when Eli and Nazera had slept together.
Nazera woke and slipped her clothing back on, padding out to the living room. Seeing Nathan there and awake, she jumped onto his lap, throwing her arms around him. "Nathan! I'm so glad you're alive! Is everything alright? You're completely fixed, right?"
Nathan didn't hug her, moreover his head was still buzzing to the point he was feeling as if he'd experience a hangover. "Yeah...I'm fine Nezara." He said, his voice sounding like it was back to normal. "What about you? Are you alright?"
She sighed contentedly. "I'm better than alright. I'm absolutely perfect." She nuzzled his neck, nibbling it lightly. "We're going to participate in a tournament in two days. Do you think you'd care to join?"
"A tournament...? Sure, sounds fun." He said smiling. He didn't mind her nibbling on his neck. "So...what should we do until then? Two days from now and nothing to do." He said smiling, hiding the fact that he had remembered everything now but didn't want to show his sorrow, nor his uninterest in wanting to sleep with her anymore.

(We can time skip to the tourney whenever you want.)
Nathan's smile faded a bit as he shook his head. "I'd rather not." He said to her. "Look...with the upgrade finished now that SOMEONE hadn't torn me out early, I have more control over my emotions. And I also have some more sense, I...I kinda don't want this anymore Nezara...you..." Cello rolled his eyes. "I know where this is going, time to meditate." He said as he left the room. Nathan continued speaking. "you did...sleep with Eli after all...even after you said you loved me...even after all we went through..." He looked at the table and began to play some video memory he had, of their first kiss, of when she would die instead of him, and when she had finally admitted her love to him...followed by what he saw with Eli.
Nazera got up, following him. "Nathan!" She walked out of the room after him. "I do love you. You have to believe that. When you went after Freeza, Eli practically had to drag me kicking and screaming from the ship to keep me from going after you. And then I thought you had died only to find out that you were still alive. Moments later Freeza ripped you to shreds. I was devastated until I found out you could still be repaired. Please! Won't you ever forgive me? Can't you accept me for who I am?"
Nathan frowned and shook his head. "Give me some time to think about it...I...I still have to think things over..." He said as he gripped his chest, feeling some pain as he said that. He was surprised and rushed down to the basement, locking the door so he could not be disturbed as he went through some of the blueprinted designs imprinted on the pod that were to be given to Nathan.'
Cello had came back in once the talk was over and he sat down on the couch when Nazera did as well. "Ah buck up Nazera, he said he'll think about it, didn't he? Besides...if he finds out you and I did it as well...it might tear him up. Don't worry though, I'm not as open as my brother so I'll keep that between us."
"Ah don't thank me, I know what its like to have someone close to your stripped away because of another person. Had I actually known that Nathan cared for you like he did...I might not have done what I did at the waterfall.

Meanwhile downstairs, NAthan made an astounding discovery. "The pod forged together an artificial robotic heart for me...human-like in every way, yet the function is to house my emotions and regulate them in a balanced way...incredible....!"
Nazera playfully bit his shoulder. "Don't worry about it. My people are an advanced race, able to truly love more than one person. I just wish that Nathan can come to terms with that. It would truly pain me if he were to get like this every time I fucked someone else."
Cello shook his head. "You're being selfish Nazera, true, you have me and Eli to love you and we accept that you love us both, yet Nathan, you have to understand where he's coming from. He told me about how he woke up with no one, he's been alone most his life and he was programed to be as human as he could be. He's never had anyone to love him until you came along, I'm sure it hurt him when he found out you were loving another man rather than just him.'
Nazera frowned, puzzling it over. "I'm sorry, these concepts are just so...foreign. I've never really thought of it that way. Nathan never really went into details about his past. I don't mean to make this difficult for him, but....I can't change who I am."
Cello sighed. "YOU have to make a decision then!" He said with a stout voice, yet not a loud or commanding one. One that was telling her she HAD to do this if she wanted to find peace, though she didn't have to. "You have to choose between multiple lovers or just one!"
Cello patted her head and smiled as he rubbed her back to try and comfort her. "Come now...no tears...whatever you choose, Eli and I will support you through it. I'm sure Nathan would as well."
He shook his head as he hugged her close. "Don't cry Nazera, you're supposed to be this tough warrior, no tears now. Cmon, Nathan wouldn't want to see you cry."
She wiped her eyes and grabbed a tissue, blowing her nose. "I guess it would probably help if I bathed. If we do have sex again, he probably won't like finding another man's seed inside me."
Cello smiled and nodded as he stood up. "Okay, while you go do that...I'm going to go and meditate at the waterfall. I'll be back later." He said as he left. He just wanted to leave her alone with Nathan so that they could patch things up if it came to it.
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