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Lab Creations RP

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Rose jumped up and down and said "me I'm hungry".

Blaze said "yea me too". then he walked away to the guest room and shut the door behind him.
"I don't care. I'll eat if there's food." He said, sitting on the couch. He didn't care about the fact that Blaze locked him out of his room. He figured that the door will open eventually. If not, he'll sleep with Rose.
Johnathan smirked and went to the kitchen.
"Let's see... soda... eggs... ah!" He pulled out two frozen pizzas, and put them on a large metal pan, and stuck them in the oven. He turned back to the group, and noticed Blaze gone. He didn't really mind. He walked up to the guest bedroom door, knocking once gently.
"Dinner'll be ready in fifteen minutes."
Blaze opened the door a crack and said "okay man". then shut the door again.

Rose sat on the couch close to Simon and asked "so um do you got a girlfriend or something or do you want me to play match maker".

Blaze heard her and was at the door with his ear to the crack listening and waiting for Simon to make the wrong move.
Noah sat at his computer, two large screens awaiting him. He out on the headphones and waved his hand. His computer snapped on and buzzed quietly to life. He started the download if the files he had stolen from City Hall, controlling the computer purely by thought. He started to go through the files, scanning over them for useful information. He copied anything interesting. The pages started to print from a small slot on one screen, and he would quickly swivel in his rolling chair to file it.
He stopped at an encrypted file, titled "Orbs Project and Experiments". He left it be, not wanting to damage the file.
[haha noah i thought it was Johnathen}
Rose perked up and said "oh really who tell me i want to know ". at that moment she made a daisy appeared and said "she love him , she loves him not". she was pulling the petals off it while she said that.

Blaze had a fire going on his hand and feeling himself get hard and knew he was going to have to take care of things before he stepped out unless Simon got to cozy with his sister.
The timer on the oven went off, slapping johnathan back into reality. He finished and shut off his computer, and took both pizzas out of the oven.
"Dinner!", he called.
John grabbed out the pizza cutter, a few plates, milk, and some cans of soda. He cut the pizzas, and took a single slice for himself. He instantly went back to his computer, data charts, files, and documents everywhere on the screen. When he found he couldn't zone in, he signed and stood, turning on the TV. He quickly flipped off the news channel as they talked about City hall burning down. He threw the remote to Simon and winked, going to his room. He pulled out a laptop, and plugged in a data card, continuing his work.
Simon felt a little relieved. He got up, grabbed himself and Rose some food. "Here you go." He sat down beside her, and turned on the tv. Anything you'd like to watch?"
"oh okay if you say so i spell pizza" rose jumped up and ran to grab her a plate and something to drink.

Blaze had come out and walked over gabbing him a plate and drink then went back to the room this time leaving the door unlocked for he had done what he needed to do to get rid of the hard on and knew Simon was not going to jump into his sister pants.

Meanwhile a girl sat in a cell with snakes crawling up and down her body. Her green eyes looked around the room with a smirk on her lips. she was very dangerous even rose feared her but Blaze on the other hand made a vow to kill her years ago when she almost killed rose. Her name was Poison and she loved to kill things. she worked for the Lab for they allowed her a place to stay and things to kill . Today they was letting her go to bring back the ones that had escaped.
here is what she looks like
Johnathan was now situated upside down off the end of his bed, looking at the laptop. He slammed against the keyboard in frustration as it crashed. He threw it at a wall and it easily shattered, breaking into small pieces.
"Worthless pile of shit..."
"I do not know anything with Nature in it I love plants". she sat down with her Pizza and started to eat.

Poison saw the gaurd come and let her out saying "you know what to do". she smiled and said "of course want to get some love from my Snake". That is when the Guard backed off and a man's voice said "now poison go or else you know i can stop you and my hidden wepeon. " Poison knew what this man meant she never knew the man or ever saw him but he seemed to always be there in time to save his people. Poison left the Lab and headed out working out some lose facts and killing a few people on the way.
Simon turned the channels, looking for a plant show. He finally found a channel with a lady giving gardening tips. "Hear we go." He said, getting bored shortly after.
He sighed and sat, using his powers to start to remake the laptop. It started o take shape as he manipulated the smaller pieces.
Rose smiled then said "okay this is cool but not good". she flipped the channel after taking the remote from Simon touching his hand with hers. she put on a show about magic and wizards and said "here we go ".

Poison was soon in a town were Blaze and Rose had just been and she took out a family or two after they told her what she wanted to know. she was hot on their trail it would only be a matter of Time before she got what she wanted.
After reviewing a few things on his newly finished laptop, he groaned and went to the guest room. He stood on a stool and pulled out a knife, cutting off the penny-sized lens in the ceiling corner.
He left, grumbling to himself. It was fairly obvious to what'd he seen.
Blaze watched him wondering what he was doing but he just left things alone. He would not want to messed with his fire for if every one in the room got the lust from it like he got now and then it would not be a good thing.

Poison soon found what she was looking for the small apartment she was told after killing anther person that did not need to be killed. she stood there watching the place from afar before sending two snakes in to check the place out to see if they was in there or not.
Johnsthan mumbled to himself.
"Sickening...", as he walked to the kitchen, grabbing another slice of now-cold pizza. He ate in silence and solitude.
Just the way he liked it.
Simon's attention was able to return to the tv. "Yea, this is better." He smiled looking at her. He decided to get more comfortable. Leaned back into the chair and gently put his arm around Rose.
Rose felt his arm go around her and she smiled then she leaned into it. She had liked Simon more then the others but did not know how to act on it.

Blaze had seen one of the snakes and burst out of the room to follow it and saw Rose and Simon to close for his taste. his right hand was on fire and the room got hotter and everyone's Lust went up.

Poison could see throu the eyes of the snakes that this were she needed to be. She walked closer and sent more snakes in.
Johnathan looked up from the kitchen, and slipped a pistol out of his boot. The proximity alarm went off.
He walked out in the room, putting the pistol in his left pocket.
"What's going on?"
Simon looked at Johnathan. "I don't know, but is it hot in here or what?" He said, then he turned to Rose. "Are you alright?" He suddenly felt strange, like he had a sudden urge to kiss her, but he wasn't sure why. He knew that he wanted to, but it wouldn't be right if she didn't want to. He continued to sit next to her, sweating and trying to hold back the urge to make a move on her.
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