The Cat's Meow Brothel (Please read the rules in the first post before continuing!)

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RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

luatesh said:
Luka nods then run off to the bar first she dances as she juggles a lime orange and lemon then tosses each of them in the air and slices at them with a knife with all the fruit landing on the cutting broad with the fruit cut in half with one side cut thinly as she balances the jug on her tail throwing the the cut fruit into the jug.

Then squeezes the other haves of the fruit in the jug as she kicked up a bottle of club soda and pours it in to the jug then finally adds the brandy and the red wine to the mix with a few packets of sugar then walks over to Kelly and pours her a glass leaving the jug a note that said - I am not sure if you like it this way but I know a few more way to make it if that does not suit your taste-

She smiled and nodded taking a sip. "Excellent. Do you think you could be a bit more provocative, dear? You're doing a great job, but a little more risque business might be good."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

((Shadow wants me to make a sex show so I don't feel "left" out... Here I go!))

AnnaBeth being bored and alone went into a lavish bedroom with sex toys in a corner and a round bed. She still felt horny anyways, so she grabbed a dark purple vibrator. Walking to the bed, she plopped and laid down. Slowly taking off her jeans, shirt, and panties sexily. First rubbing her clit softly, making her lean her head back, than putting the tip of the vibrator inside. She turned on the switch and started thrusting it inside. Her soft moans filled the room as she masturbated in one hand and the other, letting one breast out to play with the nipple. AnnaBeth felt so much pleasure, and then went faster.
After a couple minutes.. she knew she was almost at a climax. Tensing up, she felt a rush go through her body as she climaxed. Taking the vibrator out of her slowly, she sighed in relief that she felt better and non-horny.
Turning to her side, she pulled up the covers and went to sleep.

(( There ya go ;D ))
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

She smiles then hands her another note -I don't wear clothes and I cant speak I am not sure how i could be provocative maybe I could do body shots
or rub up against the customers other then that I am not sure what i could do- refills her glass as she reads it
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Eli glanced over to Kelly with a mischievous smirk, tilting his head just a bit. "Maybe you should get up there and show her?" He winked playfully before going back to scanning the crowd, whistling innocently, knowing full well she would want to, but felt she couldn't. He could be so cruel sometimes. Or maybe it was something else, and there was actually a point to it.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

She chuckled and shook her head. "No, she's got the right idea. Good plan Luka. That should draw some more in." Of course, she could work the floor as well, but she wasn't sure Shadow would want her to. Then again, who was he to challenge her working if she wasn't going to take on a client? All she was going to do was dance. Maybe strip. She might even toy with Eli a little if he kept it up. But knowing that Shadow might not like it made her hesitate a little.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Eli continued watching the floor, seeming lost in his work for the moment and unaware of Kelly's thoughtful expression as she pondered over his words apparently. In his mind there was nothing wrong with her doing what she loved and enjoying herself a bit, as long as she made sure Shadow knew where her heart was at the end of the day. But as stated before, he had a unique view on life, given his need to keep himself somewhat detached from heavy emotions. It didn't make him wrong, however. He glanced back at her finally, cocking his head to the side a bit. "Or you're just chicken shit." He winked and went back to watching the floor again, whistling once more to himself.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

She shot him quite a look before gently moving Shadow's head from her lap and replacing her support with one of the throw pillows. She nodded to the dj up in the booth and the song turned to one of her favorites. Kelly was a fantastic dancer in a number of ways, and she was showing just how talented she could be.

Her body began to move to the beat in an almost choreographed way. Her body looked stunning and danced in a way that took over the floor, attracting other customers to come and dance with her and get a little tease. Before long, she was near Eli teasing and pressing against him as she moved now and then. Oh yes, she was good. But she didn't spend too much time with him.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

If anything, Eli was a controlled individual, and feeling Kelly press against him did cause some quite obvious reactions, but he managed to keep his hands away from her and just let her dance, looking to see the other customers gathering as she did. As his eyes turned back to her, he gave her a playful wink as if to congratulate her on a breakthrough by showing some independence. It still didn't do much to calm what she had now done to him, but that was a price he could live with. Apparently free will was something big to him, and seeing her display it brought out a feeling of pride.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly did appreciate the end results of his teasing, but she had to admit that the way he went about made her sink to a different level. She wasn't sure she liked it. Her lips curved into a smile, however as she continued to dance, even as the song changed to another on her playlist. She just seemed to hit her stride as she went on, teasing a great many customers into the arms of a willing companion from the brothel. She wasn't sure that Eli had suffered enough, but she decided to let him be for the time being.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Watching as she made her way through the crowd, getting customers and companions together by seducing them with her dance, Eli gave a satisfied grin. Now she was getting the idea. Just because she wasn't taking clients didn't mean she couldn't use the talents she had for the benefit of the brothel. It simply meant she had to come up with a different and creative way to do it. And he could tell she loved her job, so he hated to see her having to give it up completely. Perhaps this would provide her with a bit of compromise so she could continue doing what she enjoyed.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

When Kelly finally came off the floor, she was panting lightly, most of the attendants busy with customers. She smirked at Eli and then made her way to the bar, fully aware of what she'd stirred in the bodyguard and the fact that there was currently no one around to help him relieve the pressure but her. And she wasn't taking clients.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

He technically wasn't a client, since he was contracted to protect the place, but he still got the idea. Eli simply stuck his tongue out at her playfully as he walked around to get himself another energy drink. He was getting addicted to these damn things. Popping the top, he raised the drink to his lips for a long pull, lowering it as he watched her for a moment when he thought she wasn't paying attention to him. Shaking his head, he pushed his thoughts out for the moment as he gave the floor a quick scan to make sure all was well.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly had caught him out of the corner of her eye. Her full lips curved into a smile as she saw him and then ordered another drink from Luka. She wondered if Shadow would wake up soon. After all that dancing, she'd stirred a little need of her own, and wondered if he might indulge her.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Shadow was fast asleep till he turned slightly and the pillow unbalanced his head jerking his neck slightly. He grumbled than opened his eyes before stretching. Turning his body right side up he looked about the room wondering where his comfortable lap went. Still groggy he yawns and fixes his hair.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly smiled when she spotted Shadow out of the corner of her eye. She stood and walked over to him, plopping down on the sofa. She decided to be bold and kissed him, pulling him close to her. "Good morning," she said with a smile. "I need a favor, boss. Think you can indulge me?" she asked.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

He pets her cheek, "Always depends what kindof favor hun." He sat up and listened patiently to her request.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"I need sex," she said with a little pout. "And I was hoping that you might be nice to me since I'm not really working the floor anymore. I've always wanted to know what it would be like with you." She looked into his eyes and smiled softly.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"My room or yours than?", simple. Though in a situation like this there's not much to say.

He stood up and was ready to walk to the elevator once he knew the destination.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

She walked after him and grinned. Once they were in the elevator she pressed against him and kissed his lips softly. "Well, why don't we start here? Take a nice long ride to your room."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

He slid his hands down her back and gripped onto her ass pulling her close. "My my aren't you being the bossy one", whispering as he nibbled at her ear.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

She grinned and shivered a little as he kissed her ear and grabbed her. "Mmm, I like to be more direct than some girls. I hope you don't mind," she said, her hands running up and down his back.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"I don't mind", lifting her up and wrapping her legs around his waist he pushes her up against the wall and kisses under her jaw.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly panted softly as he pinned her to the wall, his aggression leaving her a little breathless. Her legs locked around him, pulling him close as he kissed beneath her jaw. She tilted her head back for him and bared her neck. She ran her fingers through his hair, enjoying the feeling of his hands on her.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

The doors opened to the top floor and he stopped so he could carry her out of the elevator and down the hall, he opened the door and walked in with the her still wrapped around him than shut it behind them.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly clung to him as he carried her from the elevator and into his room. Impressed by his strength, she happily let him carry her wherever he wanted. Once the door was shut she couldn't wait for more.

(private thread?)
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