The Cat's Meow Brothel (Please read the rules in the first post before continuing!)

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RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Stop what?" He let the music play the next track and didn't even bother figuring out what was playing.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

The pretty redhead kissed his lips softly, and then went back to snuggling into him. Not long after, Kelly was asleep on his lap. And she was his for the time being--no longer an escort so long as he wanted her.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Shadow than wondered if he was stuck there the whole night. He didn't seem to mind that much though.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly woke up still in his lap, and smiled softly. So he hadn't thought to move her at all? With a chuckle, she got off of his lap and straightened up a little bit. Stretching a little, she debated about just leaving to go take a shower, but she didn't want to leave him all alone with no explanation. She wasn't sure if he would worry or not, but leaving him like that just seemed rude. So for the time being, the redhead walked into his bathroom and washed her face, waking up a little more as the little bit of make up she'd worn yesterday washed off. Her lips were a little less red, but otherwise, she looked about the same. When she walked out, she debated waking him up. He looked pretty peaceful there, but he couldn't have been too comfortable with her in his lap all night...sleeping in a chair.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

As the elevator door opened, Eli exited, stretching a bit and running a hand through his still wet hair, having just gotten out of the shower. He stretched a bit, jerking his head to each side to crack his neck, then went to get himself an energy drink to help him finish waking up.

Popping the top, he raised the drink to his lips to down it quickly, tossing the empty can into a recycle bin and grabbing another, this one to sip rather than gulp. Finding a spot where he could easily observe the crowd, he leaned against a wall as he took a drink, eyes drifting around casually to observe the girls appreciatively and the patrons warily, making sure they kept everything civil. He didn't really feel like making anyone bleed profusely today, being in too good of a mood.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Shadow woke up for a minute, than saw the time on his watch and walked over to his bed and plopped ontop. Snoozing soon.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Shadow_n1n said:
Shadow woke up for a minute, than saw the time on his watch and walked over to his bed and plopped ontop. Snoozing soon.

Kelly chuckled and walked over to his bed after he'd plopped down on it. "I think I'm going to go get a shower and check on the brothel. I promise I won't take any clients if you don't want me to," she said, ruffling up his hair.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

He just groaned. Mornings dont mix well for his kind.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Shadow_n1n said:
He just groaned. Mornings dont mix well for his kind.

"See you later, Shadow." That said, she left his room and headed for the elevator. She took it down to her room where she took a shower and dressed in a black shirt and miniskirt. It was school girl style and showed off her legs a lot, but not so much that it was obvious what those legs led to. It came to the middle of her thigh, which was plenty for her. She rod the elevator down to the lobby and smiled as she saw Eli. He was sitting alone as he was wont to do, so she figured why not sit with him?

"Morning. How are things down here?" she asked.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Eli tossed Kelly a slightly tired smile in greeting as she approached, making a motion to let her know she was welcome to sit with him as he took another sip of his energy drink. "Boring, but that's a good thing I'd think. The whole idea of my job is to make sure things don't get too interesting, right?"

Offering her a slightly more upbeat grin, he settled in a bit more, scanning the crowd briefly and finding that all was as it should be. "So what brings you down here? On the clock or just bored and hangin' out?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

When Eli left, AnnaBeth washed again to make her feel clean and satisfied. Than got a white towel and dried her body, wrapping the towel on the top of her head, she got back in her dress. But she wanted to wear something else for a change... and so went exploring again after drying her hair. Walking around, she saw a wardrobe closet and got giddy. Skipping to it, she pulled her dress off and put a white tank top that showed a little too much of her sexy pink bra. But hey, girls can tease. Than put on dark blue jeans. AnnaBeth was happy with the change in clothes and went to the bar again to find some cupcakes in the fridge. She smiled wide and grabbed the dark chocolate cupcakes with different colored sprinkles and ate it, savouring each bite.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly shrugged. "Just thought I'd come see how things are. Shadow doesn't want me to take on clients anymore, so it would seem." She looked at Eli and shrugged as she sat next to him. "So I guess, yeah, bored and hanging out."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

" are you supposed to make a living then?" He seemed a little confused as to why Shadow would suddenly take his main girl off the floor, though he figured it was likely for more personal reasons. Furrowing his brow a bit, he took another sip of his drink. "Actually I guess that's none of my business, huh?" He gave a gentle shrug, scanning the room briefly once more, out of habit more than anything now as it was still pretty normal. Girls were entertaining clients, but everyone was following the rules, so nothing for him to get worked up over at the moment.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"An excellent question. There's talk of me becoming mistress of this place. But shhh, don't tell anyone," she said with a small smile. "It's a shame though. I really am good at what I do."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"I wouldn't know that." He chuckled and finished the drink, going to grab another from the cooler as he tossed the empty can. He had to wonder if it was a good idea for him to be drinking these things, honestly, given his nature, but the damn things were addicting. "Hey, want something while I'm back here?"

(Is AnnaBeth in here with us or still in the room?)
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Could you grab me some cranberry juice?" she asked. Call it strange, but she hated straight orange juice. Especially in the morning. "It's a weakness," she said with a shrug. His comment about not knowing made her chuckle. It stirred a little something inside her to know that she wouldn't ever be able to prove it again unless Shadow wanted group fun, but that somehow seemed unlikely.

Then again, it was Shadow, so one never knew. She could only prove how good she was to him, she supposed.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

((No idea buddy, :p. Have your time with the lady ;D))
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

(i wonder if rage knows we have an ooc thread now)
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

(Just asking. Didn't want you thinking I was ignoring ya. :p)

Eli grabbed a bottle of cranberry juice for her as he got himself another energy drink, seeming to be just a little bit hyper after having had two of the already. Handing hers to her, he leaned against the bar, a bit too fidgety to sit now, as he opened his and took a drink. "Well, if you become the Mistress doesn't that let you still choose like special clients or something? I mean you seem to enjoy your job. Hell, I can understand love and all, but what does it really have to do with sex? Two different things in my opinion. I mean you can love someone your whole life and never have sex with them. And you can have sex with someone your whole life and never love them. So why do people insist on trying to mesh them together instead of just appreciating each as the separate entities that they are."

He definitely had a different outlook on things than most people did, that was for certain.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Hmm, it's a good point, but I think people tend to get territorial about the things and people they love. Jealousy comes from knowing that someone else wants what you've already got and the illusion that they can have it--or something more."

She shrugged and opened her bottle taking a sip with a smile. "You know, you shouldn't drink so many of those. You're gonna have to run laps around this place to burn it all off soon."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Giving a bit of a shrug, he looked to her after taking another sip. "At least it'll make things interesting around here. I might even strip down and streak around the place." Giving an amused smirk, he turned to look out at the floor once more as he took yet another drink. "And as for territorial...yeah, I guess so. But the way I see it is if you have that person's heart, then why worry about what they do with their body? Especially if it makes them happy. Seems to me it'd draw them closer together in a way, to trust them that much. But then again, I'm a little different than most folks, so I might be dead wrong."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly shrugged. "To each their own. I wouldn't mind the show though," she said with a smirk. She took a sip of her juice thinking of what he'd said. It made sense to her, but she couldn't help but wonder if the way he looked at things was a little too detached. Perhaps it would be different for him personally if it were happening. Sure, you could know you had someone's heart, but that didn't stop you from wanting to punch someone else if you saw them touching what was yours.

With a shrug, she sat back in the stool and wondered when Shadow would come down. If she couldn't take on any clients, she'd better have something for her to do. And where was Lorie?
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Heh, careful what you wish for." He chuckled a bit as he took another sip of the drink, settling against the bar with a sigh of boredom. "Another glorious day at the Cat's Meow." Laughing once more, he glanced over to Kelly for a moment. His detachment had to do with a lot more than people would really understand, so he normally didn't make a habit of explaining it. But he really had little choice but to keep his emotions in check, for the sake of all around him.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

All fixed up and somewhat fresh Shadow comes walking down the stairs playing a video game on his phone in one of his hands. "The fun games people come up with these days....", muttering to himself as he walks over to his couch and takes a seat at one of the ends. "Did I miss anything?" Still not looking up from his game.
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