The Cat's Meow Brothel (Please read the rules in the first post before continuing!)

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RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

He looked over his shoulder at her, pursing his lips a bit. These girls loved to tease him so much. And it was hard for him to resist often times thanks to the animal instincts he had inherited, not to mention the heightened senses. They really didn't make things easier on him, allowing him to sense things such as arousal, which of course only got to him even more.

He was caught off guard by the comment, still trying to find words, but only managed to stumble over his tongue. "" His skin flushed a bit, clearly tempted by the offer, though unsure of the sincerity of it.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

She saw him blush basically, and chuckled under her breath. "I'm not a prude Eli. But you have to get me first." AnnaBeth said seductively, swaying one hip to the side and her hand on it. She loved messing with men, and seducing them.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Her continued teasing wasn't helping his case, not that there was much in the way of resistance to begin with. Essentially he was an animal, with the same instincts, even if he was in the proverbial sheep's clothing right now, and her seduction took full advantage of those instincts, even if she didn't realize it. He finally decided that resistance wasn't even an option at this point, standing and letting the sheets fall away from him, revealing his medium, but tightly muscled frame. His body was marked by a few strange tattoos and some scars as well, the kind that looked as if left by some sort of animal, but it was still more than pleasant to look at.

Most impressive was probably what he was sporting below the belt line, the reaction to her seductive teasing already somewhat apparent. It was hard to hide in his jeans as it was, but uncovered she couldn't miss what he was packing. He gave her a sly grin before walking toward the bathroom. "I still need a shower...if you want me, you can join me there." Just because he didn't plan to resist didn't mean he couldn't play her game with her to make it interesting.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

When he revealed his body to her, those muscles, scars and his package made her smirk in that sexy way. "Alright." AnnaBeth slowly and seductively took off her black dress revealing her dark pink lingerie. Her body curved and perfectly tanned. Than she took her bra off by the hinges on her back, and than the underwear slowly. "Let's go." AnnaBeth winked.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Eli was already halfway into the bathroom when she started undressing, pausing to watch as he looked her over appreciatively, then raising his hand to give her the 'come hither' gesture as he disappeared around the corner, the sound of the shower soon filling the room.

(Probably need to take this to the semi-private forum since it isn't in the main room of the brothel. Keeps it from being cluttered.)
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

((Haha okay, can you create it? :D))

AnnaBeth followed Eli to the bathroom and saw how the bathroom was spacious and half of it was just the shower. She stood underneath the water and got wet throughout her body letting him watch.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Cheshire Smirk said:
"Your trust, and your company." He responded back, his voice a silken purr for her ears only.

Those eyes remained on Eli, watching him with both curiosity and caution. If Chimera was as receptive to others body language as she seemed she'd be able to easily find a greater understanding of Vallios. It seemed as if Eli was standing his ground, trying to put the newcomer in his place to keep the peace. Typical behavior for any male. Vallios addressed Eli as a primarily hostile unknown. That meant Vallios needed to get more information out of Eli, lest he find himself in situation where he was unable to defend himself.

The hold Vallios had over Chimera was intimate, but also quite protective. Others offered shelter in words, Vallios offered sanctuary in company. His hands traced light patterns along Chimera's thighs, gentle teases meant to embolden and entice Chimera. Her unwavering submission was something Vallios could appreciate, though he sorely missed the fire, the warmth that she seemed to have lost...A warmth that Vallios hoped to restore and enjoy for his own; if only for a few nights.

"Perhaps you are not one I should speak to at this moment. I offer you a warrior's skill should you ever find yourself in need." And those would be the last words spoken between Vallios and Eli until such a time that the other male decided to approach Vallios with a more favorable business proposition. When Vallios stopped speaking he allowed his attention to fully center itself on Chimera.

her body trembles a little from his touch upon her soft skin, and his words echoing in her ear. she shifts her gaze from the floor to the man's hand delicately caressing her thigh, watching it intently as if it were her pray. a soft moan escapes her lips, as an electrically charged tingle glides itself down her spine. forgetting her place for but a moment, she reaches up and places her hand on his, then quickly removes it returning her submissive gaze to the floor. instinctively, her body tenses and she closes her eyes, as a slight fear of retribution for her inappropriate action plays about her mind.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Shadow sighs and looks out of the elevator to check what was holding Kelly up, "You wanted to talk Kelly? Now's your best chance darling"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

The redhead in question soon appeared to him, coming into the elevator herself. "Yes, I need to talk to you." She said letting the doors close behind her before she continued. "What the hell is wrong with you? Scaring away customers? Poisoning the customers? How in the hell do you expect us to stay in business? So he was an idiot! Let me handle that. I could have gotten way more money out of him than you did by intimidating him. And what's this about you claiming to know what goes on in the minds of strippers and prostitutes? And by the way, thank you for equating me with one. Jackass. I'm so mad at you right now I don't even know how to express it anymore!" She growled and looked at him.

"Maybe we don't do it because we love the people we meet, but that's not to say we don't have hearts, you jerk." That said, she composed herself, took a deep breath and finished. "Alright, I'm done."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

shadowess said:
her body trembles a little from his touch upon her soft skin, and his words echoing in her ear. she shifts her gaze from the floor to the man's hand delicately caressing her thigh, watching it intently as if it were her pray. a soft moan escapes her lips, as an electrically charged tingle glides itself down her spine. forgetting her place for but a moment, she reaches up and places her hand on his, then quickly removes it returning her submissive gaze to the floor. instinctively, her body tenses and she closes her eyes, as a slight fear of retribution for her inappropriate action plays about her mind.

"You can touch..."

The words were light and encouraging, an attempt to coax Chimera past those deep-seated fears. The long fingers of Vallios' right hand spider-walked down Chimera's inner thigh, venturing out and then off her leg so that his open hand brushed against hers and then his fingers closed slowly and started to interlace with hers. A considerate and careful approach, rather odd for a man of such a bestial stature as Vallios. Benign and gentle as the actions were, the obvious intent of sex was undeniable. However, Vallios hadn't engaged himself with Chimera to use and discard. That was an exercise in futility; what joys could be found in the throes of passion when only one person was enjoying the act. After going so long without human contact Vallios was in desperate need of somebody who would lose control with them and submit not to him so to say, but submit to their mutual satisfaction.

Vallios' hips pressed in against Chimera's, an invitation for her to press back. In the corner of Vallios' mind he knew she would, though he wanted her to do so with some force, some need, some...desire behind the action. Was that possible? Or was Vallios just chasing the flickering shadows of a dying soul. Such a heavy answer could only be found through seeking, and so Vallios would stay his course until instinct told him otherwise.

"I want you to enjoy yourself."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

He let her finish and gave her a few seconds to catch her breath. Than he started his rebuttle, "Like you said, he was an idiot. So in my own way I dealt with said idiot. Poison? Hardly, if I truly poisoned him he'd be a stain on the carpet, me giving him that drink is the same as you having heartburn. And if its about the money I'll give you double what he offered for you which is a measley grand, the stuff I put in his drink is probably worth more than that. And for me to get along in this business yes I would have to have an idea of what people think, not just the people that work for me. I know his type and the next night he'd be asking you to run away with him on his hundreds of dollars like every poor romantic that gets their dicks and hearts tied up. This is your job that you chose, if you can't keep your heart out of it than I'll find you better work."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

She glared at him and shook her head. "You don't get it, Shadow. It's not that I can't keep my heart out of it. But you're presuming that I don't have the ability to fall in love. Like it's not my right." What was worse was that he didn't see that she had a thing for him at all. "I can do whatever the hell I want, and if you see fit to let me go, just know that you'll get a hell of a lot less business without me. I chose to take this job because I like to share my body. I like to share myself, including my heart. Unlike some people, however, I know how to keep work separate."

"And just because he didn't pay a lot for me now isn't the point. If he'd come back time and again, he could have been a good base for business. He could have been spending more money here every week. But he's not even the point. If you're going to act like this to every idiot that walks in you're going to lose a lot more business than it's worth. And you make it sound like you can't trust me to stay."

She hated fighting with him, but it needed to be hashed out now.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Shadow sighed and pressed the button for the top floor which was where he stayed. "We can always get more customers, and you're value to me extends past an escort."

He sighs and looks her in the eyes, "You talk about love but do you expect your prince charming, knight in shining armor, to be a regular at a brothel?"

The elevator began it's way up.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Chimera thought to herself wondering if what he said was a command, or if he had actually given her a choice in the matter. while she pondered these thoughts, she felt him press against her. looking down she noticed her fingers and his. thinking to herself that there were many ways and many places that a man of his stature could have positioned his hand, he chose this. she thought she knew his intent, the same as most men that have touched her, but those thoughts began to falter. she found herself pressing her hips back against his, wanting more than anything to invoke a reaction from him that would better tell her what he was thinking. moving her lengthy locks from her face a little, she looked up quickly and flashed him a smile from her rosy lips, before returning her eyes to the ground.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

She frowned. "No I don't expect something like that. I'm a realist, if nothing else. But that doesn't mean that it couldn't happen either." Sighing, Kelly watched him press the up button and then leaned against the elevator wall. "I'm more valuable than an escort to you? How's that?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

He sighed and gently slipped his hand into hers while looking at the nuumbers go up. "I'm not going to make this a sappy moment, I'm alergic to those."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Was the submissive nature all a ruse? Who was this woman pressing herself back against him so intimately? The downcast eyes would be a sign of weakness to most. "Jittery", that was how AnnaBeth had described Chimera...But something about her actions told Vallios otherwise. It seemed as if the tangible fear that radiated from Chimera had dispersed, leaving not but questions in it's wake. Should an observer be lurking, studying the two as they interacted they'd notice a shift in Vallios' demeanor. Chimera's own questioning disposition caused Vallios to be more pensive.

As good as Vallios was at head games, he positively hated them when he was on the losing end, or thought he was on the losing end. After all, this was a brothel...And Chimera's actions would certainly attract the more dominant, more rough, and more wealthy customers. Was this marketing at it's absolute finest? If so, how incredibly cunning! The touch that followed such thoughts was still gentle, though a command certainly lurked in the subtext as Vallios slowly turned Chimera in his arms so that she was facing him, he needed to be able to see her to glean any real information from that seemingly guarded mind of hers. Even in her current position Vallios had offered a choice, Chimera could look downwards and notice the evidence of natural chemistry working on Vallios, the gradually growing bulge in those tattered pants or she could look upwards into those prying topaz orbs.

"How did you end up here?" He asked, his tone betraying his curiosity.

Somewhere amidst the strength lurked a lost and wandering soul. The man that stood before Chimera was nothing but a shadow of the past, a man who'd forsaken what fate had made him in a desperate bid to forge something new, the struggle for control, for freedom! Could she see his desire for nothing more than a home, a place in the world that he had chosen? But that was the problem with asking questions, all forms of conversation were an exchange. One could not both find the truth and keep secrets.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly let him take her hand and watched him as he spoke, her eyes on his face. She didn't think he realized how much he'd hurt her. He didn't seem to trust her, and he'd equated her with someone that had only one real dimension. He'd made her feel like she wasn't more than a commodity to him, which may well have been true, but it still hurt to hear. To hear him refute that was important, so she watched him curiously.

"So don't make it sappy. Just tell me what do you mean, because I honestly don't know anymore."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Stay with me, and stop being an escort", keeping his face calm as he gripped her hand.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Her eyes widened and she looked at him in shock, her heart beating fast in her chest. She felt his grip on her tighten a bit and she felt a little dizzy.

RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Im not repeating myself"

((One of those akward moments for my character))
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly shook her head and narrowed her eyes a little. "You want me to stop being an escort and stay with you? Where is this coming from?" Truth was, he'd blindsided her with the idea that he actually cared about her deeply enough to want her on a level beyond that of friend or even employee. It wasn't registering, but the more she thought about it, the more his actions last night made sense. "What...what else would I be here?" she asked, watching him.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

(:)O Shadow is breaking his own rules! "You can rent but never buy!" ))
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

hearing his question, Chimera shifts her gaze, her eyes gliding up his body, she notices the growing bulge in his pants, but her eyes don't rest there, she glances into his, long enough to answer him, for a direct question requires a direct answer. she speaks, her voice barely above a whisper. "shadow found this one, in the street. he offered her a job." thinking to herself that there was a little more to her story than that, she decided to keep her answer short and to the point. after all she had learned the hard way that men did not like lengthy answers. pretty girls are to be seen and used, not often heard from.
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