The Cat's Meow Brothel (Please read the rules in the first post before continuing!)

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RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Yes, a few years back. Thinking of signing up again, life get's boring." AnnaBeth leaned against the door way, crossing her petite arms. Her black pumps started to hurt, so she switched from either foot often.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

It was truly amazing how silence echoed in the wake of a newcomer's entrance. With every step came the light clinking of silver links as they rustled together, adding their voice to the staccato rhythm of the man's movements. Graceful and measured, this man was most certainly a predator on the prowl.

The man stopped at a nearby mirror, chancing a glance at his own pale reflection. The mirror showed a man clad in a sweeping tattered black long coat, torn black long sleeved silk shirt, a thick chain threaded through the belt loops of a pair of black leather pants and a pair of well worn black leather boots. A mane darker than night itself framed an ivory toned face. High cheek bones and a strong but not over-imposing jaw, the man could most certainly be considered handsome. Sadly, the perfection of his visage was marred by a scar, jagged and black that ran from the center of his right eyebrow all the way down to his jaw, roughly half an inch wide. When the man closed his eyes the scar became a solid line, a marking. But then the eyes slid open, slowly revealing a pair of vivid topaz eyes with pupils so narrow they were feral and cat-like. Those thin lips of his curled back into a wicked smirk as he found himself pondering the road that had brought him here, along with just how out of place he looked.

"The Beast" was the name this man had earned in his homeland...Though, that place was far, far away now. Musings of the past lead to thoughts of home, memories of the arena. Those lips almost twisted into a savage snarl as the truth about why he was here came to mind. No, those days were gone. Gladiator no more, he would not fight for the pleasure of others. As the man stared in the mirror he realized he needed a new name.

Stranger had a nice ring to it. Yes, that would work perfectly. Leave the past behind, never speak of it and he could become somebody different. Perhaps he could even begin to use his birth name again sometime soon. How wondrous that would be!

Vallios...something he hadn't heard in years. The name given by his parents before he was sold into slavery, before he was raised to fight and die in bloodsport. This man had very little money and a future that held no promises besides another sunrise. Many came to this place for pleasure, he came for employment. Surely an establishment like this needed those with strength and cunning to ensure the "products" were kept safe.

However it had been so long since he'd enjoyed the caress of another. Perhaps, just perhaps he could afford to spend the last of his money on reclaiming some shred of his lost humanity.

And so the stranger, Vallios prowled forward to the reception desk of the establishment. Patiently he waited, wondering if this place was a "Seat yourself" kind of business, or if he'd be waited on hand and foot.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

for but a moment Eli's words had distracted her, but she continued with her chore, her ears catching snatches of the conversations going on around her. the scrap of fabric becoming dirty, she tore another piece, and slinking across the floor, in a fashion mimicking a panther, she finds another spot. she wonders to herself what he could possibly want her to be doing, as she scrubs a little more arching her back, and stretching her body out deliberately to get the most out of each motion.
hearing the doors open, Chimera looked up quickly, noticing it was a man, she turned her head towards the floor, a familiar shame filling her for glancing into his face.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Noticing a glance from the woman on the floor, AnnaBeth turned her attention to her and her erotic position. "Are you suggesting something?" She said, tilting her head and letting her gaze at her entire body.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Eli had watched and listened, glancing to the newcomer for a moment before looking back to AnnaBeth, having noticed how she had been shifting her feet. "Take your shoes off if you're gonna be staying a bit." He then took note of how she stared at Chimera, grinning a bit as he was able to guess something about this girl. "Maybe you should go try her and see..."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

looking up from the floor she flashes the woman a smile. "this one is merely trying to be pleasing in any way possible" her ruby lips annunciate the last few words, putting a special emphasis on pleasing, for that is what she does.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

AnnaBeth glanced back at Eli, "Who knows.. She seems to be quite afraid. I don't like jittery women." She bit her lip and went into the room now and sat at a lush couch and took her high heels off feeling instant relief. "But what about you? You seem very horny." Giving him a seductive look.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"What an odd time to be cleaning."

Politely puzzled Vallios watched the female as she tended to her chores, noting the feline quality to her movements. After a moment he leaned up against the counter and watched her through peripheral vision, determined to glean any scrap of information he could. New territory meant new people and new rules. The emperor's guards couldn't reach him here...Not across an ocean. But, that didn't mean he was safe. Word could travel, descriptions could travel. Those filthy racketeers who ran the coliseum fights could certainly afford a little international excursion to retrieve one of their most valuable 'assets'. And so he'd have to keep a low profile, learn to blend until he found a new home.

Perhaps this woman would stand and allow Vallios to see more of her so that he could better appraise her. Surely she wasn't one of the "entertainers" here, they'd never have such a delicate commodity perform manual labor. At least, not in his homeland. How different was this country?

What a beautiful question to be able to ask. Oh, how he'd forgotten how much he loved the open road. The life of a wanderer, even when poor and dirty certainly beat the life of the most pampered slave! If the female gathered the courage to look Vallios in the face again she'd notice the faintest spark of curiosity behind those intense orbs. Hopefully she'd find voice enough to speak, to tell him more about herself and this place.

"As for you, what brings you here?" Vallios asked, directing his gaze to Eli.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Eli had followed Anna toward the couch, motioning for Chimera to get off the floor. "You know that thing is nasty. You're just gonna get yourself all dirty if you keep that up. You're plenty pleasing as you are." He then sat next to Anna as he looked to her, tilting his head slightly at her assumption. "Do I have a heartbeat and man parts? If the answer is yes then that usually means someone is horny." He smirked, giving her a playful wink before looking to Vallios, tilting his head at the weird man. " here...sort of. I contract as...wait...why the hell am I telling you this?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

AnnaBeth laughed slightly and shifted in her seat making her dress go further up her thigh. "I see." But when another person came into the room, making Eli feel like a total fool, she knew this would be an interesting night. Her chocolate almond eyes looked up and down at the man, with always... a smirk on her lips, meaning she is interested.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Because you have no reason not to."

So, this Chimera girl was clearly a servant of the body. Vallios moved swiftly over to her and offered his hand. Should she take it she'd find herself pulled to her feet and within the grasp of his right arm. The touch would be gentle and yet also commanding, one hand would come to rest on her right hip, fingers splayed downwards. It would be a silent act of claiming, though one she could refute if she belonged to another. Vallios gave Eli a once over and then subtly shifted so that he was standing at his full 6'3 height, perfect posture displaying the chiseled tone of his physique. Nonverbals meant to show Eli that while Vallios meant no harm, he could most certainly be a threat.

"Should you truly have a reason not to tell me, you wouldn't have responded in the first place. So please, do elaborate on your previous statement. "

Those vivid topaz eyes swept over Annabeth and that smirk widened ever so slightly. Vallios locked eyes with Annabeth for a brief second, extending an open invitation for her to see to at her whim as she was clearly busy at the current moment. Then Vallios returned his focus to Eli, as he was clearly the only one who'd be able to maintain a conversation. Should the other female submit to his advances she'd find that Vallios was able to separate his attention between physical and mental and ensure that she not feel...Shall we say 'left out'.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Eli rolled his eyes a bit, standing to walk out of the room, pausing for just a moment. The man seemed to emanate rage, but it was controlled. His eyes met those of the stranger briefly.

"I'm the guy who kicks your ass and doesn't bother taking your name if you hurt any of these girls. That's all you need to know about who I am and what I do here. Treat 'em well and we're best friends. Abuse 'em and we're not such good friends anymore. Plain and simple."

He then turned to walk back to his previous spot, looking down at Chimera once more and shaking his head gently. "Get off the don't have to do that kind of crap anymore. I swear I find whoever made you like this I might just have to introduce him to the swimming in concrete shoes method. Heard it works wonders for cardio..."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

looking up at this strange man, she took his hand, gliding somewhat effortlessly up the length of his body to her feet, and brushing her amber locks out of her face. she looked at him for but a moment before returning her gaze to the floor. "thank you" she whispers her ruby lips parting only slightly. she smiles shyly towards Eli wondering about him a bit, then once more her eyes rest upon the floor.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"So who are you, strangers?" AnnaBeth said to fill in the silence of stares. One leg crossing another letting everyone see her long tanned legs.

This is the perfect night to come back to the brothel.. She thought, wanting to escape her goody-to-shoes life with a 70 year old sugar-daddy.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Then you are just the man I'd love to speak to. I'm in need of a job and quite capable of keeping others safe. After all, there are...So many girls here, and just one of you."

"I was once called Vallios..." The answer came with a glance to AnnaBeth.

Those shaped arms twisted around Chimera and he pulled her a little closer. Her body language and mannerisms were that of a soul beaten against the rocks by the tide, something that Vallios found to be an irresistible draw. His hold gained gradual strength, though he kept enough distance to allow her to easily step away from him should she desire, or need to. One conversation flowed forth from Vallios' lips, while his body carried on another. Vallios leaned in close enough so that his lips pressed ever so lightly against Chimera's earlobe and he spoke, his voice a whisper soft enough that only she could hear.
"Twas my pleasure. As I hope you shall come to be."

And then those eyes were back on Eli and Vallios found himself wondering what made the man so hostile. Had Vallios offended? Had he overstepped his boundaries by bringing his inquisitive nature to this place? For a brief moment Vallios tilted his head before he voiced his question. There was something of a duality in Vallios. His appearance was ragged and bestial, undoubtedly a warrior, though his eyes had a gleam that was so cunning it was most unsettling to most. Was he a man of thought, or a man of action?

"You seem quite tense for such a quiet night. What troubles you?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Didn't we already go over this?" He looked at Beth, tilting his head a bit once more, seeming to grow a bit aggravated, not so much with her, but with whoever had broken Chimera, and in effect needed his hands broken before he was tossed into the river, and cryptic strangers didn't seem to be on his list of favorites either.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Heh.. Not you, idiot." AnnaBeth heard the sound of irritation from Eli and thought it was because of her. "Nice name, it's unique." She said at the new man, Vallios, and than started playing with her own fingers since she wanted to join the intimate little scene a few yards away but not in her place to say anything.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

her blood warms for but a moment as his words reach her ear. she is intrigued by him, and can almost sense his intentions as she has in so many before. a subtle smile forms upon her lips as she thinks that if she were him it would best to stay on Eli's good side. she had felt his strength and could only imagine if it were coupled with wrath, but, to discuss something of that nature would mean that she had forgotten her place so she said nothing of these thoughts. instead she whispered to Vallios "how may this one please you?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Just snorted derisively and remained silent, arms folded as his eyes scanned the club, looking for any possible trouble. He had deemed the stranger harmless at this point, seeing the guy posed no threat. At least not right now. Cryptic and utterly annoying? Yes, but not quite dangerous...yet.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Your trust, and your company." He responded back, his voice a silken purr for her ears only.

Those eyes remained on Eli, watching him with both curiosity and caution. If Chimera was as receptive to others body language as she seemed she'd be able to easily find a greater understanding of Vallios. It seemed as if Eli was standing his ground, trying to put the newcomer in his place to keep the peace. Typical behavior for any male. Vallios addressed Eli as a primarily hostile unknown. That meant Vallios needed to get more information out of Eli, lest he find himself in situation where he was unable to defend himself.

The hold Vallios had over Chimera was intimate, but also quite protective. Others offered shelter in words, Vallios offered sanctuary in company. His hands traced light patterns along Chimera's thighs, gentle teases meant to embolden and entice Chimera. Her unwavering submission was something Vallios could appreciate, though he sorely missed the fire, the warmth that she seemed to have lost...A warmth that Vallios hoped to restore and enjoy for his own; if only for a few nights.

"Perhaps you are not one I should speak to at this moment. I offer you a warrior's skill should you ever find yourself in need." And those would be the last words spoken between Vallios and Eli until such a time that the other male decided to approach Vallios with a more favorable business proposition. When Vallios stopped speaking he allowed his attention to fully center itself on Chimera.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

((I ambled through a few pages and skimmed over something about looking for fighters and figured that my little gladiator would fit in quite well :D. ))
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*


Shadow while waiting for Kelly pulled out his phone and texted a message to Eli.

"omg did he just pwn u? like lol fer realzies"

From the elevators one could clearly hear Shadow laughing.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Reading the text, Eli rolled his eyes and put the phone away, not even justifying Shadow's joke with a response. Instead, he just gave a slight nod to V, at least seeming less hostile right now. He wasn't territorial, as was obvious by the way he didn't seem to mind the guy's hands all over any of the girls.

Well, he was territorial, but it wasn't over the women. It was over the Brothel. This was his home in a way, and those wanting to be part of it had to earn his trust. It wasn't impossible, but it did take a bit of work.

It didn't help that he had that damn curse running through his veins, making him have to concentrate every minute to keep his temper in check so he didn't literally tear someone to pieces for some imagined insult.

(Eli will warm up to V, but you know how he is. It takes him a little time. Damn werewolves. :p)
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Yawning from boredom, she stood up and started to walk out of the room for them to have their own orgy. But when she heard a laugh from an elevator, she laughed inside her head at how the sound made it sound like a little girl even though it was a man. AnnaBeth walked out of the room, giving a peace sign and a air kiss. She kept walking in her barefeet and came to a bar, getting giddy she got some alcohol and made a martini.
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