The Cat's Meow Brothel (Please read the rules in the first post before continuing!)

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RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Heading down the street he wraps his black trench coat around his body and slips in his arms through the sleeves. He looked about the city streets, taking in the little details of the lamps and cracks in the sidewalk. This late at night mostly drunks and theives would be out. But than again there was a monster walking among them. He pulled up his hood than pushed aside the jacket so he could fit his hands into his pants pockets. He walked a slow even pace, his mind working over options, where he'd go to make the most damage, how he can go about creating chaos, the best way to burn the city down, only if he wished it though. All thought out with an emotionless gaze at his pathway.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

she hummed quietly to herself as she braided her scarlet locks. closing her eyes, her mind drifted back to her childhood. barely above a whisper, the soft melody escaped her lips and began to play about the still air. "cur-i-ma, cur-i-ma..." she sang the foreign words of her once captor. each note hanging momentarily in the air, before vanishing into nothingness. slithering her her body gracefully, mimicking a serpent, she recalled some of her childhood lessons. she began to trace a single finger up her calf as she repeats the words, each note more seductive than the one before.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Eli was walking back down the stairs after having disappeared for a while, pausing as he heard the singing. He looked around, having to smile a bit as he saw the source. Shaking his head slightly, he found a spot nearby to prop himself against the wall and just listen, always one to enjoy a good serenade, even if it wasn't for him.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Planning destruction calmed him down. Placed him back in his element, felt like his home. He took a deep sigh as he looked around. The streets were even emptier as time went on. Wondering what to do with all his free time now. He stops for a moment, than keeps on walking, planning out some more chaos as he blended in with the shadows.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

sensing someone watching her, she sang her notes a little softer accentuating each of them with her crimson painted lips. thinking to herself that whomever was listening to her, would now have to watch her if they wanted to make out any of the words. "cur-i-ma" her soft lips whisper "del-ti-ette" she slithers her body a little more, then traces her finger around to her inner thigh. her ruby hair in a pile surrounding her she continues her seductive song, "question not" her lips profess as the draped silk that covers her begins to slip.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

In the silence it seemed like Shadow's demons were on a rampage. But than again he always felt more monster than man. He stared up to the sky, "Ah......I guess dieing all those times wasnt enough to get any peace. Hmmm, the sun's coming up soon."

He fixes his hood so it'll cover his face from any light and put his hands in his jacket pocket. "Like the wicked have any need for rest", grinning trying his best to hide pure joy at his own musings at being the monster once more.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Smiling at Lorie, he opened his wallet and extracted both payment for the bar, and several large opals.

"Would these serve for a start? I get paid for my work, but all my needs are covered, so I tend to accumulate. That and my share in the mine keep me from such worries. I would not dream of haggling. Tell me what you think is fair for your interest and to use these facilities."

He received his beer and drained it in one long quaff, then turned to her. "Which way to the showers, oh angelic one!"

Her sensual body and lush curves had him quaking for her, but he wanted a night of companionship, not a base release of the libido. He would let her lead him, and depend upon her touch to guide him at the right time.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

falzar said:
Smiling at Lorie, he opened his wallet and extracted both payment for the bar, and several large opals.

"Would these serve for a start? I get paid for my work, but all my needs are covered, so I tend to accumulate. That and my share in the mine keep me from such worries. I would not dream of haggling. Tell me what you think is fair for your interest and to use these facilities."

He received his beer and drained it in one long quaff, then turned to her. "Which way to the showers, oh angelic one!"

Her sensual body and lush curves had him quaking for her, but he wanted a night of companionship, not a base release of the libido. He would let her lead him, and depend upon her touch to guide him at the right time.

Lorie rang up the beer and happily took the cash for it, stowing it away in the cash register before marking down a room for her new client. She smiled softly and then paused in awe, to look at the opals he pulled from his person.

"Oh my....I would say these are worth a fair amount. At least a few hundred each. The price usually depends on what it is you'd like to do with me, but if you've got enough opals we can accept a deposit and then add on as the night goes on. How much time would you like me to spend with you, sir?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

shadowess said:
sensing someone watching her, she sang her notes a little softer accentuating each of them with her crimson painted lips. thinking to herself that whomever was listening to her, would now have to watch her if they wanted to make out any of the words. "cur-i-ma" her soft lips whisper "del-ti-ette" she slithers her body a little more, then traces her finger around to her inner thigh. her ruby hair in a pile surrounding her she continues her seductive song, "question not" her lips profess as the draped silk that covers her begins to slip.

Eli simply grinned a bit, remaining where he was, able to hear just fine somehow, though he did raise his eyes to watch her sing, simply out of fascination more than anything. After all, they say music calms the savage beast, and being a former fighter it was likely he had a bit of a temper, even if it hadn't been put on display yet. Perhaps there was something more to him. Perhaps not. It was hard to tell at this point. But the fact that he seemed to enjoy the song was obvious.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

The Music drifted out to Shadow's ears, Soft singing voice as She danced there on the corner, a boy sitting behind her with similar looks, playing a Shamisen.. Te girl's voice was delightful, the tune, superb..
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*


Lorie rang up the beer and happily took the cash for it, stowing it away in the cash register before marking down a room for her new client. She smiled softly and then paused in awe, to look at the opals he pulled from his person.

"Oh my....I would say these are worth a fair amount. At least a few hundred each. The price usually depends on what it is you'd like to do with me, but if you've got enough opals we can accept a deposit and then add on as the night goes on. How much time would you like me to spend with you, sir?"

"I had hoped to perhaps spend at least tonight and the next day with you. I'm in no hurry. And I'm not concerned about the cost, so much as retaining such a sweet companion.
Can we get me to that shower, and can I have my clothes cleaned. Standing next to you as I am, I grow a bit self conscious of my presentation.

If you would like to have a shower, that would be fine, though you obviously don't need it. I don't want to mess up your hair or anything."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

falzar said:
Candira said:
Lorie rang up the beer and happily took the cash for it, stowing it away in the cash register before marking down a room for her new client. She smiled softly and then paused in awe, to look at the opals he pulled from his person.

"Oh my....I would say these are worth a fair amount. At least a few hundred each. The price usually depends on what it is you'd like to do with me, but if you've got enough opals we can accept a deposit and then add on as the night goes on. How much time would you like me to spend with you, sir?"

"I had hoped to perhaps spend at least tonight and the next day with you. I'm in no hurry. And I'm not concerned about the cost, so much as retaining such a sweet companion.
Can we get me to that shower, and can I have my clothes cleaned. Standing next to you as I am, I grow a bit self conscious of my presentation.

If you would like to have a shower, that would be fine, though you obviously don't need it. I don't want to mess up your hair or anything."

Musical laughter left her and she nodded. "Of course. I'll just take these opals for now and see what you've wracked up by the time you're ready to check out." That said, she took the jewels and stashed them in a safe place, marking him down for one night and one day in a room and smiled.

"Shall we?" she asked offering her hand to him.

((Would you like to move this to PMs or perhaps a private thread?))
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Candira said:
falzar said:
Candira said:
Lorie rang up the beer and happily took the cash for it, stowing it away in the cash register before marking down a room for her new client. She smiled softly and then paused in awe, to look at the opals he pulled from his person.

"Oh my....I would say these are worth a fair amount. At least a few hundred each. The price usually depends on what it is you'd like to do with me, but if you've got enough opals we can accept a deposit and then add on as the night goes on. How much time would you like me to spend with you, sir?"

"I had hoped to perhaps spend at least tonight and the next day with you. I'm in no hurry. And I'm not concerned about the cost, so much as retaining such a sweet companion.
Can we get me to that shower, and can I have my clothes cleaned. Standing next to you as I am, I grow a bit self conscious of my presentation.

If you would like to have a shower, that would be fine, though you obviously don't need it. I don't want to mess up your hair or anything."

Musical laughter left her and she nodded. "Of course. I'll just take these opals for now and see what you've wracked up by the time you're ready to check out." That said, she took the jewels and stashed them in a safe place, marking him down for one night and one day in a room and smiled.

"Shall we?" she asked offering her hand to him.

((Would you like to move this to PMs or perhaps a private thread?))

((Sure, do you know how to move it? I'm still learning how to navigate here."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Shadow hears the sound of music off in the distance so he decides to wander over and take a look. Upon walking a few blocks he stops in front of the neko duo. Waiting till their performance is done.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

[MODERATOR NOTE: Try to keep OOC to PMs darlings. And next time You catch a minor you report them. Do not gripe. Much love <3 Remember character bios to the Character Bio thread. BY THE WAY Shadow I suggest changing Luka's picture. It's in an ambiguous territory that is not allowed on site (I.E- Characters not up to the age of Consent). THANK YOU~]
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

The Neko twins soon enough copleted their show, getting a few coins for their performance thanks to some nice passersby.. "Onii-chan.. This isn't much.." Said Aouran, the male on the stool.. The female sighed and replied. "Maye its enough to buy some food tonight.. I could always trade favors for it.." She knew her brother didn't usually like that.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Shadow stayed behind and walked a bit closer to the two. "Do you two enjoy the way your life is? If you're willing to work I own a place that you two can become popular in. I'm on my way back actually so if you're interested follow me."

Without waiting for a response he walked away, slowly making his way back to his brothel.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

The two Nekos looked at each other before nodding and following the man. "Gladly.. As long as shelter and food are to be had." Said the male while the female kept quiet.. Both of them had picked up their things of course.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Reaching the front door to the brothel soon enough he pushed the door open. Once inside he pulled back his hood and pushed a hand through his hair to qucikly fix it. "I own this place. It's called the Cat's Meow Brothel, seems fitting enough for the two of you. Make yourselves at home," slipping out of the trench coat and tossing it to the side over a coat hanger on the wall.

"The place seems to be how I left it"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Eli had been nearby as Shadow entered, hearing his commentary and turning his head toward him with a smirk. "Of course it is. Did you expect less of me?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"If I expected the place to be burnt to the ground than there's little that could be done to dissappoint me with", grinning back. "Well I sent out some more invitations to possible escorts. It seems we are running thin of guests though. A business is made by it's customers"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Eli shrugged as if not truly concerned, though not from a lack of caring, but simply confidence instead. "They'll come. Just give it time for the word to get out."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Word that the finest entertainment on the blue moon is found here, right?" He sighed and unbuttoned his blazer jacket as he walked to the bar and sat on a stool on the outside of the bar. "For such a sex crazed place I was expecting a bigger boom." He leaned one elbow on the bar counter and let the gears in his head crank.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Shadow began to hum lightly to himself, repeating the lyrics in his head he smiles lightly.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Violence." Eli had just said the word out of nowhere after a short silence, looking to Shadow and giving him a smirk. "The one thing men love as much as sex is violence. Maybe some sort of fight club. Rage in the Cage..."
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