The Cat's Meow Brothel (Please read the rules in the first post before continuing!)

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RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Aside from the mistress of the house I can't honestly tell you. I'm not a man with normal relationships."

He sighs and thinks, "I don't beleive I have a heart, so I can't shower you with affection or even express it in normal ways. If you're ok with who and what I am than we can still hold hands like this if you want."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

She frowned and watched him, not sure what to do. She liked Shadow a lot and carried quite a torch for him, but her future was still unsure. Kelly wasn't entirely sure what he meant by not being able to express his affection for her in normal ways, but maybe this wasn't the place to talk about it. "I think I need to sit down."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Ding, and the doors opened at the top floor. He walked out and held the door oepn for her. The hallways walls not differing much from the downstairs except for the dimmer lights. "My room is at the end of the hallway"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"I see. Take what you need to justify a night's stay with me and lead me to a room so we can...Discuss things in a more private setting. As I said, I want you to enjoy yourself." The words were heavy with innuendo.

Vallios reached into one of his tattered pockets and retrieved a small burlap sack. Inside were bundled notes and gold coins, certainly a small fortune should he ever decide to have the currency exchanged to something more local. Vallios didn't care what price she took, money was of little consequence to somebody who'd never been given a chance to learn the modern norms of society. Vallios leaned in and gave a kiss to Chimera's throat, biting down just hard enough to leave the smallest of marks before he pulled back and waited for her to finalize their little transaction.

"And tell me, what name have you found for yourself?"

Vallios needed to know more about her...He saw so much of himself in her. Both had lived lives of servitude, catering to the whims and wills of those in power. While she'd served the flesh, Vallios had been not but voyeur delights for the more cruel. Though, unlike Chimera he was servant no more. Chimera's perseverance, or desperation fascinated Vallios. What did she want so badly that she would surrender herself so completely to the highest bidder?
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly followed after Shadow, her green dress swishing a bit as she walked. Eyes adjusted to the light and she wondered how he lived up here. What was it like for him to be alone all the time? Was it what he really wanted?
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Shadow inputed the code into the lock and turns the knob open. He pushes the door open and keeps it up for her. On the table right next to the door underneath the light switch was a remote. He flipped the switch than picked up the remote and pushing a button the stereo began to play.

He unbuttoned his jacket and tossed it onto the table that the remote was on and sat in a chair that was next to a couch and a table, all wood furniture. The lights were a bit brighter than they were outside. The room looked much like a suite in a hotel but richer.

"I think I should explain a bit about myself so please sit"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Chimera smiled to herself pleased that she had to opportunity to please this man, for that is what burned inside her. the flickers in her eyes, the flashes of soft smiles. each one of them a glimpse into what she held in her heart. a desire to please, and a subtle fear of ever being displeasing. she moans a little at the gentle grazing of his teeth, wondering what more he could do with his mouth. as he pulled away from her, she slipped her hand into the sack, and with a keen sense of touch, she felt some of the gold coins. she took only 5 thinking to herself that, that was what she had been used to, and should he find her worth more, then perhaps he would reward her.
once more, her glistening brown eyes gazed into his face, only long enough to answer his question. "this one is called Chimera" and once more she returns her gaze to the ground, slightly confused but also intrigued that he even bothered or cared what her name was.
tossing her red hair slightly, as her dark silks shift, she gingerly grasps his hand and whispers. "if you will follow" as she leads him to one of the rooms that she is pretty sure is vacant.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

shadowess said:
Chimera smiled to herself pleased that she had to opportunity to please this man, for that is what burned inside her. the flickers in her eyes, the flashes of soft smiles. each one of them a glimpse into what she held in her heart. a desire to please, and a subtle fear of ever being displeasing. she moans a little at the gentle grazing of his teeth, wondering what more he could do with his mouth. as he pulled away from her, she slipped her hand into the sack, and with a keen sense of touch, she felt some of the gold coins. she took only 5 thinking to herself that, that was what she had been used to, and should he find her worth more, then perhaps he would reward her.
once more, her glistening brown eyes gazed into his face, only long enough to answer his question. "this one is called Chimera" and once more she returns her gaze to the ground, slightly confused but also intrigued that he even bothered or cared what her name was.
tossing her red hair slightly, as her dark silks shift, she gingerly grasps his hand and whispers. "if you will follow" as she leads him to one of the rooms that she is pretty sure is vacant.

Kelly wasn't entirely sure the music choice really fit the discussion they were about to have, but she didn't mind so much. She looked around his room and then took a seat as he asked her to have a seat. Deciding to hear him out, Kelly smoothed out the skirt of her dress and sat down on a plush chair in the sitting room portion of his suite.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Vallios followed, watching the sway of those lovely hips as Chimera walked. Acting in accordance with a spur of the moment impulse Vallios pulled Chimera close and snared her lips in an overpowering and passionate kiss, pressing his hips firmly to hers. The embrace was brief, Vallios retiring to his previous respectful distance, fingers still entwined with Chimeras. That familiar devilish smirk curled across Vallios' lips as he waited for her response, hoping she'd have the presence of mind to continue to show him the way to somewhere more intimate.

The pouch was returned to Vallios' pocket, much heavier than he had expected it to be. A pleasant surprise, as it gave Vallios the chance to reinvest more of his money in other ventures. Several thoughts wandered through Vallios' head, wondering just what kind of a lover Chimera would turn out to be once those doors closed. A vacant room was found and the two stepped inside, door shutting tight, tumblers of a sturdy lock clicking into place...
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"First, let me ask you. What kind of man do you think I am? Who is it that you've been working with for all this time?"

He sat back and thought it over, "Maybe that was a trick question since I'm not the exact definition of a man. We'll leave gender outside for now and look at the character and substance to define a man."

"To put it simply I'm a vampire, and one of the worst kinds. I'm a monster."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"I don't think you're a monster," she said, looking at him. "You've never acted like one around me, anyway." Kelly tilted her head wondering just what kind of a curse he lived with.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

((No, sorry, If you want you can create one in the OOC area in general discussion, you have my approval))

"Business smile", smiling politely before going back to his calm expression. "It's really not so bad, lived enough to actually enjoy it. I enjoy being a monster. Although that thrill is more like that of a drug, I have no intention of quitting the life of a monster. Even though I took joy in the death and suffering of others, and will keep on enjoying it for as long as I live, is that something that your love can handle?", looking straight at her with those eyes of his (same as in the picture).
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

She frowned and watched him closely. He took join in the pain of others...did that mean if she were to die...? "You're not a monster in my eyes, Shadow. You're just who you are. Whether that person is someone who takes pleasure in things most people fear, then that's who you are. I'm not asking you to be a saint, Shadow." The redhead sighed and sat back. "I'm just asking to know how you feel." And now his actions last night made even more sense. That didn't really excuse them, but they made more sense.

Kelly watched him carefully, staring into those mesmerizing eyes. Was she okay with it? Even after all of that, she still cared about him a lot.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"How I feel? Most of the time it's boredom, I know that's not what you asked but let me finish. I choose boredom over numbness, and those joys I have help with the boredom. Even if it's a game or a brothel, whatever cures my boredom for the time. Although I can't go against my instincts. So you're wondering where you fit in all this? You go against my nature. It's a struggle but if you want to love a monster I'll let you stay close to me"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

((Since Chesire made a good suggestion I made it so, we now have an OOC chatter thread in general discussions. Attached the link at the bottom and I'll also add it to the front page. See you there))
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

She stood back up and looked into his eyes. "I go against your nature?" she asked stepping cautiously closer. "I'm going to need a bit more than that. What do you feel for me?" she asked, taking his hand again. She held it to her chest this time and looked up into his eyes. "Please just tell me. Do you love me?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

He sighed, "For a heartless monster this is as close to love as I'm going to get right now. Please don't ask for more", slumping in his chair he reaches out for her hand. "Told you I was alergic to this"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

She shook her head and chuckled. "If it stops you from slipping guys drugs in their drinks when they look at me funny." She took his hand and sat in his lap, kissing his cheek. "If you really want me to stop being an escort to be with you, I'll try. I'll try to love you the way you need me to," she said with a smile. Kelly kissed his lips softly and smiled at him. "It's not all bad, is it?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"But I like putting things in people's drinks, it's so much fun. And hardly anyone's ever died from that."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Putting things in people's drinks can result in lawsuits, deaths, and lowering of the reputation," she said, raising an eyebrow as she leaned into him.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"But promotes fear, fear is something you can't just buy", trying hard to make his argument stick.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"True, but you know what you can buy? Food, clothes, services, and you can even do things like pay rent, but you have to have money. Something you can't get if nobody comes in." She snuggled into him and closed her eyes, resting in his lap.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Organs sell pretty well", closing his eyes and resting his arms on the chair arms
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

She shot him a look and groaned. "Shadow..." She stayed on his lap and nipped his neck. "Just stop." She snuggled into him and started to fall asleep on his lap, comfortable and satisfied.
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