The Cat's Meow Brothel (Please read the rules in the first post before continuing!)

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RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

She smirked and continued to dance, stepping it up a bit with a few moves from the tango, her body moving and wrapping around him in new and different ways. "That depends entirely upon your partner."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Eli continued to match her movements, showing deceptive agility and limberness for his size as he continued to dance with Kelly. His body twisted and wrapped with hers, bringing them close as they pressed and rubbed against each other for several moments at a time only to pull or spin away and repeat the process to bring them back together once more, their dance sensual and seductive as they carried on.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

At this point they were drawing quite a crowd, many people watching, others finding more interest in the other workers there based on the movements of the redhead and the bouncer. Finally, the music stopped and she smiled, panting. "Good job, Eli. You're not bad at all."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Ditto, Red." He stepped back, taking her hand and bowing gracefully to her as he brought her fingers to his lips, kissing the back of them lightly before releasing her hand back to her. Standing straight once more, he offered an arm to walk her from the floor as the crowd applauded them.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

His gesture did little to sweep her off her feet, but the staging seemed to drive the crowd into another frenzy of applause. Hard to argue with a guy who knew how to work the room. "It's a shame you're not working as an escort. You'd be a natural," she teased. Kelly did, however, take his arm and walk with him back to the bar.

"So, did I help burn off some of your energy?" she asked.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Yeah, a little." Eli gave he a slight smile as he took his spot at the main bar that gave him a good view of the entire brothel. "And thanks...but I don't think Shad hires guys," he joked with a soft laugh. Glancing to her from time to time, he had to wonder if that experience had even had any effect on her at all. He couldn't deny he had liked it more than a little, but she seemed largely unfazed and utterly disinterested. Shrugging a bit, he simply pushed the thoughts back and went about doing what he was paid to do.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly, despite her cool and collected demeanor was far from unstirred by their dance together. She had enjoyed it quite a bit. But she'd learned to not let such things show, much less affect her at a deeper level. And now that she had Shadow, she was glad of it.

Otherwise, she might be tempted to offer her services to Eli.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Luka sat there on the bar watching the both Kelly and Eli dance cause there were no other people but her at the bar so she was kind of bored as she watched the both of them for some thing to do
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Noticing that Luka had been watching them, Eli turned and offered a slight grin to her, then glanced to Kelly briefly. Saying nothing, he simply gestured with his head to let Kelly know he thought the girl might be waiting for her attention.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly chuckled and ordered herself a strawberry daiquiri. "Luka," she said, motioning to the girl to come closer. "I'm quite satisfied, but you might give Eli a little attention. I think I might have teased him a little too much. Oh, and do him a favor. No more energy drinks tonight, okay?" She smiled and then smirked at Eli before stretching in her chair. "After this, I think it's time for bed."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"I agree," Eli said to Kelly, giving her a playful look. "But I bet we have two different ideas on the bed thing." He chuckled and looked to Luka, giving a nod in agreement with Kelly. "Yeah, gonna be up for days probably as it is. No more energy drinks for me..." Of course that remark could be taken delightfully out of context by a dirty mind with a sharp wit.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly let his double entente stand on its own, merely chuckling. She took a sip of her daiquiri and enjoyed it. "Mmm, take it easy, Eli." that said, she took her drink with her into the elevator and headed back up to her room, planning to send her glass back down later.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Night chica." He hated to see her go, but had to admit he loved to watch her leave, staring a bit until she disappeared into the elevator. Having to smile to himself thoughtfully, he shrugged gently and offered Luka a reassuring grin over his shoulder to let her know she was doing fine with her job.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly finished her drink up in her room and after a nice long shower, got into bed, sleeping the night away.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Eli was fairly certain that after that dance he was going to have to take care of some business before he got to sleep. Shaking the thoughts away for now, he scanned the bar momentarily, satisfied that all seemed right so far.
Enter: Atreides Arteslei, the Level 1 catboy


It seemed our young adventurer, Atreides Arteslei, had stumbled upon yet another city. This one seemed to be quite a bit more civilized than the last he had entered. Despite that, it was still quite a bit shady.

Atreides walked the streets, lit only by the overhead lights. This place made the young nekomata nervous, as he was fairly sure someone was going to attempt to mug him. The nearest apparent sanctuary was an apartment building with a sign that read "The Cat's Meow". Atreides looked up at the tall, red brick structure, finding that no light was being emitted through the windows.

The place seemed charming enough though.

Atreides quickly entered the establishment. His desire to be off of the shady street fulfulled, the young adventurer looked around the inside of The Cat's Meow. The interior was vastly more comfortable than the exterior implied. As his eyes wandered around the room, he moved toward the bar.

Atreides still had yet to contact his family, and he was hoping his quest for a telephone would end here.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly yawned, her rubbing her eyes as she came down from her room. She'd woken up and wasn't quite able to fall back to sleep. So she slipped into a short white night gown and a silky kimono robe painted with peach colored blossoms. She stepped out of the elevator and looked around her to see how the brothel was doing. "Hmm? Oh, hello there," she said, smiling at Atreides. "Welcome to the Cat's Meow. What can I do for you?" she asked, tilting her head, perfectly groomed red locks sliding over her shoulder.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Seeing Kelly come back down, Eli just offered his usual sly grin to her before he turned his eyes to the crowd, letting her approach and welcome the new guest. The place seemed to be picking up a bit, and that was definitely a good thing. And he got to see her, so that had made the night a little better. Strangely enough there was no energy drink in his hand this time, having learned his lesson about drinking too many.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly blinked and caught a glimpse of Eli from the corner of her eye. She grinned and returned her attention to the man who'd entered just a short time ago.

((BTW, Lorie will be back soon))
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Luka had finshed severing a few drinks to other people then come behind Eli jumped over the back of his chair landing in his lap as she then rubs her hand up his chest then around his neck then handed him a note as her tail started to wave as her read it - hello sir could I be of any servers to you this day- it said
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Chest rising and falling with the dramatic motions of one who drew in a deep breath and released, Caim stood before The Cat's Meow with a slight furrow coming to his brow. "Well," he said to no one in particular, his voice's baritone rich and well-modulated. "I guess this will have to do." Stepping forth as was his wont, Caim entered the brothel with a certain look of apprehension spreading across his face. Lips pursing in speculation, the young-man stepped away from the doorway and towards the side, idly looking around and taking in the immediate surroundings. For all intents and purposes, The Cat's Meow was everything everyone said it would be.

Pulling a chair out for himself, Caim slid his rear into it and pulled himself forward before settling the flats of his arms on the table in front of him, assuming a more passive look on his face while one hand lifted to rub the fine hairs growing along his jawline. Now, how was the service?
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Giving Luka a cheeky grin, Eli wrapped his arms around her and gave her a light hug for taking the time to show him some affection. Looking at her for a moment, he raised his hand and signed to her. 'You do know I work here,' his hands signaled to her as he tilted his head. It wasn't a denial of her offer by any means. He was simply making sure she knew he wasn't a client and didn't owe him her attention when she could be making money from a customer.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Atreides blushed when he met the gaze of the beautiful, crimson-haired woman before him. His azure gaze immediately averted to his left and at the floor.

"Good evening." The young Nekomata said in a small voice, "Would it be possible to use your phone? I need to contact my family."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly smiled and nodded. "Of course. We will charge you for the minutes you use up, but I think you'll find that it's a reasonable rate." That said, she took his hand and led him toward a phone booth in the corner and keyed in the proper sequence. "There you are, just hang up when you're done. Please come to the bar for your bill." That said, she walked over to the bar herself and tapped Eli's shoulder. "Do me a favor and see that the gentleman on the phone doesn't skip out after his call, will you?"

She saw Caim and smiled. "Welcome to the Cat's Meow. My name is Kelly. What can I do for you?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Eli gave Kelly a nod as she spoke, turning to keep an eye on the man as he remained in his customary spot against the bar. Folding his arms over his chest, he didn't seem too concerned that the guy would skip out. He scanned the crowd from time to time, but never for long so he could do as Kelly asked him, always glancing back to make sure the man was still there.
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