Exorcism at Shishimaru Castle!

Miroku looked in horror as she started to fall he jumped up catching her lightly and ran with her back into his room taking out a brush he made a few marking and wrote Yashako's name on them as well the talismans stopped glowing and sending electricity across her body. grabbing her he pulled her close into his chest holding her. "im sorry my love your sister came out and tryed to kill me.. i did want i had to fight her back without trowing more harm on your body.." he hoped his words helped her understand what happened his fear was that she hated him for putting her thou such pain.
Miroku nodded lightly and held her the Talismans would keep the girls sister locked inside her unless she wanted a nasty shock seeing they would now only go off if Yashako's spirit came back out. he layed her down on the bed and covered her nude body with the blanket before going over to the desk and sitting down waiting for morning. he fell back asleep but yet again going into asleep but aware mode.
Hinata managed to sleep through the rest of the night, even despite the new wounds on her shoulderblades. She was pretty much exhaused, so she stayed asleep until later that morning. When she woke, she tried to move and winced because of how sore she was.
Miroku looked up as she woke getting up he went over to the bed and sat down. "how are you feeling my love? turn around so I can see your back......' he said lightly trying to tilt her to the side so he could get a good look at her, although her nude body was distracting.
She rolled over, laying on her stomach. "I'm fine." She said quietly. "I don't really remember what happened, but I'm guessing it had something to do with Yashako...." She said with a sigh. She didn't like that her sister interfered like she did. Especially considering she had to steal her body to do it.
'well you guessed right.. she attacked me... the talismans on you will keep her at bay. for how long i do not know........." he said lightly as he began fixing her wounds this time they were deep anuff that he could see the wings in her back. he patched her up although her demon blood would help her heal faster. "well she did a number to your body. its as if she don't care what she does to you........."
She shrugged. "She doesn't. Not even a little bit." She said. "Yashako has always hated me because I'm weak and closer to human than demon." She said with a sigh. "She blames me for our mother's death because I have no powers and couldn't fight alongside her."
'well she is stupid for blaming you... you are not weak. you made me fall for you after all." he said giving her a light wink as he turned her back around after he was done. "now how about you get dressed and see if you can get us anything to eat unless you want to stay nude...... i wouldn't mind you staying at all....." he said the pervy side of him showing his his smile.
She flushed. "It's okay. I need to eat, so dressing it is." She said with a slight grin. She flushed pretty much everytime she thought about last night, now. Once she had dressed she stood. "It's my duty to tend to you. I'll go get breakfast for you, Miroku-sama...."
iroku nodded as he filled out another sheet of papper explaining that the talismens on her body would protect her from the demon he handed it to her and removed his robe naked again in front of her as he then started to go around the robe looking for all the parts of his robe.
She took a second to look him over and grinned a little before taking off. She brought back a huge, very extravagant meal for Miroku to eat, as well as her own serving of the morning's rice porridge. That was what the servants ate. "Miroku-sama, your food is here." She said.
Miroku looked at her food and shook his head lightly. I will share my meal with you.. you shouldn't be eating that when im eating this. its not right." he lightly split his meal in half and gave her her portion seeing there was more then he could eat. "eat it...... its my treat for letting me make you mine." he said jokingly what he really meant was, 'eat up and don't say no after all you did let me take your Virginity.'


It was lunch time for InuYasha, Shippo, and Kagome they ate in silence, but shippo was the first done. he got up and looked at Kagome and InuYahsa. "im gunna go see Miroku and see what he is doing bye!" as he said that he trew a acorn to the ground, and a puff of smoke surrounded him turning him into a bird and he flew out of the room going to find Miroku.

InuYahsa watched as Shippo did this he wanted some alone time with Kagome after all this time.after he was gone he looked at Kagome a wicked smile on his face and stood up. "so now that the furball is gone i can have some fun." he said lightly cracking his neck. sex to him was like a fight but without the killing.
She flushed yet again and looked off to the side. 'H-hai, Miroku-sama." She said. She leaned over and kissed his cheek lightly before she began eating. It seemed she was hungrier than she realized.

Kagome grinned a little. "Geez. If I didn't know better I'd say I was in for it." She said with a grin as she stood. She pounced him and kissed him. "Hehe, it's about time we got some us time." She added as she leaned in and nipped at his neck.
Miroku nodded and eat gladly smiling a bit his thoughts wandered as he ate. he was thinking of how to deal with Yashako.


InuYasha fell to the ground and let her nip his neck he smiled at her knowing he had taught her how to please him in there many love session's. "hell ya its about time. that fucking kid didn't make it any easyer....." he would then flip Kagome onto her back by rolling to the side getting on top of her he ripped her shirt tearing it open like it was paper and did the same to her bra using her claws. he then grabbed her brests and toyed with them. "but yes you are in for a long ride. Kagome! and this time don't use the sit word to drive me harder into you.. that hurt like a bitch last time...... also this will be your punishment for that time!"
Kagome's back arked as he began to roughly handled her breasts. She chuckled a little. "Hey... I was experimenting..." She said with a grin. She pressed her thigh in between his legs, rubbing up against his member, through his hakama. She was a little bit of a tease.
InuYasha smiled a bit then tore open her skirt leaving her in her panties. he groaned lightly seeing she wasn't in the thong's that she had brought from her world to tease him with. he jumped of her and took of his hakama and stood naked in-front of her. "then experiment away Kagome!" he said holding out his hands in a let me see what you got manner.
She grinned and pushed him back against the wall. First she kissed him rather heatedly before her kisses moved down south. Down over his neck. His chest. His stomach. Gradually lower and lower. Kagome's tongue moved over the skin just above the base of his shaft, teasing him.
InuYasha was already hard. although he was a Half demon he looked Human when it came to his dick. he was proud of this and he was large in size almost 3 inches around and 8 inches long when hard. and seeing he had been wanting to fuck Kagome all day he was at full attention. "Kagome...." he said lightly gasping as he felt her toung on his cock.
Inuyasha smiled he would look down at Kagome and lightly place a hand on her head brushing back her hair so that he could see her face. "i like this experiment he said lightly she felt good sucking his cock, as its started to leek precum into her moth only a light dribble.
She grinned around him and then started to take down more of his length, sucking and bobbing her head back and forth on his shaft. She loved having power over his pleasure like this. It was very interesting to be in control of a man so much stronger than herself.
inuYasha allowed her to keep sucking him although her taking him inside her more almost sent him over the edge. "danm it Kagome if you keep this up ill come early." he snarled at her she knew how he hated coming to soon.
InuYasha gasped as she did, although he was a dominant type during sex Kagome was more like his Master then anything else. he moaned his dick pulsing in her mouth precum licking out of his cock faster now "don't stop." he said lightly almost like a plea and fear that she was stopping seeing how slow she was going.
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