Exorcism at Shishimaru Castle!

InuYasha blushed as she kissed him his head turning away a bit before he looked back at Kagome sleeping on him. blushed lightly he lowered his head and fell asleep as well.


Miroku looked back at Hinata and smiled lightly. "don't worry Hinata...... along as you are safe i am just fine......." he looked back at his tea and out the window. "You can come in..... after all you are my guest in my room....... now that She-Demon looked familiar some how..... and by what she was wearing it looks like she is a servant here at the castle.... she should be wiser to change clothes when she attack's...." he took a light sip of tea he got up wobbling a bit from lack of sleep. "Im gunna need to look over all the weman servant's here at the castle........ i believe one of them is the She-demon here."
YamiMarik1991 said:
InuYasha blushed as she kissed him his head turning away a bit before he looked back at Kagome sleeping on him. blushed lightly he lowered his head and fell asleep as well.


Miroku looked back at Hinata and smiled lightly. "don't worry Hinata...... along as you are safe i am just fine......." he looked back at his tea and out the window. "You can come in..... after all you are my guest in my room....... now that She-Demon looked familiar some how..... and by what she was wearing it looks like she is a servant here at the castle.... she should be wiser to change clothes when she attack's...." he took a light sip of tea he got up wobbling a bit from lack of sleep. "Im gunna need to look over all the weman servant's here at the castle........ i believe one of them is the She-demon here."

Hinata sat against the wall so that he wouldn't see the bloody splotches on the back of her kimono. "I see... Well, I hope that you're able to find the right person... Miroku-sama." She winced. She could still feel the blood coming off of her wounds. Hinata was thankful the dog hanyou wasn't here because if he was, she'd be found out immediately. Now all she could hope is that she wasn't asked to move or anything, whilst in Miroku's presence.
Miroku looked at Hinata lightly as he sat on his bed. "as do i hope my lovely Hinata but right now im to tiered to do anything" as he layed down on the bed he looked over at her. "come here...... Lay with me....."

(sorry about the one liner my brain decided to go fuck you lol.)
(No prob. Just as long as I can work with it, no problem. I don't mind at all.)

She shook her head rapidly. "I can't Miroku-sama..." She could not risk being found out. "I'm sorry..." She bowed a little, even though it hurt. "Forgive me?" she asked. "I really can't move at the moment."
Miroku sat up a little as he saw a red tent on her shoulder. "you were attacked weren't you?" he said lightly walking over to her trying to get a better view. "let me take a look at it Hinata......... and tell me who did it."
She pressed her back more firmly against the wall so he couldn't see. "I had a little run in with the demon..." She said quietly. "But I'm fine." she added with a smile to reassure him. Her healing speed wasn't as fast as say, InuYasha's but she was still more resiliant than a normal human.
Miroku looked at the woman not taking no for a answer. "get up...." he vioce and face going serious "if i don't at least treat your back i wont be able to sleep and you being attacked by the Demon is worse. now get up.......' he said lowering a bit holding out his hand his face showed concern for her. he wondered just how the demon could have gotten into his room as it showed no sign's of a break in.
Reluctantly she stood. "I'm telling you, it's nothing major. I heard a commotion, and came out of the room. The demon ran into me and her claws caught me when she pushed me from behind..." She lied. She felt bad lying to him because he really did genuinely seem to care, and it wasn't something she was used to. But he'd hate her if he knew what she was or that all of this was her fault.
he pulled her up and went behind her quickly taking off her top of her Kamono and looking at her back the cuts weren't that deep but some tearing was there, still leaving her topless he brought her over to the bed and sat her down as he took out his first aid kit Kagome had brought back from the human world and he started to treat her back parting blushing. "next time please do as i say and stay here..... Id hate to think what would happen if you got even more hurt."
She flushed and covered her chest. "H-hai, Miroku-sama..." She said softly. She wished she could keep that promise. She really did. But unfortunately, once the night fell, she had no will of her own. Whilst he bandaged her up, she thought. "Miroku-sama... Please leave here... I don't want you to be hurt by the demon..." She said quietly. Her voice was almost pleading. She'd become rather fond of the monk even if they'd only known one another for a day, and she didn't want to see her sister harm him.
Miroku shook his head he was done patching her up. "I cant do that..... the demon harmed a friend of mine....... and also innocent people are being hurt.... i just cant leave knowing that.. " he turned her around to face him his hand lightly trailing then bottom of her cheek as he pulled her in for a kiss.
Oh, her sister had such a fit, but she didn't care. Hinata let it happen. She didn't want to think about how things would be if he didn't leave, and for now this would prove distracting to said thoughts. She found herself kissing him back. She didn't know where it came from, but she did like this feeling a lot.
Miroku pulled her close putting a arm around her his other hand would remove her arms from her breasts as he lightly took on in his hand and started to message it lightly. he'd break the kiss and look at her a small smile on his face. "you are so cute my dear Hinata... maybe after this, ill free you from your lord as payment and take you with us."
She bit her lip, trying to stifle a little sound as his hand worked her breast. She flushed a bit. Her eyes widened as Miroku talked about taking her with them after all this. "D-do you think you really could do that?" She asked.
Miroku nodded a bit sitting back a little. "yes........ and i don't think your lord would mind.... seeing if we do save this castle.... i bet he will give us anything I want....' he would lean back in taking one of her breasts into his mouth suckling it a bit his hand would the go up to her other breasts and play with it, his fingers toying with her nipple.
The thought of leaving this castle gave her hope. She smiled before letting out a moan as he used his mouth and his fingers on her breast. She felt a warm well up within her. It was foreign to her because she'd never wanted to be with a man before. Now she found herself with that very urge. "Miroku-sama..." She managed to say softly.
Miroku kept playing with her breasts, his movement becoming a bit rougher he let go of her breast and moved away a bit and smile. "i haven't felt this way since Sango.........' he then grabbed the bottom part of her kamono pulling her pants of trying not to push her onto her back so she wouldn't hurt herself. making this little part a bit difficult.
She braced herself back on her elbows so that she didn't hurt herself. She could feel the heat in her cheeks increase as the rest of her body became visible to him. She hadn't anticipated this, but she wanted it. She hoped her body pleased him.
Miroku smiled as he pulled off the last peace of her clothing, spreading her legs a bit he lightly placed a hand across a young slit and rubbed gently his finger's would brush her clit softly from time to time almost teasingly. "oh my you have such a cute body...... I think i will take you with us..... after all why leave you here to suffer?" he'd lightly kiss her lips as if that was is promise that he would.
She felt a little tremor run through her body as he touched her in such sensitive places. When he kissed her, she kissed him back. The thought of leaving with him with a good one. "I'll trust you then, Miroku-sama..." She said with a smile. She really did want her freedom back. Being a servant wasn't fun at all.
Miroku kissed back lightly he broke the kiss and loved down removing his hand he then opened her legs farther and began to lick her slit toying with her clit, opening her lips with his finger's he moved his face a bit deeper his toung finding every inch of her wetness. he loved the taste of her as he licked and probed her wetness his thumb would lightly rub her clit.
Hinata let out a pleased moan as his tongue delved into such sensitive regions. Her body had heated up so much, and the flush that had started in her cheeks spreaded quickly to her whole body. "Oh... Miroku-sama... It... It feels so good." She managed, whilst trying to keep her hips still.
Miroku kept eating the girl out her juices were not like other girls he had ever eaten out even songo didn't taste like this. it was somehow sweeter and addicting in taste he had heard that most Demon's and Half-demons stated like this he'd moved back his mind racing, she was a half demon the cuts were were wings should be, and the reason the demon looked so familiar was because Its was the very same face. he looked up into her eye's the woman he encountered acted nothing like this girl but innocent woman she-demons are something he had came across before. "do you really love me Hinata?" he said lightly his hands going back to work on her wet slit.
She flushed brightly. "Miroku-sama... I've only known you for such a short time but I feel that I do.... That's why I pleaded with you to leave... I don't want you to get hurt, m'lord..." She said softly. She really did mean that. And she was unaware she'd been caught.
Miroku nodded and got up he removed the rest off his robe he now stood naked in front of her, "realy........ and i love you to me sweet Hinata." he then got back on his knees and moved closer to her. he would pull her chin tord him giving her a light but passionate kiss. His dick was hard and throbbing he wondered what it would be like to have sex with a half demon and also wondered if this love he felt for her was a part of some demon spell like last time or....... something else.
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