Exorcism at Shishimaru Castle!

She kissed him back with just as much passion. She wanted him bad. Her legs were spread for him. One thing was sure, she didn't have magic powers to bewitch him with, and her sister hated the monk so she wasn't about to do that. She felt pretty sure this was real. "Miroku-sama... I just want you..." She managed softly.
Miroku wanted her just as bad as she broke the kis he slid in between her legs positioning himself to enter her, but lightly rubbing his cock around her opening and toying with her clit. "and I want you.... I just wonder...." he said as he repositioned his cock outside her wet slit ready to take her. "will you bear my children?"

(OMG EPIC Miroku saying..... i just love it!)
Her eyes widened and she looked off to the side, flushing. She let out a few moans as he rubbed his length along her. She wished she could bear his child but as a half demon, she was sterile. "Miroku-sama... I can't have children..." She said quietly. She figured if he was going to leave now would be the time when he found that she couldn't bear a child.
Miroku's eyes didn't change of course he knew this, InuYasha had told him once that Half demons couldn't have children, "he would kiss her kneck Smiling a bit. "of course....... " he said lightly and started to puck his cock inside her slowly pushing untill his cock was fully buried inside her. she was tight he almost came right there due to her tightness and lightly thought to him self. 'if she ant a virgin. then its defiantly her Demon blood making her this tight.'
She actually was a virgin. Who was willingly going to mess around with a half demon woman. But she didn't seem to hurt in the least. She bit her lip as he had pushed into her. She was sensitive and it felt good having him inside. "Miroku-sama...." she said softly. Her whole body was flushed with color. It was actually pretty cute.
Miroku started to trusting and out slowly her wetness making it easier for him to move inside her. one of his hands would cup her breast and toy with the nipple as his head went down taking the other into his mouth again, as he suckled on it like a baby would for milk. his movements would become a bit faster as he did this, in the back of his mind he was telling himself to stop. to take her out with one of his Talismans, but his heart wouldn't let him. he had fallen and most likely would not get back up.
Her sister was having an all out fit. A half demon going at it with a monk? It disgusted Yashako, but at this point, something prevented her from taking over Hinata's body. She was pretty pissed off.

Hinata's hands rested on Miroku's shoulders for leverage. When he went back to toying with her breast, her calls got a little louder. She'd never felt so good before. Each time he pushed into her she let out another pleased call.
/mmiroku would keep trusting into her his movements becoming faster and a bit harder, he would let go of her breasts and grab her hips lightly as he started leaning back, pulling her with him but making shure to stay inside her he layed down and let her ride him as she saw fit, his hands would stay on her hips helping to guide her as she rode him.
He was going deeper with the change in position and it felt even better. She moved on instinct, starting to go faster and faster. She was making quiet a lot of noise. She couldn't help it. She just felt great. She wasn't sure how long her body could hold off but boy, was she ever enjoying this. Periodically she found herself calling his name as she continued to move.
he felt her trusts down onto him her calling his name was just to much as he grabbed her lightly around the lower part of the back under the wounded area and pulled her down into another kiss her breasts on his chest aroused him farther as he trusted into her matching her own onto him.
She fought trying not to moan into the kiss. God, it felt like her body was overheating. Soon she had to break the kiss. "Miroku-sama... I can't hold off much longer..." She said softly. She had never realized how sensitive her body was.
"as am I my love...." and he trusted up faster into her his trusts becoming harder as he felt his own orgasm and climax on the way. he wanted this to last but her body and moans as well as how her hips moved were sending him over the edge. he then thrust in one final time filling her with his seed as he called her name.
Soon she felt her whole body seize up as her walls clamped down on his shaft. She got really loud at that time. In the end she rested her forhead on his chest, trying to catch her breath. She was feeling soo good. She grinned as she rested against him. "Miroku-sama... That was wonderful..."
Miroku almost came for a second time when he felt her wetness clamp around his dick moaning lightly he laid there for a moment before placing a hand on her head his cock would start to go soft but it stayed inside her trapping there mixed juice's inside her. "I love you Hinata....... but because of our fun just now.... I know what you are. your a Half demon.... the same attacking the castle....... I saw your face when you flew off, and when eating and tasting your wetness it had a certin taste one that is said to be had with half demons and full demon females..... I must know.... Why are you doing it? or at night do you turn into a full demon and just go wild? Tell me the truth. I dont want to hurt you seeing i love you...." as he said this he looped a arm around her keeping her close to him so she couldn't run away.... but he doughted she could right now....
Her eyes widened with shock, and her first instinct was to take off, but his voice and his arm wrapped around her kind of soothed her. "Technically... It's not me doing it... I am two people. I am the half demon, Hinata, and also, my body houses the spirit of my dead sister, the half demon, Yashako... She is the one who is doing this, as vengeance for our mother, and her own deaths..." She explained. "I don't want to kill people. But I'm weakest at night, and can't stop her from taking control of my body..." She explained quietly.
Miroku listened lightly to her words this didn't saprize him at all after all he saw many things like humans coming back from the dead. something that wasn't normal in the least. "i see........ well then I need to help you control your sis. maybe if i talked to her..." he said lightly looking up at the roof his thoughts wandering trying to think of a way to help. the only way was for him to let her kill the young lord but there has to be another way. "I think i know how to help...... but i will have to talk to Shishimaru...."
Miroku looked down at her kissing the top of her head. "do not worry my love i wont tell him. il just make him suffer for the pain he has dealt to you, and your sister....." he said lightly his arms would cuddle her to him he wanted to be with her a bit longer before he left he then grabbed the blanket and pulled it over them. "untill then i need some well needed rest." and with that he fell asleep although not fully some called it asleep but aware. it was due to him not trusting her other self.
As it turned out his distrust for her sister was the wisest decision. Eventually Hinata fell asleep herself. With her sleeping she was not on guard, and Yashako took over with ease. She moved away from the sleeping monk and smirked. "Should have left when Hinata asked you too..." She said as she drew her tongue over her fangs. Time for a bit of a midnight snack. The blood of a monk would do nicely. Yashako used her demon strength and pinned the monk's arms so he couldn't move, before leaning in with the intent to tear open his jugular.
Miroku smiled at her his eyes opening a bit. "do you really want your sister to suffer so much for killing her only love..... your a really bad sister....." as he used his feet he kicked off the bed rolling in a backward motion he sent them toppling over onto the floor with him on top. he then kicked her sending her away from him a bit and grabbed his talisman box of the desk by the bed. "now i don't want to hurt the body of the woman I love. now go back to your dorment state before this gets ugly..." he said blushing a bit seeing he was naked although she had the same looks as Hinata she was not the same person.
She smirked. "Lowly human monk! You can't force me to do anything." She said as she bolted for the door. Naked and all. She ran out to the main courtyard and once again pushed the wings out, regardless of what it would do to Hinata. She pulled herself up into the air, waiting for Miroku to come out so she could aerial attack him.
the monk put on a robe and ran outside his staff and talismans in his hand he watched her lightly gladly it was nighttime again but somehow the moonlight and night made her all the more sexier to him. he shook his head lightly and watched her waiting for her attack. "come on then Yashako. show me what you can do!" he said getting ready for the attack.
She dived down, lashing at him with her claws. "You'll do no harm to me, monk. You wouldn't want to harm your precious Hinata, would you?" She taunted with a cruel smirk. She really had no qualms with damaging her sister's body, it seemed.
Miroku sighed lightly and as soon as she was close anuff he dodged to the side slapping 5 talismans onto her body the talismans the glowed and shot electricity over the young she-demons and almost as if they were alive the moved to different parts of the girls body. 2 went to each of her ankles and surrounded them like cuffs the same was done to both wrists and the last went around her neck like a collar he raised a hand and yelled "BIND!" and her arms were forced to her sides and her legs closed together. he looked sadly as the talismans still shocked the woman he loved body.
Yashako shrieked in pain as she bond and shocked. She knew only one way of getting out of this. she smirked before withdrawing her spirit, and giving the body back to Hinata. When she did, it was Hinata's cries of pain. Soon, the winds disappeared and she started to plummet towards the ground.
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