Exorcism at Shishimaru Castle!

She blinked and flushed when he kissed her head. She pulled back, then put on a face of shock. "Wh-what do you mean, my loss?" She said, scooting back a bit her stance was more defensive now. She was afraid he was going to attempt to vanquish her if he knew...
Miroku frowns a bit as she moved away. "your loss....i meant the the loss of your village, or did you hate it for some reason?" he said lightly utterly confused at her actions.

9sorry for the one liner couldnt think of anything to say to your last post.)
She shook her head. "Ah, no. I was just confused..." She said quietly. In truth, she hadn't much cared for that village. Like most hanyou, she'd been osticized all of her life by that village, and the only thing she was angry with the lord for was the death of her family. Time for a change of topic though. "W-would you like anything, Miroku-sama?"
Miroku looked to the side he was content with what he had learned about her lord and looked up at the question. "what i would like is what i dought i can have...." he said lightly before getting up and taking his glass of tea from the table, he drained it in one gulp and smiled lightly. 'thank you for all the info you have given me..... i think i can find a way to fight this demon now... he sits down taking a brush and some rectangular paper he starts to draw symbols getting ready for tonight. "can you send word to my friends to get ready for tonight..... knowing this demon she might attack tonight as well. also give them this.." he Said blowing lightly on one of the sheet's drying it before folding it and putting his mark on it, he wrote everything he found out so far on the demon. he got up and handed her the piece of paper. "i trust you to get it to my friends, also" he said giving her another piece of paper on it was a note saying he would need her to join him in his room every now and then so she could help him investigate. "this is in case your lord try's anything........ it simply says that if he hurts you in any way shape or form that we and my friends will leave without destroying the demon." he said smiling.


InuYasha was tapping is foot leaning against the wall of the room. "what is taking that Monk so long? he better not be hitting on any of the girls while im stuck here not able to do a fucking thing." he said lightly punching the floor causing some of the floor board's to break, his frustration showing
She nodded. "Hai, Miroku-sama!" She said, taking the paper. After that she headed off towards the other guests to give them the note. She pocketed the one that he wrote for her, feeling a little happier than usual.

Kagome sighed. "InuYasha... Calm down... He's probably investigating..." She didn't believe it herself but she needed to soothe the savage beast, so to speak. Moments later there was a knock. Kagome went to the door and opened it. "Ah! Hello." She said as she let the girl from before in.

Hinata stepped in and bowed before handing a note to Kagome. "Miroku-sama wants you all to prepare for tonight..." On the paper is everything he's discovered." She said. "With that, I'll be off. I must return to my duties for Lord Miroku..." She said, then took off.

Her sister's voice rang out in the back of her head. "You shouldn't get too attacked to the monk... If he interferes, I'll kill him."
InuYasha looked wided eyed as the girl gave the paper and ran off to go back to Miroku. "Lord Miroku!?!?" he then fell to the ground laughing holding his sides. "no way she just called him what i think she did right?" he kept laughing to able to hold back.


Miroku was finishing his talisman's as she got back. he didn't notice her return as he started to chant blessing them with the power to bind and heal, as well as to work on She-Demon's. " he stood as he finished tacking his talisman's and putting them at the front of his talisman box. "well that it for now...... i got the rest of the day off."
Kagome tried to fight a giggle, but it didn't work. "InuYasha... Hehe.... Don't laugh.. Hehehe... It's rude..." she couldn't help herself. She continued to giggle. What sort of spell was that girl under? Lord Miroku? Really?

Hinata stood at the door way. It was hard for her sister to keep a grasp on her body with the talismans around, so she actually had some quiet time. "Is there anything I can do for you, Miroku-sama?"
InuYasha stoped luaghing a grin on his face something that was beond rare to see on him. "that Miroku is something else i wonder how he did it." he said lightly sitting down lightly. "i bet her's fu-" he stoped mid sentce and looked at shippo. "fooling with her head." he said cuatching himself.


Miroku looked at Hinata and smile. "welcome back Hinata..... well you can help by getting me by showing me around the castle...." he said walking tord her. "and who better to show me around then the cutest girl in the castle?" he said lightly almost as if to a lover. he was starting to make his move on her, and hoped it was working.
Hinata flushed and grinned. "Hai, Miroku-sama!" She said as she moved into the hall to wait for him. She liked this. It was nice being treated like she was worth something. Definitely a change from how the lord treated her now, and how the people of the village treated her back then.

Kagome sighed. "If he is, I'll beat him... no wonder Sango took off... It's tougher to keep him in line without her, though... But at least Koga's not after me anymore!" She said cheerfully.
InuYasha Looked at Kagome his normal a don't care face coming back. "true it is harder but...... at least i now have a punching bag other then furball over-there." he said trowing a thumb at shippo grinning. also i wouldn't care if he still chased you... in fact it be better cuz i still need to kick his ass.''


Miroku joined her out side his door he closed it lightly and turned to her giving her a smile. "shall we go Hinata? you have much to show me." he said lightly, his hand resting on her shoulder. as he did so he felt something and took his hand off, his hand started to hurt again hiding this he put it behind his back trying to play it off. "so shall we go?" pointing his staff forward as if saying 'lady's first.'
Kagome's eye twitched and she clenched her fist. "InuYasha... SIT!" She said. He knew it annoyed her when he was so violent to their friends.

Hinata nodded and led him along, showing him pretty much each and every room. So many people had died that a lot of them were empty.
InuYasha hit the floor hard he got up holding his head lightly. "thats it Kagome...... Im going out for a walk..." he ran to the door opening it and jumped past the guard's and over the castle wall before she could say anything.


Miroku looked at most the room staying in the rooms of the people who were killed a bit longer each time he was amazed even more at what the she-demon could do. it was getting dark as they got back to his room. "so shall we call it a night? i have work to do now....." he said lightly his good and light hearten attitude changed showing he was getting serious for the upcoming fight. 'it be best if you stayed in my room till i get back.... i don't wanting you to get hurt......" he said closing the door as he lightly pushed her into his room. he walked off to meet the others.
She nodded. "Hai... Do your best." She said quietly. Things were getting difficult. She didn't want to fight him, but if Yashako took over, she had no choice. Once Hinata had said goodbye to Miroku, she departed for her room. Unfortunately, when she left the castle, she saw the moon and how it was getting dark. So did her sister. She could feel Yashako's spirit taking over. She got to her room as quickly as she could, and once she had, she began to struggle with her sister. "Don't... If you do this, they'll find out... Please..." 'Hah! Silly fool. So what if they find out? I'll just destroy them all!' Yashako replied. In the end, she couldn't quite win out.

Kagome followed him out. "InuYasha! Get back here!" She called as she went after him. With the castle being as vast as it was, she ended up lost quickly.

And someone could see that. Yashako had since taken over. She smiled a fanged grin. Perhaps taking down one of the Monk's party would scare him off...
miroku was walking around the castle grounds his eye's were alert he saw InuYasha pass by him thinking nothing of it he kept walkinghe soon found his way into the servants quarter looking around he saw most had put up charms on there doors in hope to keep the demon out, he smiled lightly knowing it would not work. he jumped up onto the roofs of one building and started to run across them jumping from roof to roof a little trick he picked up from running away from Sango when she was in her 'KILL Miroku' Mode. he soon came to a clearing seeing Kagome he stopped she was obviously lost. he looked around trying to see if InuYasha was near by but he wasn't sighing lightly he said lightly to himself. "they must have fought again." he watched her closely although keeping a eye out on the rest of the castle he could see.


InuYasha was on to the castle its self his ears were on alert his nose as well. his Tetsiga was at his side hand on the handle. "danm woman........ i do everything for her.... for fucks sake i even fell for her...... but still she makes me do that sit shit....... one of these days im gunna leave her if she keeps it up." InuYahsa's eyes lept open and he jumped down from his perch and off into the rest of the castle to find Kagome.
Soon, two things happened. A white blur sped into the area Kagome was in. Next came an ear shattering scream from Kagome herself. Yashako smirked. "Scream. But if they come for you, I'll kill you... And then both of them..." She warned Kagome.

Kagome abruptly stopped screaming as she tried to wrestle away from the demon woman that had her restrained. "Let me go! What do you want with me?!" Kagome demanded as she squirmed.
Miroku Heard Kagome scream he looked around to see her caught by the very thing he was looking for. he jumped of the roof and walked near Kagome and the Demon. "I hope im not bothering you but could you please let Kagome go? i don't like to think what would happen if she got hurt." he said lightly unhooking is talisman Box his hand resting on one of them. "also i do hate fighting woman, even if they are demons." he couldn't see her face rightly seeing it was night time.


Inuyasha heard Kagome scream from across the castle. "Kagome!" he yelled and started to leap across the building's. "damn woman.... what has she gotten her self into now?"
Yashako's hand roughly clasped over Kagome's mouth. She snarled at the monk. "If you interfere, monk, I WILL kill the girl!" She growled. "It is unwise to interfere with the vengeance of a she-demon!" She edged farther and farther back, prepared to push the wings out if need be. The problem with forcing her wings out, was that it left a mark on Hinata's body, which could give her away.
Miroku watched the Demon Carefully, he knew she was after vengeance but he had a Idea to turn it around. "i know you want to get revenge for the village and you woman who was killed it it but why bring innocent people into it?" he said lightly raising up his hands in a shrug. "i mean if it was me id just strike the source..... not people who had anything to do with it... in fact.... I think its stupid." he said bringing his hands back down. "in fact, how you kill is like a peace of work..... you get in and strike fast..... you take what you need and make your mark..." he then starts to unbind his glove removing the bead's. 'but here is my suggestion....... give up now... and ill let you leave.. alive.. also you can take the lords life if you want...... but if you kill Kagome.... I will kill you....."


IonuYasha couldn't pick up the smell of Kagome due to all the blood and death around the castle. he hated things like that, he kept running not to far off from Miroku, Kagome, and the She-demon. but his direction was wrong as he ran farther away from them.
Yashako laughed as she heard his suggestions. "Fool... To simply kill him first off would be faaaar too merciful. I'd rather create a fear in his heart. Make him see that sooner or later it will be his. I don't want him to die in comfort! I want his death tainted by fear and unease!" She said with a smirk. Looks like she hand no choice. She needed to put distance between herself and the monk. She focused her energies and her wings pushed through the flesh of her back. She flapped them and pulled herself into the air. "This serves as your warning! You will stop your meddling. If you do, I will let the girl go. But do not seek me out!" She demanded.
miroku's Eyes narrowed as she took off, of course she could fly.. but yet something looked awfully familiar about her almost as if he met her some were. He wasn't good at combat and even his wind tunnel didn't go that high. "deal........ But let her go...' he said lightly hoping that she would take the bait his hand now fully exposed except for a bit of cloth covering the hole in his hand.
YamiMarik1991 said:
miroku's Eyes narrowed as she took off, of course she could fly.. but yet something looked awfully familiar about her almost as if he met her some were. He wasn't good at combat and even his wind tunnel didn't go that high. "deal........ But let her go...' he said lightly hoping that she would take the bait his hand now fully exposed except for a bit of cloth covering the hole in his hand.
She smirked. "I'll let her go." She said as she dropped Kagome from the height they were at. She didn't care whether someone caught the girl or not. Yashako took off flying like a bat out of hell, to the farthest corners of the estate.

Kagome screamed as she fell through the air.
InuYasha finaly got there as the she demon dropped Kagome, Using all his strength he jumped into the air catching her and quickly landing on the ground with her princess style in his arm's. "stupid girl....... getting caught by a she-demon...... and out at night without your bow.... you have to be the stupidest girl i know." he said stubbornly but concern was in his eyes although his face didn't show it.


Miroku watched as InuYasha flew out of nowhere to get Kagome and at the same time he started to run after the demon following her till he lost her somewhere in the east side of the castle. "damn it...... Lose her." he looked around trying to figure out were she went. he soon found himself in a empty deserted courtyard. he sat down on on of the stone chairs and sighed lightly trying to figure out why the she-demon looked so familiar to him.
Kagome's scream abruptly stopped when he caught her. Even despite his harsh words, she knew she'd worried him. She buried her face into the fabric of InuYasha's kimono. "Thank you, InuYasha..." she said, then smiled up at him.

Since dropping Kagome, Yashako had taken refuge in an old store house. Once she got in there, she withdrew her spirit, giving Hinata control of her body again. Hinata woke to a searing pain in the area of her shoulderblades. Yashako must have used her wings. "Tell the monk that you were attacked by the demon..." Yashako said. Hinata knew she had no choice. She stood weakly and stumbled out of the store house.
Inuyasha looked away from her smiles a slight blush coming to his checks. "whatever......" he set her on the ground and looked in the detection on the sun that was coming up. "come on....... I dought she will attack again....." he led them back to their room. Shippo was still sleeping as they got back and InuYasha sat lightly on his spot in the corner now the guards around the room had doubled to 20 seeing InuYasha had escaped the last time. "stupid Human's......." was all he had to say to that.


Miroku got up and headed back to his room opening it he went inside disappointed that Hinata wasn't in his room like he asked. her went over to his bed and sat down removing the top part of his robe he went over to the tea pot that was now cold poured himself a glass and set it down, taking a sip he sat letting his mind go over the events of the night wondering if he should have too a chance with his wind tunnel he raised his right hand looking at it lightly. sighing he took another sip of tea waiting for Hinata to get back.
Kagome moved over to him and curled up beside him. Seemed they didn't have time to do anything with the sun almost up. But she did have time to give him a kiss as thanks for saving her, before she nestled in close for a little bit of a nap.

Hinata slowly made her way to Miroku's room again. She knelt at the doorway weakly. "Gomen, Miroku-sama..." She said softly. "I didn't leave on purpose...' she added. It was technically true. She'd been forced to leave by Yashako.
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